John Lennon - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Discography, Murder and Latest News



John Lennon was born in the port English city of Liverpool. His mother Julia and Father Alfred Lennon practically did not live together. Soon after the birth of the son of Alfreda, took to the front, and Julia met another man and married him. When John turned 4 years old, he moved to live to her mother's sister Mimi Smith, who had no own children. With his mother's mother, the boy was rarely seen, their relationship was more friendly than mother-sons.

John had a fairly high IQ coefficient, but he studied at school very badly, as he could not bring the routine daily classes. But the creative potential of the boy began to realize in childhood. John sang in the choir, published his own magazine, drew talented.

When in the mid-50s, England fits the rock and roll boom, adolescents began to create their own groups at each step. Not left aside and young Lennon. He organized the team "The Quarrymen", the name did the school in which all its participants studied.

John Lennon in childhood

A year later, the first boy from another area of ​​the city joined the group. He was the younger than others, but played the guitar much better. It was Paul McCartney, who soon brought George Harrison, who studied with him.

Obtaining a secondary school, John Lennon managed to fail all the final exams and the only educational institution, which agreed to accept an unusual teenager, turned out to be Liverpool Art College.

John Lennon in youth

But even art education did not attract John. More and more time he spent with Paul, George and Stewart Satcliffe, with whom he met in college and invited him to the QUARRYMEN to play the bass guitar. Soon the team name was changed to "Long Johnny and Silver Beeetles", and later reduced to the last word, changed one letter to include in the name of the game of words, and they began to be called "The Beatles".

"The Beatles"

Since the early 60s, the guys fully focused on music. They not only made their own cover versions of famous hits, but also began writing their own songs. Gradually, the group became popular in Native Liverpool, after which Bitles went to Hamburg several times, where they played nightclubs.

John Lennon and group

At that time, the style of music and image of the group was standard for rock band: leather jackets, cowboy boots, hairstyles like Elvis Presley and so on. But in 1961, Brian Epstein becomes the Bitles manager, which completely changes their appearance.

The guys are changed into rigorous costumes without laccanov, begin to behave on the stage professionally. Famous for the whole world, the hairstyle of Beatlam came up with the German photographer Astrid Kirger, for which Stewart Satcliffe remained in Germany.

John Lennon and group

The change of image contributed to the popularity of the team. Even more attracted attention to the group Speech "Beatles" in the Royal Concert Hall, where John Lennon said the famous phrase:

"Those who are sitting on cheap places, applaud. The rest can be boiled by their jewels. "

Later he will be the author of another extinguishing public phrase:

"Now we are more popular than Jesus."

After the first single "LOVE ME DO" is released and the "Please Please Me" in the UK followed by the full-format plate, Bitomania began. And after the release of the new single "I Want To Hold Your Hand", the wave of popularity was overwhelmed with America, and then the whole world.

The next few years of the Beatles lived almost on the suitcases, the non-stop touring and releasing one album after another.

In 1967, when John, Paul, George and Ringo stopped touring, focused on sound recording and writing new songs, Lennon began to lose interest in the group. At first he refused the role of the leader "Beatles", then for the first time in many years began to compose separately from McCartney.

John Lennon and Paul McCartney

Previously, all the songs they created only together. Outping some more very successful plates, the group ceased to exist. Officially, this happened in 1970, but the problems in the team were over the past 2 years.

Solo career

John Lennon recorded his first album in 1968 and called him "Unfinished Music No.1: Two Virgins". In the work on this disk took part and yoko. It was a musical psychedelic experiment, which was recorded in one night. On this plate there are no songs, it consists of a snube set of sounds, screams and moans. The following works of "Wedding Album" and "Unfinished Music No.2: Life with the Lions" are constructed in a similar key.

The first "song" album was "John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band", released in 1970. And the next record "Imagine", published in a year, practically repeated the success of the latest albums "The Beatles". The title song has become a business card of the singer and is still considered one of the antipolitical and anti-religious hymns.

In the list of "500 greatest songs of all time", which was the magazine "Rolling Stone" in 2004, this composition ranked 3rd.

Subsequently, John Lennon released another 5 studio albums, several collections and concert records.


John Lennon is famous not only as the author of many popular songs. He is also known as an actor. Together with other Beatles, Lennon starred in the music films "Evening of a difficult day", "to the rescue!", "Magic mysterious journey" and "let it be so." He also played an arrow of the gripwide in a military comedy "How I won the war", a satirical comedy "Chicken-Dynamite" and the Drama "Fire in Water". In addition, along with Yoko, Lennon took off several films as a director. Basically, these were political social cinellines.

As a writer John Lennon was realized back in the 60s. He published 3 books: In 1964, I wrote, "I am writing," a member of the wheel appeared in a year, and in 1986 I posthumously published the book "Oral Neckoration". Each edition represents a collection of stories in the style of black humor, with a large number of planned errors, kalaburov and words of words, which reflected in the names of works.

Personal life

The first time John Lennon married in 1962 on his classmates of Cynthia Powell. In April 1963 they had a son of Julian Lennon. But the marriage was not strong because of the permanent ignios of John, associated with the tours of the Bitles group, as well as because of the increasing popularity. Cynthia, who else wanted a quiet life, left her husband in 1967, and officially divorced in a year.

John Lennon and Cynthia Powell

In 1966, John became acquainted with the Japanese artist-avant-garde yoko it. In 1968, they had a novel, and a year later, John and Yoko got married and became inseparable.

John Lennon and Yoko it

His wedding spouse dedicated the song "The Ballad of John and Yoko". In October 1975, they had a son Sean Lennon. After this event, John officially announced the completion of the musical career, stopped touring, almost did not appear in public and focused on the upbringing of the Son.


At the end of 1980, John Lennon released the "Double Fantasy" studio album after a long break. On December 8, 1980, he gave an interview to journalists at the Hit Factory Recording Studio in New York. Going from the studio, the singer distributed many autographs, including he signed on the cover of his own plate, as he asked him by the man named Mark Chepman.

Mark Chepman - John Lennon's Killer

When John and Yoko returned home and entered the arch of the Dakota building, where they lived, Chepman made 5 shots in the back of Lennon. The singer was taken to the hospital named after Roosevelt in a few minutes, but because of the great blood loss, the doctors could not save the lives of the famous musician, and he died on the same day.

John Lennon was cremated, and his dust of Yoko dispelled in the New York Central Park of Strobery Fields.

Mark Chepman for his crime was convicted and serving a life imprisonment. The murder's motive named the desire to become the same famous as John Lennon himself.

Solo discography

  • 1968 - UNFINISHED MUSIC NO.1: Two Virgins
  • 1969 - Wedding Album
  • 1970 - John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band
  • 1971 - Imagine.
  • 1972 - Some Time in New York City
  • 1973 - Mind Games
  • 1974 - Walls and Bridgees
  • 1975 - Rock'n'roll.
  • 1980 - Double Fantasy

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