Ember Herd - biography, personal life, photo, news, johnny depp, movies, reason divorce, conflict 2021



Amber Herd is an American actress, a blonde with a classic Hollywood appearance, which became famous not only with his roles, but also a bold character. This beauty with blue eyes managed to be impossible - to marry Johnny Depp, and then scandalously devoted to him. Tighted for several years, and today is interested in the public no less than a wedding of stars.

Childhood and youth

Amber Herd was born and rose in a large high-tech city of Austin, Texas. Birthday girl fell on the zodiac sign Taurus. Her father Clinton Hurd was a contractor, and the mother Patricia Page is an online explorer. Amber has a younger sister Whitney. Later, the girl admitted that parents always dreamed of her son.

After the elementary school, Herd visited the Catholic Academy of St. Michael, where she became a convinced Catholic. In childhood, during his studies in this institution, she often played in school theatrical productions, starred in commercials and participated in election political campaigns.

The certificate of maturity Amber did not receive. When she was 16 years old, the best girlfriend was died in the car accident. This incident has so much influenced Herd that she refused religion, declared himself atheis and threw school.

Amber went to New York and got a job in one of the model agencies. For life in the big city, Herd used fake documents. But soon the career of the model disappointed it. He followed moving to Los Angeles, where the ambitious beauty began to try himself in various castings and auditions.


Creative biography Amber Herd developed gradually. The young actress began with participation in episodes and with small roles in the television series "Jack and Bobby", "Mountain" and "single hearts".

Also in 2004, she participated in the sports drama "in the rays of glory." Then there were small roles in the horror "Drugs of Vurdalak", the Drama "Northern Country", the comedy "Murderous sexuality" and others.

The first major role expected an actress in the horror film "All guys love Mandy Lane", released in 2006. The picture did not use much popularity, and in European cinemas passed only a year after the release.

After this movie, Herr was filmed as an actress of a second plan in the musical "Rotation", the comedy TV series "Roddlivaya California", tragicomedia "Rum diary" and other Hollywood projects.

Also in the filmography of Amber had a lot of main roles, for example, in the melodrame "Secrets Palm-Springs", the sports drama "Never give up." Together, Nicholas Cage, the artist appeared in the fantasy militant "Crazy Payback".

In 2015, the drama "Girl from Denmark" came out with the participation of Amber Herd, and after 2 years, the actress repertoire was replenished with a comedy "I agree, but for a while."

On November 16, 2017, it appeared as measures in a full-scale comic crossover "League of Justice". The new film combined already known films and serials on comics DC publishers, including plots about Batman, Superman, Wonder-Woman, Flashe and a solo film about aqualem. In the new picture, Herd played a satellite of Aquamena Mere. For the sake of this role, a fair-haired Amber repainted and became red to match the canons of comics.

In the same year, the actress played the main heroine of the Thiller "London Fields". Despite the fact that the film has collected about $ 433 million, the film crims remained unhappy with the project, and Herd even received a nomination for the "Golden Raspberry" premium.

Actress until October 2017 was in Australia for filming in a fantastic comic militant "Aquamen", where he returned to the role of the Queen of the underwater world measures. The main hero of the superhero picture was performed by Jason Momoa.

2020 In a creative career, the actress was marked by the output of the project "confrontation", created based on the novel of the novel Stephen King, where she performed a major role.

In the drama, we were talking about influenza pandemic, which carried out to 99% of the world's population. The survivors begin to gather around a certain black man, the Messenger of the Devil. He is opposed to Mother Abigail, creating a free zone where people wishing to save the world from evil. The main characters, in addition to Herd, were performed by Wüpi Goldberg, Alexander Scarsgard, James Marsden.

Personal life

At the age of 17 in New York, Herd met the American producer Artur Vaibrends, with which she had a connection for several years. This is not the only novel who happened from the artist in his youth. In 2007, on the filming of the film "Murderous Sexuality", she met the actor Crispina Glover, with whom there was a few more than a year.

In 2008, the actress tied a romantic relationship with photographer Tasi Wang Ri. At the Glaad organization, she openly declared her alternative orientation. The girl admitted that she was a bisexual and this is no longer her relationship with a woman, mentioning the Marie de Wilien model as a former beloved.

However, unconventional relations The Ember ceased in 2012, after her life entered the legendary actor Johnny Depp. Future spouses got acquainted on the set of the film "Rum Diary". The star of the screen was focused on the model and actresses, and the Ember initially ignored the courting of Depp, but later answered reciprocity. The actors met for about 3 years, and in February 2015 their wedding took place: the young performer became his wife Johnny Depp. She added the surname of her husband to his own and became Amber Herd Depp.

