Pavel Delong - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Pavel Delong is the Polish actor and movie actor, he knows in different parts of the planet. The artist himself believes that nationality for him is not the main thing, he calls himself a citizen of the world. Paul is actively removed in the USA, France, the Czech Republic, as well as Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries. The film actor does not prefer a specific genre, since the story itself is important on which the feature film is based.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Delong was born in Krakow, on the left bank of the Vistula, in the family of professional musicians. Not only parents were attributed to music, but also almost all relatives of the future celebrity. Paul has the youngest sister of Dorota for 2 years, which also became an actress and TV presenter. The ancestors of the Delong family were originally from Western Ukraine, when this territory was called Eastern Drivers.

Delong studied at the XV Lyceum named after Maria Sklodovskaya Curie and graduated from this educational institution in 1989. As a child, he had versatile hobbies, which included sports, music and science. The teenager began visiting theaters, which in the city a lot of many.

In the youth years, the applicant filed documents at once into several universities in various areas: the Academy of Physical Culture, the Yagellon National University at the Faculty of Law, as well as the Higher State Theater School named after Ludwik Solsky. Delong decides to associate life with the world of theatrical art and chooses the last option.

After graduating from the theater school in 1993, the young man is arranged in the Warsaw Public Theater named after Sigmunt Hubner. The debut of the artist on theatrical stage was the role of ZBBN Labag in the play "Drawings on the glass".

Later, Pavel Delong collaborated with Warsaw theaters "on freedom" and "scene for representations", theater named after Stephen Zershomsky and the city center of Culture in Kielce, the Wroclaw Modern Theater named after Edmund Vierzinski.

In 2001, Delong tried himself as a musician and singer. In November of the same year, Paul studio album was published under the name "Talk with me more", recorded at the Warsaw Recording Studio "Mimon" together with the singer and composer named Justina Stacksk. She wrote music to the songs, and as texts were used by the poems of world poets, such as Shakespeare, Norvid, jacket and others. This record did not have commercial success.


The debut on the big screen for the actor in 1993 was the role of Serbian refugee Lake Horowitsa in the cult military drama Stephen Spielberg "Schindler List". Participation in the legendary film was a successful start in the cinematic biography of Delong.

Then followed the secondary roles in the TV series "Fitness Club", the Drama "Death in Melkovoye", the thriller "Young Wolves", the adventure militant "smugglers", the joint Polish-German children's TV series "Mystery Sagala", the psychological drama "Shaman".

He appeared in the melodrama "Dark Side of Venus", the Polish-American comedy "Love and do what you want," the series "Life as poker", the dramatic television series "Habitat", the humorous melodrama "Tigers of Europe", the Military Comedy "Gold Deserters" and Other pictures.

The role of the Hero-lover was secured at home for Paul. According to the actor, it was shining his creative potential. At one time, the performer even ignored the Teleamor awards ceremony, where he had to receive a reward in the nomination "The sexiest artist".

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In the new millennium, Pavel Delong focused on participating in television projects and serials, in which the role of the second plan often played, but also the central images, as well as the main characters.

From the work in the 21st century it is worth highlighting the shielding of the novel Gerhritis Senkevich "Kamo Saddy", the military drama "In June 41st", the adventure film of the Russian production "Key Salamandra", the mystical series "Angel or Demon", the Polish comedy "make a grandson" , Romantic comedy "I'll show you!", Military drama "Sniper. Weapon of Retribution ", Russian criminal drama" In Your Eyes ", the military series about World War II" The Mystery of Sophisticated Cipher ", the American Horror Movie" House "and the Melodrama" Wife Stirlitz ". In the last work, the well-known Russian actress Anna Gorshkov also participated.

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In 2005, the actor became the participant of the 2nd season of the Dance Program on the Polish TVN channel, where he spoke in a pair with the Polish dancer Dominica Corubric Majz. Having reached the 5th ether, took the 7th place.

One of the bright pages in the filmography of Polyak is to participate in the Russian mystical series "Angel or Demon", where Paul played with Anna Andrzrenko and Anfisa Vishtigausen. In this confusing history, Delong was reincarnated in the journalist Oleg Yakovlev, the father of the main characters of the narrative. Also, the signs of work in the mystical detective "Others" and the historical project "Viking" were also iconic for artist film.

