Adam Driver - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Star Wars, Scarlett Johansson, Filmography 2021



Adam Driver is a popular American actor. Bright, colorful appearance, the ability to build in the role of characters, to make them memorable, textured, helped the artist to make a successful filmier. Now in the filmography of the artist, there are pictures of different genres, and the driver itself skillfully embodies on the screen both positive and negative images.

Childhood and youth

Adam Driver's biography began in the California city of San Diego. The future actor was born on November 16, 1983, under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio. The mother of the boy Nancy Nidham worked as a lawyer's assistant, and Father Joe Douglas Driver performed the responsibility of the priest of the Baptist Church. When Adam turned 7 years old, the parents divorced.

Mother together with his son moved to Indiana, in the hometown of Mishawk, where he soon married a Christian preacher. There, the child went to the city secondary school and received religious education. Another Adam sang in the local church choir. The boy did not really like his studies, but was at first roles in the school theater.

Outside the school walls, the actor turned out to be a rather closed teenager, loved alone to wander around the railway tracks and climbed onto the radio. After receiving a certificate of maturity in 2001, the driver was working as a lawn mower and a community, but after the terrorist attack on September 11, he decided to register with the volunteer in the ranks of the US Armed Forces and entered into the Marine Corpus.

Two years later, the service in the army, the young man was demobilized due to the complex injury of the chest. Then Adam entered the University of Indianapolis, but, watched the course, decided to return to his beloved in childhood and become an actor.

The driver went to New York and entered the popular acting school "Giulard", which was engaged in 2009. After studying, the novice artist signed a contract with the theater agency and in a year debuted on Broadway in the play "Profession Mrs. Warren". Later he played in the production of "Angels in America", "Boy and a man" and others. The actor stopped going to a professional theatrical scene in 2012, but continued to perform in non-commercial performances.


Adam Driver's debut on the screen came to the small role of Glen Szonon in the television film "You do not know Jack", in which Al Pachino shined. In the same year, the driver starred in the cult series "Law and Order" in the "Brilliant Disguise" series. On the big screen, for the first time, he appeared in 2011 in the drama clint Istuda "J. Edgar".

The role of Adam Sakler in the comedy TV series "Girls" brought the actor the first popularity. Sitter was filmed from 2012 to 2017. For this work, the driver 4 times was the nominee of the film, including Emmy in 2014. In addition, a young man involved in the romantic comedy "Friendship and No Sex." The main roles in the film went to Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan, and the driver himself embodied on the screen the image of a friend of the central hero.

But the real success was expected by Adam in 2015, when a new series "Star" franchise was released - "Star Wars: Awakening of Power". The driver received a major role - a new negative character named Kaylo Ren. In addition to the artist, Daisy Ridley and John Boyaega shone in the episode of the cult series. At first, the audience with distrust reacted to the selection of driver to the place of the villain. However, over time, the audience "typked" this casting idea was evaluated by the acting skills of the American.

A year later, fans were able to appreciate the game of the artist in the new film Martin Scorsese "Silence". In this historical drama, the driver reincarnated in the priest Francisco Garupe. The picture was nominated for Oscar, but, although the critics warmly accepted the film, failed at the rental tape. Together with Adam, Andrew Garfield and Liam Nison starred in the picture.

In September 2017, the audience saw a favorite artist in the comedy militant "Luck Logan". According to the plot Jimmy Logan, after he was fired from work, decided to prepare the most daring robbery in history. In the shortest possible time, the guy is gaining a command capable of turning the scaffold. The role of Jimmy went to Channing Tatum. Adam appeared in the image of Clyde, Brother Logan. Also in the picture played Daniel Craig, Riley Kio, Katie Holmes and others.

In the spring of 2018, Adam returned to the role of Kaylo Rena in the new episode of "Star Wars" - "Star Wars: the last Jedi." Shortly before the premiere, the driver gave an interview in which he shared that it was trying to disguise on the street, so as not to rush into the eyes, but with its non-standard appearance and high growth (189 cm, weighs the artist 89 kg) it is hardship.

Then the actor fulfilled the main role in the picture "Black Claver". There we were talking about a dark-skinned policeman who had to be implemented in Ku-Klux Klan. Together with a partner, a Jew for nationality, a man comes into confrontation with a dangerous opponent. Colleagues Driver on the set of Steel Tofer Grace, Alec Baldwin, Laura Harrier and others.

