Brick Bardo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Brick Bardo - French actress, singer and public figure. Unrivaled European cinema legend, a real star and a sex character of the era. The secret of her success fans call the unique ability to combine intact - childhood and sexuality, arrogance and shyness. The actress did not tolerate pathos toilets from Couturier, while herself became a fashion legislator. Glory did not interfere with her one day to leave the film and make a favorite thing - the protection of animals.

Childhood and youth

Brigit Ann-Marie Bardo was born in Paris in September 1934. The father of the future movie star was engaged in business, and the mother was a housewife and brought up two daughters. Once, when the family went to the restaurant, an outdoor fortune teller approached them and predicted that Bardo's surname would be famous for the whole world. The father then decided that luck awaits him in business.

It is difficult to believe that in childhood brighed was called a guffic duckling, and the girl herself did not consider himself a beautiful. Then she wore special glasses, as well as metal staples to correct the bite, suffered from a squint, her hair had a dull shade. But the figure was always the subject of bardo pride.

Together with the sister, the future celebrity attended the lessons of dance. Parents noticed daughter's tendency to this kind of art, giving a girl to a ballet school. At the age of 13, Britia went to study at the National Academy of Dance, having passed serious selection. She was lucky to become a student of the choreographer of the Russian origin of Boris Knyazev.

In his youth from the image of the ugly duckling there is no trace. The girl bloomed, such a beauty was difficult not to notice - the brigade began to offer shooting in fashion magazines. Already in 1949, Bardo starred to edition Jardin Des Modes, and the next year her photo decorated the cover of Elle. Then Brigitus noted the director of Roger Vadim and persuaded his colleague Mark Allegra to invite a girl to film.

Personal life

Bardo never experienced a lack of male attention, because the actress possessed an attractive appearance. The growth of the Frenchwoman is 170 cm, and the weight at the peak of popularity was 56 kg. In the personal life of the artist survived many meetings and separation.

Brigit was 15 years old when she had a relationship with Roger Vadim. From love, the girl lost his head, which was indicated by her reckless behavior. Parents did not approve the choice of her daughter, so she had never tried to commit suicide, expressing protest. At 18, Britia was still married to Vadim.

The first marriage collapsed in 1957. The actress appeared another man Jean-Louis Trentinyang, a shooting partner in fateful for Bardo's picture. Lovers began to live together, but this Union existed only 2 years.

Immediately after breaking with Trentinyan, Britia married again. At this time, Her husband was Jacques Sharin, who in a year the actress gave birth to the son of Nicolas. Later in the memoirs, the woman admitted that at that moment did not experience maternal feelings for the child and even refused to breastfeeding.

Britia soon began a novel with an actor fry themselves, as he learned the spouse. Jacques emotionally responded to treason, heavily beating the opponent. Followed divorce. On the process of termination of Marriage Bardo, refused to bring up his son. Nicolas-Jacques Charin stayed with his father.

He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Paris, seriously planned a musician career, but at the 22nd age came to the podium. To show their collection of a young man, Pierre Cardin himself invited. Working a mannequin, Nicolas met the model Anne-Lin Bjanon, the daughter of a Norwegian diplomat. In 1984, the girl became his wife. Two children were born in the family of Barddo's son - Anna-Christina and Tea-Josephine's daughter. Now Sharne Jr. and himself is a grandfather. The grandchildren of Bardo saw infrequently: actress even in old age failed to establish relations with the only son.

In the youth, the brigade survived many novels with famous men, among whom were Sasha Distiel, Serzh Genzbour, Bob Sugari.

The third legitimate spouse brigade Bardo was the Millionaire Gunter Sax photographer. The marriage lasted 3 years. Sax was a famous photographer whose works published prestigious magazines in the world. In addition, a man was a famous collector of works of contemporary art.

In 58, the actress again decided to marry - the wedding with Bernarr d'Ormal took place in 1992. After a time, Britia divorced with him.

