Julianna Haf - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Julianna Haf - american actress, singer and dancer. He gained wide fame due to the participation in the TV project "Dancing with the Stars", in which he became the winner twice. Its dance performances are noted by a special premium "for outstanding choreography" at the AMMI awards ceremony in 2015. Later, HAF will say that her biography is similar to a competently compiled business plan:"By 18 years I wanted to become a professional dancer - and the project" Dancing with the Stars "happened. In 19, I had to stuff - and then my first album came out. And to 22 I dreamed of being a famous actress - it turned out. "

Childhood and youth

Julianne was born in a small town of Ore, which is a suburb of the capital of Utah. Father Bruce Haf was chairman of the "Republican Party" of the state. Mama Marianna was engaged in the economy and the upbringing of children, whom she had five. Julianna is the youngest.

The elder brother of Derek also became a professional dancer and performed on the show "Dancing with the Stars". Another girl had three sisters - Schari, Maribeth and Catherine. The family belonged to the confessions of the "Saints of the last days" and observed the traditions and rituals of Mormon.

Since both grandmothers and both grandfathers of Giulianna were ballroom dancers, all the children of the family were necessarily held through a dance school. Little jul began to study in the studio of the performing arts in his native town and soon came to competitions in the Latin American program.

When the girl was 10 years old, her parents divorced. Julianne and Derek left in London to continue learning to dance from famous teachers of the crusts and Shirley Ballas. In England, brother and sister became friends with the son of their teachers Mark and created their own music trio "2B1G", which deciphers as "2 boys and 1 girl."

The team acted on several television competitions and in inter dams at the dancing championships. In England, Haf attended the Academy of Theatrical Art, where he first got in touch with the actress profession.

When the girl was 15 years old, she became the most young in the history of the winner of the International Championship in Blackpool in two categories in two categories - among juniors and among young people.

After that, Julianna's success suddenly felt emptied. She squeezed around the house, so I threw a professional dancer career and moved to Las Vegas, where the mother lived. There, Haf year studied in high school, after which he left for his father and ended the education there.


For the first time on Television, Julianna Hough appeared in 2006 in the entertainment show "Show me money." And next year she was invited to the 4th season of the popular TV project "Dancing with the Stars". Julianna's partner was the Olympic champion on speed skating apolo Anton Oo. According to the results of the program, the couple ranked 1st place.

This success of Julianna repeated the next season when Elio Castronews danced with the Brazilian race car driver. The girl participated in the 5 seasons of the project "Dancing with the Stars". In 2009, her partner had an American comedian Adam Caroll, a minute later a musician and actor Cody Linley. After that, HAF planned to leave the project, but did not refuse the 8th season, where he performed with Country singer Chuck Wick.

It was the last performance of the artist as a contestant. Later, she was returned as a guest star and performed on Gala concerts, including together with Brother Haf danced Jive under the legendary composition "Great Balls of Fire". Since September 2014, Julianna has become an extra 4th judge on the show.


Julianna planned to focus on a musical career back in 2007, when the single "Will You Dance with Me" has released as a gesture of charity. All means from the sale of a disc, which was No. 100 in the famous Charter Billboard, went to the Red Cross Foundation. But then the dance career did not give a sufficient amount of time to give music.

A year later, the novice singer concludes a contract with the representation of the Music company Universal Music Group in Nashville and on this label released the debut album "Julianne Hough".

The plate that was recorded in the style of Country reached the 3rd position in American charts. The best song of the Album "That Song In My Head" fell into the hot twenty charts at the end of the year, and also included in the album-compilation "Now That's What I Call Country", in which the most vibrant country hits of the last decade were collected.

At the end of 2008, as accepted by American musicians, Julianna Hough released a plate of Christmas hymns "Sounds of the Season: The Julianne Hough Holiday Collection." This work was also warmly accepted by listeners. She had high sales in the first week, and at the end of the year it took the 24th place in the Billboard Charter.

Separately, the single "My Hallelujah Song" presented from this album, who recorded the quartet along with Brother Derek Hafom, a friend of childhood by Mark Ballas, as well as the Lacey Shvimmer dancer.

The song "Is That So Wrong", which was published in 2010 and is still the last musical work of Julianna, was to become a promotion in the following album "Wildfire".

The release of the new disk was planned at the end of 2010, then was postponed and still did not go out, although all the songs were already recorded and reduced. The lyrical composition "IS THAT SO WRONG", according to the singer itself, she wrote under the influence of a breaking relationship with the boyfriend Chuck Wick.


In cinema, Julianna Haf tried himself at the age of 13, when she lived in London. The girl lit in the shooting of the 1st part of the famous Fantasy "Harry Potter and a philosopher's stone." In the credits, it appears as a "student of Hogwarts".

Julianna Haf (Frame from the film "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone")

The second point in the filmography was the bright musical "Burlesque" with Christina Aguilla and Cher starring, which came out on the screens in 2010. The actress not only played the singer of the Neuroplesk-club Georgia, but also sang in the film. True, the soundtrack did not enter the soundtrack.

