Anna Melikyan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



There are people who are born by directors and do not see themselves in any other profession. Anna Melikyan is one of them. The authoritative magazine of Hollywood Variety included it in the top 10 promising young directors - such a recognition is more than prestigious. The favorite theme of the stage is the love between a man and a woman, while in every film there is a place of light irony. Film crimits call her work "comedies with sad eyes."

Childhood and youth

Anna was born on February 8, 1976 in Baku, but her childhood passed in Yerevan. The talent manifested itself early, in kindergarten. The girl knew how to tell stories so that the Devora listened to her open mouth. Educators at this time went to drink coffee. At the school, Anna Melikyan often replaced the sick teachers. She was called to the temptation, then put near the board, and she told his studies to his studies.

Surprisingly, in contrast to the majority of peers, the actress Anna did not dreamed. She says she liked to observe people from the side. This quality helped her in performing performances for children at school. Teachers repeatedly spoke Anna that she would become a director. So it turned out.

At 17, Melikyan moved to Moscow and entered the directorial Faculty of Vgika. She was lucky - she fell on the course of Sergei Solovyov. In his student years, she took off a few short tapes, and in 1999, its course work was the picture "Flying", in which Nelli Uvarova played the main role.

After the Institute, Anna Melikyan worked on the TV channel "TV-6" - removed the travel program. She liked her leadership so much that she was offered to any project to choose from. She could take rated ice shows, "Blue lights", but chose a movie. Some colleagues did not understand her decisions, silently shrugged. Now they are talking about the phenomenal luck of Anna Melikyan.

The director admits that she prefers to stay in the shade, she never wanted to shine in the frame, although she had good grades in acting skills. Nevertheless, Anna does not try to completely hide from fans, the director leads an account in "Instagram", where there are current photos of it: portraits of actors with which Anna cooperates not the first year, colleagues that she considers the reference of skill. There, the director publishes the announcements of his movies.


The creative biography of the director began with international recognition. Melikyan's short filing "to demand" bought museums of cinema in Rome and Melbourne in 2000.

The first full-length picture of the director Anna Melikyan - Mars, her premiere was held at the Film Festival in Berlin in 2004. Anna script wrote herself. In the main roles of Mars, Eugene Dobrovolskaya and Gosh Kutsenko starred. This work received a special prize of producers at the Film Festival.

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The second film "Mermaid" also became a directorial success. He received a Film Festival Prize in Sandens in the "Best Directory" nomination, and in 2008 was nominated for the Oscar Prize from Russia. Next work in Anna Melikyan filmography - Melodrama "Star". At the Festival "Kinotavr", this film won at once in two nominations: for the best director and the best female role.

Anna Melikyan has its own director's style. Producers and critics say she removes a new female movie. Her heroines recognizable, they have a strong character, the plot takes for living, and the final is always unpredictable. And Anna is attentive to detail - she strives to be reliable.

In the picture "Star", the entire props was hereby: Birkin's bag is really worth € 40 thousand, diamond decorations are also real. The director and the film crew have to collect accessories on acquaintances, because the film budget does not allow to buy such things, and the copies of Melikyan does not want to use. With the same scrupulousness, it comes to the choice of consultants and make-upractions.

Since 2007, Melikyan has tried himself in producing. Her first works in this hypostasis were the films "House", "Bride at any price", "Rita", the series "Back to the USSR". In 2015, Anna became the executive producer of the detective series "I believe - I do not believe." In May 2015, she again acted as a producer and participated in the work on a short tragicomedy "trash can on the left."

At the same time, the director presented a short film in the genre of Fantasy "8", in which Evgeny Tsyganov and Ingeborg are played. In the film, we were talking about the world of the future, in which people do not have unpleasant memories due to the use of special medicines.

In 2015, Anna Melikyan showed himself as director. Another "Kinotavr" in the film processor brought lyric almanac "about love". This film consists of 5 novels, which combine the monologues of Renata Litvinova. In a full-length melodrame, the director on the example of the life of heroes showed the manifestations of love and sexuality: from obscene offers of the employer to the costume games in the bedroom and fetishes on foreigners.

The creation of one plot line of the film resulted in the Internet scandal. The famous love for realism Melikyan called for filming in a fragment of a young couple, loving to reincarnate in the anime heroes, real cosplayers. Young guys in their own costumes worked the day and received payment.

The scandal broke out later: in an interview with the premiere, the artists of the main roles called the cosplayers inadequate friki, accused girls from the merits in the stigs to actors and even doubted the mental health of these guys. In response to this cosplayers shared their own point of view. According to the participants in the merits, they did not strive to shoot, cosplayers were invited to be purposefully and persuaded to participate for the sake of reliable image of subculture, which bribed the guys.

