Elizabeth Banks - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, filmography, swimsuit, main roles 2021



Elizabeth Banks - American actress and director with an impressive job list on television and in the cinema. Spectators perceive it as a charming blonde, which fits perfectly into romantic and comedy images. The performer itself appreciates his acting potential much deeper and calls himself a "classified heroine of action."

Childhood and youth

Real Name Actress Elizabeth Banks - Elizabeth Mereal Mitchell. Future celebrity was born in February 1974 in the family of Ann and Mark Mitchell, banking employees and the work plant "General Electric". After Elizabeth, three more children appeared in the family.

As a child, the future actress was a participant in the quizzes held on the Nickelodeon Channel. This event in the future influenced the desire of the girl tie their lives with television and movies.

In 1992, Elizabeth graduated from school and went to continue studying at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1996, a student was awarded a diploma. She turned out to be the first member of the family who received university education.

On this, Banks did not stop, remembering the dream of childhood to get to television. Another 2 years Elizabeth studied at the theater course of the American Conservatory. In 1998, the girl received a master's degree and went to New York.


After moving into a big city, Elizabeth began to build a career. At first, the actress appeared on the theater stage, but in the future she conquered the top of the movies.

Banks cinematic biography began with the role in the "Capitulation Dorothy" film. In the credits, the actress was under the name Elizabeth Casey. Later, to avoid confusion with the names, the performer took the scenic pseudonym Elizabeth Banks, because at that time one famous actress Elizabeth Mitchell was already shone. Successful debut entailed the following projects.

The actress risked trying to the role of Mary-Jane Watson in the "Spider Man", where the image of Peter Parker embodied Toby Maguire. However, the role was obtained by 18-year-old Kirsten Dunst; Banks refused, saying that she was too old. Elizabeth was 26. But she still received her place in the ribbon, in the image of the secretary of Betty Brant, to which he returned to two sequels again.

The successful opportunity on the creative path of the actress was the work in the film of the legendary Stephen Spielberg "Catch me, if you can," where she met on the same platform with Leonardo di Caprio and Tom Hanks.

Elizabeth appeared in front of the audience in the image of the wife of the head of the United States Laura Bush in the biographical tape of the director of Oliver Stone about the presidential family.

Career jerk happened in 2012, when the actress began to participate in the filming of the film "Hungry Games". This film has brought an artist recognition, the Banks began to speak world film sociality. On the screen, the performer shone in the cast along with Jennifer Lawrence and Woody Harrelson.

At the box office, the picture collected almost $ 700 million. In the future, the stars continued their cooperation in the following parts of the franchise - "Hungry Games: and flames will flash" and 2 parts "Hungry Games: Soyuz-Peredashnitsa".

Elizabeth, throughout the project, the acting role of Effi Trinket, said that no matter what was happening in the frame, he reigned a cheerful and reckless atmosphere, the actors laughed each other and even arranged races on the chairs on the wheels.

In the film, many scenes, where the actress managed to demonstrate the ideal parameters of the body: with 165 cm height, its weight does not exceed 55 kg. After participating in the shooting, the star was invited to play in the image for gloss Flaunt. Among the photos that came to the publication pages were the pictures of Banks in a swimsuit, extravagant outfits and a jacket on a naked body. In the same year, she posted for Los Angeles Times.

In the future, Elizabeth replenished the criminal thriller "on the edge". One of the conditions for the participation of the actress in the project was an independent performance of all the tricks, thanks to which Banks had to rush in the hands of the on-screen gangsters and stand on the very edge of the skyscraper.

Another ribbon, where celebrities had the opportunity to demonstrate physical abilities, became the comedy "Blonde on the air". This time, according to the actress, she had to learn how to fall professionally.

In a row of comedian films with Elizabeth and scandalous "Movie 43", where, wherein the series of famous actors was lit up, most of whom regretted their participation in the project. The tape as a result collected a record number of "Golden Malin".

In 2015, Banks was invited to the picture "Super-Mike XXL", the main role in which Channing Tatum was played. With one of the project participants, Joe Mangannelo, Elizabeth has already met earlier at the Pauka Powder site.

In the superhero adventure youth film "Mighty Rangers", Elizabeth got the role of the main villain of Rita repulsions. For permissions, actress had to get into an extravagant suit and be covered with a layer of complex makeup.

The main premiere of 2019, which all fans waited with impatience, began to restart the franchise "Angels Charlie", where Elizabeth not only played one of the main roles, but also made director, screenwriter and producer. Unfortunately, good luck escaped from Banks - the film was never able to beat the cash charges. The actress itself believes that the reason is gender inequality. According to her, men will soon go to watch pictures about women than created by women.

Personal life

Roman with Max Handelman, a future husband, Elizabeth Banks began in college. This connection lasted for many years. In the summer of 2003, Max and Elizabeth issued a relationship officially. In order for their marriage, nothing shared, the actress adopted Judaism, which her husband adheres to.

Personal life Elizabeth Banks Today is a loved husband, a writer and producer, as well as two sons - Felix and Magnus Mitchell. They were born in 2011 and 2012, boys endured surrogate mothers.

Spouses have created a common business - a joint producer company Brownstone Productions.

Many social network users compared the appearance of Elizabeth Banks and Actress Rachel Makadams. The similarity of Hollywood celebrities is indisputable, but the assumptions about related links do not correspond to reality, the film actresses are not sisters.

Creative successes and mental photos of family life, the artist shares with fans in the Instagram account.

Elizabeth Banks now

Elizabeth believes that its best role is still ahead. Now she continues to search for the image and itself.

Actress's own feminist glances were able to realize the mini-series "Mrs. America", based on the real events of the 70s, - the period of women's struggle for equal rights.

In 2021, it became known that Elizabeth decided to produce the restart of the Flinstone cartoon, where the actress of voice acting would be involved.


  • 1998 - "Capitulation Dorothy"
  • 2001 - "Roast American Summer"
  • 2003 - "Favorit"
  • 2005 - "Sorokolen Virgin"
  • 2005 - "Heights"
  • 2006-2009 - "Clinic"
  • 2006 - "Overcoming"
  • 2008 - "Bush"
  • 2009-2015 - "American Family"
  • 2012 - "Hungry Games"
  • 2014 - "Blonde on Ether"
  • 2017 - "Mighty Rangers"
  • 2018 - "Toys for adults"
  • 2019 - "Gori, Gori clearly"
  • 2019 - "Charlie Angels"
  • 2020 - Mrs. America

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