Eva Longoria - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Eva Longoria - American film actress, model, designer, restaurant, patron and writing. The official face of the brand L'Oreal. One of the most popular Latin American, her name appears in the ratings of the most beautiful and sexy women of the planet. She and today continues to confidently look into the future, expanding the sphere of their capabilities - the fans have already managed to evaluate the producer and directorial talent of miniature beauties.

Childhood and youth

Eva Jacqueline Longoria was born in the Texas town of Corpus Christie in March 1975. The actress has mexican roots. It is known that the ancestor of Eve, whose named Lorenzo Suaka de Longoria, was born in the village of Longoria, belonging to the Spanish municipality of Belmonte de Miranda.

Eva Jacqueline was the youngest of the 4 daughters of the Longoria family. It is noteworthy that Evva's senior sisters - Elizabeth Judine, Emily Jealtte and Esmeralda Josephine - blue-eyed blondes. Therefore, in the early youth, Eva Longoria doubted that she was a native, and not a receptional daughter of his parents, because she had brown hair and brown eyes.

Longoria's big family lived on his own ranch and earned a living by agriculture. Eva's parents went from the ancestors of considerable land, which, however, did not bring the family of wealth. Parents could not give all her daughters higher education, and lucky only Eva.

The girl learned perfectly at school and managed to enter the university of neighboring Kingsville, choosing an unusual direction - kinesiology (discipline that studies muscular movement is more often studied in sports educational institutions). Eva Longoria even managed to get a bachelor's degree. But to continue to go this through the future actress I did not want: she looked after a show business.

Bright appearance and physical parameters (Eva growth - 157 cm, weight - 46 kg) allowed to dream of a career model. But the photograph photographers sent to the agency did not give: Eve did not reach the model growth.

In student years, the girl participated in one of the contests of models, chasing the title "Miss Corpus-Christie". Soon she participates in talent contest in Los Angeles, again becoming the first. At the end of the university Eve, Eve is sent to Los Angeles, where an agent finds that helps to conquer American cinema.


A stubborn and stubborn girl soon managed to achieve the goal. With the help of a hired agent, he received an episodic role in the "Beverly Hills" series. Then the "guest role" was followed in a soap opera, which was broadcast by the day, called the "Chief Hospital". Eve Longoria was noticed and invited to play a hysterical and capricious heroine Isabella Williams in the TV series "Young and daring".

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In this tape, the actress plays almost 3 years since 2001. But during this period, the American does not wait for mercy from fate, but persistently seeks the following role. Eva finds it in a multi-sized ribbon, which directed director Dick Wolfe. Film received the name "Durable Network".

Diligence and continuous improvement of acting skills lead to the desired star role: Longoria receives an offer to play in the megapopular series "Desperate Housewives" in the image of Gabriel Solis. In 2004, when the film went to the screens, Eva woke up world famous. The actress acquired the army of fans, and also received the first prestigious Award "Golden Globe".

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After the "Desperate Housewives", the cinematic biography of Eva Longoria is rapidly going up. In 2006, the film actress receives an offer to play in another stellar role in the "Security" picture. This is a detective thriller, where Michael Douglas and Kiefer Sutherland are taken apart from Eva. At the same time, another film project "Cool times" was introduced. And again Eva Longoria on the site with celebrities - Christian Bail and Freddie Rodriguez.

Subsequently, the actress was replenished with an episodic manner in the comedy-remake with Ben Stiller in the lead role of the "Girl of My Nightmares". The main character of Eva played in the romantic comedy of the "Bride from the World", later it appeared in the main acting trio together with Jason Biggs and Robri Cordry in the film "Lowest Education".

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In 2013, Longoria tried her strength in production activities. She participated in the creation of the comedy series "Cunning Maids", where also appeared as director. And a year later, she became a co-producer of a cash militant "John Piq". Periodically, the name of Eva appears in the tutors of the series as a director. One of the last projects of the Longoria-thetaist was the project "From Los Angeles to Vegas".

At the same time, the star of the screen continues his acting career. She appeared in the Mexican Military Drama "Battle of Freedom", in the Canadian Thriller "Dark True", in the American Melodrama "Crazy Love Love."

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In 2014, the Frontera thriller was published with Longoria, where the company was in the foreground of Ed Harris and Michael Peña. The rating series of 2015, where Eva played one of the roles, became the project "Empire", later the artist littered in the British comedy TV series "decay and destruction".

Model Career

The rapidly developing filmier becomes a good impetus for promotion in the model business. In 2003, Eva Longoria falls among the "most beautiful people" of the PEOPLE EN ESPANOL edition. The actress is headed by the rating of the hottest women-celebrities magazine "Maxim" 2 years in a row - in 2005 and 2006. The name of Eve is called perfume. Together with Victoria Beckham Longoria advertises a new mobile phone from LG.

