Igor Sosin - biography, personal life, news, conflict with Gufom, the cause of death, died, photo



Igor Sosin is a Russian billionaire, whose name often thundered in the media space worldwide due to the acquisition of luxury goods, such as a unique collection of dresses for spouses Inna sucking cost € 3.5 million and manuscript of Tiffany Breakfast Breakfast for $ 306 thousand

Igor Sosina

The founder and ex-owner of the largest network of goods for the house "Old Man Hottabych" was engaged in a mass of successful business projects and managed a modis retailer. In addition, the oligarch headed the consulting company New Idea Investment Consulting and performed co-owner brand of non-alcoholic beverages Zeo.

Childhood and youth

Igor Sosin was born in Moscow on January 30, 1967. About the school years a billionaire does not know anything, as well as his parents and their kind of classes. An analytical mindset of the future entrepreneur found in his youth. The transitional period in the history of the state opened new opportunities before a talented young man.


The billionaire focused his state thanks to a pronounced entrepreneurial resident. She allowed him to be included in new projects in time and easily part with those to which he lost interest.

Entrepreneurial career Igor Sosina began in 1993, after the collapse of the USSR. Then he performed the financade and investor in the spheres of retail, commercial real estate and production. After 10 years, the businessman founded the New Idea Investment Group investment company, which launched a variety of successful enterprises in Russia.

Business Igor Sosina got large-scale sizes. He owned the largest MODIS supermarket supermarkets in Russia, 139 stores of which they work in 70 cities of the Russian Federation. In 2006, the founder and ex-owner of the Old Man Hottabych network bought a network of specialized pet stores Cats & Dogs in Moscow, and also created an investment group "New Idea".

Businessman Igor Sosina

After that, the billionaire acquired a stake in the German company OBI and developed a network of construction hypermarkets in Russia. One of the successful projects of Sosina was the acquisition of a Zeo soft drink brand, which the businessman intended to replace champagne, wine and all sorts of alcoholic cocktails for the wide mass of consumers not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Igor Sosin also owned several tourist objects, engaged in investing many promising projects and, among other things, was a member of charitable auctions.

It is known that the billionaire almost constantly lived abroad, but came to Russia. Becoming a successful businessman, Igor Vladimirovich did not hide that he loved a high level of comfort of life. Having leaving the limits of Russia, he annually rented an elite estate with a spacious mansion in Southampton, the area of ​​which is 4 hectares.

In November 2018, the name of the billionaire again fell on the pages of tabloid, this time due to the conflict with Guf. A popular rap performer was invited to the concert for the celebration of the birthday of the birthday of Sosina, Vyacheslav, a popular rap performer was invited to the club "Bunker". After the speech, the billionaire guard came to him and held a musician to the basement of the building. There they beat the singer without explaining the reasons. Later it became known that the teenager considered the speech of Guf too short and complained to a step.

Rapper immediately appealed to the police and removed the beatings: the musician recorded the rib fracture and concussion. In "Instagram" Gufa, a photo of his offender appeared, they were the head of the entrepreneur security service.

In early 2019, Igor Sosin began negotiations with Famous Amazing Brands (Fab), producing drinks Vanilla Flight, Anarchy, Boobsberry, regarding the purchase of a part of the company's shares.

The chain of the shop-cafe "There is Take", in which Igor Vladimirovich has invested a lot of funds in 2018. The project did not meet the expectations of the entrepreneur, so in March 2019, together with co-founders, the billionaire decided to close all brand outlets.

Personal life

Personal life Igor Sosina was hidden from the eyes of the averages. It is known that from the first relationship of the entrepreneur is the eldest son Anton, who participated in the Father's affairs. The next wife Igor became Anastasia Sosina, who gave birth to a billionaire of two children - Egor and Taisia, who, after divorcing parents, stayed with her mother. The son has been educated in London at Hult International Business School at the Business Administration faculty. Later, a young man went to study in the United States.

With peers, Egor communicated through a public "Typical billionaire", on the pages of which stated that he managed to create his own business project, which brought him $ 55 thousand. The guy was fond of electronic music and even tried himself as a DJ.

Anastasia itself owned the skills of several professions - she studied medicine, received diplomas of a business coach and interior designer. Also, a woman was engaged in charity, helping children with heart disease.

After breaking the relationship with the family, the oligarch married again. The wedding of Sosina with his new chief inna took place in Monaco in 2013. The celebration was organized with a scope in the prestigious Le Monte Carlo Sporting Club. In the new family, Igor was raised by the Son of Spouse - Steyok Vyacheslav.

Businessman Igor Sosin was known to the public as a secular party, who did not regret money on the organization of chic parties. Also, his hobby could be attributed to the yacht, and his free time he loved to devote a game of tennis and skiing.

On December 10, 2015, a terrible tragedy occurred in the former family of Igor Sosina - his 19-year-old son Egor strangled his mother, an ex-wife of a billionaire, a cord from the charger. As it turned out, 44-year-old Anastasia was lucky in Kazan to participate in the German psychotherapist seminar in order to deliver the child from narcotic drug addiction. On the eve of the beginning of the psychotherapeutic events, being in an inadequate state, Egor Sosin killed his mother.

Igor Sosina

The son of the billionaire assured that he does not remember the events that occurred in their mom's room. A young man, referring to hallucinations, could not explain to law enforcement officers, why and why beat his parents, and then strangled her. Egor Sosin was arrested for 2 months, during which a number of examinations were held.

Later, Egor remembered that the mother warned his mother about the very desire to deal with her. The young man embarrassed the passion of Anastasia esoteric practitioners, because of which he considered it strange. According to Egor, Mom did not react to his threats, which finally dispelled him. Gave testimony and Igor Sosin. According to him, the ex-wife noticed his son's persecution from his son, which served as a reason for the trip. The court ruled to send a young man for compulsory treatment.


December 23, 2020 it became known that Igor Sosin died. According to the relatives of the entrepreneur, in the morning they could not wake him up. Arrived doctors stated death. The probable cause is called a heart attack. Everything happened on Zanzibar, where Sosin rested with relatives and friends. It is also known that in the spring of the same year, a businessman feared Coronavirus.

Igor Sosina

Russian entrepreneurs Alexander Sorkin and Mikhail Friedman helped Sosine relatives with body transport to Russia, as well as a farewell organization with Igor Vladimirovich.

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