Nicholas II (Nikolai second) - biography, climbing the throne, reign, achievements, reforms, execution, death, family, children, photos and the latest news



Nikolay The second is the last Russian emperor, who became a story as the most weakweight king. According to historians, the management of the country for the monarch was a "heavy curb", but this did not prevent him from making a mortgage in the industrial and economic development of Russia, despite the fact that in the country during the reign of Nicholas II, a revolutionary movement was actively increasing, and the foreign policy situation was complicated. . In modern history, the Russian emperor is mentioned by the epithets "Nikolai Bloody" and "Nikolai Martyr", as the assessments of the activities and the nature of the king are ambiguous and contradictory.

Emperor Nicholas II.

Nikolai II was born on May 18, 1868 in the royal village of the Russian Empire in the imperial family. For their parents, Alexander III and Mary Fedorovna, he became the eldest son and the only heir to the throne, who was taught from the earliest of his life from the earliest years. The Englishman Karl His was engaged in the upbringing of the future king from birth, who trained young Nikolay Alexandrovich freely in English.

The childhood of the heir to the royal throne took place in the walls of the Gatchina Palace under the clear leadership of his father Alexander III, who brought up his children in a traditional religious spirit - he allowed them to play and stir into the measure, but at the same time did not allow the manifestation of laziness in their studies, preserving all the thoughts of sons about The future throne.

Nicholas II in childhood

At the 8th age, Nikolai second began to receive a general education at home. His training was conducted within the framework of the general gemnasic course, but the future king did not show a special zerry and desire for study. His passion was a military business - already in 5 years he became the chief of the Life Guard of the reserve infantry regiment and gladly mastered military geography, legal state and strategy. Lectures at the future monarch read the best scientists with world names, who were personally picked up for the son of Tsar Alexander III and his wife Maria Fedorovna.

Nicholas II in childhood and youth

Especially the heir succeeded in the study of foreign languages, so in addition to English, he owned French, German and Danish languages. After eight years, the general gymnasium program, Nicholas, began to teach the necessary higher sciences for the future statesman, part of the Economic Department of the Legal University.

In 1884, at the achievement of the majority, Nicholas II brought the oath in the Winter Palace, after which he entered the actual military service, and in three years he began to regular military service, for which he was awarded the title of Colonel. Completely moving away to the military case, the future king easily adapted to the inconveniences of army life and transferred the service in the army.

Nicholas II in youth

The first acquaintance with state affairs at the heir to the throne took place in 1889. Then he began to attend the meetings of the State Council and the Cabinet of Ministers, in which the father introduced him to the case and shared experiences how to manage the country. In the same period, Alexander III made numerous journeys with her son, which began from the Oil East. Over the next 9 months, they traveled Greece, India, Egypt, Japan and China by the sea, and then throughout Siberia, they returned to the Russian capital.

Climbing to the throne

In 1894, after the death of Alexander III, Nikolai, the second joined the throne and solemnly promised to guard the autocracy also firmly and steadily as his late parent. The coronation of the last Russian emperor took place in 1896 in Moscow. These solemn events were marked by the tragic events on the Khodynsky field, where during the distribution of royal gifts there were mass riots, picking up life thousands of citizens.

Climbing the throne of Emperor Nicholas II

Because of the massive crush, the monarch who came to power wanted to even cancel the evening ball on the occasion of his climb on the throne, but later decided that the Khodyan catastrophe is a real misfortune, but it is not worth overshadowing the holiday of coronation. These events, the educated society perceived as a challenge, which was the bookmark of the foundation into the creation of a liberation movement in Russia from the king dictator.

Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II

Against the background of this, the emperor in the country introduced a tough internal policy, according to which any dissent among the people was pursued. In the first few years of the reign of Nikolai second in Russia, a population census was conducted, and a monetary reform was carried out, which established the Golden Standard of the ruble. Golden ruble Nicholas II was equated to 0.77 grams of pure gold and was half a "harder" brand, but twice the "easier" dollar at the rate of international currencies.

Nicholas II on horse

In the same period, "Stolypin" agricultural reforms were held in Russia, factory legislation was introduced, several laws on the mandatory insurance of workers and universal primary education were adopted, as well as the tax fee from the landowners of Polish origin and canceled the penalties, such as a reference to Siberia.

In the Russian Empire, large-scale industrialization was held during Nicholas, the rates of agricultural production were increased, coal and oil production started. At the same time, thanks to the last Russian emperor, more than 70 thousand kilometers of the railway were built in Russia.

Board and renunciation

The reign of Nikolai second in the second stage passed during the aggravation of the internal political life of Russia and a rather complex foreign policy situation. At the same time, he in the first place was the Far Eastern direction. The main obstacle to the Russian monarch to predominance in the Far East was Japan, which, without warning in 1904, attacked Russian escardu in the port city of Port Arthur and due to the inaction of the Russian leadership, defeated the Russian army.

