Ivan Grozny - Photo, Portrait, Biography, Board, Reform, Oprichnina, Epoch, Cause Of Death, Personal Life



Ivan Grozny - the first king of All Russia, famous for his barbaric and incredibly rigid methods of government. Despite this, his reign is considered significant for the state, which, thanks to the external and domestic policies of Grozny, has become twice as much on its territory. The first Russian ruler was a powerful and very evil monarch, but managed to achieve a lot in the international political arena, supporting a total sole dictatorship in his state, saturated with execution, opal and terror for any disobedience of power.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Grozny (Ivan IV Vasilyevich) was born (Ivan IV Vasilyevich) on August 25, 1530 in the village of Vasily III Rurikovich and Lithuanian Princess Elena Glinsky in the village of Vasily III Rurikovich and Lithuanian Prince. He was the eldest son from his parents, therefore became the first throne of the father, who was supposed to change to the achievement of the majority. But he had to become the nominal king of All Russia at 3 years old, since Vasily III seriously fell ill and died suddenly. After 5 years, the mother died at the future of the king, as a result of which at the age of 8 he remained complete orphan.

Vasily III, Father Ivan Grozny

The childhood of the young monarch passed in the situation of palace coups, a serious struggle for power, intrigue and violence, which formed in Ivan the Terrible Hard character. Then, considering the throne-leger of anything not understanding the child, the trustees did not pay any attention to him, mercilessly killed his friends and kept the future king in poverty, up to the deprivation of food and clothing. It raised aggression and cruelty in it, which already in young years manifested in the desire to torment animals, and in the future and the whole Russian people.

At that time, the country was ruled by the princes of Beliek and Shui, the nobleman Mikhail Vorontsov and the relatives of the future ruler on the Malynsky maternal. Their reign was marked for all Rus with a pretty challenge by state property, which Ivan Grozny understood very clearly.

Vasily III blesses the son of his Ivan

In 1543, he first showed his guardians of his norov, ordered to kill Andrei Shuisky. Then the king began to be afraid of the king, the power over the country was fully concentrated in the hands of the Mlinsky, which became all the might of the prepro-leather, raising the animal instincts in it.

At the same time, the future king devoted a lot of time to self-education, read a lot of books, which made it the most valid ruler of those times. At the same time, being a powerless hostage of temporary rulers, he hated the whole world, and his main idea was obtained by the full and unlimited power over people, which he put on any laws of morality.

Board and reform

In 1545, when Ivan Grozny reached the age of majority, he became a full king. His first political decision was the desire to be married to the kingdom, which gave him the right of one-owned and heritage of the traditions of Orthodox faith. At the same time, this royal title has become useful for the country's foreign policy, as it has made it possible to take another position in diplomatic relations with Western Europe and qualify for Russia in the first place among European states.

Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny

From the first days of the reign of Ivan the Terrible in the state, a number of key changes and reforms were held in the state, which he developed with the selected Rada, and in Russia the autocracy period began, during which all the power fell into his hands to one monarch.

The next 10 years, the Tsar of All Russia dedicated to Global Reform - Ivan Grozny conducted the Zemkoy reform, which formed a status-representative monarchy in the country, adopted a new judiciary, who had tightened the rights of all peasants and holsters, introduced a lift reform, realified the powers of the magazine and governors in favor of the nobility.

In 1550, the ruler distributed the "chosen" thousand Moscow nobility of the estate within 70 km from the Russian capital and formed the Streetsky army, which armed with firearms. The same period was marked by the reasons for the peasants and the ban on entry into Russia of Jewish merchants.

Bust Ivan Grozny

The foreign policy of Ivan the Terrible at the first stage of the Board was saturated with numerous wars, which were very successful. He personally participated in the campaigns and already in 1552 he took control of Kazan and Astrakhan, and after the part of Siberian lands joined Russia. In 1553, the monarch began to organize trade relations with England, and after 5 years he entered the war with the Grand Durability Lithuanian, in which he suffered a loud defeat and lost some of the Russian lands.

After losing the war, Ivan Grozny began to look for those guilty in defeat, ripped the lawmaking and elected Rada and rose on the path of self-balance filled with repression, opala and executions of all who did not support his politics.


The Board of Ivan the Terrible at the second stage was even tougher and bloody. In 1565, he introduced a special form of government, as a result of which Russia was divided into two parts - oprichnin and the land. Ochrichniki, who brought an oath to the loyalty to the king, fell under his full self-deficiency and could not communicate with the earths who paid the lion's share of their income by the monarch.

