Natalie Dormer - biography, personal life, news, photos, films, "Game of Thrones", filmography, roles, gave birth to 2021



A talented man talented in everything is about Natalie Dormer, who manages to combine acting with poker and fencing. The actress received world popularity due to roles in the sensational projects. And the fans are confident: their idol, despite the rich filmography, there will be many reasons to shine on the red carpet and receive prestigious premiums in cinema.

Childhood and youth

Future actress was born on February 11, 1982 in Reading, United Kingdom. Her mother led a household and brought up children: Natalie has two older brothers. Financial support of the family was engaged in stepfather, working on construction projects. The actress's biological father does not remember any conversations about him.

Dormer from birth pinching the facial nerve, because of which a partial paralysis of the face appeared, but this disease did not prevent her from becoming an actress. Rather, on the contrary, this ailment gave the girl a remarkable asymmetric smile capturing fans.

At the age of 6, Natalie went to school Reading Blue Coat. The behavior and performance of the girls were at the height, which was pleased with her teachers. After lessons, a purposeful student was engaged in the school of dances.

Odnoklassniki did not like Dermer, perhaps envied, because she not only danced, but she also sang perfectly, she was engaged in fencing. But the mother was proud of her daughter and supported it in all. The family believed that Natalie would give hope for an academic future of the family.

After school, Dermer went to act in Cambridge, but she did not have enough multiple points. Then the 18-year-old Natalie filed documents to the Academy of Dramatic Arts in London and very quickly became one of the best female students. Now the actress says that she always inspired the Australian Star Kate Blanchett.


The creative biography of the actress began already in the conscious age. Natalie received the first role in 23 years. It was the historic drama "Kazanova", in which the debutantka had to play with the stars of the British cinema of a strong Miller and Jeremy Irons.

Natalie Dormer - biography, personal life, news, photos, films,

Dormer was not confused - Victoria in its performance turned out to be a lively and interesting, seeing saint innocence with a cunning and purely female cunning. After this role, the actress was noticed by directors. Disney Touchstone film company suggested a contract for participation in 3 films, but it failed to implement it on objective reasons.

Some time Natalie Dormer was not shot, then played a small role in the TV series "Far Beach". According to the actress, the actress was invited to embody Anna Bolein on the screen, the second spouse of the King of England Henry VIII, in the TV series "Tudora." The audience admired the grace of the girl and her talented game.

Perhaps, in this work, Natalie helped the genes: in her family there was Jane Dermer, the court lady of Queen Maria Tordor. Yes, and the dormer itself loves historical cinema, revises him several times. Her favorite film is the Queen Margo. For the role of Anna Bolein Star twice nominated for the Gemini Awards Award.

After the success of the painting "Tudor" Natalie Dormer began to invite Hollywood directors. She played in Tommy Lee Jones and Chris Evans in the superhero militant "First Avenger". In melodrama "We. We believe in love, "about the famous novel of the King Edward VIII and American Wallis Simpson girl got the royal image of Elizabeth Bowl Lyon - Mother of the future monarch Elizabeth II.

Natalie Dormer - biography, personal life, news, photos, films,

When the series "Game of Thrones" appeared on the screens, one of the largest projects on modern American television and the most expensive fantasy genre, Natalie Dormer did not suspect that her starry hour had come. She performed the role of Margery Tirell and immediately became popular.

The film takes place in the fictional world, on the device and form resembling a medieval Europe of the feudal wars. The project received numerous positive feedback, although critics and noted an excessive abundance on the screen of violence, abnormative vocabulary, detailed scene scenes, as well as nude nature.

The traction of the creators to eroticism did not pass and Natalie Dormer: the heroine of the actress appeared in a bedside stage absolutely naked. The participation of the girl in the series ends in the 6th season in 2016, with the death of Margery and with the destruction of the House of Tirellov. The Serial also played actor Richard Dormer, which caused rumors about relatives on the set. But as reporters, Richard and Natalie found out - only the same names.

Natalie Dormer - biography, personal life, news, photos, films,

In 2013, the actress appeared in the TV series "Elementary", which took as the basis of the characters of the books of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes. The main roles were performed by Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy Lew. In addition to changing the floor of Dr. Watson and the citement of the plot, the authors have made a number of bold changes. Natalie played two roles in this series at once - the former Girl Holmes Irene Adler, whose, as it turned out, staged death and led a detective to narcotic dependence, and the daughter of Professor Moriarty - Jamie.

The sports drama "Race" is dedicated to the famous Formula 1 pilots by James Khanta and Niki Lauda. The role of the racers performed Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Bruhl. Here the actress embodied the image of a friend of one of the riders. The main role was dormer in the Bayopic "Scandalous Lady Ya" about the English aristocrat, shocked by the Society by slit behavior and unthinkable for the 18th century divorce. This character, like no other, was close to Natalie in spirit.

"My heroines are fear, but they find the strength to overcome it. I myself try to act in the same way in my life. It seems to me that the sense is just to tell the viewer: "We are all afraid. The force is not in the absence of fear, but in its overcoming "".
Natalie Dormer - biography, personal life, news, photos, films,

In the criminal ribbon Ridley Scott "Advisor" from the actress, on the contrary, a tiny nameless role, but the famous partners. In the film about a lawyer engaged in drug trafficking, played Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz, Michael Fassbender and Brad Pitt.

Natalie Dermer caught a trend time, starring in a popular youth painting-anti-nightopy "Hungry games. Soyuka-Peredashnitsa ", the screening of the book bestseller of Susan Collins.

The film in which the heroine of Dermer appeared, not the first in the series. By the time of the "Soyuchi-Peredashnitsy", the main character performed by Jennifer Lawrence had already managed to participate in the fatal, cruel entertainment of the anti-astope world. The actress reincarnated to the violators of the rules of China, which later became the leader of the resistance.

