Charlie Tire - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Charlie Sheen is an American film actor who has become popular thanks to the participation in the filming of "Red Dawn" films, "platoon", "Wall Street" and "Hot Heads". In 2010, it was named the highest paid actor, since his salary was $ 1.8 million for each series of TV film "Two and a half people."

Childhood and youth

Charlie Tire (real name Carlos Irwin Estevez) was born in New York in the Martin Bus family (Ramon Gerardo Estevez), Hollywood film actor and director, a descendant of Irish and Spaniards who immigrated to the United States. Actress and Producer Movie Janet Teplton - Mother Celebrity. Charlie has two older brothers - Emilio and Ramon, as well as the younger sister Rene. All children became actors, only Carlos acts under a pseudonym, similar to the scenic name of the father. Brothers and sisters are filmed in films under the real name.

When the boy turned 4 years old, the family moved to the California town of Malibu, where Carlos began to go to Santa Monica School. There he was highlighted predominantly sporting talents - became the main player of the baseball team, and later the school star, playing on the Pitcher's position. In the senior classes, the young man carried away by cinema and even shot his own amateur short films together with Sean Penot and Rob Low, their friends, who also became famous actors.

A few weeks before receiving the certificate of maturity, Carlos Estevez excludes from school for abominability and systematic absenteeism. Then the young man takes himself a pseudonym Charlie Sheen and goes to conquer Hollywood.


For the first time, tires appeared on the screen at the 10th age, while playing in the episode of the film "The execution of an ordinary word", where his father was involved. Another role of this period is in the picture "Empty", which also turned out to be only an episode of his early period of creative career.

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In his youth, the artist was taken for any work, most often the director saw a sports young man in the form of a military. The fantastic fighter "Red Dawn" about the third world war and the invasion of the Soviet troops in the United States due to the strange story, received sharp reviews of film critics, in Russia, the actors are still called exclusively "kinocluk", and in Germany, the film show in cinemas was even banned. Nevertheless, Charlie Tire and Patrick Swayze, his partner in the picture itself itself, is estimated positive.

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In 1986, Charlie Sheen is removed in the military drama "platoon". The picture tells about the internal conflicts of the American military unit. According to experts, this film was able to convey the real events of the Vietnamese war. The ribbon was called the best in the cinematic biography of the actor.

Initially, Emilio Estevez was approved on the main role, the elder brother Charlie. But when the time came to start shooting, the director decided to give the role of Charlie Tire. The actor, together with other members of the film crew, passed the course of a young fighter, who spent the veteran of the War in Vietnam, the retired captain of the marine infantry Dale Dai. Charlie Shin argues that the reliability of the picture was created thanks to the advice and training of the former military.

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Film "In pursuit of shadow" - the next picture, which the viewers noted. In this film, the actor played a major role. The pursuit tape, published in 1994, will call one of the failed filmmakes of the American actor. She received negative critics reviews, and on the Rotten Tomatoes website, which collects reviews of certified members of the guilds of writers and associations of film critics, the rating of the paintings was 29%.

Soon followed the film "Arrival". The picture is considered very unusual in the career of the actor, since the tire got a role in a fantastic thriller about extraterrestrial civilizations.

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The actor was playing not only in the militants, thrillers and military dramas. In his filmography, there are several comedy roles, of which the most famous to the Russian viewer of the comedy "Hot Heads!". The director of the film Jim Abrahams created him in the genre of parodies. The plot has humorous references to various blockbusters that are easily guessed by the audience. The popularity of the project pushed the creators to release the second part of the franchise.

It is noteworthy that the main character who plays Charlie Sheen is called Topper Harley, and in the humorous Sitkom "Two and a half people", where the actor was filmed from 2003 to 2011, his name is Charlie Harper, which, according to the TV series scenarios, is AnAgram from this name. In the future, it was the comedy and the serials brought fame to the actor. On the account of the tire - work in three parts of the comedy parody "Very scary movie", in the series "Management of Anger". In 2013, the performer tried the image of the President of the United States in the militant "Machete kills."

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The film "Two and a half people" is also known to the fact that after filming the 8th season, the administration of the series was forced to pay Charlie Tire a penalty, as he decided to dismiss it because of the broken scandal associated with the abuse of alcohol and drugs. Thanks to this monetary compensation, the American fell into the Guinness Book of Records under the definition of the "highest income of the television actor for the episode".

Charlie Sheen has repeatedly played with his father Martin Tire and Brother Emilio Estevez. In recent years, he is often invited as Kameo to popular television series.

Personal life

At the actor, like many stars of show business, there were a lot of romantic relationships in his personal life. Cassandra Jade Estevez, a tire daughter, born in 1984 outside of marriage, and her mother was a school friend Charlie named Paula Profit.

