Alexandra Ursulak - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, roles, actress, husband, children 2021



Alexander Ursulak is the Russian actress of the theater and cinema, who gained fame due to the roles in melodramatic series. For a long time, the artist film director developed in the shadow of the theatrical, where Alexandra turned out to be more successful, as evidenced by a number of prestigious premiums. Finding the balance between the scene and the camera, the actress created an ideal balance for successful self-realization in the artistic environment.

Childhood and youth

Alexandra was born on February 4, 1983. The nationality of the girl formed Russian and Azerbaijani roots. Sasha grew in a creative family. Parents - director Sergey Ursulak and actress Galina Nadirly - did not seek from early childhood to acquire daughter to the world of theater and cinema and raised the girl as an ordinary child. They did not take her to the shooting platform, so Alexander is never divided by the stories about the childhood spent behind the scenes of the theater or in the dressing room of the mother.

When the girl was still preschoolcars, her parents divorced. Soon the first family of the Father was born a single sister Alexandra - Daria Ursulak, who also became the actress of cinema and theater. Sasha, like most of the same age, attended music school and to middle classes studied diligently. At the rehearsals of the ensemble of the People's Song "Alegi", where her mother worked at that time, Alexander mastered the Population Mainer, which was useful to her in the future profession.

In adolescence, she suddenly abandoned his studies and was among the main trappers and discipline violators. Ursulak was expelled from school, and she had to look for another. The situation decided to intervene the teacher's grandmother. She took his granddaughter to himself in Biryulyovo and took up her upbringing.

After graduating from school with good marks, Alexander seriously thought about future work. She decided to stay at the profession of the actress. And although her father immediately stated her that he did not see artistic data in it, Sasha decided to experience fate. She put a condition: if you can't pass the exams on the first attempt, it would no longer go to the theater university.

But the will of the fate of Alexander was held at the MCAT Studio School. Her masters became a novel Kozak, Dmitry Brusnikin, Alla Pokrovskaya. Together with Sasha, Daria Moroz, Sergey Lazarev, Daria Kalmykov, Alexander Satrosov studied on the course. Moreover, during the training of Ursulak was fascinated by the world of the theater and cinema and fell among the best students of the university. After the end of the theater in 2003, the girl accepted in the Toroupe of the Metropolitan Theater named after A. S. Pushkin.


On the theater scene Ursulak made his debut on the 1st year of the university. She put an excerpt from the tragedy of Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet", playing the role of the main character. Sasha's choice fell on Juliet, because in a low girl with a short haircut, more like a guy, no one saw the romantic and feminine Shakespearean heroine. Alexandra decided to prove to everyone that she is a talented actress. And she succeeded, because the next year the starting artist received an offer to play Juliet from the director named after A. S. Pushkin Roman Kozak.

From the 4th year, the girl took part in the production of "Black Prince," where Giulianna was playing. Ursulak was lucky: at the rehearsal of the play she met with the famous artist Alexander Feklistov. An experienced colleague was taught Sasha a wonderful acting lesson, which she remembered forever. The rehearsal month replaced the year of study in high school for Ursulak. For this role, she was awarded the "Kumir" award in the nomination "Nadezhda".

After the "black prince", Dmitry Brusnikna "Misanthrop" and "Be healthy, gene!", Where Ursulak played, though not the main role, but bright roles, after which her skills increased markedly.

In the graduation play "For several days from the life of Alesh Karamazova, Alla Pokrovskaya, where Alexander appeared in the image of Lisa Hochlakova, she got a warm welcome reception and high assessments of theatrical critics.

At the end of the university, the theater biography of Ursulak was replenished with new bright work. Sasha played the main characters in the performances of the "Night of the Cabiria" and Madame Bovari, set by Alla Sigue on the stage of the name of A. S. Pushkin. Then there were performances "Congratulations on a weekday!", Where Alexandra again met with the director Roman Kozak, and "Sleeping in the chali night" Nina Chusovoy.

In 2013, Ursulak played two roles at once in the play "Good Man from Selyan." She portrayed a girl of easy behavior Syun those and her cousin named Shui Ta. For this work, the actress received a lot of laudatory reviews from metropolitan theatrical critics, and also became the laureate of the International Award of the Spectator Symbols of the Star of theater and the National Awards "Crystal Turandot" and "Golden Mask".

