Ann Coulter - biography, personal life, photo, news, Islamic invasion, Islam, betrayal, in youth 2021



The media expert and lawyer Ann Coulter became famous in the mid-90s his scandalous statements. Later, the biography of the ultra-conservative public activity was replenished with several books and copyright columns, in which the author in a tight form criticized politicians and resonant social phenomena.

Childhood and youth

Ann was born on December 8, 1961 in New York and grew in a large family: Girl's parents John and Nell also brought up two sons, James and John. Later, the coolers moved to New Kane, Connecticut.

After the end of the local secondary school in the 1980s, the girl entered the Cornell University of Arts and Sciences. Already in those years, Ann was an activist: along with other students founded the University of Cornel Review and entered the female community.

Having received a diploma with honors and a bachelor's degree in the history of arts, Ann became a student of the University of Michigan and came to the editorial board of Michigan Legal Review for the University Law School. Parallel Coulter led the local branch of the Federal Policy Society of Conservatives and Libertarians and attended the National Center for Journalism.


Having received a higher education, Ann settled in the office of a federal judge in Missouri, then took up law practice in New York in the field of corporate law. In his youth, I managed to work in the United States Senate, where he investigated the issues of crime and immigration and helped in developing a law accelerating the deportation of foreigners convicted of serious crimes.

After Ann hit the MSNBC channel. In 1996, Coulter was attracted to the position of a trial, but a year later fired due to careless statements. For the first time, the journalist insulted the memory of the American ambassador right on the requiem service, and in the second in a sharp form criticized the war veterans in Vietnam.

Career scandals did not overshadowed Ann's desire to sensations. She became a regular participant of a talk show, conducted public speeches at universities, led his own column in newspapers and a personal blog. In 1998, Coulter released the first book - "Crimes and Offaches: Case against Bill Clinton." In the publication, Ann told about how the American president spent the money of taxpayers on women, including Monica Levinsky, and lied on the oath, and many other controversial situations around his personality. The writer actively promoted his work on television, and later the book became a bestseller in the United States.

On the Islamic invasion of the United States on September 11, 2001, Anne reacted in a sharp form inherent in her:

"We must invade their countries, kill their leaders and turn inhabitants to Christianity."

After this statement, the journalist was fired from National Review, where she was an editor and a browser, for incorrect. In response, Coulter accused the publication in censorship and was only approved in a negative attitude towards the people in Islam. So, Ann spoke that he wanted to fly only by the airline, which was not allowed on board Arabs, and Muslims themselves should move on carpets.

In subsequent years, Ann released another 12 books that invariably became sales hits in the United States. For example, in 2003 the edition of "Treason: Liberal betrayal from the Cold War before the war against terrorism" was published about Senator Joseph McCarthy, who claimed that the Communists had penetrated all spheres of American authorities. Later later, the writer published another work - "guilty: liberal" victims "and their attack on America," which argued that liberals always play victims, although in fact the tormentors are.

In the last two books published in 2016 and 2018, Coulter supported the decisive policy of Donald Trump against immigrants, and the personal position of Ann expressed a much more tough form than he himself. She also approved the need to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. When in 2021, Trump left the presidential post, Ann called politics a fool and a weakman who did not restrain his promises.

Personal life

In the personal life of the conservative activist there were several loud novels. For example, Ann met with the publisher of Bob Guccion, the writer Deineshe D'App, President of the City Council of New York Andrew Shtyyn. Several times Coulter was engaged to the beloved, but did not get families and children.

In Instagram account, the writer publishes photos with friends and shares political arguments.

Ann Coulter now

Now Ann continues to lead the author's column and publishes it on its own site. Columnist talks about court decisions, constitutional issues, LGBT community rights, abortion and other topical topics.


  • 1998 - "Crimes and Offaches: Case against Bill Clinton"
  • 2002 - "Slander: Liberal Lies on American Rights"
  • 2003 - "Treason: Liberal treachery from the Cold War before the war against terrorism"
  • 2004 - "How to talk to liberal (if you are forced): the world through the eyes of Ann Coulter"
  • 2006 - "Godless: Church of Liberalism"
  • 2007 - "If the Democrats had brains, they would be Republicans"
  • 2009 - "Guilty: Liberal" Victims "and their attack on America"
  • 2011 - "Demonic: as a liberal crowd exposes the danger of America"
  • 2012 - "Robbed: Racial Demagogue with the seventies to Obama"
  • 2013 - "Never trust Liberal older than three years - especially to the Republican"
  • 2015 - "Adyos, America: the left plan to turn our country into a hellish hole of the Third World"
  • 2016 - "We hope for Trump"
  • 2018 - "Resistance is useless! How hate trampa levaki lost their collective mind "

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