Anna Yakunina - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Anastasia Stegaylova, Olga Velikanova 2021



Anna Yakunina - Russian actress of theater and cinema. He received All-Russian popularity after the exit on the TV channel "Russia-1" of the series "Sklifosovsky", where she managed to recreate the image of a bright, immediate and sincere heroine. Her character Nina Dubrovskaya was loved by TV viewers who learned themselves in the usual employee registry of themselves or close familiar. At the expense of the actress no less noticeable roles and in other pictures.

Childhood and youth

Anna was born on October 9, 1968 in Moscow. At that time, her parents were students of Gityis. Mom Olga Velikanova studied on the course of the famous Maria Knebel and later became the director of the theater. Konstantin Stanislavsky (Electro Stanislavsky Electric). Father Alexander Yakunin mastered the basics of acting craftsmanship from Mikhail Zavadsky, and after the university played on the scene of the Mossoveta theater.

While the parents of Anna studied, the girl was engaged in her grandmother - the actress of the theater on the Small Bronnaya Elena Dmitriev, who always took his granddaughter with him. As a child, Yakunin-younger even entrusted small roles in the "Marriage of Figaro" and "Pokrovsky Gate".

Aunt Yakunina was a ballerina and performed on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater. The dancer dreamed that the niece would go to her footsteps. Anna entered the Vaganovskoye choreographic school in St. Petersburg, but after 4 years she threw her studies. Returning to Moscow, the girl went to Igor Moiseyev's school studio, and in 1986 - at the directorial faculty of guitis. In 1990, Yakunin graduated from the university and came to the theater.


Gitis's graduate was invited to the famous Satirikon theater, Anna Aleksandrovna devoted 13 years. Yakunina was lucky - the actress worked with the talented directories by Konstantin Raykin, Alexander Gorbourg, Valery Fokin. In Satirikon, she played Lisa to Sirano de Bergerac, Jel in "such free butterflies", a white chicken in "Shankler".

In 2004, the "profitable place" in Satirikon, in which Yakunin played the cuckoo. Mark Zakharov came to see the performance. After that, he invited the artist in Lenk. The actress says that he was afraid to even be shown in this theater: she was sure that they would not take. But fate ordered otherwise - Anna Alexandrovna and today serves in the "Lenkom". She played the Bianca in the formulation of the "Taming of Temperators", the Shooter of the Firstel in the play "Va-Bank", Rechida in "Flying over the cuckoo nest" and other roles.

Anna Alexandrovna successfully implements joint projects with his friend and partner on Sklifosovsky Maxim Averin on the theatrical scene. Now the artists play in the play "There, then," which was the premiere of which took place in 2018. With this production, they toured not only in the cities of Russia, but also in Europe. This job entered the Long List of the International Award "Star Theater". Together, Averin and Yakunin go to the layout in the formulation of the "monologue of a woman", the director of whom Maxim Viktorovich spoke. About joint projects Actors told in the program "Actual Interview".


The beginning of the creative biography of Anna Alexandrovna is accounted for by the first years of the new millennium. In 2003, Yakunin appeared in the episode of the criminal drama "Fireburs" about the work of the metropolitan fire department, and in the year "lit up" in the Ironic detective "Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions. "

With the participation of Yakunina, the 2nd part of the musical comedy Tigran Keosayan "Lily Silver" with Yuri Stoyanov, Alexander Tsecalo, Alena Khmelnitsky, Nonaya Grishava starred. In the comedy Anna Alexandrovna presented the singer, the soloist of the "Star Couple" ensemble.

In 2007, the screens came out with a multi-life film "Personal life of Dr. Selivanova" with Olga Budina, in the lead role, in which Yakunin played a girlfriend of the main character, a gynecologist's doctor Kiro Kochergin.

Anna Yakunina and Tatyana Bulanova are similar

In the same year, the actress appeared in the military comedy Alexey Kiruchienko "Adventures of the soldier Ivan Chonkin" based on the story of Vladimir Wornovich. The main characters played young artists Anatoly Gushchin and Alexander Pale. Anna Alexandrovna reincarnated into the heroine with the ancient Greek name of Aphrodite.

In 2008, work was followed in the detective series "Lawyer 5" with Andrei Sokolov in the role of Alexey Zimin, in the Melodrame "Virtual Alice", in the family film "Two Stories of Love". In 2010, Yakunina got a character of the astrologer in the series "Zemsky Doctor".

The true love of the audience came to Anna Alexandrovna after the series "Sklifosovsky", where Yakunin has been playing the registrar Nina Dubrovskaya since 2012. The artist calls this project with great luck, says she has become Nina, and Nina. In the company of actors, performers of major roles - Maxim Averin, Elena Yakovleva, Vladimir Zherebtsova - the actress feels like in a strong and friendly family.

Anna Alexandrovna seems to be that for 4 years of filming, she really worked in the "Square". And the heroine of Nina's spectators loved because the nature of the registrar reflects the real life. Dubrovskaya also wants to be a princess, but you have to remain a strong woman and resist the circumstances.

At the same time, in the filmography of the actresses, work appeared in large projects. Yakunin starred in the comedy militant militant, the Drama "Time of Daughters", the Criminal detective "Cleells".

In 2013, the artist took part in the filming of the multi-sieves film "Two Father and two Sons", which was broadcast on the air of the CTC channel for 3 years. Showman Dmitry Nagiyev became a partner of Yakunina in the scenic platform. In the same year, the paintings "Troy in Komi" were published with the actress, "kiss the bride", "Queen of Gangs", "a part-time wife", "Double Life".