In the same period, Alexander tried herself in the new role - actress Musikla. She fulfilled the role of Velly Kelly in the play of Chicago International Stage Entertainment Russia. Then there were the "marriage of Figaro" directed by Evgeny Pisarev, where Ursulak played with the singer Sergey Lazarev. Young people met on the stage again, 12 years after the collaboration on the production of Romeo and Juliet.

In 2018, the actress came to the stage in the main role in the play "Gedda Gabler". This image was previously embodied by the legend of the theater scene - Eleanor Duza, Vera Commissionerzhevskaya, Ingrid Bergman, Glenda Jackson.

Films and television

The debut Ursulak in the movie took place in 2003, immediately after graduating from the Studio MCAT. She was proposed on the role of Larisa, the daughter of the head of the station in the Motheric Ribe Station, which was removed by the young director Andrei Kavun in the Minsk Film Studio.

Successful debut put a good start to the cinematic biography of Alexandra.

Ursulak starred in the tape of Andrei Panin about three old friends, who fatigue from the routine and accumulated problems decided to remove the non-standard way - while traveling on a river on the river. At the site of the criminal drama "Rope from the Sand, Alexandra collaborated with such elected actors as Valery Barinov, Alexander Mikhailov and Boris Nevzorov.

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Especially many good reviews gathered a triller "Patrol" about the work of the mobile police group, where the girl got a secondary role. An interesting opportunity to play a partner of the main character in the militant fell in the career of Alexandra at the site of the picture "Day D". In the image of the stewardess, she helped the character of Mikhail Porechenkova to sign a stolen daughter.

The actress also "lit up" in the criminal melodrama "bad blood" about the girl Mary (Maria Kozakova), whose child turned out to be the heir of a great financial empire. Partners of Alexandra on the set became Pavel Priluchny, Roman Kurtsyn, Andrei Ilyin and others.

With the participation of Ursulak, the series "Sherlock Holmes" came out in the image of Elene. On the same site, star cast was assembled - Igor Petrenko, Mikhail Boyarsky, Ingeborg Dapkunayte, Elizabeth Boyarskaya and others. This screen was the last appearance on the screen of Andrei Panin.

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Soon, the artist's filmography was replenished with work in a serious project "Women on the Edge". Each series tells about one of the desperate women, who under the oppression of circumstances are on the threshold of the crime. On the other side of the justice, the girl appeared in the series "Search of Excit" about the charismatic criminal expert with a non-standard approach to investigations, which was successfully played by Daniel fears.

In 2015, the project "How I became Russian" with the participation of the actress. The film is devoted to the adventures of the American Journalist American Post in Russia. The actress played the role of the chief editor of American POST Catherine. Together with Ursulak, Mateus Damenatsky appeared in the frame, Vitaly Khaev, Svetlana Ivanova, Sergey Chirkov. The picture was shown on the airflow of the CTC.

Popularity and slim figure (height 163 cm, weight 50 kg) served as an impetus to the invitation of the artist in the TV project "Dancing with the Stars". For Ursulak, participation in the show turned out to be so successful that she ended with the victory. In a pair with a partner Denis Tagintsev, the girl bypassed other finalists - Nelly Uvarov's star colleagues and Dmitry Miller.

In 2016, the actress played the main role of Svetlana Sheverdin in the mystical drama "Life after Life". Heroine Actresses - a woman whose beloved killed a business partner for the sake of a share in the company. Light is also under threat as the owner of another part of the company, and then the killed persuades the heavenly office to give him a second chance and to send to the Earth to defend his beloved woman.

In early 2017, Ursulak played another major role - the actresses of Marina May in the detective melodraman "Unpretched Talent". A maniac appears in the plot of the mini-series in the city, and the suspects are associated with the same actress of the theater, which, besides, detected detective talent is found.

Also in 2017, the actress played a secondary character - the Saltychihu landowner in the drama "Catherine. Take off, "the continuation of the picture about the life of the Russian Empress Catherine is Great. Another job is a role in the film "Girl with Kospa", where Alexander reincarnated in the wife of the chief hero of the narration of Eugene (Viktor Dobronravov).

In the spring of 2017, the actress appeared on the screen as Svetlana Leonova in the Drama "Time of First". The film is devoted to the feat of the Soviet cosmonauts Alexey Leonov and Pavel Belyaeva. The pilots in the midst of the USSR cosmic race and the United States decided to fly into space on the rocket, a copy of which exploded on the tests to get ahead of Americans and that the Soviet citizen became the first person to enter outdoor cosmos and returned to Earth.

