Vensen Perez - photo, biography, personal life, news, films 2021



Vensen Perez is a Swiss actor and director who became known thanks to the participation of the French and Hollywood projects "Indochina", "Queen Margot", "Libele", "Raven 2: the city of Angels." During the creative career, he was lucky to work with the best directories of international cinema: Michelangelo Antonioni, Vimo Westers, Lyuko Bezson, Roman Polansky.

Childhood and youth

Perez was born in June 1964 in Switzerland. By nationality, he is half a German, half a Spaniard. The life of celebrities began in Swiss Lausanne. In his youth Vensean dreamed of the career of the artist or sculptor. When he was 18 years old, he left his parents and went to France.

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In Paris, the young man studied at the acting faculty of the Higher National Conservatory of Dramatic Art. In 1986, directed by Patrice Shero called Wensan Peres to the troupe of his theater, where the actor played the roles of Heinrich von Kleist, in Platonov, Anton Chekhov, "Gamlet" William Shakespeare.

In his youth, the actor's passion was photographed. A man in an interview with French journalists once told that he had planned to even become a professional photographer. When Wensena turned 23 years old, he went to study at the Swiss school of photography in the Center Doret, known for its high-quality education. In the future, Peres developed skills in this direction and even achieved certain success.


During his studies, Peres debuted into the cinema, appearing in the role of Armand in the ribbon "Guardian Nights". Then there were shooting in the drama "Sirano de Bergerac", where Gerard Depardieu became a partner of Wensan. This role of criticism was called a breakthrough in cinematic biography of Peres. In 1990, after the release of this film, the actor was nominated for "Cesar".

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World famous film actor brought a picture of "Indochina", published on the screens in 1992. In the historic drama Peres played Jean-Batista, the French military who fell in love with the Vietnamese girl. Relations of young prevented the former chosen by the Frenchman Eliana (Catherine Denev). The film won the Oscar Prize.

Later, the actor lit up in the last project of the Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni "for the clouds". In one of the 4 novel films, he played a hero named Niccolo. Wim Wenders became the second film director, and the main roles performed the stars of world cinema - John Malkovich, Fanny Ardan, Jean Renault, Marcello Mastroanni.

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The main role of Wensena is charming heroes-lovers. In the list of artist's screen passions - Catherine Denev, Kim Basinger, Isabelle Adjani, Sophie Marso and other kinodys. After the success of the French paintings "Fragrance" Fanfan "(1993) and the" Queen of Margo "(1994), the actor was invited to Hollywood.

The first in the Hollywood project was the role in the ribbon "Raven 2: the city of Angelov," where Vensen Peres replaced the tragically deceased Brandon. Then the comedy "Libele" (2000) appeared, the drama "I dreamed about Africa" ​​(2000), the biographical melodrama "Bride of the North" (2001). Among the subsequent works of Wenzan, its role is allocated in the historical melodraman "Jeanne Poisson, Marquis de Pompadur", which was successfully broadcast in French television.

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In 2007, the "Apocalypse Code" of the Apocalypse, in which Perezov starred in the main cast, together with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Vladimir Menshov, Alexei Serebryakov, started a film project. Later, the Frenchman's filmography was replenished with another Russian project "Kitchen in Paris", where Dmitry Nazarov played, Dmitry Nagiyev, Mark Bogatyrev and Elena Podikynskaya.

In 2013, a comedy was released on the script of Luke Leson "(not) a waiting prince". In the film Perez reincarnated in the main character, Cynic Jean-Mark, who once meets the disinterested girl Marie (Vain Jokanta).

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By this time, the actor's repertoire is replenished with the rating projects "My first time", "it's like day in the middle of the night", "Wellington Lines". The main male role Perez presented in the biographic tape "Love and Passion. Dalida. One of the last film projects of Wensena includes the British series "Riviera", Canadian historical drama "Wikelag, Earth Souls", comedy melodrama "12 melodies of love".

The actor is removed on different continents, but, as himself admits, a special attitude towards the world of cinema and creative freedom acquires only in France.

"I found a country where it is convenient for me to work and live. Of course, this is France. Do I feel like a Frenchman? And no, yes, "says Perez.