In September, the comedy was released on the screens. "A person who killed Don Quixote". In the picture, the audience saw Adam as directed by Tobias Grammette, who is trying to create an advertising masterpiece in Spain. However, the company was not crowned with success, and the young man goes to the village, where he took a diploma project about Don Quixote. There, the director finds his hero - an ample shoemaker, confident that he is a knight of a sad image. The old man takes Toby for a squire and fascinates on a journey where reality borders on a fantasy.

In 2019, the Drama "Wedding History" directed by Noa Bumbach was released on the screens. The dramatic plot of the difficult relationship of the creative marriage couple has unfolded in front of the audience. Adam played the role of Charlie Barber, a successful theater director, and his wife's wife introduced Scarlett Johansson on the screen. Film crimits rated the tape: the picture received 6 nominations for Oscar and one statuette in the nomination "The Best Actress of the Second Plan", which Dern was handed over to Laura.

In the same year, the driver filmography was replenished with comedy zombie-horror "dead not die", filmed by Jim Jarmushe. Together with Bill Murrey, the actor had to be built into the images of local police officers who were forced to resist the invasion of the busies of the corpses. And the Space Self-Film Equipment: Adam appeared in the new part of the saga - "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise".

Personal life

Personal life has developed for the artist happily. In 2005, during his studies at the acting school "Giulard", Adam Driver met the future wife, novice actress Joann Tucker. Young people met for almost 8 years, and in the summer of 2013 officially issued relations. For a long time it was believed that the couple had no children. But in 2018, articles appeared in the press that the spouses were successfully hiding from the public the birth of a child, son. Also in the family "raised" homemade pets - a dog (crossing Rottweiler and Pit Bull) named Moose (elk).

After demobilization from the army, the actor has created a non-profit organization "Art in the Armed Forces", the purpose of which is the social assistance to the former military personnel. In addition, along with the former colleague Brian Dorris, he opened the "War Theater", which put antique plays. The purpose of this theater is to attract as much attention as possible to the problems of post-war stress among the former soldiers and officers.

The actor is extremely negative about social networks, therefore it does not have official pages in any of them. However, artist fans are well coped with this. Adam's fan page was registered in Instagram, where the worsages of the work of the star are postponed the photo of the driver found on the Internet.

Often in the network, users arrange disputes due to the unusual appearance of the actor. Fans note that Adam breaks the framework of the well-established Hollywood beauty standards. Fans believe that the high growth of the artist and thick black hair make it irresistible. And the actors shirt shirt shirts, where he demonstrates the sports body, is gaining thousands of likes in the fan microblog. Still fans more than once wrote that the vegetation on the face gives the driver a special charm, and without beard the young man looks less courageously.

Adam Driver now

In 2021, the artist continued to work in the cinema. In the summer, at the Cannes Film Festival, Leo Karaks presented a bright musical "Annette", in which Adam played a stand-comic comic, and Marion Cotiyar - a spouse of the hero. The picture was created in the creative ensemble with the Sparks group, the participants of which Ron and Russell Mailee became the authors of the script. The director, after filming the project "Corporation" Holy Motors "" for a long time I have not rejoiced fans with new works, I decided to approach the process non-standard.

Music parties Artists had to fulfill in unusual perspectives, taking acrobatic poses - in this, the Cotionire was confessed in an interview. Also, the actress marked the driver's talent easily to cope with the tasks. No less bright was the work of Adam in the Drema "House of Gucci", the director of whom Ridley Scott spoke.

In the center of the plot - the murder of Maurizio Gucci, the heir of the famous Italian fashion house, in 1995. Star cast gathered on the set. Al Pacino and Jeremy Irons appeared in the images of the Elders of the Empire, Aldo and Rodolfo Gucci, Jared Leto played Paolo, the son of Aldo, and Lady Gaga appeared on the screen as the former wife Maurizio Patricia Regiani.


  • 2012-2017 - "Girls"
  • 2012 - "Cute Francis"
  • 2013 - "Inside Lewina Davis"
  • 2013 - "Friendship and No Sex"
  • 2014 - "Hungry Hearts"
  • 2015 - "Star Wars: Awakening of Power"
  • 2016 - "Special Midnight Release"
  • 2016 - "Paterson"
  • 2016 - "Silence"
  • 2017 - "Loogan's luck"
  • 2018 - "Star Wars: the last Jedi"
  • 2018 - "Black Claver"
  • 2018 - "A man who killed Don Quixote"
  • 2019 - "Star Wars. Episode IX "
  • 2019 - "Dead do not die"
  • 2019 - "Report on torture"
  • 2020 - "Annette"
  • 2021 - "House of Gucci"

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