In 2018, Alexandra first appeared in the project of his father Sergei Ursulak - the show "Baddance". She played a small role - wife of the former Afghan Fleroov (Dmitry Kulichkov) with a vast life. As the actress later admitted, during his work she never managed to abstract from child feelings, so those 3 days that devoted to the shooting, felt cowardly.

This is not the first experience in the movie director with children. Three years earlier in the picture "Quiet Don", Sergey Ursulak invited younger daughter Daria to the main role.

The artist starred in the episode of a fantastic picture "Better than people" and in the lead role in the 2nd and 3rd seasons of the series "Unpretched Talent".

The eminent caste of the multiserry tape "Good Wife" Ursulak was together with Alexander Domogarov and Dmitry Miller. The prosecutor, which caused a series of scandals, was forced to heal to the bottom and rely on the spouse. And she, in turn, had the opportunity to resurrect his career of a promising lawyer.

In 2019, Ursulak again reminded himself, appearing in the form of Mary Vinnik in the historical detective "CIFR". A fascinating plot about the coordinated work of the former military encrypters, Maryan Spivak, Catherine, Elena Panova, Sergey Pustapalis, and other famous actors of modernity.

Personal life

The actress does not hide a personal life from the press and fans, but also does not put it at the bottom. Alexander Ursulak leads an account in "Instagram", where the daily family photos are laying.

With a future husband, Alexander Golubev, also, also known in the picture "Boomer-2", "cadets" and "Hunt for Piranha", Sasha got acquainted on the shooting of the multi-line melodrama "Full forward!". Acquaintance quickly turned into a novel. A year later, Ursulak and Golubev played a wedding. In 2006, the pair appeared daughter Anna, and in 2 years the second girl Anastasia was born.

Children did not save parents from parting. Soon after the birth of the second daughter, the marriage collapsed. The reason is called the infidelity of Alexander Golubev, who broke out a new novel on the set of the series "Recent Romans" in Malta. Former spouses did not interrupt communication, Alexander is seen with daughters.

At the premiere of the film "Time of First", the actress came in a free dress, which immediately gave rise to rumors that she was pregnant. The press called and the likely challenger for the role of the Father - the musician Andrei Rosendent, whom the paparazzi has repeatedly seen with the artist. The chief of the star of the screen is under her for 6 years, by profession - violinist, but he also has acting experience. At the 15th age, Andrei played a major role in the film Vladimir Mashkov "Dad".

In August 2017, Alexander Ursulak became the mother for the third time. The actress gave birth to the Son, whom was called Vladimir, in honor of her grandfather.

Free time, which, according to celebrity, is not enough, she loves to spend at the cottage where he is engaged in gardening. Alexandra still draws well, that they are noted close.

Alexander Ursulak now

The actress does not stop on the achieved, now it continues to implement their acting talent.

Above the series "Grand" about the hotel business, Alexander worked more than one year. In the 4th season, the actress continued to improve the skills of culinary art in the image of the chef, remaining mainly caste together with Alexander Lykov, Mile Sivatskaya and Alexandra Kuzenkina.

In the film "Strank" Ursulak divided the main role with Pavel Trubiner. Trying to understand the family drama, the heroine of Alexandra interferes with the investigation of the murder.

March 2021 began with the premiere of the series "Heaven will wait", where both actors were involved again. The mystical drama affects the theme of life after death and different incarnations of the soul.

The Theater Piggy Bank of the Artist was replenished with a role in the play of Marina Barberry "Field" on the novel of Chingiza Aitmatov about the Great Patriotic War, put in the "Practice" theater. In an interview with Hello magazine! Alexandra shared the opinion of how relevant for the younger generation. According to Ursulak, the actress calmly relates to the fact that historical events over time cease to be burning and modern children do not attract early films about the war.

"My generation is already the grandchildren of those who fought. Even with us these events are quite far away, "the girl believes.


  • 2003 - "Station"
  • 2008 - "The best evening"
  • 2011 - "Furtseva"
  • 2012 - "Second Spartacus Rise"
  • 2013 - "Hotel" President "
  • 2013 - "Goodbye, Favorite!"
  • 2015 - "How I became Russian"
  • 2016 - "Catherine. Takeoff"
  • 2016 - "Non-painted talent"
  • 2017 - "Time of First"
  • 2017 - "Girl with scythe"
  • 2018 - "bad weather"
  • 2018 - "Better than people"
  • 2018 - "Returns"
  • 2019 - "SIFR"
  • 2020 - "Grand-4"
  • 2020 - "Flight"
  • 2021 - "Heaven will wait"

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