Ivan the Terrible and Malyuta Skuratov

In the estates of Okrichnina, the numerous army gathered in this way, which Ivan Grozny freed from responsibility. They were allowed to arrange robbery and pogroms of Boyar forcibly, and in the case of resisting resistance they were allowed to mercilessly execute and kill everyone disagree with the state truck.

In 1571, when the Crimean Khan Devlet-Garyra invaded Russia, Okrichnina Ivan Grozny demonstrated a complete incapacity to defend the state - the governor-listed by the ruler simply did not go to war, and from the entire numerous army, the king managed to collect only one regiment, who could not resist the Crimean army Khan. As a result, Ivan Grozny abolished the oprichnin, stopped killing people and even ordered to compile the memorial lists of executed people so that their souls fang in the monasteries.

Moscow dungeon. End of the XVI century

The results of the reign of Ivan the Terrible became the collapse of the country's economy and a loud defeat in the Livonian War, which, according to historians, was the matter of his life. Monarch realized that by driving the country, he made many mistakes not only in the inner, but also in foreign policy, which by the end of the board made it forced Ivan the Terrible.

During this period, he made another bloody crime and at moments of rage accidentally killed his own son and the only possible throne-headed lease of Ivan Ivanovich. After that, the king was completely desperate and even wanted to go to the monastery.

Personal life

The personal life of Ivan the Terrible is also saturated, as well as his board. According to historians, the first king of All Russia was married seven times. The first wife of the monarch was Anastasia Zaharin-Yuryev, with whom he married in 1547. More than 10 years of marriage, the queen gave birth to six children, from which Ivan and Fedor survived.

Queen Marfa Dogkin

After Anastasia died in 1560, Ivan Grozny married the daughter of Kabardian Prince Maria Cherkasy. In the first year of married life with the monarch, the second wife gave birth to him the Son, who died at a month. After that, the interest of Ivan the Terrible to his wife was disappeared, and after 8 years, Maria itself died.

The third wife of Ivan the Terrible Marfa Dogkin was the daughter of Kolomna nobleman. Their wedding took place in 1571. The third marriage of the king lasted only 15 days - Maria died for unknown reasons. After 6 months, the king again married Anna Kolovskaya. This marriage was also childless, and in the year of the family life his fourth wife, the king concluded a spouse to the monastery, where she died in 1626.

Ivan Grozny - Photo, Portrait, Biography, Board, Reform, Oprichnina, Epoch, Cause Of Death, Personal Life 20472_8

The fifth wife of the ruler became Maria Dolgoruk, which he drowned in a pond after the first marriage night, as he learned that his new wife was not a virgin. In 1975, he again married Anna Vasilchikova, who would not long stayed by the queen - her also, as well as the predecessors, he had suffered a fate to be forcibly improved into the monastery, allegedly for betraying the king.

The latter, the seventh wife Ivan the Terrible was Maria Nagaaya, who married him in 1580. Two years later, Tsarevich Dmitry gave birth to Tsarevich, who died at the 9th age. Mary after the death of her husband, a new king was exiled to Uglich, and after violently tonsured in the nun. She became a weighty figure in Russian history as a mother of Falsmitria, whose short board had to be at troubled time.


The death of the first king of all Russia Ivan Grozny came on March 28, 1584 in Moscow. The ruler died behind the game of chess from the expanding of osteophytes, which in recent years have made it almost fixed. Nervous shocks, an unhealthy lifestyle and this serious alert made Ivan Grozny in his 53 years old by an old man, which led to such an early death.

Ivan Grozny was buried next to his son Ivan in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral, located in the Moscow Kremlin. After the burial, the monarch began to appear persistent rumors that the king died violent, not a natural death. Chronicles argue that Ivan Grozny poisoned the poison of Boris Godunov, who after him became the ruler of Russia.

The version of the poisoning of the first monarch was checked in 1963 at the opening of the royal tombs - the researchers did not find in the remains of the increased content of arsenic, so the murder of Ivan Grozny was not confirmed. On this dynasty, Rurikovich completely stopped, and in the country began a vague time.


So bright historical figure cannot but cause the interest of subsequent generations. About the era of King Ivan Grozny, many books are written, dozens of films and TV shows, both documentary and artistic.

One of the most striking film chutes of the Great Tsar was the image in the Motheric project "Grozny", released in 2020. Alexander Yatsenko played the role of Ivanko in his youth, Sergey Makovetsky played the king in the adulthood, Tatyana Lyalina acted as the first spouse of Grozny Anastasia Romanovna. Arthur Ivanov, Konstantin Kryukov, Lyudmila Polyakova and other actors were also filmed in the series.

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