Peter Dinklage - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Peter Dinklage is now a star, according to New York Times, one of 8 actors who have turned television in art. And in his youth, he recalled in an interview, had to abandon the humiliating proposals when the producers frankly exploited appearance. Peter had a clear idea of ​​who wants to be."My size is not all I, and I intend to play the role that have nothing to do with it."

But such stubbornness left little space to replenish the filmography. At one time, Dinklaidge was thinking to complete his career. Fortunately, new friends appeared, and behind them - invitations in independent cinema. The actor woke up by the famous after the "stationander", and then received world popularity, fulfilling the role of Tirion Lanner in the fantasy series "Game of Thrones".

Childhood and youth

Peter Dinklage was born in Morristown, New Jersey. His father John Charles was an insurance agent, often sitting without work, and Diana's mother worked as a music teacher in elementary school. A year after birth, Peter was diagnosed with ahondroplasia (dwarfishness), which was expressed in a disproportionate limb to the body. Having reached a mark of 135 cm, the actor's growth has not changed. The weight is measured at a mark of 35 kg.

The first ideas for the public in the form of puppet musicals "with the loudest songs" Dinklage gave along with the younger brother Jonathan. Brother grew up and retained the love of music - became a violinist. Only this, according to Peter, was removed from the acting profession.

In the elementary school Delbarton, the future movie star was often attacked by other children. It made a boy closed, hot-tempered and quite aggressive. But in adolescence, by going to the older Catholic school, Dinklage learned to refer to his appearance with the fraction of irony, which influenced the attitude of others. Here he participated in theatrical productions, engaged in the artistic and dramatic circle.

After graduating from School, Peter Dinklage decides to associate life with a creative profession and in 1991, exams exams in the Benington Art College. In the studio, the young man was diligent than his classmates, which noted all the teachers. On stage, he expressed a unique spectrum of acting qualities in performances, full depths, charisma, intelligence and sensuality. Among others were "imperfect love", "Act of Murder", Turgenev "Month in the Village", Shakespeare Richard III and Chekhovsky "Uncle Vanya".


Dinklage began the creative biography immediately after graduating from the university - debuted in a low-budget non-profit drama "Life in oblivion". And let the role of the secondary, but Peter were familiar with the emotions of the character - an actor disappointed with limited and caricature roles offered to people having dwarfship.

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Then there were such little-known paintings as "bearings", "never more" and "pigeon nest". He also starred in small roles in the TV series "Street" and "Third Shift", in the comedies "just a kiss" and "animal nature". A larger role went to Peter in the mystical comedy "Thirteen Moon".

The real breakthrough and worldwide fame came to the actor after entering the screens in 2003 by the independent drama "Stationery", in which Dinklage plays the main role of Finbar Mcbride, trying to revise the living life. For this role, Peter is nominated for 9 all kinds of film and received a prize at the festival in Orense, New York film critics award and the main prize of the film "Satellite".

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After that success, the actor is removed in the melodrama "Little fingers" with Kate Beckinsale and Matthew McConaughey. The film is addressed by the theme of ahondroplasia, due to which the protagonist refuses the child. In the Christmas comedy "Elf", the romantic tape "Baxter", the television series "body part", the film "Death at the funeral" and the adventure fantasy "Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" Peter performs minor roles.

The tragicomedy "Admit me guilty" with wine Diesel, the fairy tale of Penelope with Christina Ricci, the romantic comedy "I love you too" and the children's fantastic comedy comedy "Superpes" with James Belushi presented an actor of key characters. He also performed a major role in the criminal comedy "Pete Smalls Dead" with Steve Bushemi.

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The role in the Sitkom "Studio 30" director and the author of the scenario of Tina Fay wrote specially "under Dinklaja". According to rumors, the woman elected such a way to take possession of Peter, because the screen time allocated to the actor, very small. He himself told that there was no chance of the one hand, since both were not free, and I did not want to combine work with relationships.

The new round of popularity was expected by Peter Dinklajj, after entering the television screens of the cult dramatic series "Game of Thrones", film-based fantasy-bestsellers George Martin. For the role of Tirion Lannerner, the actor received the Golden Globe and 3 AMMI awards. Every year he advanced at various film festivals to receive a prize for the best male role of the second plan. Of all the characters pictures in popularity, the artist is inferior only to the screen sister Lina Hidi.

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The output of the last, eighth, season "Games of Thrones" took place in April 2019. Peter Dinklage participated in the filming, but other parts from the press and fans hid.

The season is based on the second half of the drafts of the book "Dream of Spring", so even the fans of the book series did not know the fate of heroes. The authors of the series worked in a secrecy atmosphere, fearing that the series would be merged into the Internet, and the actors tighten to journalists and tell about the plot turns. Therefore, the film crew was going to remove a number of the season endings, even when leucing fans did not determine the stroke of the script.

In addition, the studio planned to distribute the script to the actors at the last moment and make it trimmed so that the performers knew only their own fragments. Peter himself suggested that death is waiting in Tyrion's final. In any case, it would be logical. At the same time, comments by Nikolai Bonfire Waldau, who plays Brother Tyrion, Jame, hinted that the family Lannister survives.

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In 2014, Peter starred in the superhero militant "X-People: the days of the last future" as the creator of robot-hunters of guards. This image is marked with a nomination at MTV Movie Awards as the best movieloin. A year earlier, a melodrama "Case in You" was released on the screens, in which Sam Rockwell was partner, and the comedy "This morning in New York", where the actor made an ensemble with Robin Williams and Mute Cunis.

