Matt Bomer - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Matt Bomer is an American actor who has received world recognition after the appearance in the "Super Mike" comedy and the television series "White Collar". Filmitics also accounted for the work of the artist in the project "Normal Heart". For the main role in this drama, Matt was awarded the Golden Globe Prize. In the Hollywood sky, the Bomer has established himself as a multifaceted actor, a member of many independent projects.

Childhood and youth

Matthew Stayton Bomer, who is more famous as Matt Bomer, was born in October 1977 in the town of Webster Groves, which is located in the suburb of St. Louis. In addition to Matthew, in the family of Sissi and John Bomers, two more children have grown. Matt's father was a professional football player and acquired fame, playing the club "Dallas Cowboy".

From the Father, the children took over the love of football, and Matthew was engaged in this sport from ornamental years and even gathered, like dad, become a professional football player. In addition to sports, young Bomer had another serious passion - theater. At 8 years old, the boy caught fire as a desire to try himself as an actor that I had kicked my mother to find him an agent. Since the woman did not perceive the words of the son seriously, he remained to prepare for the actor himself. Therefore, Matt honed the skill, playing in school productions and musicals.

At the end of the school, the Bomer got up before choosing: Sport or though art. I stopped at the last, which I never regretted. Soon Matthew becomes a student at the University of Carnegie Melon, which in Pittsburgh, who graduated in 2001 to the degree of bachelor of arts.


The creative biography of Bomer began in New York, where he moved after the end of the university. Here, the young artist began to visit castings and samples. Soon he was taken into one of theaters. For some time he went on stage, performing minor roles, but the theatrical period ended after the first offer to play in the cinema. Matt made his debut in the series "All my children." This soap opera went on the ABC channel in 2001.

Matt Bomber (Frame from the TV series Light)

Then another role in the series, this time longer - "travel light", in which a young actor played almost 3 years. Since the work in this film took away a lot of time, the Bomer had to quit the part-time - in his free time, he worked as a courier in a firm located in New York Twin Towers. By a happy coincidence, Matt quit from this work just a couple of months before the tragedy of September 11th.

"Travel Light" brought the actor the first popularity. But it was still far from real fame. Until 2009, Matt starred in several more TV shows, such as "Birds of War: Diary of the Unknown Aviator", "Return from the Dead" and "Northern Beach". Then followed more serious projects, among which the pictures "Flight Illusion" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". In the last tape, the Bomer played the main character for the first time and began to know.

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A real deafening success was waiting for a Bomer after the appearance in the popular TV series "White Collar", where the artist appeared in the form of the FBI employee Neil Caffrey, who had previously produced theft of art objects. This American television film entered the screens in 2010 and immediately became a hit, turning the actor to the superstar. The tape was so successful that it was soon broadcasting TV channels of many European countries and not only.

Being engaged in the project "White Collar", Matt managed to act in other paintings, where directors were insistently invited. Among the most successful, you can highlight the film "Super Mike" and the "time" antiutopia, where the Bomer starred together with Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried.

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In 2014, new projects of Matt came to the screens. It is a tape "Ordinary Heart" and fantastic paintings "Love through time" and "Space Station 76". Participation in the film "The usual heart" brought a bomer no less than fame than the "white collar". Matthew played a homosexual, a patient with AIDS. The main role went to Mark Ruffalo. In this series also played Julia Roberts and Taylor Kitch.

Later, the Bomer shared that he had read the play, on which the film was withdrawn when he was 14 years old. He realized that belongs to the sexual minority. Since then, Matt dreamed of playing in the picture set on this play.

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It was not easy to get a role in it: if the director Ryan Murphy immediately agreed to remove Matt as Felix, the screenwriter and the author of the play Larry Kramer counted the artist too beautiful for the image of a sick hero. In order to get to the project, the performer had to lose weight by almost 20 kg, whereas before shooting the weight of the actor was 75 kg (with an increase of 182 cm). For this, he even lay down in a special clinic, where only water and juices saw under the control of doctors 2 weeks. After 3 months, Kramer, seeing Bomer, no longer objected to his participation in the series.

Soon, Matt Bomer took part in Casting on a major role in the film "Fifty shades of gray." But Focus Features (Universal) rejected the candidacy of the artist. Preference was given to Jamie Dornan. Dakota Johnson received the main female role. Fans of the novel of the same name were outraged by this choice. In open access, a petition was posted with the requirement to leave in the project by artists Christian Gray and Anastaishi stylted candidates Matt Bomer and Alexis Bledel. Organizers alternatives managed to collect 50 thousand signatures, but the leadership of the film company did not listen to the opinion of the public.

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Not upset after unsuccessful listening, Matt participates in the filming of the second part of the Super Mike franchise, which was called "Super Mike XXL". In this simple comedy about the team of dancers of the nightclub, the Bomer reincarnated again into the stripter.

Also, the actor received a major role in the series "American Horror History: Hotel". This is the 5th season of the FX channel rating television film, in which we were talking about a series of mysterious killings on the territory of the old hotel. In the film, the company amounted to Lady Gaga, Wes Bentley, Chloe Sevigny and others.

Later, the artist replenished the filmography in Western "Magnificent Seven", as well as the main role in the dramatic series "Last Magnat", created based on the unfinished work of Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

Personal life

For a long time, a popular actor avoided issues about everything that did not concern work. The personal life of the Bomer was hidden a dense veil. In early 2010, the artist once again, answering the questions of the journalist of the Details edition, tried to escape from the question of his alternative orientation.

Later, the Bomer was openly admitted that he was gay and had long been in close relationship with Publicist Simon Hallc. Wedding men took place in 2011. Now Matt and his husband are engaged in raising three sons. Two boys - twins born by a surrogate mother.

According to the Bomer, his feelings for the spouse do not fade over the years, harmony reigns in their house, and sons are not complex about the unconventional family. Photos of relatives have long been an integral part of Matt's personal account in "Instagram".

The actor's fans cannot but surprise his almost 100% similarity with a colleague from Great Britain, Henry Cavil, who is known for participating in the projects "War of Gods: Immortal", "Man of Steel", "League of Justice" and "Tudora". They distinguish him from the Bomer traditional views on family life, as well as a slightly more powerful complex (with a height of 185 cm, the weight of Keville is 85 kg).

Matt Bomer is now

An interesting project for the Bomer was the Scientific Fantastic Film of 2018 released "Duplicate" about a young man, in the body of which 2 individuals who communicate with the video are born through the video. The image of the main character on the screen was recreated Encell Elagort. In the same year, the premiere of the Drama "Gadyushnik" took place, in which Matt reincarnated in a military correspondent in captivity. His mother performed by Susan Sarandon, without waiting for actions from a military command, herself goes to the hot spot in search of his son.

In 2019, the actor pleased fans by the appearance in the series "Fat Patrol", which received good ratings. The basis of the narrative was a DC comic. The plans at the celebrity is the completion of the main role in the Monti Clift film. This is a biographical film dedicated to the relationship of Montgomery Clift Montgomery and Elizabeth Taylor.


  • 2001 - "All my children"
  • 2006 - "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Start"
  • 2009-2014 - "White Collar"
  • 2012 - "Choir"
  • 2012 - "Super Mike"
  • 2013 - "Space Station 76"
  • 2014 - "Normal Heart"
  • 2014 - "American Horror History: Fric Show"
  • 2015 - "American Horror History: Hotel"
  • 2016 - "Nice guys"
  • 2016 - "Magnificent Seven"
  • 2016-2017 - "Last Magnation"
  • 2018 - "Duplicate"
  • 2018 - "Titans"
  • 2019 - "Fat Patrol"

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