Linda Tripp - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, Sarah Paulson, Monica Levinsky, series



"Exporrow" - such a nicknamed was the employee of the White House of Linda Tripp in the late 90s of the XX century. It was she who recorded the conversations of the President of the United States and his mistresses who practically led to the impeachment Bill Clinton. Thanks to Linda, the whole world found out about the personal life of her girlfriend Monica Levinsky, and the life of the persons dramatically changed in the scandal.

Childhood and youth

American soldier Albert Carothenuto, part of which was stationed in Germany, fell in love with the German chummy. He took her home with him to his homeland - to the city of Jersey City. There, on November 24, 1949, their daughter Linda appeared on the world. Albert worked as a teacher of mathematics, so there was no special wealth in the family, and the childhood of the girl was the same as many other children.

When it was time, Linda Carotenuto went to learn to the local Hannover Park School. In 1968, the girl became the graduate and in the same year he learned about the divorce of the parents. Her father twisted the novel with the teacher's colleague, which led to parting with Inge.

Immediately after graduating from school, Linda got into army intelligence in the Fort Mid of Maryland to the post of secretary. From this point on, the path of the tripp on the career ladder begins, which will bring it to the White House.

Career and Scandal Clinton - Levinsky

In his youth, Linda was a targeted woman and sought his goals. Changes a few posts, she fell into the administration of George Bush - senior. Tripp has established itself as a conscientious employee, therefore, when the government changed, she "inherited" passed to another president - Bill Clinton.

A year later, in 1994, Linda was transferred to the Pentagon. For her, such a turn of events was extremely profitable: now the careerist was dealing with state issues, and its annual income grew up.

It was in the Pentagon that the fateful friendship was raised between Linda and Monica Levinsky. Despite the substantial difference aged - 24 years old, women quickly found a common language. Young and naive monica shared with an older girlfriend absolutely everyone, including intimate relations with the US president.

In 1997, Linda began to secretly record the conversations of Bill Clinton and his mistress. In addition, the "exposure" collected other materials relating to this topic. A year later, in 1998, the Scandal "Whitewater" broke out, during which Cet Clinton was accused of obtaining an illegal tax discount. Taking advantage of the situation, Tripp passed the recording of conversations to the independent prosecutor Kenneth Star, who led this business.

The information received from the linda produced the effect of a broken bomb. She herself explained the actions of the "patriotic duty" and "concern about a friend." In 2001, the new US President George Bush - the younger refused to work with Tripp. She was fired on the last day of the Clinton administration and considered it revenge.

Later, the Pentagon employee issued the media information from Linda's personal business. She immediately began to sue the US Department of Defense and won. As a result, she managed to sue the military department of $ 500 thousand.

Personal life

While working in army intelligence, a woman met her first husband. In 1971, Linda Carotenuto and the Military officer Bruce Tripp got married. Two children were born in this marriage: the boy Ryan and the girl Alison. Having lived together for almost 20 years, the spouses decided to go every way and divorced.

Linda Tripp and her husband Dieter Rauch

Life's personal life has changed when she reunited with a friend of childhood. The second husband Tripp became the German architect Dieter Rauch. Lovers opened a store of goods for Christmas, and in 2004 after several years of relations Linda and Dieter got married. When a woman found an oncological disease, it was the spouse that became a strong support for her.


In 2001, Linda heard a terrible diagnosis of breast cancer. Two years later, she told about severe struggle with this disease. Linda Tripp was afraid of not death, and the fact that children will remain without a mother.

Unfortunately, the progressive disease did not leave the linda alone - in 2020 it became known that the ailment returned. It turned out a few days before her death. On April 8, 2020, on the 71st year of life, Linda Tripp left life. The cause of death was the pancreas cancer.

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