The celebrity became the first woman in Europe, which dared to appear on the screens in a small swimsuit. In everyday life and in films, the style of "Chic Saint-Trope" adhered to the styles. This contributed to the popularity of the resort town of Saint-Tropez.

In August 2016, it became known that the castle where Bardo stayed was put up for sale. The French media reported that it is about the estate of Le Castelet. Experts rated real estate at the Cote d'Azur at $ 5.6 million. 3 years before that, a Paris apartment was put up for sale, in which the actress had previously lived together with her husband Gunter Sax.

Breaking never sought to change appearance, therefore belongs to a number of those actresses that did not make plastic operations. Keep the ideal parameters of the figure for a long time helped a vegetarian diet for a long time. In an interview, Bardo told about the dream - see the whole world of vegetarian.

The only thing that the star of the screen has paid special attention to - makeup, which today can be judged by the photo from the fan accounts of the actress in "Instagram". Until now, she uses the contour pencil for the eyes and bright lipstick, and in his youth often afraid to appear before the public without makeup.


Brigade Barddo's debut took place in 1952 - a beginner actress participated in the shooting of the comedy "Norman hole". Over the next 4 years, the young actress has managed to appear in 17 pictures. Among them are "long teeth", "Manina, a girl without bedspread", "future stars" and others.

Soon the girl glorified the role in the painting "And God created a woman" (1956). This film is considered the first successful film in the cinematic biography of the actress. He became a sensation of that time: the ribbon condemned the Catholic Church for excessive frankness. Despite this, the scene with the nude Bardo, dancing on the table, made a world-wide star from it.

From the end of the 50s, the Frenchwoman began to participate in more serious productions. She worked with prominent representatives of world cinema.

In 1959, the famous became the role in the picture "Babetta goes to war." The film was named the most popular in the career of the French actress. The action of the comedy unfolds in France occupied by the fascists. Later, women used to be extraordinary popularity, which Britia wore in the tape. The hairstyle was called - "Babetta".

Bright steel actresses and paintings "Parisanka" (1957), "Dance with me" (1959), "Woman and Spring" (1959), "Viva, Maria!" (1965), "Women" (1969), "obedients" (1970), "Rum Boulevard" (1971). Work in the film "The History about the Colosquarters", which appeared on the screens in 1973, became the last in the career of the artist.

The star star filmography has more than 50 films. Partners Brigit Bardo on the film were actors Marchello Mastroanni, Alain Delon, Sean Connery, Jean Gaben, Robert Ossein and others.

In January 2017, a new documentary about Brick Bardo appeared on French screens. The author of the painting was the master of the biographical genre of Virgin Limar. Tape "Bardo in love" was created on the basis of film and television gear involving the actress. The audiences saw footage from a home newsreel, filmed by the Father famous Frenchwoman.


Bardo became the hostage of his own beauty and sexuality and tried to escape from the well-minded image. For this in the 60s, the actress tried herself in the role of singer. Few people know that the brigade recorded more than 80 songs, among whom many hives.

Bardo managed to be glorified on a musical field thanks to the scandalous erotic composition Je T'aime Moi Non Plus, which was recorded in 1967 together with Serzh Genzbour. The record was hidden to not unpaulle the spouse bright.

A year later, Genzbour rewritten a song, but already with the actress Jane Birkin. As a result, the song became a hit, and Birkin gained popularity. Only in 1986, the initial record of the song from Bardo was published, but the composition no longer caused interest.


Brick Bardo has repeatedly turned out to be in the center of political scandals. Bernard d'Ormal, her husband, at one time served as an adviser to the party with the right-hand views of the "National Front", and from the woman herself, the inhabitants of France more than once heard statements in the nationalist spirit. The actress publicly declared that she did not sympathize with political parties at all. Nevertheless, it was repeatedly condemned for inciting interracial dislike.

