Liv Tyler - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Liv Tyler is american model and film actress. She did not become a laureate of prestigious cinematic premiums, but managed to gain recognition in the field of floristics. In 2006, the name LIV Tyler received a grade of tea-hybrid roses appeared in France with a strong aroma.

Childhood and youth

Liv was born in New York in a famous family. The mother of the future actress Bibi Bewell was a famous singer and model. Todd Randgren, whom the girl considered a long time to be his dad, was a rock musician. The biological father of Liv was actually the famous singer Stephen Tyler, the soloist of the group "Aerosmith".

The girl learned about the relative connections with him only when he noticed a strong similarity with another daughter Stephen - Miay Tyler, after which Liv took his surname. But with Todd Randgren, the actress survived close relationships, in her documents it was he who was inscribed in the "Father" column.

Tyler since childhood suffered dyslexia, so the girl was difficult to attend school classes. In early childhood, Liv was engaged in the Studio of the Model Business, and at the age of 14 for the first time came to a professional podium. The parameters of the young model were suitable for podium work (the growth of Liv is 178 cm, and the weight is 61 kg).

In parallel, the girl participated in many photo shoots and even starred in the music video of the famous British singer George Michael on the song "Cowboys and Angels".

After 3 years, Tyler appeared in the video of the father. The "Crazy" video of the group "Aerosmith", in which Liv, together with the actress Alicia Silverstone, play two of the girls who escaped from the house, was incredibly popular. This work has become a sign for the creative biography of a beginner actress, since after her the famous director Bruce Beresford invited Liv to the shooting platform of a new picture.


The cinema debut for Liv became a detective "silent fight" in which it performs a secondary role. At the same time she received a proposal to participate in the filming of the drama "heavy". Moreover, the director waited for the performer all the time that the actress was involved in the first film.

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Then there was a youth comedy "Shop" Empire ", and in 1996 Liv Tyler starring from the famous Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci in melodrame" Extralling Beauty ". In the drama "The fictional life of Abbot" she got the main role of the girl from the large family of Pamela Ebbot, and in the comedy "what you are doing", the thriller "turn" and the comedy "I can't wait for" Liv playing secondary characters.

Glory and popularity came to the actress after entering the screens in 1998, Armageddon fantastic blockbuster, in which Tyler's partners were Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck. For this work, Liv was nominated for the MTV Movie Awards Prize for the best female role and for the best screen duet. But critics ambiguously accepted Tyler's acting game. In parallel with these categories of film actress, the Golden Malina Award was nominated for the worst female role of the second plan.

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After success in Armageddon, the actress played roles in the militant "Plankett and Macmein", tragicomedia "Wheel fortune", a romantic comedy "Dr." T "and his women", and also reincarnated in Tatyana Larina in the joint Anglo-American filmmaker of the Pushkin novel " Onegin. " In 2001, Liv played a chance in the criminal comedy "Night at the McKula Bar".

Increasing popularity was waiting for an actress after entering the large screens of the trilogy "Lord of the Rings" on the novel of the famous writer John Tolkina. Here Liv plays the daughter of the Elven ruler Arwen. The film actress appeared in three films of the trilogy, but received less on-screen time than performers of the role of participants of the brotherhood rings. For this image, the guild of the US film actors included an actress on the list of nominees to receive a premium in the "Outstanding Execution of the Roles of the Actors Group" category.

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The most visible from the following films in the repertoire of the actress is considered thriller "Strangers", tragicomedy "Girl from Jersey". In 2008, Liv Tyler was nominated for the SPIKE TV series award "SCREAM" for the film "Strangers" as the best actress of the horror movie. Also in 2008, the actress appeared in the fantastic militant "Incredible Hulk", playing the role of Betty Ross. But in the future she did not enter other films of the film marvel.

In 2010, the artist joined the plot of superhero. Liv Tyler appeared in the Black Comedy "Super", which paroded the popularity of superhero blockbusters. The actress plays the role of a character's wife, who imagined himself a superhero. A year later, a melodrama "Price of Passion" comes to the Rental Star. In addition to Tyler, Charlie Hannem, Patrick Wilson and Terrence Howard were shot in the film.

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In 2012, Liv appeared in the comedy "Robot and Frank". In the film, we were talking about the elderly man, who in his youth was aft. Taking care of the state of his father, the son gave him a robot assistant. Once Frank (Frank Landgella) understands that a clever android is ready to become his accomplice in new crimes. In Kinineomedi, Tyler appeared in the form of the daughter of the main character.

