Natalia Selezneva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Natalia Igorevna Selezneva - Soviet and Russian film actress, which received the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" in 1996. He began to remove from early childhood, and the All-Union Glory brought her the roles of the student Lida in the comedy "Operation" S "Operation" and other adventures of Shurika "and Pani Catanina in Tellessly" Zucchini "13 chairs".

Childhood and youth

Natalia was born on June 19, 1945 in Moscow in the family of creative people. Her mother Elena Selezneva was a famous artist-illustrator, and Father Igor Polinkovsky professionally engaged in photography. In childhood, Natasha also wore the surname of Polinkovskaya and his debut in her first paintings. But when he received a passport, he took Mother's name Maiden.

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When the girl was 6 years old, a famous actor Mikhail Majorov invited her to audition at the Theater of the Soviet Army. The direct behavior of Natalia liked the director, and it was approved for the role of the main character in the play "30 Srebrenikov", which the young actress performed 3 years in a row. Searel because of filming the movies, which began from 8 years old, had to change school several times. One year Natasha even studied in Leningrad and lived with her mother in the hotel.

The early start of the acting career predetermined a further life path, and after receiving the certificate in 1963, the girl entered the Schukin Theater School, where he was engaged in the course of Boris Zahava. Then Seleznev became the actress of the Moscow Academic Satira Theater, on the stage of which the stars of the Russian Theater and Cinema Anatoly Papanov, Andrei Mironov and Spartak Mishulin, shone.

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Over the years of the theatrical biography, actresses managed to participate in the productions of the director V. Polek, L. Eidlin, M. Mikaelian, A. Shirvindt. Among her works, the audience was especially remembered by the roles in the play "Mount from Wit" on the work of Alexander Griboyedov, "Klop" on Vladimir Mayakovsky, "Last" Maxim Gorky. In 2014, the premiere-parody of the "Sad, but funny" of Arkady Inin and Andrei Vanutovich, in which Natalia Selezneva appeared in the lead role, took place for the 90th anniversary of the theater.


At one of the ideas of the performance "30 Srebrenikov", a small actress noticed the famous Soviet poetess and writer Agnia Barto, who insisted that in the children's picture on the book "Alyosha Pvytsyn develops character" played precisely this girl.

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So the Kenebeut of Natalia Selezneva took place, after which there were children's roles in the films "Girl and Crocodile" and "Alenka". On the set of the last ribbon, the young actress worked together with the legendary artist Vasily Shukshin. By the way, it was this painting that was the first one, where in the Titors Natalia appears under the name of Seleznev.

A real extension among the Soviet spectators made the role of students of the Polytechnic Institute of Lidochki in Kininomedy Leonid Gaiday "Operation" S "and other adventures of Shurik". Easy and cheerful film won incredible popularity in the country, and Natalia Selezneva, who appeared on the screen in a red swimsuit, began to be considered the first Soviet sex symbol.

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The director said that the actress played in this episode is easy, relaxed, but at the same time subtly and chaste. For participation in the Novella "Owning", Natalia, together with the rest of the acting, received the film "Silver Dragon Wawel" in Czechoslovakia. Selezneva and the executor of the role of Schurik Alexander Demyanenko for many years found audience love and recognition.

Very soon the success of the actress repeatedly, when there was an entertainment humorous program "Zucchini" 13 chairs "on TV screens. The television show's colleagues were very familiar, as most of them were artists of the Satira theater, where the actress performed. Natalia played Pani Katharina, daughter of a deputy drive from Polish zucchini.

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The popularity of this series was incredible, and the cessation of the shooting of the show, which occurred due to the political exacerbation of relations with Poland, was perceived by the audience extremely negatively, although by the moment the transfer came out for almost 14 years.

However, this success was and the reverse side - Natalia Selezneva, director began to perceive as a union actress and did not offer large roles for a long time. The girl along with Mariana Vertinskaya and Natalia Kustinskaya has tried to the role of Nina in the Caucasian Captive, but in the end they approved Natalia Varley. Several scenes with the actress managed to remove Georgy Delteius for the famous painting "I walk in Moscow", but Khsovset preferred Galina Polish.

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Leonid Gaidai came to the revenue again, who has played an artist in two pictures - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession" and "can not be!". In its first character - the movie star, the wife of the inventor of Schurik, in the second - the mother of three children squeezed.