In 2016, Natalie received two main roles at once. She presented to Sarah in the American horror movie "Forest of Ghosts". Her heroine is sent in search of twin sisters, which lead to the Japanese Peninsula Honsu to the foot of Mount Fuji. The girl wanders through the forest, full of evil spirits and non-adhesive shower, in the company of voluntary assistant (Taylor Kinny).

Natalie Dormer - biography, personal life, news, photos, films,

Also, the actress performed the major role of Gina Rose in another horror - the British picture of the "Zero Patient". The plot begins with the fact that the wave of infection is rolled on the ground, which turned part of people in bloodthirsty madmen. The survivors are trying to find the first infected to get a way to treat a disease.

In 2017, Dormer voiced the character named Lexi T'perro in the computer game Mass Effect: Andromeda, parts of the popular franchise of games in the role of role militant, developed by the BioWare Studio. Andromeda became the 4th game of the series. In the thriller "in the dark" ("invisible") Natalie again appeared in nude. At criticism, the actress replied that the genre of the picture involves sexuality.

"In the end, we all have bodies. In this film, a frank scene, which was love for me, is a metaphor of how my character connects to the role played by ED seren. Nudah is a good developer, and those shots show tattoos on the body of the heroine and make it clear that she is not exactly the one, who you think. "
Natalie Dormer - biography, personal life, news, photos, films,

In the same year, Natalie joined the acting ensemble of the mystical painting "Picnic from a hanging cliff" on the book of Joanna Lindsay, telling about the disappearance of 3 students and the teacher of the female guest house. Her heroine is the founder of this institution, a lady, tastefully dressed, respectable in public, but allowing themselves weaknesses alone with pupils.

In 2019, the premiere of the dramatic tape "Games of Minds" took place, in which, along with Natali, Mel Gibson and Sean Penn starred. The first stepped in the role of the compiler of the dictionary of the English language, the second - his assistant. The unusual situation is that the assistant is a patient of a psychiatric hospital that fell there for murder.

The British actress was involved in the filming of the series City of Angels ("City of Angels"), which, according to the show of the showtime channel, became a continuation of the Penny Dreadful painting with Eva Green, which closed in 2016.

The fans of Natalie heard her voice in the puppet series "Dark Crystal: The Epoch of Resistance", which released the Netflix Stregnating Service. In the sounding of characters, Alicia Vikander is involved, Helena Bonmem Carter, Taron Edgerton. The 10-serial fantasy was the prequel of the cult film in 1982 "Dark Crystal" about the magic nugget, managing the universe, and the mysterious peoples of skiing and gelphings.

Personal life

The actress has never liked to tell the personal life of the actress, but periodically in the British and American press appeared reports of her novels ahead with subsequent refutations.Embed from getty images

After entering the screens, the paintings of the "Tudora" press attributed Natalie Romance with actor Jonathan Ris-Mayers. The media assured that their relationship go beyond the script, as love experiences in the frame were too much like this feeling. The sensation did not succeed, although Tudora really brought love actress. On the shooting, she met with the Irish director Anthony Burna. It was in 2007, and soon the couple had already lived together in the suburb of London.

In 2011, Anthony asked Hatali's hands. People close to actress said that it happened in India, when they rode the picturesque lake on the boat. Before the wedding, the case did not come to - work as a pair, and separated.

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Thriller "Invisible" - a joint project Dormer and Burna, for whom they wrote a script. Lovers argued at every moment, and no one wanted to give up. After parting, the girl said that he would always respect Anthony as director.

In 2019, the celebrity began to meet with a colleague David Oaks. And in April 2021, the media appeared in the media that the lovers had a daughter. True, the firstborn was born back in January. The World Lokdaun, joked in the interview with Natalie, allowed her to successfully hide pregnancy from the public.

The birth of a child has greatly affected the personal life of Dormer. She confessed that it was incredibly happy, while it became more to appreciate things like a dream.

Dermer - owner of well-supplied mezzo-soprano. In the films in which it is removed, the actress performs small song inserts, and for friends there are arias and the leafy parties. In their free from filming, it is engaged in sports - it easily runs on a day 10 km than and the weight of 51 kg is explained with 168 cm.

Natalie - a member of the London Fencing Academy, sometimes performs in tournaments. Another her passion is poker. And playing Dormer masterfully, more than once he participated in tournaments and occupied prizes.

The celebrity has no verified accounts on social networks, but the "instagram" and "Facebook" have created fan pages dedicated to the creativity of the idol.

Natalie Dormer now

Rating a child, Natalie decided to take a little break in the creative career. 2021 began to fully experience all the delights of motherhood. True, her name did not disappear from news publishers: fans continued to build theories about the future participation of the actress in global projects.

The concept art was gained great popularity, in which Dermer was depicted in the role of the character of the Universe DC Comics - poisonous ivy. Fans counted that Natalie is very suitable for this role, and expressed hope to see the idol in the next fantastic blockbuster.


  • 2005 - "Kazanova"
  • 2007-2010 - "Tudors"
  • 2011 - "First Avenger"
  • 2012-2016 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2013 - "Race"
  • 2013-2015 - "Elementary"
  • 2014 - "Hungry Games: Soyku-Rimdashnitsa. Part 1"
  • 2015 - "Hungry Games: Soyuza-Peredashnitsa. Part 2"
  • 2015 - "Scandalous Lady U"
  • 2016 - "Zero Patient"
  • 2018 - "Picnic at the tricky rock"
  • 2018 - "Invisible"
  • 2019 - "Reason Games"
  • 2020 - "Scary fairy tales: city of angels"

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