The family life of Depp and Herd for 15 months looked for fans of a Hollywood fairy tale. Their relationship was dyed only by external scandals, which looked more like romantic episodes in the life of two stars.

For example, in 2015, Herd came to Australia to visit her husband working on the filming of the new "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea". The girl took on the trip two pets - Yorkshire terriers. According to Australian laws, the import of fauna to the country is associated with certain difficulties. Due to the unique nature of the continent, the authorities demand from animals of mandatory quarantine.

The Ember did not declare the presence of dogs and did not hand over terriers in quarantine. This violation would remain unnoticed, but the photos of Yorkkov got into "Instagram" and other social networks. According to the laws of Australia, the actress threatened a million penalty and up to 10 years in prison.

The spouse, of course, stood up for the Ember. Johnny Depp provoked the scandal, during which the Minister of Agriculture Australia "Persered Tomato" called the Minister of Agriculture. As a result of the international hype, Herd escaped imprisonment and was fined. Subsequently, the spouses apologized to Australians.

In 2016, the "fairy tale" ended. In May, the spectacular pair broke up. Amber filed for divorce. The cause of the conflict, she called family violence from her husband. The actress confirmed his own words in court. Medical examination witnessed beatings. Also, the evidence was the records of answering machines and telephone conversations, on which heard that Hurd begs friends and special services to come to the rescue, and in the back background, the cries and threats of the former spouse are heard.

Herd won the court, the divorce took place. In addition, Johnny Deppa was imposed a legal ban to approach the former wife. The star of the screen was hard to survive parting with his wife. It is known that he doubled the tattoo dedicated to the Ember. Initially, the word "Hordea" (Slim) he interrupted to the "nonentity" (SCUM). Then the coarse wording transformed into a more abstract "fraud" (SCAM).

The scandal broke out after the trial. The fans could not accept the fact that the idol was accused of domestic violence. The network began a campaign to protect Depp and Ember Ember Hurd. Fans took the words of the actor's friends on faith.

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The main arguments in favor of Li Amber were the words of Vanessa Paradise, with which the actor again fell asleep that Depp never offended her nor children, as well as the fact that as a result of the divorce Herd received compensation and part of the joint property: $ 6.8 Million of retribution and Range Rover 2015 cars and Ford Mustang 1968.

In reverse fans, they did not convince the court decision, nor the evidence submitted by the Ember, nor testimony from family friends, nor information that Depp's problems with alcohol and drugs, which the media has repeatedly published. This situation was seriously interested in social services, as it revealed the essence of the problem of domestic violence. If even popular actress does not believe in such a situation, the problems of average women with such cases should be even worse.

The Amber promised to donate the money received after divorce for charity - to the funds that help women and children who survived family violence. But the media has no information, did the actress restrained this promise.

Already at the end of 2016, the artist managed to recover from the experience of shock. Herd has become increasingly spending time with the girlfriend Kari Melowin, while glad to the girl with cute little things like a sketch of a new tattoo. Sometimes their colleague - Margot Robbie joined friends at parties. The fans assured that after such a strike from men, the Amber switched again to women.

The media replicated rumors about attitudes, girls photographed together in bohemian clubs or cars, but confirmation of the fact that there were no romantic relationship between them, and they could not get romantic relationships. Stars also did not comment on this information and did not speak with the official confirmation of the novel.

According to the FHM magazine, Herr since 2008 is one of the hundredsmatic women of the planet. This title contributed to the parameters of the actress figure (weight - 54 kg with growth 171 cm and data close to exemplary: 90-61-89), and the fact that the Ember is not embarrassed to appear in the photo for magazines and in frank scenes of kinocartin completely naked .

So, in 2017, a girl appeared in the photo shoot of the GQ magazine, and in a personal profile in "Instagram" the actress periodically places its pictures in a swimsuit. The fans say that the Ember made plastic nose and used Botox injections for the forehead, but she herself does not comment on the rumors about plastic operations. In any case, the appearance of beauty allows it to sometimes appear in public without makeup.

With his passion, the actress calls cooking, and the kitchen is the main place in the house. Amber is not averse to cook a delicious dinner, which friends are necessarily invited. A still girl loves horse riding, and alone possesses reading. For a long time, the Amber did not use social networks, but now on its behalf there are pages in Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

After divorce, the Ember confessed to a mental disorder, which earned over the years of communication with Johnny Depp. For those surrounding his symptoms, but the actress itself claims that its emotional state is unstable and often comes out of control.

