Narosities - photos, biography, personal life, news, films 2021



The gatherings themselves are a famous French actor who has become world famous thanks to the role of an expressive driver of Daniel Morales in 4 parts of the Taxi blockbuster. The artist turned out to be largely similar to his hero: impulsiveness and emotionality themselves allowed him to recreate the screen so convincing that today new faces appear in the circle of his fans.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the actor is Said, but he took a decrease as a pseudonym, which he was called at home. It was born in Paris in a large family. His Mother Jacqueline Leer was a native Frenchwoman, and the father of Jilali Nasseri is an emigrant from Algeria. Boy has 6 brothers and sisters. One of the brothers, Larbie, under the pseudonym Bibeaux also became famous in France film actor.

When Said was 7 years old, the family moved to Fontaine-Su-Bois, a suburb of the French capital. There, the boy went to school, which she never graduated, leaving his studies at the age of 16. The reason was a complex material situation in the family, as well as a difficult character of a teenager, because of which he regularly had conflicts and trouble. Nozzles began to search for part-time and random earnings.

In his youth, he was a marginal, was constantly on the verge of violation of the law. From 18 years old began to use drugs, which in the end led to the robbery of the store, detention and a court who sentenced a young man to 5 years in prison. Nasions served for 4 years and went out ahead of time.


After the numbers themselves in 1980 accidentally came to the Multiplication of the Cynicomedy "Inspector-Razin", he set the goal of becoming a professional actor. But in his youth, it was involved only in extras and episodes. The situation has changed in 1994.

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At first, it will be removed in the youth social television film about teenagers "Brothers: Red Roulette", where excellently depicts a guy from the suburbs riding in the inclined. Arabic origin has also had to be quite realistic. The actor claims that by and large played himself, because his character even the name is similar - for themselves.

A year later, the director of Toma residents invites numbers to his tragicomic film "Paradise". Here the actor plays a unable to socially adapt the guy from the suburbs. The experience of the previous painting helped the artist even better convey the state of people who do not have their own place in life. For their game, the first in his career awards themselves - the Golden Leopard at the International Film Festival in Locarno and the Paris Film Festival Prize.

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After these films, the film acter became known in France. The turning point for the creative biography of the artist was the tape "Taxi", which was created in 1998. After entering the screens of the comedy militant cinemas, the meters woke up famous.

The movie filmed the famous French director Luke Veson, who was already familiar with the actor: they collaborated on the shooting platform of the Drama "Leon", where he themselves had the role of a policeman in a helmet in one of the last scenes, as well as when creating a video clip "Nés Sous La MêMe Étoile "French group" IAM ".

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Interestingly, experts are very cool appreciated the "taxi", criticizing the template scenario, but the commercial success of the picture was deafening. The public was loved by a young taxi driver from Marseille, which is not life without exhaust speed and heavy-duty cars of cars. It seemed that every viewer had a familiar or buddy, similar to his character traits on this thin high guy (an increase in themselves - 183 cm, weight - 75 kg) driving machine.

The success of the tape led to a 3 continuation immediately, the names of which differed only by ordinal numbers. The popularity of this series of films was such that Hollywood and Bollywood film companies removed their own remakes. The numbers themselves for the first part of the "taxi" received the French film film "Cesar" as the best actor of the year.

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From other works presented in his filmography, it is worth noting the military drama "Patriots" directed by Rashid Bushareb about World War II. Names of Yasseri themselves played, one of the 4 soldiers of the French army, which forces of such a small team and the price of their own lives held a small village in Alsace from capturing with fascist troops.

The picture showed discrimination in the French army towards military personnel of Algerian origin. For this role, gathering a silver reward at the Cannes Film Festival in 2006th.

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In 2016, the actor appeared in the clip on the ONE Seconde Chance's own song. In the same year, the premiere of the Russian painting "Rock and the Road", created by the director Grigor Gardushan, took place. For filming, the French actor arrived in Russia. It was fascinated by the country, so soon he has already spoke about the second citizenship: the numbers were not against obtaining the passport of the Russian Federation.

In February 2017, the premiere of the French Comedy "Superibi" was held, in which the episodic role of the taxi driver played. In May of the same year, the actor starred in the Russian advertising of the Republic of PNK GROUP, which is connected with industrial and warehouse real estate. Nozzi appeared in the video in the famous image of Daniel from Taxi films.

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According to the plot, the character showed a new building to customers: the actor led a taxi and parallelly told about the advantages of the design. In the final video, a taxi crashed into a wall, but the building was not affected by the accident, and the staff in the neighboring room did not even pay attention to the noise shouted by the walls.

Soon, together with his brother, Bibi themselves began working on the project "Crab", which the numbers decided to remove in Russia. The film was expected to be the participation of Philip Lelusha, Frederick Diphental and John Savaja. While the film is under production.