Anna Yakunina - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Anastasia Stegaylova, Olga Velikanova 2021 20524_2

In 2016, Anna Alexandrovna pleased fans with new works in a detective "Parliament", as well as melodramas "Vasilisa", "Sklifosovsky. Resuscitation "and" Pearls "with Alexander Domogarov in the lead role.

In 2017, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with a detective "late repentance", in which Alexander Vlasov, Evgeny Tokarev, Yulia Galkin, etc., were replenished with the Yakunin colleagues on the shooting platform.

In 2018, the 6th season of the series "Sklifosovsky" was published with the actress, as well as the Melodrama "Girls do not surrender", in which Anna Alexandrovna got the main role.

At the end of 2018, the artist, together with the younger daughter, Maria Svirid played in the mini-series "Zinka Muscovite". The same duet actresses appear on the "Lenkom" stage in the performance "All paid."

A closer looks closer to the fans with the daughters and spouse, the star of the screen decided on the ether of the "Fate of Man". With TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov Yakunin talked about his parents, youthful romantic hobby, difficult relationships with the first husband and about the happy second marriage. The shooting of the transfer was timed to the anniversary of Anna Aleksandrovna.

In February 2019, a show of the 7th season "Sklifosovsky" started. This time the film creators decided to pay more attention to the family life of the chief hero, his first experience of paternity. Nina Dubrovskaya, the character of Yakunina, the second time became a mother.

Also in 2019, the 4th season of the series "Ivanov-Ivanov" and the criminal melodrama "Mom Masha" was published, in which the actress got the main role. In 2020, the audience could see Yakunin in the comedy "Komdiva Bride".

Personal life

In his personal life, Yakunina is fine. She is a happy wife and mother of two adult children. The first daughter Anastasia Stegaylov, the actress gave birth in his youth, being a student. But life with the first husband Sergei Stegaylov did not work out, the marriage broke up. The cause of separation was the reluctance of the spouse to take responsibility for the family.

At the time of the launcher, the artist himself had to solve financial issues. The girl was forced to work as a dancer in the club, which seemed Anna an unacceptable act for a young mother. Yakunina was waiting for a male decision spouse, but the situation did not change.

The second husband of Yakunina is not related to the theater and cinema. Alexey Svirid graduated from the Aviation Institute, a specialty engineer, a person with an excellent sense of humor. Their marriage lasts for many years. In 1996, the spouses were born daughter Marusya.

Maria went in the footsteps of the mother - graduated from the theater Faculty of Gitis, and then learned on the cast in Vgika. Older daughter Anastasia is an artist and designer. Anna Alexandrovna is proud to look like a senior sister daughters. On family photos represented by the actress in open access, the daily view of Yakunina is especially noticeable. The artist at its age is able to hold almost youthful parameters: with growth 171 cm its weight does not exceed 53-55 kg.

An example of love for Yakunina has always been a grandmother, which granddaughter caught Lyalya. With the actress and her friends, she often talked about love, gladly listened to the girls of revelation, sigrating a cigarette and always staying in the good arrangement of the Spirit. Lyal lived to 92 years. The performer wants to be the same grandmother for his future grandchildren.

Anna Alexandrovna's work can be found from her page in "Instagram", as well as from the fan group in VKontakte. Moreover, the actress introduces fans not only with its own creative projects, but also with the achievements of relatives. In 2019, the prime minister of the "Talents and Fans", the director of which was the actress, Olga Velikanova, and the artist on costumes - her daughter Anastasia, took place in the ElectroTereat.

The artist has an official website where you can find both the photo of Yakunin and the most pressing information about the tour, interview in the press, etc.

Anna Yakunina now

In February 2021, a show of the 8th season of the series "Sklifosovsky, which tells about the work of the Talented Surgeon Oleg Bragin and his colleagues to ambulance N. Sklifosovsky. In the star cast Melodrama entered Emmanuel Vitorgan, Maxim Averin, Maria Kulikova, etc. Yakunin, still playing the registrar Nina Dubrovskaya.

The 9th season of Sklifosovsky is now in production. To the team of actors, which was friendly from the previous season, Mary Poroshina joined.

Also in production there is a Drama "Firefly", in which Yakunina got the role of the second plan. The plot tells about the girl Light Vasilkova, who moves to the city from an abandoned radiation village and is trying to find friends.

In 2021, the theatrical repertoire of Yakunina in 2021, the Comedy "Eternal Deceiver", "Mad Day, or the Marriage of Figaro", "Wa-Bank" and the drama "Lion in winter", "there is also".


  • 2003 - "Fireburs"
  • 2004 - "Lily of Silver 2"
  • 2005-2008 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2010 - "Zemsky Doctor"
  • 2010 - "Our Home Store"
  • 2011 - "Night Guest"
  • 2012-N.V. - "Sklifosovsky"
  • 2013-2016 - "Two Father and Two Sons"
  • 2014 - "Cleells"
  • 2014 - "Man-Primaka"
  • 2016 - "Pearls"
  • 2016 - "Parliament"
  • 2018 - "Girls do not surrender"
  • 2018 - "Zink Muscovite"
  • 2019 - "Ivanov-Ivanov"
  • 2019 - "Mom Masha"
  • 2019 - "Komdiva Bride"

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