Maya Carmen - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Vasily Aksenov, Rumors and Latest News 2021



Maya Afanasyevna Kmeul, more famous as Maya Carmen, was born in June 1930 in Moscow, in the family of the Hero of the Civil War, the Soviet historian Athanasius Andreevich Zmeula. A few years after the birth of Maya, the father was headed by the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade. During the Great Patriotic War, he went to the front and was an agitator of the propaganda department of political management.

After the war, Zmeul becomes the head of the foreign trade association "International Book". After the end of one of the metropolitan schools of Maya Kmeul - a student of the Foreign Trade Institute. Having received a diploma, she got a job in a commercial chamber.

Maya Carmen and Roman Carmen

Maya Zmeul referred to the category of youth, which was called "Golden". The daughter of the eminent exterior chief who led the prestigious institution, which had offices in many countries, was everything about what others were dreamed of. Maison's mother died early. Father married a second time. But with a stepmother, the relationship was set up quickly. The daughter inherited his father's character - stubborn, straight and targeted.

In 1951, Maya married. Her first husband was an external worker Maurice Ovchinnikov. After 3 years, the spouses were born daughter Elena. But soon the marriage collapsed. Maya met the director of Roman Karmena for the whole country and fell in love. He also left the family for sake, was divorced with his wife Nina Orlova, with which he lived 20 years.

Maya Carmen in a circle of friends

Despite the hot-tempered and straightforward character of Maya, the spouses laid. They were part of that layer of Soviet society, which was called "Elite". Everything was here - a prestigious apartment in the famous high rise on the boilerish embankment, the dacha near Moscow, traveling abroad, cars with personal chasters and gatherings with members of the Politburo. But in 1970, the Roman Karmen had a heart attack. To restore health, the family went to Yalta. There was a rocky meeting of Maya Carmen and Vasily Aksenov.

Personal life

From the moment of meeting with Aksyunov, who came to Yalta with his wife Kira, the personal life of Maya Carmen turned upside down. It was love at first sight, a rocky passion that swept everything on her way. But Kira Mendeleeva also loved her husband and did not want to divorce with him. The same feelings were tested to his wife and Roman Carmen.

Maya Carmen and Vasily Aksenov

Vasily Aksenov and Maya Carmen began to meet with secret. They went together in Sochi, Koktebel and Baltic States. But it is impossible to keep the personal life of such famous people in secret. About this novel, the entire literary bohemia of Moscow was shoved. As Vasily Aksyonov later admitted, he once hesitated Julian Semenov, who was friends with Roman Carmen and sincerely worried about the suffering friend.

Julian Semenov

Their relationship was really very risky. After all, Roman Lazarevich Carmen is the People's Artist of the USSR and the hero of the Socratrud. He is a baroper of a documentary film, who shot Powllus handlers under Stalingrad and the signing of an act of the surrender of Germany. Moreover: Carmen is a personal friend of Leonid Brezhnev. And Vasily Aksenov - dissident, it is increasingly scolded in the press and almost do not publish. Vasily Pavlovich described her love romance later in his autobiographical work "Burn". There Maya Carmen is named Alice.

Leonid Brezhnev

Maya could not throw the Roman Carmen. She burst between him and Aksenov to the very death of Roman Lazarevich. He was not in 1978. The divorce never happened. But with the departure of the director, the last barrier between Maya Carmen and Vasily Aksenov disappeared. After the divorce with Kira Vasily Pavlovich, finally, he was able to marry Maya. Their joint life now could not overshadow nothing, even the actual expulsion from the country.

Maya Carmen and Vasily Aksenov

In May 1980, lovers played a wedding. They celebrated the event in Peredelkino, in the country where close friends gathered. And in July of the same year, 48-year-old Vasily Aksenov and 50-year-old Maya with daughter Alena and Vanya's grandson went to Paris. After a couple of months, they moved to America, going there to live for a while. It was planned that it would be 2 years. But the writer promptly deprived citizenship. So spouses and remained in the US for long 24 years. Maya Carmen, like a husband, worked at the university, teaching Russian.

Maya Carmen with family

In 1999, a huge grief happened in the family. Tragic died, dropping out of the window, the 26-year-old grandson of Maya Ivan. But it was only the first tragedy, followed by others. In 2004, Maya and Vasily Aksenov received an apartment in Moscow. Rather, they were returned to the selected apartment in the same house, on the boilers. And after 4 years, Aksenova had a stroke. The writer drove out of the yard of that very high.

Almost 2 years Vasily Pavlovich was in a coma. Transferred operations did not save it. All this time, Maya was located next to his beloved husband. Soon she had the opportunity to survive a new blow. In the summer of 2008, Suddenly, in a dream, Elena's daughter died, who came to help care for stepfather. And in the summer of next year, Maya Carmen buried her husband. In one of the last interviews, the woman admitted that she was holding her on this light only Favorite French Aksenov, Spaniel named Pushkin.

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