It is known that the film actrix was a defendant of lawsuits on charges of inciting national and religious retail. Because of this, in 1997, Bardo was fined on ₣ 10 thousand, in 2001 - on ₣ 30 thousand, in 2004 - by € 5 thousand, in 2008 - by € 15 thousand.

Brigitis often says that the government policy does not like it because of "Islamization". According to the actress, the culture and lifestyle of Muslims impose in France, which gradually destroys the identity of the French.

Animal protection

In 1973, Bardo announced that she completes the film. Like all representatives of the sign of the zodiac scales, the brightest is a developed sense of justice, so it did not lead the recovery lifestyle, and decided to devote the life of the care of animals.

The love of celebrities to our smaller brothers has always hit others, and the statements were surprised by the world community. Bardo urged once and forever refuse to eat horseback, condemned the hunt for deer, which takes place in Canada. In 1999, it was not afraid to write an angry appeal to the leader of the PRC, in which accused the Chinese in the murder of the latter in the world of rhilities and tigers for the extraction of aphrodisiacs.

Bardo's new business was dedicated to his new business. The actress's writer's talent has opened in himself in the 70s. Since then, from under her feather, several publications came out. There are among the books of the stars of the screen and memoirs. Autobiography "Initials B. B." Released in 1996 and immediately received the status of bestseller, the quotes from which appear in the media so far.

At the 75th anniversary of the actress asked the Italian actress Sophia Lauren to make the world an unusual gift - refuse to carry natural fur. Fans still remember Bardo's statement about women who wear such things.

"The fur cozuba is a cemetery. A true woman will not wear a cemetery, "the representatives of the media brigade said in an interview.

Today, the film actrix lives at the villa in the Saint-Tropez surrounded by a pair of hundreds of pets.

In 2017, during the presidential election in France, the celebrity urged everyone who loves animals, vote against the ex-minister of Emmanuel Macron economy.

According to Bardo, "Macroon's program against animals is murderous, scandalous, leads to despair and does not give any hope for improvement."

Brick Bardo now

Today, Brigit continues to deal with animal protection. At the beginning of 2020, the actress turned to the current president of France with an open letter about the introduction of a number of measures to provide a more humane appeal to animals on farms.

In addition, Bardo supported the petition of one of the residents of the central part of France about the wild boar, which came across the territory of the woman's estate. He received a nickname Maurice and eventually turned into an animal whose weight exceeds 100 kg. In French legislation, no one has the right to keep wild animals in their farm, so the local prefecture ordered to plant a boar, the origin of which is unknown.

Bardo is not intended to be polished, if she has to get up to defend the brothers of our smaller. Another sharp statement, which artist allowed the residents of the island of Reunion, holding barbaric traditions for homeless dogs, caused a storm of indignation of citizens. The lawsuit for racist statements Brigit Bardo was submitted to the Court in the spring of 2020.

In 2020, many things from fashion 60-70s are experiencing a new birth, including those who were once considered a visiting card of the first fashionista France Bardo. These are elastic bandages on the head, Paco Rabanne bags with unusual fittings and cotton dresses in a delicate nursing pink cage of Vichy.


"There is no harder job than to try to look beautiful with eight in the morning until midnight." "Etiquette is the ability to yawn with a closed mouth." "It's easier to protect your virtue from men than your reputation from women." "I gave my beauty and youth . Now I give my wisdom and experience - the best thing I have - animals. "


  • 1952 - "Norman hole"
  • 1954 - "Night of Love"
  • 1956 - "Bride is too good"
  • 1956 - "And God created a woman"
  • 1957 - Parisanka
  • 1959 - "Babetta goes to war"
  • 1964 - "Charming idiot"
  • 1968 - "Three steps in nonsense"
  • 1968 - "Shalako"
  • 1969 - "Women"
  • 1969 - "Bear and Doll"
  • 1971 - "Roma Boulevard"
  • 1972 - "Lifetime Rent"
  • 1973 - "Don Juan 73"
  • 1973 - "The History of the Colino Suit"

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