Problems with law

With the advent of popularity, the raw character of the actor began to make himself felt again. He regularly turned out to be in court for drunk driving, deposit, insulting police and passersby.Embed from getty images

Several times the court sentenced me to imprisonment themselves. In 2003, for the beating of a driver of another car, which did not miss it on the road, the actor was deprived of the driver's license and received 6 months behind bars. After 2 years, the actor was in prison for 2 months for beating the visitor in his own restaurant.

In 2007, the numbers beat his guard, for which he received one month conditionally, but in a year she traveled to a prison for six months for hitting a woman, while driving into a state of intoxicated. In addition, for the last incident, the court sentenced it to a large fine and forced treatment from alcoholism.

For applying knife wounds, once again was imprisoned in 2011 and served 16 months. During this period, rumors about the death of the actor appeared. The media reported that the numbers themselves cut their throat in prison. As it turned out later, the actor attempted to cause himself harm due to cruel prison orders and the inhuman relationship of the guards, as the press was informed themselves.

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The actor was safely published. The conclusion did not cool his temper - afterwards he later turned out to be on the dock for fights, connection with drug dealers, domestic violence and threats with cold weapons.

In May 2016, the actor again fell into the police. At the 69th Cannes Film Festival, the police detained a car of a man, after which the people themselves presented Ukrainian rights. He lost French driver's license for a long time, after repeated violations of the rules of the home country.

It is not exactly known where the actor has foreign rights. Police admits that the Ukrainian certificate can be fake, but lawyers notice that foreigners can legally obtain Ukrainian rights by passing the driving exam or presenting the driver's license of their country.

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The actor spent several hours at the police station and paid a fine of € 10 thousand, after which he was released. Representatives of celebrities and festivals did not comment on this incident.

In the summer of 2018, being in Russia, together with his brother, Bib Nature was beaten in Moscow in one of the karaoke bars. The dispute with other guests of the Club, the Belarusians by nationality, originated due to the microphone. An injury that cameras did was hard: they themselves had to do an operation at the Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholts. Later, the condition of the man was tracked by specialists from the Ministry of Health of Russia, including the Chief Ophthalmologist Vladimir Nerevyev.

Personal life

The personal life of the actor was no longer any consistency in his youth. There were many fleeting novels and a short relationship. In 1995, he had a son of Julian, who in the 3rd part of the Taxi played with his father.

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In 2005, he married themselves in the French film actress Marie Giyar, according to one information in the media - after 3 years they broke up, on the other, they retained relations. Also, the actor was attributed to civil marriage with a young woman named Audrey, with which he broke up in 2014.

Later, a member of the "House-2" Julia Belaya stated about romantic communications with the French performer. The girl reported that the relationship was lasting for 6 months, but the star of the screen itself did not confirm this information. But on the media pages, joint photos of the artist and the Russian model Plus-Size Julia Rybakova, on which both behaved very liberated.

The actor leads a verified account in "Instagram". Before subscribers, the star is not shy to curve in photographs. In addition to own photos, the actor lays out drawings of fans, posters of interested events and screenshots of the faced articles and news messages.

In 2017, he visited the studio of the entertainment show "Evening Urgant", where he talked with Ivan Urgant about his role in the film "Taxi", about how she influenced the life of a number. The artist mentioned that one day in Yalta he had to become a guest of the competition for local taxi drivers: at the end of the event, they themselves went to the main platform to give the winners of the prizes. The performer itself at the competition received a diploma of an honorary member of the Crimean Trade Union of Taxists.

Later, the actor said that he completely revised his attitude to life, threw bad habits and began to help adolescents, which at one time became part of criminal structures.

No member now

In 2018, he himself tried their strength in the new role - the actor played in Valeria clip "Put this song again." The video was created in Los Angeles, the final was filmed in Moscow.

In the same year, he became an honorary member of the Judge College of Moscow International Film Festival. He headed the jury of short film. The event also showed a tape with the participation of the gathering itself - the Canadian drama "Identification".

And in May, Russian television viewers saw the next part of the "Taxi" franchise, which was not present for the first time. The artist abandoned the filming, as his ideas about the film were different from those tasks that director Frank Gastambid put before the actors.

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In the summer of 2018, Yekaterinburg visited Yekaterinburg as part of the World Cup Park. The company's star company compiled his compatriot, FIFA legend, World Champion - 1998 as part of the France team Marcel Desaiyi.

Now the numbers are filmed in several French projects. Also involved in the film "I went to the fog", which appeared at the box office in 2019.


  • 1994 - "Brothers: Red Roulette"
  • 1995 - "Paradise"
  • 1997 - "under the legs of women"
  • 1998 - "Taxi"
  • 2000 - "Taxi 2"
  • 2001 - "Free Fall"
  • 2002 - "Osin Nest"
  • 2003 - "Taxi 3"
  • 2006 - "Patriots"
  • 2007 - "Taxi 4"
  • 2008 - "Girls and Angels"
  • 2012 - "without refund"
  • 2013 - "Top Type"
  • 2017 - "Superlybi"

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