In Sevastopol in 2016, the film "Beach. Hot season. " Polish actor in this filmmaker received the role of Sergey Paramonov, director of the local beach. The picture tells about the adventures of the Character of the Delong Character and his dusty friend, the head of the local police department Andrei Goshko, which was played by Georgy Dronov.

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In the film, pleasures guard the rest of the holidaymakers, patrol the sea coast, and also fight with local officials and underground gambling establishments, which in the tourist season intend to get super profits with vacationers.

Does not forget Paul and about theatrical scene. In 2016, the premiere of the play "Być Jak Liz Taylor" took place. In this formulation, Pavel Delong played the role of Richard Burton. As the performer said in one interview, he wants to work in the Polish-Russian project, which will help their neighbors better understand each other. Delong believes that through art two states can overcome the difference in mentality and many disagreements that exist between nations.

Personal life

Officially, Pavel Delong was married not. The actor for several years in an actual marriage with the actress of Kartachina Gaidarskaya, who met at the age of 18, they studied together at the Theater School. Paul and his civil wife there is a son Pavel Delong - Jr., who was born in 1993. At one time, the young man was thinking about the career of the actor, but chose the profession of the manager in the field of film business, although his father does not lose hope to see the heir on the screen.

Pavel Delong

More than once in the Polish press it was reported that Pavel Delong met with a dentist and co-owner of the Warsaw dental clinic Villa Nova Emma Kivorkova-Rachkovskaya, which has an Armenian origin. The couple was often seen together at various solemn events.

During the II International Festival of Motivational Cinema BRIDGE OF ARTS, information appeared in the Russian press that the actress Ekaterina Arkharov, the former wife of the actor Marat Basharov, is found with Paul. The attention of media representatives pair attracted when it appeared in Rostov-on-Don.

The stars of the movie went together on the red carpet, and throughout the event Paul and Catherine did not move away from each other. It turned out that celebrities began to meet a few months before the festival. Friends argued that Paul and Catherine, being together, shone from happiness.

Ekaterina Arkharov and Pavel Delong

As the press was later known, the Russian actress from the first days of dating conquered the heart of Paul, but for a long time he refused to his attention. In "Instagram", the fans of the Polish actor were discussed with interest to the personal life of the idol, talking about a possible wedding.

Contrary to the aspirations of fans, the novel lasted for a long time - next year the couple ruined the relationship without explaining the reasons. Reporters became only known that the former lovers broke up with friends.

The actor is convinced that relations in which the invisible relationship between a man and a woman disappears should be stopped, even despite the presence of joint children. According to Delong, he had already burned in love several times, but did not lose hope to meet the only one who could melt his heart.

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Now the artist lives in Warsaw, he is a big dog lover. Delong gives preference to the taxam, which, according to celebrities, are distinguished by special prudence. Joint photos with his favorite dog, he placed on a page in the social network "Facebook".

Paul believes his homemade man, he appreciates every minute, which is spent with his native people. If the opportunity appears, the actor goes into the kitchen to please closely with a delicious breakfast or lunch. The Delong himself has long been preferred to healthy food and completely refused refined products and meat. Such a diet does not prevent Pavlu to train hard. His favorite sports for sports remains boxing, kickboxing, football, volleyball, horse riding.

Pavel Delong now

Now the performer expands the horizons for its creative activity. In 2018, Paul began preparations for the filming of the Sabli's Costume project, which debuts as director and producer. The main role in this film of Delong will play himself. According to the artist, a large support for the creation of this project is provided by family and close people.

Also from a personal profile in "Instagram", Delong informs fans about new acting work. In 2018, the shooting of the mini-series "Beauty demands victims" was completed with Paul. The show of the dismanting film "Black Dog" started in March 2019. Now the actor is working on the creation of the Russian melodrama "Legend Ferrari", in which he will play in a pair with Olga Puekodina. With the participation of Pavel Delong, the British project "Enemy Lines" is preparing for the exit.


  • 1993 - "Schindler List"
  • 2001 - "Camo Sights"
  • 2004 - "Wild"
  • 2008 - "In June 41"
  • 2011 - "Marry General"
  • 2012 - "Wife Stirlitz"
  • 2013 - "Angel or Demon"
  • 2014 - "Beach"
  • 2014 - "Black River"
  • 2015 - "Other"
  • 2016 - "Viking"
  • 2016 - "Hotel Latest Hope"
  • 2017 - Salsa
  • 2018 - "Beauty requires victims"
  • 2019 - "Black Dog"

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