Marlon Brando - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News



Marlon Brando is a legendary American actor and political activist. It is considered one of the most significant actors in the history of cinema. For more than 50 years of his career, he starred in 40 films, many of which got into the Golden Fund of World Cinema. Brando is a twofold owner of the Oscar statuette, a two-time laureate of the Golden Globe award, as well as the owner of the AMMI award and the Cannes Film Festival Award.

Marlon Brando was born in the town of Omaha, located in Nebraska. His father, Marlon Brando-Sr., was the owner of its own production, which was engaged in the manufacture of feed for agricultural and domestic animals. Mother Dorothy Pennibaker played in the local theater and was closely familiar with the actor Henry Fund. Marlon, who in childhood was called Bad, was a younger child in the family. He had older sisters Joslin and Francis.

Marlon Brando in youth

Brando-senior was a rather closed and hard man. He brought up children in the strongest rigor, they were forbidden almost everything, including the external manifestation of emotions. For example, hug each other in the family was allowed only on a birthday. The only entertainment in the house was the piano, which sometimes played and sang Dorothy.

When Marlon turned 6 years old, the family moved to the suburb of Chicago, where the Bad went to Lincoln's fashion school. Up to 11 years old he had no friends, but then he met Wally Coke, who later would also become a famous actor, and he got infected with a dream of cinema.

After a few years, Branto's parents temporarily decided to live separately, and Dorothy with children moved to her mother to the California town of Santa Ana. Brando Jr. in a new school began to manifest itself well as an athlete, put several local athletism records. In addition, he showed himself a rebel: very catchy and brightly dressed, conflicted with teachers and director, had causing behavior. In high school classes, Marlon actively played in school performances, mostly dramatic heroes or villains. Comedy roles did not succeed at all. Also, the young man was a drummer in the local group.

Full Marlon Brando

After school, contrary to your own accord and hard insistence, Marlon Brando becomes a cadet of Military School "Shattak Saint-Marie". There he discovers amazing abilities to imitation of other people's votes, playing Tutankhamon in the School of Staging "Message from Hafu" and not only disrupts the stormy ovations of the public, but also his game is convinced by Professor of English and Earl Wagner's literature, which is the place on stage, and not on battlefield. Shocked by the talent of a young man Wagner convinces parents of Brando to allow the son to start an acting career.


Marlon Brando starred in a large number of films for 50 years, during which his career flowed. From the very beginning he was a convinced supporter of the Stanislavsky system, and in his work she adhered to the principles of his technique. Subsequently, Marlon Brando's game began to be considered a standard, a sample, to which not only students of theatrical and cinematic universities are equal, but also famous actors.

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Already the first picture of "Men" brought the novice actor enthusiastic reviews of critics and Finnish film "Jussi" as the best foreign performer. But the real success came in a year, when the adaption of the classical play of Tennessee Williams "Tram" Desire ", where the partner brando was the famous actress Vivien Lee. The film became a classic of cinema and constantly enters the lists of the best paintings of the world. Thanks to this film, Marlon Brando's star rose, but for Vivien, it became, on the contrary, tragic. After participating in the filming of the film, the actress developed a manico-depressive psychosis.

For participation in the "tram" desire ", Brando was nominated for the Oscar premium, but then he did not get the statuette. But in 1954, he still became the owner of Oscar as the best actor for the role of former Boxer Terry Malloi in the criminal drama on corruption "in the port". Movie is associated with several interesting incidents. The main role was to be executed by Frank Sinatra, who personally invited the director of the picture. A contract was even signed with him, but Producer Sam Spiegel wanted to see only Brando in this role. He persuaded the acquisition of the actor's popularity to take part in the film and, despite the court proceedings with Frank Sinatre, who demanded a penalty for termination of the contract, approved in the lead role.

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Another curious fact is that "in the port" in the year of exit was quite cool, despite the rewards received. But today the film shot in just 36 days is in the hundreds of the best paintings of the 20th century.