On large screens, Tyler appeared again in 2013 in the comedic film "Space Station 76". A year later, the executor received the role of a second plan in the Thiller "Jamie Marx Dead," where it was about the mysterious murder of a teenager, after which it began to be filmed in the dramatic series "left" on the novel volume of Tom Perrrottes "Residues".

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The actress played the role of Meg Abbott. In the center of events there is a small American city, part of which disappeared. On August 13, 2014, the representatives of the HBO television channel announced the extension of the series for the 2nd season. On December 10, 2015, the third, last, season "left" was announced.

Its broadcast began in April 2017, Liv Tyler also played in the 3rd season. Later, the actress lit up in the same rating British project "Powder", where he played a pair with Keith Harington. This is a historical drama about the attempted group of English aristocrats on the King Yakov I. The point of action of the picture unfolds at the beginning of the XVII century.

Personal life

In his youth, Liv meets the actor Hoakin Phoenix, with whom it takes off in the film "The fictional life of Abbot." Young people start romantic relationships that continue throughout the year.Embed from getty images

After parting with Phoenix, the girl turns a novel with a musician "Spacehog" Rock band Langdon. They met for almost 5 years, and in 2003 they entered the official marriage. In this union, Liv and Royston were born the son of Milo William Langdon, but when the boy turned 4 years old, his parents divorced. In the personal life of the artist briefly came to the lull.

In the spring of 2014, Tyler began to live a civil marriage with a football agent Dave Gardner. In a year she gave birth to the second son of Syloore Gina Gardner. The famous football player David Beckham became the godfather of the boy. In 2016, Liv gave her daughter to her husband, who received the name Lula Rose. The birth of a girl pushed the spouses to move to London.

The actress leads the official account in "Instagram". The service confirmed the identity of the star. On the page, the artist often hosts photos of their children, the special admiration of subscribers cause pictures on which Lula Rose is depicted.

After the third pregnancy, Liv scored in weight, but did not want to sit on rigid diet. She substantiated his choice by the fact that the process of weight loss in everyone proceeds in different ways. The most important thing about this is a careful attitude towards health. Already in 2017, Tyler joined fans from recreation in the Maldives, which appeared in a swimsuit, emphasizing all the advantages of her figure.

Liv spends a lot of funds for charity, especially for research in the development of cancer drug development, so that it was chosen in 2003 by the Ambassador of Goodwill from the United States. In 2007, the actress achieved a ban on the production of energy drink Emergen-with Pink, which caused breast cancer.

Since 2003, Liv is the face of the perfumery company Givenchy. In 2017, the actress concluded a contract with the German brand of the Lower Women's Lingerie Triumph, becoming Ambassador of this brand and a designer of a number of collections. For the last line of Essence Tyler used elements of the styles of the corsets of the beginning of the XX century. Part of the pictures of the bright photo shoot in their own models, the artist placed in "Instagram".

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After moving to the UK, Tyler became the desired guest in many secular parties. So, in 2018, the married couple was invited to the wedding of the beloved granddaughter Elizabeth II, Princess Eugene and entrepreneur Jack Brooksbank, who took place in Windsor. Another loud event of London is a celebration on the occasion of the anniversary of the chief editor of the British Vogue Edward Enininent, which was held in the national portrait gallery. On Rail Liv Tyler appeared in the society of his long-standing friend Kate Moss.

Liv Tyler is now

In 2018, the Tyler filmography was further replenished with another bright way - the main role in the horror movie "Saga about the monster. Dust". The actress was reincarnated in the frame in a sheriff woman. The main heroine freed the young girl from the imprisonment, where the native father placed. Soon in the life of the characters, strange things begin to occur.

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Later, the celebrity fell into the main acting staff of the successful TV series "Kurtizanka". Liv appeared in the 2nd season of the rating project. Tyler performed the role of Lady Isabella Fitzuillam. Shots of the 3rd part of the costume drama continued in 2019.

In the same year, a fantastic picture "To the Stars" came out. Here, Brad Pitt, Ruth Negg, Tommy Lee Jones became partners here on the shooting area.


  • 1994 - "Silent Fight"
  • 1996 - "Extralling Beauty"
  • 1997 - "The fictional life of Abbot"
  • 1998 - "Armageddon"
  • 1999 - "Onegin"
  • 2001 - "The Lord of the Rings: Brotherhood of Ring"
  • 2004 - "Jersey Girl"
  • 2008 - "Strangers"
  • 2008 - "Incredible Hulk"
  • 2014 - "Space Station 76"
  • 2014-2017 - "left"
  • 2017 - "powder"
  • 2018 - "Saga about the monster. Dust"
  • 2018 - "Kurtizani"
  • 2018 - "To the Stars"

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