Nicholas II with a gun

As a result of the failure of the Russian-Japanese war in the country began to rapidly develop a revolutionary situation, and Russia had to give Japan southern part of Sakhalin and the rights to the Liaodan Peninsula. It was after this that the Russian emperor lost authority in the intelligent and ruling circles of the country, who accused the king in defeat and connections with Gregory Rasputin, who was an unofficial "advisor" of the monarch, but considered in society a charlatan and a fraudster who had a complete impact over Nikolai second.

Grigory Rasputin

The first world war of 1914 was the turning point in the biography of Nicholas II. Then the emperor was trying to avoid the bloody slaughter with all the forces on the advice of Rasputin, but Germany went to Russia to Russia, which was forced to defend themselves. In 1915, the monarch took over the military command of the Russian army and personally went to the front, inspecting the military units. At the same time, he made a number of fatal military mistakes, which led to the collapse of the Dynasty of the Romanov and the Russian Empire.

Nicholas II at the Military Council

The war aggravated the internal problems of the country, all military failures surrounded by Nicholas of the second assigned to him. Then in the government of the country began "treason nest", but despite this, the emperor, together with England and France, developed a plan for the general onset of Russia, which was to end the military confrontation by the country to the summer of 1917.

Nicholas II.

Nikolai's plans were not destined to come true - at the end of February 1917, mass uprisings against the royal dynasty and the current government began in Petrograd, which he initially intended to stop the power methods. But the military did not obey the orders of the king, and the members of the Sweet Monarch persuaded him to renounce him from the throne, which allegedly helps to suppress unrest. After several days of painful reflections, Nicholas II decided to renounce the throne in favor of his brother, Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich, who refused to take the crown, which meant the end of the Romanov dynasty.

Shot of Nicholas II and his family

After signing the king of the manifesto on renunciation, the provisional government of Russia issued an order for the arrest of the royal family and its approximate. Then many have betrayed the emperor and escaped, so only the units of loved ones from his environment agreed to divide the tragic fate of the monarch, who, together with the king, were sent to Tobolsk, from where, allegedly, the Nicholas family should have been shipped to the United States.

Nicholas II after renounce the throne

After the October Revolution and coming to power, the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, tsarist family transported to Yekaterinburg and concluded in the "House of Special Forces". Then the Bolsheviks began to enter the plan of the lawsuit over the monarch, but the civil war did not allow their intention.

The room where Nikolai second was shot

Because of this, in the upper echelons of Soviet power, it was decided to shoot the king and his family. On the night of July 16, July 17, 1918, the family of the last Russian emperor was shot in a semi-basement room of the house, in which Nicholas II was imprisoned. The king, his wife and children, as well as several of his approximal, brought to the basement under the pretext of evacuation and were shot without explanation, after which the victims were taken outside the city, their bodies burned with Kerosene, and after buried in Earth.

Personal life and royal family

The personal life of Nicholas of the Second, unlike many other Russian monarchs, was the standard of the highest family virtue. In 1889, during the visit of the German princess Alice Hesse Darmstadt to Russia, Zesarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich paid special attention to the girl and asked the father of blessing to marry her. But parents did not agree with the choice of the heir, so the son refused to son. It did not stop Nikolai II, who did not lose hope of marriage with Alice. They were helped by the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna, the sister of the German princess, having made a secret correspondence with the young in love.

Nicholas II with Alexandra Fedorovna

After 5 years, Zesarevich Nikolai again persistently asked the consent of his father to marriage with the German princess. Alexander III in view of a sharply deteriorated health allowed the Son to marry Alice, who became Alexander Fedorovna after the world conjunction. In November 1894, a wedding of Nikolai Second and Alexandra took place in the Winter Palace, and in 1896, the spouses accepted coronation and officially became rulers of the country.

Help Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna

In marriage Alexandra Fedorovna and Nikolai II, five children were born - 4 daughters (Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia) and the only heir to Alexei, who had a serious hereditary disease - hemophilia associated with blood coagulation process. Tsearevich's disease Alexei Nikolayevich forced the royal family to get acquainted with Gregory Rasputin widely known at that time, who helped the Tsarist Heir to fight the attacks of the disease, which allowed him to acquire a huge impact on Alexander Fedorovna and Emperor Nicholas Second.

Nicholas II with his wife and children

Historians report that the family for the last Russian emperor was the most important sense of life. He always spent most of the time in a family circle, did not like his secular pleasures, especially cherished his peace, habits, health and well-being of relatives. At the same time, the emperor was not alien to the worldly passion - he was glad to hunt, participated in riding competitions, rode ice skating and played hockey with Azart.

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