Remarkable in the acting career Marlon Brando is 1972. Then he starred in two films - the Gangster Drama "Mushroom Father" and the erotic melodrama "Last Tango in Paris". Interestingly, the film company "Paramount", who shot down the "godfather", put forward demanding that Marlon Brando did not participate in the picture, as the producers were heard about his provocative behavior on the shooting platforms. But no actor who participated in samples could not show the level of the game that Marlon demonstrated, and as a result, he was approved for the role of the head of the Done Vito Corleon Mafiosis Cland. During filming, Brando used a boxing cabin to give jaws an aggressive form.

In the film "Last Tango in Paris", the famous actor constantly improvised. Most of his replicas sounding in the final version of the melodrama, there are no in the original scenario. Despite the big creative investments, Brando, like his partner Maria Schneider, remained dissatisfied with the work in this film and after filming about 15 years refused to communicate with the director Bernardo Bertolucci.

Nevertheless, the actor was again nominated for Oscar for participating in both paintings, but won the award together with the "Ancient Father." Suddenly, he refused to receive a prize for everyone, sent instead of himself to the scene Sasin's light feather, having Indian origin from the genus of Apache, who also did not accept the award. The act of Marlon Brando attracted the attention of the public to the discrimination against the indigenous population of America.

Personal life

Marlon Brando was known as the conqueror of female hearts. He had a large number of fleeting star novels, including close relations with the Kinodiva Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe and Marlon Brando

Officially, he was married three times. In 1957, Marlon concluded marriage with Indian actress Anne Kashfi, who gave him the son of Christian Devi. In 1959, the spouses divorced, and a year later, Brando married the second time in the Mexican actress Movyte Castaneda, who was older than 7 years. This family also existed only 2 years, but Movita managed to give birth to the son of Miko Castanedo, and in 1966, already out of marriage, and the daughter of Rebecca appeared on Marlona.

Immediately after the second divorce, Brando married the 20-year-old Tahitian actress Tarit theiriypia, his younger for 18 years. They had the son of Simon Teichot and the daughter of Tarita Cheinney. Also, the actor launched the child of Maimity's wife. This marriage turned out to be the longest of all. They divorced only in 10 years.

Marlon Brando and Tarita Terriah

More Marlon Brando did not marry, but had a serious relationship with his economy Maria Christina Ruiz, who gave birth to three children from him: Nina Priscilla, Miles Jonathan and Timothy Gakhan. In addition, the actor had several other children outside the marriage. Officially, he recognized 14 children, not counting the receptions.


In the 1990s, Marlon Brando due to diabetes 2th degree spread out, its weight was about 135 kg. In addition, he began to suffer memory loss, had vision problems. Later he was also diagnosed with "liver cancer".

Miko's son, who worked as a guard from Michael Jackson, who was associated friendly relations with Brando, often brought his father to the "Neverland" ranch, where the actor could be outdoors for a long time, since he began to manifest oxygen deficiency.

Marlon Brando

A week before death, the actor received an offer from Tunisian director Reed Bahi to work on the scenario of the new project "Brando and Brando". But on July 1, 2004, Marlon Brando was taken to the Ronald Reagan Medical Center in Los Angeles with a diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis. He refused to supply the tube into his lungs, which was the only way to extend the life, and died on the same day.

Marlon Brando was cremated, and his dust, connected to the ashes of childhood friend Walle Coke, whose mourning urn actor kept at home since 1973, was dispelled above the island of Tahiti and over the Death Valley in California.


  • 1951 - Tram "Desire"
  • 1952 - Viva, Sapata!
  • 1953 - Julius Caesar
  • 1954 - in the port
  • 1957 - Sionara
  • 1972 - Mushroom Father
  • 1972 - Last Tango in Paris
  • 1978 - Superman
  • 1979 - Apocalypse today
  • 1989 - Dry white season

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