Gregory Rasputin - biography, fate, royal family, conspiracy, murder, predictions, prophecy, personal life, children, photos and latest news



Gregory Rasputin is a famous and ambiguous personality in domestic history, disputes about which is already a century. His life is filled with a mass of inexplicable events and facts associated with an approach to the family of Emperor Nicholas II and the influence of the fate of the Russian Empire. Some historians consider him an immoral charlatan and a fraudster, while others are confident that Rasputin was a real providen and healer, which allowed him to gain influence on the royal family.

Childhood and youth

Rasputin Grigory Efimovich was born on January 21, 1869 in the family of a simple peasant Efim Yakovlevich and Anna Vasilyevna, who lived in the village of Pokrovskoye Tobolsk province. The day after the birth of the boy was baptized in the church named Gregory, which means "awake."

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Grisha became the fourth and only surviving child with his parents - his older brothers and sisters died back in infancy because of weak health. At the same time, he also had a weak since birth, so he could not have been playing with peers, which was the cause of his closets and thrust to solitude. It was in early childhood Rasputin felt attaching to God and religion.

At the same time, he tried to help the father of the mouth of cattle, go to the wagon, remove the harvest and participate in any agricultural work. Schools in the Pokrovsky village did not have, therefore Gregory is illiterate, like all fellow villagers, but stand out among others with his soreness, for which he was considered flawed.

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At the age of 14, Rasputin seriously fell ill and was almost at death, but suddenly his condition began to improve that, according to him, it happened thanks to the mother of God, healing him. From the moment Gregory began to deeply know the Gospel and, without knowing how to read, was able to memorize the texts of the prayer by heart. At that time, the peasant son woke up the gift of the dismantity, which disadvantaged him later dramatic fate.

At the age of 18, Grigory Rasputin made the first pilgrimage to the Verkhtursky monastery, but decided not to take the monastic vow, but to continue the wandering on the holy places of the world, reaching the Greek Mount Athos and Jerusalem. Then he managed to establish contacts with many monks, wanderers and representatives of the clergy, which in the future historians were associated with the political meaning of its activities.

Tsarist family

Gregory Rasputin's biography has changed its direction in 1903, when he arrived in St. Petersburg, and palace doors opened before him. At the very beginning of its arrival in the capital of the Russian Empire, the "Experienced Wanderer" did not even have any means of existence, therefore he turned to the rector of the Spiritual Academy to the Bishop of Sergia for help. He introduced him to the confessor of the royal family by Archbishop Fauofan, already heard by the time the prophetic gift of Rasputin, the legends of which went throughout the country.Embed from getty images

With the emperor, Nikolai II Grigory Efimovich met the time for Russia. Then the country covered political strikes, revolutionary movements aimed at the overthrow of the royal power. It was at that time that a simple Siberian peasant managed to produce a powerful impression on the king, which caused the desire to talk to Nicholas to the second clock with a wanderer-pridden.

Thus, the "old man" has acquired a tremendous impact on the imperial family, especially for Alexander Fedorovna. Historians are confident that rapprochement of Rasputin with the imperial family has happened due to the help of Gregory in the treatment of the son of Alexandra Fedorovna and the heir to the throne of Alexey, a patient with hemophilia, in those days, traditional medicine was impossible.

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There is a version that Grigory Rasputin was for the king not only a healer, but also the main adviser, since he had a gift of bellish. "God's Man", as the peasant in the royal family called, knew how to look into the soul of people, to disclose the emperor Nicholas all the thoughts of the nearest tsaries approximate, which received high posts at the courtyard only after agreeing with Rasputin.

In addition, Gregory Efimovich participated in all state affairs, trying to protect Russia from the World War, which, according to his conviction, would bring innumerable suffering, universal discontent and revolution. It was not part of the plans of the World War, which arranged a conspiracy against Providen, aimed at eliminating Rasputin.