However, the realism of the scene turned out to be dubious, since, inviting cosplayers to play an episode, the film crew did not take care of finding consultants from the subculture and did not listen to the advice of invited cosplayers. Also, the guys had to work not in the best conditions: work extra watches, listen to attacks and indulgent attitude of actors.

The Internet community encouraged to boycott the interview and the outgoing film, and also began to collect information for a collective claim to insult honor and dignity. Nevertheless, on the popularity of the film, these events were not reflected in any way: cash charges reached a mark of $ 755 thousand, and the director received the Golden Eagle Prize in the nomination "The Best Film Year", which the head of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia Nikita Mikhalkov was awarded.

In 2016, Anna appeared as a producer of the comedy series "Diary Louise Luisa" about the life of the three girlfriends, looking for a recipe for happiness and a slim figure. In August 2016, the premiere of the series "The crisis of gentle age" was held, whose producer was again Melikyan again. Comedy melodrama told about the life and problems of three teenage girls.

In the same year, Anna became the director of the criminal drama "Quartet", illuminating the backstage life of young ingenious musicians, which, despite stereotypes, are not quiet and non-intellectuals.

In 2017, the Family Picture of Yana + Yanko was released on the screens about the businesswoman, which for the sake of Piara became the adopted mother of a little gypsy. The producer of the film became Melikyan. Anna also made the leader of the short meter "I go to you." In this drama, the main role was assigned to Konstantin Khabensky.

Melikyan returned to the favorite theme, which sprinkled the next project about love, which was called "about love. Only for adults. " 6 directors were invited to shoot novels for the filmalman. TV viewers accepted the film with delight, cash receipts at the box office exceeded $ 2 million.

Personal life

Anna tells about the personal life of Anna and reluctantly. She raises her daughter Alexander. It is necessary to get up at 6.30 am to cook breakfast, lead yourself to order and take the child to school. In the evening you need to pick up your daughter from school and cook dinner. Anna Melikyan goes to work with his head, and the rest of the time is the usual woman with the same concerns as others. It facilitates the task that the director's office is located near the school in which Alexander is studying.

Anna Melikyan and Ruben Dishdishyan

Anna Melikyan was married once. Her husband is a producer, Director General of the Central Partnership Company Ruben Dishdishyan. In marriage with him, Alexander's daughter was born. On the set of the film "Mermaid" Anna was pregnant, but it hid it thoroughly.

Ruben - a person with a complex character, their marriage ended in divorce. Melikyan admits that she is rarely falling in love, but if it happens, it is thoroughly and seriously. And the gap is always painful, "as if they stuck the knife into the body and turn it, checking on strength." The cause of separation with her husband does not comment.

After the premiere of the picture "About love", journalists spoke about her novel with the owner of Rosgosstrakh, billionaire Danil Khachaturov. Oligarch sponsored the picture Anna, what she announced at a solemn event. Melikyan did not hide from the public of enthusiastic views, which gave her companion. The couple was constantly holding hands. And after the gatherings in the "Arrow" bar, Anna got an unusual way - on the shoulders in the chosen.

Already in March 2016, Anna began to appear in secular events in free outfits, provoking rumors about her pregnancy. Nevertheless, the joyful replenishment in the director's family did not happen.

Anna Melikyan now

In 2018, Anna presented to the court of spectators a short picture "Tenderness", created in the comedy genre. This is a story telling about the search for a woman's second half. Victoria Isakov and the already famous for cooperation with Melikyan Evgeny Tsyganov presented the main characters on the screen. The film was filmed on the smartphone, the shooting process took only 2 days.

In December 2018, auction "Action!" The auction was held during which the tape was sold for 13 million rubles. These funds were enrolled at the expense of the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, which also participated in the creation of the film: The actor read the voice-screen text. Thanks to an anonymous buyer, the work was presented on the video hosting YouTube.

Now the next director's work Melikyan is preparing to reach screens - a fantastic thriller "Fairy", whose premiere date is scheduled for October 10, 2019. The film is affected by the topic of virtual reality.


  • 1999 - "Flying"
  • 2004 - "Mars"
  • 2007 - "Mermaid"
  • 2011 - "About Love"
  • 2014 - "Star"
  • 2015 - "About love"
  • 2016 - Quartet
  • 2017 - "I go to you"
  • 2017 - "About love. For adults only
  • 2018 - "Tenderness"

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