In the fantastic film "Pixels" Peter created the image of a zhuelik-game, a fan of computer games. In 2016, he fulfilled the role of Renault, the owner of Renault, in the painting "Big Boss" on the McCarthy Melissa script. The main role of the fraudulence, which is trying to clean his own good name and become an industrial magnate, who loves in society, also played McCarthy.

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In the same year, the actor voiced the mighty eagle in the full-length cartoon "Angry Birds in the cinema", the adaptation of the popular Mobile game "Angry Birds". An animated tape tells about the confrontation of peace-loving birds from the bird island and pigs that the birds stole the eggs and destroyed their village. In addition, the voice of Dinklaja say the characters of such animation films as "Scratch and Continental Fravel - 2", "Ice Age - 4: Continental Drift" and "Angry Birds".

On January 25, 2017, the premiere of a fantastic detective drama "Remember New" took place, in which Peter Dinklage performed a major role. The plot of the film tells about the ingenious-inventor. A man mysteriously dies in the day before the presentation of the new invention - the device that writes and reproduces memories.

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In September 2017 at the International Film Festival in Venice, the criminal drama "Three Billboards on the border of Ebbing, Missouri" with the participation of Peter Dinklaja is represented. The film tells about the confrontation of the desperate woman who killed the daughter, and the state police, which she accuses in inaction. In February 2018, the picture was released in February 2018, took off the cost of shooting and gathered an axle awards - 2 Oscars, 5 BAFTA Awards, 4 "Golden Globes", Saturn, 3 Prize Critics' Choice Movie Awards and as much "Satellites."

Soon the actor joined the Castowee Castowel County "Marvel" called "Avengers: War of Infinity." Peter Character Fans figuratively calculated on photographs on which he had flavored with a bright redhead, the same as the Prince of Planet Lauxidasia Pipa. But assumptions were not justified - Dinklyj appeared in the image of the Giant Dwarf-Blacksmith Eyrta, which created the infinity glove for Tanos. Mad Titan destroyed the desiods of the gnome, and so that he could not take revenge, Tanos covered his hands with a metal.

Personal life

In 2005, Peter Dinklaid married the theater director Eric Schmidt. Wife has a standard growth, but it is absolutely not complexed next to her husband. At the end of 2011, the spouses were born daughter Zaleig. The personal life of the star surrounds the mystery, and that in September 2017 a second child was born, journalists learned by chance. The floor and the name of the new family member until the public is known.

Peter adheres to a strict vegetarian diet, without drinking meat products from 16 years.

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Due to non-standard growth, journalists regularly fill Dinklaja questions about everyday life. Peter does not refuse to answer and tells the press, for example, that it buys clothes in children's departments, and sometimes even asks for his wife to cheer your favorite thing. He is just glad that the daughter of Zelig, although he goes to primary school, already above his own father.

The actor's life is dedicated to the popular account in "Instagram", on which millions of people are signed. This is a fan page, as written in the "header". Nevertheless, the media and fans of creativity consider it to be personally owned by Peter.

Peter Dinklage now

In August 2019, the audience will see the second part of Angry Birds in the cinema. In the sequel, funny birds are voiced by Peter Dinklage, Jason Sudieties, Eugenio Derbes. The main heroine was the inhabitant of the island covered with ice. At one point, the rebel the cold climate is bored, and it goes to relatives into warm edges.

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In the company Nicholas Cage and Emma Stone Actor works more over one cartoon - "Female Chuds - 2". In addition, the star "Games of Thrones" thought about participation in the Space Saga "Star Wars". This man was mentioned in an interview with this, about the release of the drama "it seems, now we are alone."

In this post-apocalyptic picture, Dinklage played a lonely man who dreams to bring his order to him on Earth. But they began to come true plans prevents Miraculously the surviving girl whose role to performed El Fanning. The director Reed Morano is awarded for the work of the Sandens festival special.

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Peter received a major role in the drama "My Dinner with Erve", filmed based on the biography of the French actor Erve Wilresz, familiar to the audience in the image of the antagonist in the Bond "man with a golden gun." At the sunset of life, Dwarf gave an interview. In the role of a journalist who was lucky to hear the revelations of the famous artist, Jamie Dornan, who shut down first in "50 shades of gray".

In the comedy "What happy day" Dinklage plays a major role and performs producer. The hero of the film is a fraudster, who conceived to take revenge on the offenders in that he pretends to the heir of a noble kind. The project risks turning into a "long-term", since the implementation of the Paramount studio refused, transferring the rights of Legendary. The latter does not report, at what stage is the shooting process.

The date of the premiere of the "parting in blue" detection is unknown, in which Peter participates with Rosamund Pike and Christian Bail. In case of success, the story of the story of a 20th Century Fox and the producer company Appian Way, owned by Leonardo di Caprio, plan to develop a full franchise.


  • 1995 - "Life in oblivion"
  • 2003 - "Stationander"
  • 2006 - "Parts of the Body"
  • 2008 - "Narnia Chronicles: Prince Caspian"
  • 2009 - "Studio 30"
  • 2010 - "Pete Smalls is dead!"
  • 2011-2019 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2013 - "Case in You"
  • 2014 - "X-Men: the days of the last future"
  • 2015 - Pixels
  • 2016 - "Big Boss"
  • 2017 - "Three Billboards on the border of Ebbing, Missouri"
  • 2017 - "What a happy day"
  • 2018 - "Avengers: the war of infinity"
  • 2018 - "My dinner with ERVE"

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