Lyudmila Putin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Vladimir Putin 2021



Lyudmila Putin is the former wife of Vladimir Putin, the current president of Russia. The reasons for interest in the details of its biography are made in marriage with the head of state, but no less excitement among the public has caused their divorce. All the time that Lyudmila Alexandrovna spent in the status of the first lady, she tried to avoid publicity than a greater degree to the views of others.

Disputes about what actually served as the cause of the gap (the people do not believe that the couple was parted only because the feelings were faded), do not subside and now. We grow like a snowball and rumors against the fate of the ex-wife Putin after a divorce with a status husband.

Childhood and youth

Putin Lyudmila Alexandrovna (in Majbreva's Majbreva) was born on January 6, 1958 in Kaliningrad in the work family. A number of electronic media put forward the assumption of the nationality of the woman, based on the father of Alexander Avramovich, who worked at the repair and mechanical plant, and forgetting that Jewry was transmitted by the maternal line.

About Mother Lyudmila, Catherine Tikhonovna, it is known that she worked as a cash clock on the same factory as a husband. There are no officially confirmed data on the belonging of the former first lady to a particular nation.

The family of the future wife of the head of Russia lived modestly in a small apartment located in the working quarters of Kaliningrad. Parents brought up to Luda and younger sister Olga in rigor, since childhood, in charge of discipline and home affairs.

School years, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna took place in high school number 8. Teachers remember her as an ordinary student having a special passion for literature and poetry. She also differed in pronounced artistic - loved to sing songs and read poems, at the expense of which he always became the acting face of all matinee.

Career and social activities

At the end of the school in 1975, Luda Shkrebheva got a postman in the local communications department, then went to Tokary's student at Torgmash plant, where he received the 2nd category of Tokary-Revolversman, worked as a nurse at the local hospital. From the Kaliningrad Technical Institute, Lyudmila left the 3rd year. In 1980, after 3-month special courses on the preparation of the flight attendant, he fell into the Kaliningrad airline and spent the next year and a half in heaven.

Only in 1981, the girl decided on who he wants to be in life, and entered the Leningrad State University on the Philologist-Romanist with the study of several foreign languages ​​at once.

In his youth, before becoming the wife of the KGB officer, Shkrebneva led active labor activity in the specialty and for several years he taught German in his native LDU. In the mid-90s she was filed with a private business - managed the fashionable boutique of Truvarti, and then for several years he worked as a representative of OJSC Telecominvest.

At the 3rd year of the university, a fateful meeting was taken with Vladimir Putin, which changed the whole further life of Lyudmila. After the victory of the spouse in the presidential election, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna received official status, according to which an active social and political work was aimed at creating various charitable projects. The woman determined his role briefly - not to damage the image of the president, to understand what you want to achieve, and be consistent in achieving the goal.

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The first lady was necessarily participating in protocol events. On its initiative, the Russian language development center, the decisive issues of education, subsequently renamed the Center for the Development of Interpersonal Communications.

"It always seemed to me that Russian was a very capacious concept. This is not only a language in itself, but also culture, and economics, and other aspects of life. And recently, with the Russian language began to turn very highly. Some specialists explain this low level of teaching at school, others - a change in thinking, lifestyle, including under the influence of television, computer. The center, given the different opinions of specialists, seeks to interest children with other things: live communication, creativity, reading, "so Putin explained the tasks of the new organization.

In 2002, Lyudmila was awarded the prestigious Award of Jacob Grimma for his contribution to the cultural exchange between Russia and Germany, and then repeatedly became a laureate of international awards for the support of Russian abroad. In addition, it was on an ongoing basis for the reception of the delegations of foreign countries and many times attended different regions of the world on issuing a state of dominance to citizens not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also far beyond.

Personal life

Personal life Lyudmila Aleksandrovna 30 years has been closely connected with Vladimir Putin, which determines the interest of it from the Company. With the future husband, the first lady of Russia met in 1983 in Leningrad, at the Kass Lensovet Theater. The wedding took place in 3 years. After that, in view of the official duties, Vladimir Vladimirovich had to move to Germany for 4 years.

