Vlad Canopank - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Vlad Canopank - promising Russian actor. Fame to the Contractor brought the series "Signs of Fate" and "Without Trail", and the All-Russian Glory didn't stick the artist after filming in the TV film "Molodechka", where he played one of the main characters. Thanks to this project, the actor managed to turn into a cumier of the younger generation for several years. In the future, cauldock won the love of viewers to participate in numerous melodramas.

Childhood and youth

Vlad Canopank was born in Minsk. The mother of the boy worked for a long time, and at the time of birth, the son taught her specialty in the local trading college. Vladislav's father was a professional builder and engaged in entrepreneurial activities related to the repair of apartments.

Vlad as a child was a restless and energetic boy, so to direct the energy of the Son in the right direction, the parents recorded it to the swimming section. Later, already a teenager, cauldock was engaged in sports pentathlon and triathlon, even hit the specialized school of the Olympic reserve and was a candidate for the youth team. At 15, the young man passed all the necessary standards and received the discharge of a candidate in the master of sports.

Up to the end of the general education school, Vladislav was not interested in neither competing of amateurism, nor students. Nevertheless, during training in the last grade, he began to study with the teacher on vocals and take private actor's lessons. Having received a certificate of maturity, a 17-year-old cannopka goes to Moscow and enters VGIK to the acting faculty, where he is engaged in the workshop of Vladimir Grammatkova.

Before the final exams died from the heart attack Father Vladislav. The young man constantly traveled to Moscow, then in Minsk to support the mother, who hardly moved her husband's loss. After graduating from the university, Vlad Canopank decides to stay in Moscow, it takes the apartment with several former classmates and triggers to consolidate in Russian cinema, in parallel, working on the animator on children's holidays.


The creative biography of canodov in cinema began in 2008. It was a parallel work on the secondary role of Maxim Zavadsky in the melodramatic television series "Employ" and over a small episode in a dramatic film "Life is established."

The next appearance on the screen of a young actor occurred only after 2 years. At first, Vladted in the episodes of the criminal drama "Resident" and the Army Comedy "Stroybataya", and then played the more serious role of Sergey Tyurin in the detective series "Signs of Fate - 2".

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The next year, cauldock participated not only in the continuation of this series "Signs of Fate - 3", but also performed the main role of Fedor in the Moskovsky Decameron's Miscellaneous Film. Also, Vladislav can be seen in one of the episodes of the television militant "says the police" and in the secondary role of Maxim Jban in the criminal drama "Only you".

In 2012, Vlad has even more proposals for work. True, most of them are episodes and roles of the second plan. Cannon starred in the medical sitcom "Sklifosovsky", the detective "without a trace", the criminal series "Without the statute of limitations" and the adventure drama "Last Day of Childhood". There was a key character of a lawyer in the detective series "Crime by inheritance."

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The following year, the 1st season of the sports junior series "All-Russian" who brought Vlad all-Russian popularity was released. He played Hockey Player "Bears" Andrei Kislyak, speaking at number 24. The guy's role helped to receive both recognized acting abilities and external data: Vladislav has a sports physique and growth above the average (184 cm with weight 87 kg), which makes it Similar to professional athlete.

The character turned out to be multifaceted. In addition, the actor needed to show a talented athlete, it was necessary to convey a complex character: the young "major", the son of a rich prosecutor, who believes that all relationships in life and specifically in the team are built exclusively on monetary issues and material benefits.

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In parallel with the shooting in the "youthler" Vlad managed to play a major role in the criminal series "Balabol" and replenish his filmography of Mesallyans, the Ramava Drama, the militant of the chess player syndrome and the military drama about the heroes-Panfilovtsy "Last Front".

In 2016, Canoda worked on the filmmaker's film crew about the student classmates, which went to the screens in the summer of the same year. Vlad played the role of the groom's main character Kati. The girl saw him with his mistress and refused to get married, so the faithful girlfriends volunteered to find a failed bride of a new husband in one night. The film also appeared a colleague on the TV channel for the TV series Alexander Sokolovsky, who played Barmen.

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In the next picture, the actors also appeared together. Cannon and Sokolovsky played secondary roles in the Tresh Comedy "Super Blood". In the same year, Vlad appeared in the melodrama "easier than a paired turnip."