In 2017, the actresses spoke again about the personal life of the actress. The Ember appeared in the world with a billionaire Ilona Mask. April 23, celebrities officially confirmed this novel.

Already in the summer of 2017, the novel ended. According to the media, the new relationship destroyed the work. Ilon Mask is constantly engaged in its own high-tech projects, and Herd disappears on the set.

In May 2018, Hurd again gave a reason for woven. The girl was seen with Vito Snabel, the New York Art dealer. At first, the paparazzi was removed by young people in the car, in which toned windows were deliberately omitted. Photo instantly hit the pages of leading American and international tabloids. Then the kissing pair was found in the summer cafeteria.

About the novel of two media personalities spoke after a passionate kiss in the Wimbledon tournament, where young people were present as audience. But these relationships ended with parting.

At the beginning of 2020, the actress was seen in the company Bianchi Bethi, which is older Amber for 5 years. According to journalists, they had a novel. Girlfriends and subsequently regularly went into the world and together satisfied shopping.

The appearance of a daughter's actress in fate of the daughter's Actress marked the new status of a single mother. The public, Amber reported on a pleasant news only in July 2021, while the girl was born a few months earlier.

Information caused a large excitement among the fans of Hurd, because no one saw her pregnant. The unparthadiction was simple - for the birth of daughter, Amber used the services of a surrogate mother. In an interview with the actress admitted that he was thinking about this step since the divorce with Johnny Depp. She wanted to "do it on his own conditions."


Despite the fact that since the divorce with Johnny Depp has passed several years, the actor continued litigation on charges of domestic violence. The artist appealed to the London court with a claim against the edition of The Sun, on the pages of which in 2018 there was information about its tyranny against Herd.

During the trial, which took place in 2020, the new details of the conflict of ex-spouses emerged. In particular, Depp presented evidence to change his wife with a billionaire Ilona Mask and James Franco. The lawyers of Johnny claimed that relations with the new chosenses of the Ember began to build still be married to their support.

There are also other details of the relationship between former in love with the press. For example, the fact that Amber, throwing a bottle in her husband during the next scandal, cut off the tip of the finger Johnny. And once the artist and allowed himself to stain the bed of Johnny's own fear. All these facts presented to the court former spouse actresses. The Ember also did not remain aside, announcing that her husband was beating dogs under the influence of alcohol.

Nevertheless, the court did not satisfy the star of Hollywood: it was found that the artist really beat his wife. Officially recorded 12 such cases. Deppa obliged to pay the publisher of The Sun almost 630 thousand pounds of sterling, and Disney's film company changed his mind to extend a contract with him to shoot in the "Pirates of the Caribbean". The actor lawyers filed an appeal.

Against the background of the lost court in London, the artist fans initiated the collection of signatures against the participation of the Ember in the filming of the filter "Aquamen 2". The public demanded to replace the former wife of Johnny Depp on Emily Clark. Petition against Herd scored more than 1.7 million signatures. Nevertheless, the actress confirmed in an interview that it was not going to leave the project.

In the US, Depp initiated a judicial proceedings against Herd after publishing an interview with the actress at The Washington Post, where she shared the experience of the victim of domestic violence.

The trial has begun in January and is held in Virginia. The process may be even loud, as a number of other celebrities are drawn into it. Deppa obliged to inform the details of the ties with the former chosenses, among which Angelina Jolie, Keira Nightley and Marion Cotyar. He himself insists on the presence of Ilona Mask.

Amber Herd now

Despite all the efforts of Depp's fans, the Akvamen-2 project was preserved for the Ember. In addition, contrary to rumors, the status of her heroine remained key in the narration.

The actress appeared on large screens in the form of measures in the fantastic militant "League of Justice Zack Snidder", which became the director's version of the film 2017 "League of Justice".


  • 2006 - "All guys love Mandy Lane"
  • 2007 - "Secrets Palm Springs"
  • 2007 - "District"
  • 2008 - "Never give up"
  • 2009 - "Family Jones"
  • 2009 - "Welcome to Zombiend"
  • 2010 - "And the darkness will come"
  • 2011 - "Rum Diary"
  • 2011 - "Crazy Riding"
  • 2013 - "Machete kills"
  • 2013 - "Paranoia"
  • 2014 - "Three days for killing"
  • 2015 - "When I live my life again"
  • 2015 - "Girl from Denmark"
  • 2017 - "League of Justice"
  • 2018 - "Aquamen"
  • 2018 - "its smell"
  • 2018 - "London Fields"
  • 2020-2021 - "confrontation"
  • 2021 - "League of Justice Zack Snider"

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