Another project-musical is the screening of the Broadway production "Rock for the Century". The partners in the picture were Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and the film turned out to be easy, in good naive and romantic. In the album-soundtrack, Julianna Haf performed 12 songs from 20.

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The picture is "free" - also on the topic of music. Actress in Dennis Caida, Miles Teller and Andy McDowel recreated events that happened in Elmor City, Oklahoma. In this city, before the beginning of the 80s, public dances were under the strictest ban.

The local church and residents were categorically against religious reasons, considering such entertainment immoral. The situation was reheated by graduates of school, who organized a holiday that was remembered for life. Even now, in Elmore, the anniversary of the removal of the ban on dancing is celebrated, parades, contests, try to coincide with this day of meeting classmates.

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However, the actress was shot not only in musical films. On her account of the melodrama "Quiet Harbor" on the novel of Nicholas Sparks. Here the HAF embodied the image of a woman's husband suffering from the cruelty named Katie Feldman, who runs out of the house and tries to start life again under another person. The main idea of ​​the film was to postulate:

"Your past is not so important as your efforts for the Former."

In the comedy drama "Lamb of God" from Julianna, the main role is a woman who lost faith in the Most High. The heroine decides no longer to restrain his desires and goes to Las Vegas, who considers the place of depravity, big money and complete freedom. On the way, the inner metamorphosis occurs with it, the realization of the malfunction of some actions is returned, faith returns.

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Character HAF in the horror movie "Curve Line" - Young Bride, who has become a captive maniac along the way to his own wedding. The girl almost loses his legs, saves his own life and the life of a little girl, trying to kill and pursuer. But the finals of the tape is such that the viewer is not fully sure if she managed to do it. Julianna's screen sister played Australian actress Penelope Mitchell, the star of the series "Vampire Diaries".

The comedy "Grandfather of Easy Behavior" brought the actress nomination for "Golden Malina" for the role of the second plan. From crushing criticism of the fool of a bachelor's lifestyle did not save the participation of Dermot Mallunion, Robert De Niro and Zak Efron.

Personal life

In the summer of 2008, Julianna spun a novel with Country singer Chuck Wicks, for the sake of which remained for another season in the Dance Dance project. Relations continued a little over a year. Later, Hug has met with TV presenter Ryan Sikrest for 3 years, but in March 2013, the couple broke up.
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Happiness in the personal life of Julianna found in 2014, when common friends introduced the star Hockey Brooks Lykom. The last part of the chosen was NHL "Los Angeles Kings". In the summer of 2015, the couple announced the engagement - posted the same photos in the "Instagram" with the corresponding comment.

The celebration was celebrated in the summer of 2017 for 3 days - first at the hotel, then on the shore of the lake in Idaho. Among the guests attended the actress Nina Dobrev, a close friend Haf. The brother of Derek was expected to spacher, and the rings were brought by the pets of Julianna - Harley and Lexi dogs.

Actress and dancer - owner of a slim figure: weight - 53 kg, height - 160 cm. Before the wedding, the girl decided not to bother about the appearance and, as is customary from the bride, to lose some time:

"It's not wanting to look different on this day."

Julianna Haf now

In 2018, the sports baiopic "More" was released on the screens, dedicated to the creators of the Fitness Industry Benu and Joe Widers. According to their advice, Arnold Schwarzenegger moved to America and began climbing the sports Olympus. Haf appeared in the film in the image of the spouse Joe. Tyler Hacklin played by Tyler, familiar to the audience on the comic series "Superherl" and the erotic drama "Fifty shades of freedom."

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Paparazzi distributed snapshots from the set, where Julianne flashed in a swimsuit and flirted with a screen husband. In the photo, the girl is very similar to Marilyn Monroe, the same platinum blonde with curls, although before that haf wore bob haircut.

The fact that she was invited to become a member of the jury of the America's Got Talent !, Actress reported on the pages in Facebook and Twitter:

"This is an outstanding show, and I am happy to become a member of the NBC team. I am sure that the new season will amaze your imagination. "

The winner of the project receives $ 1 million and the opportunity to perform in the Las Vegas Strip show as a lead.

Netflix service in 2019 introduced the series "Deep feelings", where Julianna received a major role in one of the 8th series. The picture is based on the songs of "Queen Country" Dolly Parton, while the world's only performer in this genre, whose hits invariably fall on the tops of the charts, starting from the 60s.

HAF owns the production company CANARY HOUSE, however, it cannot boast of a large number of projects. One of them is One Hit Wendy ribbon about the former pop star that wants her success to repeat the niece. As the shooting is promoted, it is unknown.


  • 2010 - "Burlesque"
  • 2011 - "Free"
  • 2012 - "Rock for century"
  • 2013 - "Quiet Harbor"
  • 2013 - "Lamb of God"
  • 2014 - "Curve Line"
  • 2015 - "Grandpa Light Behavior"
  • 2018 - "More"
  • 2019 - "Deep feelings"

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