In 2017, a melodrama "Life without faith" was released on the screens, in which the audience saw the current acting duet again. Sokolovsky played the main character - Boxer Vasi, in love with the excellent faith, and cauldock performed in a secondary role. Another work of the artist is to participate in the shooting of the mystical series "The one who is not sleeping." The main characters of the series are a group of private detectives who are taken even for the most hopeless affairs and successfully reveal them.

Personal life

During his studies in Vgik, classmates called Vlad Brad Pitt for an attractive appearance. In his personal life, he had many hobbies, but it was not reached serious romantic relationships. As the actor stated in an interview:

"No wife, no girl. I am a free bird. "

Judging by the statements of the artist, the family and children will soon appear in his life. Nevertheless, Vladislav was often seen in one company with actress Valentina Lukashchuk, well-known viewers by participating in the series "School", which studied with Vlad in one course and which fans have already declared his girlfriend. But the young people themselves argued that their relationship is purely friendly.

According to Valentina, they portrayed romantic feelings at the request of Vlad, which thus wanted to limit communication with fans. Once the secret of the couple was revealed: at a youth party, where the artists came together, cauldock persistently began to show signs of attention to another girl, while Lukshuk did not respond to the behavior of the satellite.

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The TV series "Molodezhka" gave rise to no less rumors about the romantic relationship of the actor. The role of the girl Hero Canopans performed actress Anna Mikhailovskaya. The actors played warm feelings so reliably that the fans started talking about the novel cannon and Mikhailovskaya outside the set. They denied these rumors. Outside the filming of "youths", the personal life of Anna is already established: the girl is married to the actor Timothy Karataev. The spouses have a complete idyll in the family and grows up the general son Miroslav.

In parallel, the fans were attributed to Vladislav Roman with another actress "youths" Maria Ivashchenko. This novel was also refuted by artists representatives. Maria has long been found with the colleague Ivan Koryakovsky and happy in this relationship.

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Vlad is enjoys the creation of songs in the style of Rap, on his account there are already a dozen tracks, one of which is "this stronger attraction" - he recorded in a duet with his partner on the TV series "Molodezhka" Julia Margulis.

The actor discovered the profile in the popular social network "VKontakte" and posts a photo in "Instagram". It leads an account in an informal and free style, along with frames from the filming of new episodes of "youths" there are funny Selfie Vlad with friends, video with the appeals of the actor and even a snapshot of his favorite cheesecake.

Vlad Canopank now

In addition to participating in the 6th season of "youths", in 2018, Vladislav completed work on a melodramatic detective "Women's version. Grandfather Granddaughter, "where he performed a major role. In the film, we were talking about a young detective Tatiana, which investigates the series of mysterious killings. To achieve results, the girl addresses the person's personal archive, who previously worked as an investigator. In the main cast, in addition to cannon, Sophia Ardova appeared, Cyril Zhandarov, Anatoly Kottenov.

On the eve of 2019, the actor pleased fans by the appearance of New Year's Angel in the melodrama, where he reincarnated in the main character. A young man on the eve of the holiday decides to bring a girl, but together they fall into an accident. In addition to Vlad Vendian, Evgeny Nohrina played, Anna Trincher, Julia Yurchenko and others.

Now, in addition to cinema activities, Vlad is building a theater career. He became a member of the musical and dramatic performance "Once in Italy", which was created jointly with the performers of the Art-Project "Tenor of the XXI Century". On the stage, the artist managed to show not only his dramatic talent, but also musical abilities.

Another statement in which Kanodka took part is the comedy of "Biloxy Blues" "Contemporary Antpurzia Theater." In the playful of American guys designed to the army in the midst of the Second World War, the Golden Acting of "Molodiers" - Denis Nikiforov, Ilya Koroko, Evgeny Kulik, Ivan Zhwakin, Ivan Mulin, Igor Cucumbers. In 2019, artists visited a comedy in many major cities of Russia.


  • 2010 - "Signs of Fate 2"
  • 2011 - "Moscow Decameron"
  • 2011 - "Signs of Fate 3"
  • 2012 - "Last Day of Childhood"
  • 2012 - "Inheritance Crime"
  • 2013-2019 - "youth"
  • 2013 - "Balabol"
  • 2015 - "Last Front"
  • 2016 - "Classmates"
  • 2016 - "Super Blood"
  • 2016 - "Simply paired turnips"
  • 2017 - "Life without faith"
  • 2018 - "Women's version. Grandparents
  • 2019 - "New Year's Angel"

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