Conspiracy and murder

Before making the murder of Grigory Rasputin, the opponents tried to destroy him spiritually. He was accused of whipping, witchcraft, drunkenness, depraved behavior. But Nicholas II did not want to take into account any arguments, since Holy believed the elder and continued all state secrets to discuss with him.

Wax figures Felix Yusupova and Grigory Rasputin

Therefore, in 1914, the "Anti-Rosputinsky" plot arose, the initiators of which were the prince of Felix Yusupov, the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich Jr., who later became the commander-in-chief of all military forces of the Russian Empire during the First World War, and Vladimir Purishkevich, who was a real statistical adviser at that time.

From the first time to kill Grigory Rasputin failed - he was seriously injured in the village of Pokrovsky Honia Guseva. At that time, until he was on the verge between life and death, Nikolai II decided to participate in the war and announced mobilization. At the same time, he continued to consult with the recoverable prize about the correctness of his hostilities, which was not again in the plans of the royal ill-wishers.

Therefore, it was decided to bring a plot against Rasputin to the end. December 29 (according to the new style) of 1916, the elder was invited to the Palace of Prince Yusupov to meet with the famous beauty, the pronuncia wife of Irina, who needed Savory Gregory Efimovich. There he began to treat him with poisoned poisoned food and drinks, but the cyanide of potassium did not kill Rasputin, which made the conspirators shoot him.

The place of the alleged burial of the remains of Grigory Rasputin in the Piskarevsky Park

After a few shots in the back, the elder continued to fight for life and could even run out to the street, trying to hide from the murderers. After a short chase, accompanied by shooting, the healer fell to Earth and was susceptible to cruel beating with the pursuers. Then the exhausted and scored elder were tied up and threw out from the Petrovsky bridge to the Neva. According to historians, being in ice water, Rasputin died only in a few hours.

Nicholas II instructed the investigation into the murder of Grigory Rasputin Director of the Police Department Alexei Vasilyev, who came out on the "Trail" of the Killers of the Sign. 2.5 months after the death of the elder, the emperor Nikolai was overthrown from the throne, and the head of the new temporary government ordered hastily to stop the investigation into the Rasputin case.

Personal life

Personal life Grigory Rasputin is also mysterious, like his fate. It is known that in 1900 during the pilgrimage in the holy places of the world, he married the same as he is the peasant pilgrimster of Praskovye Dubrovina, who became his only companion of life. Three children were born in the family of Rasputin - Matrena, Varvara and Dmitry.

Gregory Rasputin with children

After the murder of Grigory Rasputin, the wife and children of the elder were repressions from the Soviet power. They were considered "malicious elements" in the country, therefore in the 1930s, all the peasant farms and the son of Son Rasputin were nationalized, and the relatives of the sign were arrested by the NKVD bodies and were sent to special settlements to the north, after which their trace was completely lost. Only daughter Matrees Rasputina, who, after the revolution, emigrated to France, was able to escape from the hands of Soviet authorities. And after the revolution he moved to the United States.

Predictions Grigory Rasputin

Despite the fact that the Soviet government considered the elder with charlatan, the predictions of Gregory Rasputin, left by him at 11 pages, after his death carefully hid from the public. In his "will", Nicholas second providers pointed to the commission of several revolutionary coups and warned the king about the murder of the entire imperial family on the "order" of the new authorities.

Rasputin also predicted the creation of the USSR and its inevitable decay. The old man predicted that Russia will win Germany in World War II and will be a great power. At the same time, he foresaw terrorism at the beginning of the XXI century, which will begin to flourish in the West.

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In his predictions, Grigory Efimovich did not bypass and the problem of Islam, clearly indicating that Islamic fundamentalism is formed in a number of countries, which in the modern world is called Wahhabism. Rasputin argued that at the end of the first decade of the 21st century, power in the East, namely in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, will be seized by Islamic fundamentalists who will be announced by the United States "Jihad".

After that, according to Rasputin predictions, a serious military conflict will arise, which will last 7 years and will become the last in the history of mankind. True, the Rasputin predetis during this conflict is one big battle, during which at both parties will die at least than a million people.

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