Successful actress and model does not forget about charity. In 2006, Longoria is based on the organization Eva's Heroes, which helps sick children. Together with Kirsten's colleague, Dunst Longoria collects money to Mexican children's rehabilitation centers. As a producer, she appears in documentary tape on migrant children who work in the agrarian sector in the United States.

Visited the actress and in Moscow. In September 2016, the Messenger of the L'Oleal brand went on shooting for the glossy magazine of the Russian representative office of the French company. Also in the Russian capital, Eva Longoria took part in the presentation of the new toning spray for the roots of the Magic Retouch hair.

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The developers stated that the spray instantly masks the resulting roots and seeding, acting on the principle of dry spraying, which makes it possible to achieve the maximum effect. Despite the interesting presentation, the Russians were very wary of the product, because users left a large number of negative reviews about the product on the official website of the brand, commenting on the exit of the spray in the United States.

In November 2016, it became known that Eva Longoria created a collection of clothing together with The Limited brand. Festive and casual dresses, blouses, t-shirts, skirts and jackets were presented.

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In the sale of elegant things accepted not a full line, and parts. Eva is actively trying to become a successful designer. According to the actress when she created a new clothing line, inspired by women who know in real life.

"I think many will be surprised by learning that I can sew since childhood. How much I sewed dresses, skirts, blouses, trousers for his niece and nephews, do not count, "the actress admitted.

Personal life

With the first spouse - artist Tyler Christopher - Eva met during filming in the TV series "Hospital". But a joint life was immediately chaired, and the couple broke up after 2 years of marriage, in 2004.

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Eva's personal life was set up in the fall of 2006, when she woke up with the French basketball player Tony Parker. A symbolic date was chosen for the wedding - July 7, 2007 (07.07.2007). Eve took the surname of her husband.

The couple was combined with a marriage in the Roman Catholic Church of the XII century, a famous fact that French monarchs were crowned here. But the place received by legends could not save this marriage. In January 2011, the spouse divorced, as a result of which Longoria returns his virgis. Parting passed painlessly, since in this union the common children from the spouses did not appear.

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During the second marriage, Eva, thanks to her husband, the athlete met with Chet Beckham. Friendship between Eva and Victoria remained even after breaking with his spouse. In 2012, Longoria was invited as a godmother for the daughter of friends Harper.

In December 2015, Eva announced that the new Beloved, Mexican entrepreneur José Antonio Baston, the owner of the largest media company in Latin America Televisa, offered her hand and heart. The wedding took place six months. The designer of the wedding dress Longoria and her witness became a close girlfriend Victoria Beckham.

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Many fans and viewers consider Eve of one of the sexiest women. Since the actress is the face of the French brand L'Oreal Paris, the situation causes the Hollywood star to look great. The surrounding notes and clothing in which Longoria appears. Looking through the photo on which Eva is captured, the fans enthusiastically comment on the street style, a snow-white smile and a cumier haircut.

Eva herself believes that this result achieved due to its efforts, because even in his youth, learned to be smeared, develop personality and personal qualities. In addition, according to Eve, she carefully gets rid of makeup every night, performing a complete beauty-ritual.

"A sexy woman is primarily a woman, confident," said Eva Longoria.

In 2017, American tabloids have increasingly started discussing the personal life of celebrities, assuming that she is pregnant. In the network "Instagram" there were photos of Longoria with an already noticeable tummy. Reporters and subscribers were right - June 19, 2018 Longoria gave birth to Santiago Enrique Baston. Already a month later, Mom and the child became the heroes of the cover of the American magazine Hola!.

The fans of the artist noted that after the birth, the performer recovered. But after a couple of months, Longoria pleased the fans of a slim figure, which was demonstrated in a swimsuit, being on the seabed with her son.

Eva Longoria now

In 2018, Eva Longoria appeared in the acting comedy "Overboard". In the film we were talking about richer, which after falling into the water from the yacht lost memory. In the hospital, it was located former beloved, which decided to take revenge on him, introducing him to his wife. Also, the actress played in the melodramatic comedy "Dog Day", in which Nina Dobrev and Vanessa Hudzhens starred with it.

Also in 2019, the premiere of the family adventure painting "Dora and the Lost City" was held, where Longoria played. This is a film about the young girl, the daughter of archaeologists, knows the secrets of an unknown world. Rental kinocartine came out in the middle of summer. Later, the audience will see the screen star in the comedy "Star Weekend".


  • 2003 - "Snobch"
  • 2004-2012 - "Desperate Housewives"
  • 2004 - "Avoid paying"
  • 2004 - "Senorite Justice"
  • 2005 - "Cool times"
  • 2006 - "Security"
  • 2006 - "George Lopez"
  • 2007 - "The girl of my nightmares"
  • 2009 - "Night in the supermarket"
  • 2012 - "Friends from Baitaun"
  • 2012 - "Cristiada"
  • 2013 - "Crazy Love View"
  • 2014 - "FRONTER"
  • 2018 - "Overboard"
  • 2018 - "Dog Day"
  • 2019 - "Dora and the Lost City"

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