Luc Besson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Luke Veson is enrolled in the ranks of the best Cineners of our time. Family around the 4th anniversary of St. Cinema, filmography, filmography: Director of French and world cinema filmography. He calls himself just a painter who speaks through the film that he worries him.Embed from getty images

All other times, such as budget or public opinion, the artist should not worry. Even the Europacorp Studio, in which he occupies the presidency and has 62% of the shares, Beson created in order to remove what I want, and not follow the conjuncture.

"Otherwise I would be in Los Angeles and would shoot American films. But I have served a specific picture from 17 years old, not the studio. And I will take a person to the role, proceeding not from star, and if I understand that it is suitable for this role. "

Childhood and youth

Luc Besson was born in March 1959 in Paris. Father and mother worked in diving instructors in the Mediterranean company, which owned the network of resorts. Children's and youthful years of Luca passed on the coasts of Yugoslavia, Greece and other countries where people come to relax by the sea. Besson following the example of the parents, too, fond of immersion on the depth and was engaged in underwater photography.

Dolphins were special love of the guy. Working with them Luke dreamed of devoting all his life, but the plans broke the case: at 17, Beson unsuccessfully plunged on the depth and almost blind. He had to end the diving forever because of the risk of complications.

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Luke returned to Paris, where he was granted himself. At that time, parents divorced, each of them formed a new family, and the eldest son began a difficult period for finding a place in life. The director graduated from school, but without noticeable achievements: it was not interesting to learn.

He tried himself in different works, also unsuccessfully. Once friends helped Besson, who had photographic skills, get on a film studio by the director's assistant. Luke liked this lesson, that in 2 years he went to Hollywood with the intention to master this profession himself. But the "Great Factory" did not immediately take the young talent. Besson returned to Paris and immediately was called to the army.


Returning from the service, Luc Besson came to the film studio. He never graduated from special courses or universities, preferring in practice to study the directorial craft. After 3 years, the young man has already rented music clips.Embed from getty images

The debut film, which begins the cinematic biography of the world star, becomes the postpocalyptic short short-butter "penultimate", which appeared in 1981. This tape is notable for the fact that the viewers first saw on the screens of Jean Reno. Subsequently, Besson will not invite him to his projects. Colleagues on the workshop positively appreciated the work of the novice director.

A year later, Luke introduced a new picture - a black and white film called the "Last Battle", also without the use of human speech. The first full-length tape is nominated for the premium of France "Cesar", awarded 2 awards at the festival in Avoriaz.

Loud success came to Luke Bezon in 1985, when the comedic drama "Subway" with Christopher Lambert and Isabelle Ajani came to the large screens. The film is nominated for the British Film Academy Award in the category "The best film in a foreign language", and out of 9 nominations for "Cezar" won 2. In this picture, Beno remedy again in this picture. We can say the director and actor together went to the glory. An episodic role went to the composer Eric Serra, who will write music in the future to almost all projects of Luke.

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During this period, Beson renames his own studio called "Wolf Films", in the "Dolphin films". And also starts shooting one of the most famous paintings. The Blue Cupless Tape is the first project of the author in English. In his base, hatch, youth spent by the sea, laid a seerful story of two pioneers of Fri-diving - the Frenchman Jacques Maoles and the Italian Enzo Mallorca.

The world champion Maole is known for the fact that the first in the world has reached a 100-meter depth without scuba. And again Veson attracted to work in the film Jean Reno. The actor played Enzo, and Jean-Mark Barr appeared in the image of Jacqua. The girl of Maolea embodied on the screen then a little-known Rosanna Arquette. After the release of the film on the young director, world fame fell. This work brought him a few "Cesar" and many other awards.

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In 1990, the Thriller Nikita is coming out about the former drug addict who has become a supereagert of some secret service. On the main role of the director took the young Anna Pario. And again incredible success. After 3 years, American colleague by John Badem, the creator of the "fever Saturday evening", removed the remake called "No Return" with the participation of Bridget Foundations and Dermota Mallunion. The plot, invented by the French, used the authors of the popular series "Her name of Nikita", in which Pet Wilson performed the main role.

In the documentary "Atlantis", Luke made central heroes of loved ones from childhood inhabitants of sea depths - dolphins, fish and whales.

The following Beson project implemented in Hollywood. The criminal drama "Leon" came out on the screens in 1994. And again in the main role of "Talisman" Jean Reno, and again - in the image of the killer. A fragile girl who had fed sentimental feelings for a hiring murderer played Natalie Portman. The tape had a great success in the audience, but the critics did not see in the picture of artistic value. "Leon" did not receive significant awards, which led the Creator to considerable despondency. Hollywood again rejected hatches.

The prizes for the best scenario and for the most outstanding film of the year, issued by the British Film Academy for Drama "not swallow" look at this background. Besson burned the directorial debut Gary Oldman.

He removed the necessary lessons and managed to introduce Hollywood standards in the "Fifth Element". Mill Yovovich received the main role in the fantastic militant. The film invested $ 90 million, the global rental brought $ 260 million.