In early 1990, Charlie Sheen was engaged to the actress Kelly Preston, but after he accidentally shot her in his hand out of a gun, a woman broke the relationship. In the future, the actor had novels with porn actresses Ginger Lynn and Heather Hunter.

Officially, the man was married three times. The first wife Charlie Tire became the actress Donna Pyl, with which he lived together for less than six months. In 2002, the artist married the second time on actress Deniz Richards, who gave him the daughters of Sam and Lol Rose. The family existed for 4 years, in 2006 Charlie and Denise divorced.

The third official wife, actress Brook Muller, has lived with him for 3 years, having time to give birth to the twins Bob and Max, and in 2011 she filed for a divorce, referring to the inadequate behavior of the spouse due to excessive alcohol consumption.

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In the spring of 2011, tire lived simultaneously with two women - BRI Olson's porn actress and model Natalie Kenley. In February 2014, Charlie Sheen was engaged in Scottin Ross, better known as Brett Rossi, which is a star inertry. The case went to the wedding, but in November of the same year, the couple ruined relations by mutual agreement.

Charlie Sheen is the owner of the Sheen Kidz brand, which releases a line of children's clothing. The actor in 2011 established a world record, having collected in the shortest possible time a millionth audience in Twitter. Fans subscribed to its page on average 130 thousand users per day.

In April 2017, the media appeared in the media that Charlie Tire was detained on the border with Mexico, and the actor himself was under the influence of narcotic substances. This was announced by the Radaronline resource, which was at the disposal of the photo taken during the detention of the tire.

In the pictures, the actor is depicted in handcuffs surrounded by immigration service staff. At the airport of San Diego, law enforcement officials opened the artist's suitcase, suspecting that he was transporting drugs, but anxiety was false. When the actor searched, it did not find narcotic substances with it. Representatives of Radaronline reported, referring to insider data that after communicating with the immigration and customs services, Charlie went home.

In the same 2017, Charlie Sheen was in the center of the next scandal. On the Watch What Wat Happens Live Watch Aacter insulted the singer Rihanna.

It is known that the conflict between Charlie Tire and Rihanna emerged a few years ago, when Charlie visited one of Los Angeles restaurants along with her girlfriend, Brett Rossi porn actress.

The man invited Rihanna, who was sitting at the next table, join them. The performer refused, referring to the fact that there were too many paparazzi around. As it turned out, the singer did not want to be seen in the company Pornstar. Subsequently, the artists staged a vertex on the social network "Twitter".

Today, the artist leads a healthy lifestyle. At the end of 2018, the tire noted that even a year, as he does not eat alcohol. To finally say goodbye to a rampant life, the actor decided to sell parties mansion, which is located in Beverly Hills.


In 2015, Charlie Tire fans learned that the actor is sick. On November 17, in the live talk show "Today" on the NBC channel, he made a sensational recognition that HIV is infected. According to Tire, he announced this information to get rid of unknown blackmail, who by the time he had already lured $ 10 million from him, threatening to tell the public about what he was sick.

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Soon the popular Hollywood actor frankly told reporters how HIV praised. The man noted that this happened because of his own carelessness, since he entered into intimate relations with a random partner.

In 2017, the actor told media representatives that his well-being improved after passing the course of therapy from AIDS experimental preparation Pro-140. Charlie Sheen agreed to begin treatment of the disease in this way back at the beginning of 2016.

Earlier, the film acter conducted weekly injections, but soon refused even from receiving tablets. Antiretroviral therapy, according to celebrities, caused him heavy side effects and symptoms on the verge of dementia.

"I walked to death and suddenly turned out to be in the path of Providence. It is surprising, "the actor told the journalists.

According to the tire, abandoning drugs, he felt "physical and emotional transformation."

Charlie Shin Now

Now the actor does not appear on the big screen in new projects, but does not give the public to forget his name. In 2018, with the participation of the star of the screen, Rapper Lil Pump on the "Drug Addicts" track was released. At the beginning of 2019, in the pages of the American glossy magazine Maxim, a deployed interview with Charlie Bus appeared, which he mentioned in his account in "Instagram".Embed from getty images

Later, the tires launched a new shopping brand Sheenius. The brand is focused on creating a waip-fragrance under the original names of Maliblu Dream, Milli's Vanilla, Grands's Perfume and Clown Mace, which they received in honor of Cherley filmmaker.


  • 1984 - "Red Dawn"
  • 1986 - "platoon"
  • 1987 - Wall Street
  • 1988 - "Young arrows"
  • 1990 - "Men at work"
  • 1991 - "Hot Heads"
  • 1992 - "In pursuit of shadow"
  • 1996 - "Arrival"
  • 1997 - "All the money decishes"
  • 2000-2001 - Spein City
  • 2003-2011 - "Two and a half people"
  • 2003 - "Very scary movie 3"
  • 2012 - "Growney Management"
  • 2013 - "Machete kills"
  • 2017 - "9/11"

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