In cinema, Vensena is also interested in the director. Two short films - "nothing to say" and "stock", represented by Peres, won the Golden Palm Branch at the Cannes Film Festival. In 2002, Vincen Perez put the first full-length film "Angel Skura", and in 2007 - "Secret".

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It is known that Peresia more than once on the set, the film was to appear before the cameras in nude. For the first time, Wensena made the role of La Pray in the film "Queen Margo", which was presented in 1994. Already in 2000, the actor appeared without clothes before the film crew, and then the audience in the film "Libele", where the writer and philosopher Denis Didro play.

Since the writer has started novels into free from creativity, the writer has been novels with the most different women, it is not surprising that most of the perez artistic tape holds naked. Nevertheless, the actor claims that such roles are not happy at all, but not too thinking over this, considering such a state of affairs part of professional activity.

Personal life

The Swiss actor uses women's popularity not only on the screen, but also in life. He has many novels with beautiful show business representatives. His chosen in his time was the actress Jacqueline bisset and the model of Charles Bruni.Embed from getty images

Vensane Perez gained family happiness with a former beloved Gerard Depardieu - actress and model Karin Sille Senegalian origin. Officially, the pair registered the relations in the winter of 1998. Spouses together raise four children - Roxana (Karin's daughter from the first marriage), Iman, Pablo and Tess.

Vensean loves to read. The actor told media representatives, which is always trying to find time to enjoy the works of Russian classics and modern writers.

"It is interesting for me to ensure that the plot develops how the characters act. I adore books, rustle pages, smell of good paper, cover. I hate all these modern readers, "noted the film actor.Embed from Getty Images

Perez supports relations with Russian colleagues. As a photographer, he presented the exhibition of portraits of the Bolshoi theater dancers, the material for which was preparing for six months. Exposure of exclusive photos was introduced in Paris in early 2013. In winter, the 2017th Perez visited Russia. The actor first visited Buryatia with an unofficial visit.

After the trip to the remote Russian outback, a man shared with media representatives impressions. According to Wenzan, he would like to destroy the myth that exists in Europe that only Russians live in Siberia and Transbaikalia. During the trip, the company amounted to the French writer Olivier Rollin, which is one of the most famous and readable publicists of modern France. The actor promised to return to Buryatia already with his wife.

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Vensean responds positively in an interview about Russia. Peres declares that Russian culture has greatly influenced him, and theatrical performances and film vehicles who are created in the Russian Federation helps to know more, grow in a professional plan.

"My connection with Russia originated when I started learning acting skills. I am very inspired by the Russian Theater School of Stanislavsky. Stanislavsky joined me the world of Moscow XX century. Working with the works of Chekhov, I met other Russian authors and fell in love with this culture, including in the movies, "said Vensan Perez in an interview with journalists.

Fishers of the film actor continue to discuss their idols in "Instagram" and other social networks, and also follow the news, hoping to learn a lot of new things from his personal life and creativity.

Vensen Perez Now

The repertoire of Wenzan Peres continues to be replenished by sign projects. In 2018, he performed an episodic role in the drama "Van Gogh. On the threshold of eternity, "which was noted nominations and awards at prestigious international cinematic festivals.

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With the participation of Wenzan, the Franco-Italian project "Summer House" and the Australian Drama "Lady in Black", where, together with Peres, Julia Ormond was played.

In 2019, the Contractor appeared in the Military militant "Fifteen minutes of War" and in the project of the British director of Toma Harper "Aeronauts". The film tells about the life of the XIX century researchers, the first atmosphere conquers.


  • 1987 - Hotel de France
  • 1990 - "Sirano de Bergerac"
  • 1992 - "Indochina"
  • 1996 - "Raven 2: City of Angels"
  • 1997 - "Gone by the Sea"
  • 1997 - "Conversation of Angels"
  • 1998 - "Snipers"
  • 1999 - "I dreamed of Africa"
  • 2007 - "Apocalypse Code"
  • 2013 - "Kitchen in Paris"
  • 2016 - "Some in Berlin"
  • 2018 - "Van Gogh. On the threshold of eternity "
  • 2018 - "Summer House"
  • 2019 - "Fifteen minutes of war"

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