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During this period, the spouses were born two daughters - Maria and Catherine. Where now live and what the children of Lyudmila and Vladimir Putin are engaged in, the topic for endless journalistic investigations and loud headlines. The media declare that Maria is a graduate of a medical university, defended his dissertation on endocrinology, and Katya graduated from Moscow State University and heads the center of the national intellectual reserve in this university.

The life of Putin's spouses from the first days depended on what the head of the family is busy.

"Politics is one of the most interesting things in the world, but it is not close to me," the first lady admitted in an interview in the early 2000s.

Neither a wife, nor daughters could fully enjoy the attention of the father and her husband because of his permanent employment at work. Lyudmila Alexandrovna recalls that after the victory of Vladimir Vladimirovich, in the presidential election, I understood - now the family falls under the strictest control and will be subject to publicity, which she really did not like.

Vladimir Putin himself mentioned his spouse and told him rarely. Journalists quickly made it clear that the head of the country against the intervention in a personal life.


On June 6, 2013, Lyudmila and Vladimir Putin reported that they were bred. They emphasized that this decision was joint, since in the working chart of the Russian chapter there is no place for family relations. The divorce of the presidential couple became an unexpected and universally discussed event, filled with a mass of speculation regarding the causes of the gap and their further fate.

In parallel, rumors about the relationship between the president and the gymnast of Alina Kabaeva appeared. The media noticed a direct connection with a divorce, but Lyudmila Putin itself did not answer questions about the alleged treason. Subsequently they started talking about the fact that Lyudmila Alexandrovna communicates with the Olympic champion and supports friendly relations.

The former first lady is a deeply believed man in God, on the basis of what a hypothesis was put forward that, after a divorce, a woman went to the Snovezhorsky monastery, with the mentor who was closely communicated for more than 20 years. Other sources argued that the president's ex-wife married the second time for the famous musician Mikhail Mikhailov, with whom he often appeared in secular events.

None of the versions received official confirmation, since neither before, nor after parting Lyudmila and Vladimir Putin did not comment on their own life. In the Kremlin, only on April 1, 2014 confirmed that the divorce of the Russian chapter with his wife was documented.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna is present in Facebook and Twitter, it was difficult to definitely answer even specialists in the field of electronic communications. On the one hand, why the social network is a person who does not need publicity and not experiencing a deficit of communication. However, there is an opinion that accounts with the name of the former wife of the Russian leader are designed to attract attention to the new marriage.

The fact that Lyudmila Putin replaced the surname to the contrary, became known in early 2016. Journalists came to this conclusion on the basis of information about the re-registration of real estate objects belonging to Lyudmila personally and the organizations supervised by it. The workers of the EX-First Lady recorded the director of the Center for the Development of Interpersonal Communications and the subsidiary "Publishing House" Literary Study "" Arthur of the Foreign.

A rather impressive man is much higher than Lyudmila with growth (her height is 165 cm) and younger. Divorced, the first wife has a son. It was assumed that the couple met for 15 to marriage, again, not confirmed when Arthur was led by a firm organizing events for Putin's structures. Official comments on this issue did not go to the press, although the network was merged with joint photos of allegedly spouses on vacation in London and in the resort Krasnaya Polyana.

In 2016, in Germany, a shocking interview was released, allegedly recorded from Lyudmila Putin, which said that her former husband and Russian president were alive, and not one year old. According to the press, a twin rose to the place of the dead president, and Lyudmila received threats to their address and the address of children who forced her to be silent. Russian media with skepticism reacted to such statements.

Lyudmila Putin now

The former Russian first lady retains incognito. According to rumors, Lyudmila Putin became the contrary to, not attracting attention, acquire real estate, including abroad, in particular in France. On the Internet, information is distributed that the land plot in the Moscow region costing 430 million rubles is distributed to the name of Lyudmila. As usual, there is no evidence.

Center for the development of interpersonal communications, the brainchild of the ex-wife Vladimir Putin, continues to activities. In 2019, the specialists of the Center conducted training on an additional educational program "My Employment. Time to grow up, "assumed the search for uniqueness in the surrounding space.

Participants who successfully mastered this and other programs are issued a certificate of advanced training or a diploma diploma. TSRMK proposes to enrich knowledge in the field of psychology, children's literary creativity, family relationships. For the implementation of plans, the Fund, managed by Arthur Top, for the period from 2016 to 2019, receives 248 million rubles from the budget of Moscow, reported Rain Channel.

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