Luke decided to consolidate success, taking Yovovich to the next ribbon - the drama "Jeanne d'Ark". But the picture was failing. Besson always experienced difficulties. This time he "fell" from the productive director's work for 6 years. It was able to return to the audience in 2005 by presenting the "Angel-A" melodrama.

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Overlooking the filming, Besson was engaged in producing and writing scenarios. He is involved in the appearance of Vasabi militants and the Kiss of the Dragon, the Comedy "Fanfan Tulip", the thriller "Baghrovaya Rivers - 2: Angels of the Apocalypse". The taxi tape "Taxi" was undoubted success, the classic of the comedy militant genre, grew into one of the most ambitious and profitable franchises. But with the plot strokes of the fantastic militant "Stroy" was not lucky. The court found that they copy "Escape from New York", the project of John Carpenter, shot 30 years earlier. The hatch had to pay the copyright holders of € 450 thousand.

"Colombiana" - variation on the topic "Nikita". Zoe Saldan played a girl who in search of the killers of the parents itself becomes a killer. Removed the film Olivier Megaton, the director of the third "carrier" and the director of the 2nd and 3rd parts of the hostage.

The film "Carrier" with Jason Steaten is referred to as cult, he received no less bright continued, and in the 2015th launched a prefix. The history of the courier, not asking questions, changed the career of the artist leadership, like the Triller "Host" made Liam Nison the star of militants. Steatee is also involved in the neona militant Guy Richie "Revolver", also spirroined by Besson. Tape about a mute dancer "Danser" - another attempt by hatch to cut the difference between Hollywood products and paintings of its own production.

In the mid-2000s, Besson took up the promotion of projects of new genres for himself. The viewer saw Horror about the border cannibals, the Khitman video game film adaptation. The good fairy tale "Arthur and Miniputs" served as the basis for the books of his own essay, the main character of which is a boy who fell into the magical world.

Scientific fiction tape "Lucy" Time magazine included on the list of the top 10 films of 2014. Scarlett Johansson played a woman in a militant, which under the influence of drugs turns into a superchard with extraordinary cerebral activity.

The film "Valerian and the city of thousands of planets", the most expensive product of European filmmaking, barely paid off at the box office. But for nonsense, the child reading the Valérian et Laureline comics, this is a coming dream, which is not sorry for money. Even the "fifth element" compared to Valerian ... - only warm-up. The painting director dedicated his father, who gave the first copy of the drawn stories about the defenders of the Earth Civilization.

Personal life

In 1986, Luke Veson married Anna Pario, especially for which he invented Nikita. Together, the director and actress lived 5 years. The daughter of Juliet appeared in this marriage.

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2 years after parting from the Parios, the personal life of Luke Beson began to stand again: he began a novel with 16-year-old Mayvene Le Besko. The girl starred in the "Fifth Element" in the image of the singer of diva. The marriage of Luke and Maywan was civil. The result of these relationships was the emergence of the second daughter of nonconference - sheny.

At the filming of the "fifth element", Besson came close to not only with Maywan, but also with Milli Yovovich. To her and left the director from Le Beko. Lovers got married in 1997, but lived together only a couple of years. And again the family fell apart because of the treason of the hatch.

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In 2004, Virginia Silla was becoming another wife. She is not only filming the cinema, but also is a co-raise husband's studio. Three children were born in this marriage: daughters satin and waist and son Mao.

Luc Besson now

On the opening day of the film festival in Toronto in 2018, the premiere of the Drama "Kursk" about the death of the Russian submarine in the Barents Sea took place. The director Tomas Winterberg, according to a number of critics, managed to remove the non-banal film-catastrophe, as it was possible to expect, but the dedication to the courage of sailors, buried alive under the thickness of water.

The version that the crew did not die immediately, the British journalist Robert Moore adheres to, whose book "Time to die" was based on the screening. Luc Besson spoke by producer paintings. The Russian viewer is presented in 2019.

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Back at the end of 2017, Vescon as the owner of the Europacorp studio began negotiations with Netflix on cooperation. Stringing service plans to remove almost hundreds of films with a middle budget of $ 30 million, and the participation of the European Matra would have to be by the way. Luke has manufacturing sites, which are considered to be one of the best in the world. Combining efforts is beneficial and directed, since Europacorp is experiencing financial problems.

Probably, therefore, with the spyware ribbon "Anna", Besson returns to modest film crews. Now the film involving Helen Mirren, Luke Evans and the top model Sasha Lousy passes post-sales.


  • 1988 - "Blue Abyss"
  • 1990 - Nikita
  • 1994 - "Leon"
  • 1997 - "Fifth Element"
  • 1998 - "Taxi"
  • 2001 - "Vasabi"
  • 2002 - "Carrier"
  • 2004 - "Bagger Rivers 2: Angels of the Apocalypse"
  • 2006 - "Arthur and Miniputs"
  • 2008 - "Host"
  • 2011 - "Colombiana"
  • 2014 - "Lucy"
  • 2017 - "Valerian and Gord Thousand Planets"
  • 2018 - Kursk
  • 2019 - "Anna"


  • "Arthur and miniputs"
  • "Arthur and Forbidden City"
  • "Arthur and Urdalaka Revenge"
  • "Arthur and the war of two worlds"

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