Tony Hawk - biography, personal life, photo, news, Avril Lavigne, video games, in youth 2021



The legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk built a dizzying career in sports even before graduated from school. In early 90s, he found himself on the verge of bankruptcy, but overcame difficulties and achieved even more deserving success by the end of the decade.

Childhood and youth

Tony was born on May 12, 1968 in California and was a younger child in a large family: Nancy and Frank's parents brought up two more daughters and her son.

Already in childhood, the boy was moving and gifted: the psychologist determined that Tony's hyperactivity borders with aggression, and the IQ level is equal to 144 - much higher than the average. To give the yield of the Son's energy, parents tried to captivate the child with basketball and baseball, but in vain.

At the age of 9, Tony was for the first time drove on a skateboard, who presented the elder brother, and gradually carried away. He rode every day, and later Frank Hawk installed the ramp in the backyard so that the son was trained. Most Tony liked that there was no coach in this sport and mandatory classes, and the final successes depended personally from him.


By the beginning of the 80s, a talented teenager found the first sponsor and became a professional skateboarder: in those days it was enough to sign one document.

By graduation of High School Tony won more than 70 competitions, became one of the best skaters in the world, received several serious injuries and accumulated on his own home. But with peers, the relationship did not make up: in those years, the guy with a board was outcast. Hawk himself treated this philosophically: I traveled a lot, I got real estate early, built a career and did not regret anything. For this reason, the athlete also refused to come to college.

After the age of majority, Tony got into Bones Brigate - the team where top skaters were. In those years, Hawk came up with several new tricks that became the classics of this sport. The number of victories gradually grew, as well as the Salary of Tony: For participation in the tournament, a skateboarder received $ 100 thousand.

Everyone collapsed in the early 90s: the organization of the competition has risen in price, most sponsors went bankrupt, and the interest of fans to skateboarding fell. Tony even stopped grabbing on food, so the athlete founded his own company on the production of skate equipment Birdhouse, for which the house was laid and sold part of things.

In 1995, Hawk became the participant of the first world-wide X-Games games, who watched millions of Americans on TV. This was revived by the former glory of Tony: Birdhouse business went to the mountain, the Skater himself became the Coca-Cola and Pepsi advertising face, and later founded the brand of clothes Hawk Clothing.

After 4 years, the athlete became the first skateboarder in the world, which completed the most complex trick Indy 900 - 2.5 turnover in the air at 900 °. Later, Tony called this day the best in life and completed his career, but participated in professional competitions a few more years.

Films and video games

In the youth, Hawk periodically appeared in episodic film colors. For example, littered in the comedy TV series "Police Academy" and the militant "reaching the impossible".

In the late 90s, the developer of the video game program NEVersoft suggested Tony to become a face of a skateboarding simulator. Initially, Bruce Willis Bruce Willis was "strong nut", but the manufacturers quickly cut down that he was too far from this sport. So Hawk turned into the hero of the game Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, which became a bestseller.

Later in the series, Underground, Remix, Wasteland and others were released, which, during the 6-year-old contract, Tony was repeatedly awarded popular sales video games. In different years, other skateboarders became the heroes of the simulator: Beam Margera, Steve Caballero, Eric Koston and others.

After successful on the X-Games, the Skater filmography was replenished. So, Tony played himself in the comedy "cool guy" and voiced Kameo in "Simpsons". After there were some more episodic roles in the film, serials, shows and clips.

Personal life

Still at school Tony began to meet with Cindy Dunbar, who later became his first wife. In 1992, Cindy gave birth to Skateir Championship Riley, and a year later a couple divorced.

Then Hawk married Erin Lee, with which he lived in marriage for 8 years. Two boys appeared on the spouses, Spencer and Keigan, but the sons did not save the family.

The next chief of the athlete became Lankom Merriy. In 2006, the newlyweds staged a wedding ceremony for Fiji, and after two years they became parents of the daughter of Cadence Klover Hawk. However, Tony's third marriage broke out due to a new beloved.

She became Katie Gudman - the ex-wife of the business partner of Tony Matt Gudman, with whom she lived for more than 20 years and raised two children. A few months after the divorce of Katie and Matt Tony left his family for the sake of Goodman. In 2015, Hawk went under the crown for the fourth time and happily married to Katie so far.

In Instagram account, Tony is divided by memories of professional career, passages from an interview, photo and video from personal life with his wife and children.

Growth Tony Hawk 191 cm, weight 78 kg.

Tony Hawk now

In June 2021, Singer Avril Lavigne took an account in Tiktok and published the first video - an updated version of the clip at his own het 2002 Sk8er BOI. At the beginning of the roller, the star 2000s sits on the ramp, and then Tony Hawk appears in the clip and performs tricks on the board. It is noteworthy that the video came to the National Day of Skateboarding in the United States.

Now Hawk is engaged in charity: supports young riders and builds skate sites for funds from its own fund.


  • 1986 - "Collision"
  • 1987 - "Police Academy 4: Citizens in Patrol"
  • 1989 - "Reaching Impossible"
  • 2002 - "Three Iks"
  • 2005 - "Kings of Dogtown"
  • 2012 - "Parentine Lawlessness"
  • 2017 - "Akuliy Tornado 5: Global Rotation"
  • 2018 - "Footballers"
  • 2020 - "Singer in Mask"
  • 2020 - "Betty"


  • 1995 - Silver medalist of world extreme games on a skatepark track
  • 1995, 1997 - Winner of the World Extreme Games in Vertical Skateboarding
  • 1996 - Silver medalist of world extreme games in vertical skateboarding
  • 1997-2002 - Winner of the World Extreme Games in Double Vertical Skateboarding
  • 1998, 1999 - Bronze medalist of world extreme games in vertical skateboarding
  • 1999, 2003 - Winner of the World Extreme Games in the category of the best tricks on a skateboard
  • 2001 - Silver medalist of world extreme games in the category of the best tricks on a skateboard
  • 2002 - Bronze medalist of world extreme games in the category of the best tricks on a skateboard

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