Natalia's fee for work in Ivan Vasilyevich, according to some sites, amounted to 362 rubles. (120 thousand rubles. According to the current standards). This amount in the USSR could buy a refrigerator or a black and white TV. The director also received incomplete 8 thousand. At the same time, the average salary in the country was equal to 125 rubles.

Natalia Selezneva (Frame from the movie "Can't Be!")

In the 80s Seleznev shone in the broad distribution of television films-performances. Among them, the adaptation of the instructive play of Evgeny Schwartz "The Tale of Young Spouses," Viktor Roshova Drama Rosova "Gluhahar's nest", lyrical production "Lies on long legs".

Next to decade, the track record of the actresses complemented the Criminal Tape "Circle of doomed" about the journalist who killed his wife, the comedy "Primadonna Mary" and "Imphotent", in which a close friend of Natalia Igorevna and a colleague on theater Mikhail Derzhavin played a major role, "amazingly soft, tactful , absolutely delicate person. "

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Selezneva close to heart takes care from the life of representatives of the "Old Guard", with whom he was familiar for decades. When it did not become Derzhavin, according to her stories, it fell home icon. Vladimir Ethal, who died in March 2019, the actress called the best of the best, a teacher for life with an unsurpassed sense of humor and life.

The heroes of the "House" series are "descendants" of famous literary characters, from Skolnikov to Pavel Korchagin. Selezneva starred in the role of the wife of the Famusov official, whose surname is taken from Griboedovsky "grief from the mind."

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In the new century, Natalia Igorevna, despite age, was not going to rest on the laurels. She regularly performed in theatrical productions, and almost annually appeared in the Russian TV shows, continuing to amaze and even shock the public. For example, in 2004 in the comedy "Thieves and prostitutes. The prize - a flight into space "the actress appeared in a very string, even the spicy image of the revolutionary Elena Stasova.

In 2006, the actress filmography was replenished with work in the melodraman Alla Surikov "You will not leave me", in which Alexander Baluyev, Mikhail Boyarsky, Sergey Nikonenko played the main characters, Sergey Nikonenko, Elena Safonova, Igor Sklyar, Nikolai Fomenko. Natalia Selezneva reincarnated to the mother of the main heroine of the windows performed by Elizabeth Boyarskaya.

Natalia Selezneva (Frame from the movie "New Year's duty")

After 2 years, the premiere of the film of Igor Sternberg "Screws", where Natalia Igorevna got the role of a neighbor of Julia (Maria Kulikova) - aunt of Sim. In the same year, the artist littered in the criminal series "Vorotila", which was broadcast on the first channel. Selezneva performed the role of the second Plan of Claudia Semenovna, servants in Demenko's house.

The last works of Natalia Igorevna in cinema still remain roles in fabulous movies. In the Children's Film Olga Captures "Country of Good Baby" 2013 actress played grandmother. A year later, Natalya Igorevna appeared in the main acting composition of the melodrama "New Year's duty", fulfilling the role of Agnessee Leopoldovna.

Personal life

In 1968, Natalia Selezneva met at the filming of the music fairy tale "Calif-Aist" with the actor Vladimir Andreev, who later became the artistic director and the main director of the Moscow Theater named after M. Yermolova. Young people had romantic relationships, and in the same year they got married. Soon the only son Yegor was born in the family.

Andreev Jr. did not follow the footsteps of the parents, and instead graduated from MGIMO and became a diplomat, he defended his thesis, worked abroad, in the Foreign Ministry, now in the Federation Council. Egor presented the parents of the grandchildren of Alexey, Nicholas and Elizaveu. In an interview, Natalia Igorevna declared that he loves her husband. Love and mutual understanding made the personal life of artists happy.

However, in the studio of the television show "The Fate of Human", the celebrity faced that the sins of youth had to pay. After all, she took the spouse from the family: Vladimir was married to the namesake of the Seleznevoy, the executor of the role of the Duni in the "Quiet Don" Natalia Arkhangelsk. But after the meeting of the men with a huge brown-haired brother, this marriage broke up a month later. Arkhangelskaya later left the homeland of the second spouse-Frenchman, with whom he lived for 30 years, and even grateful to the rival for such a turn.

"I think that all the heavy moments in life - it was a payback for what I did. I don't know if it is possible to call it a bad act, because we are half a whole," Natalia Selezneva justified his act.

For such moments, the artist refers and health problems, which is not embarrassed. After surgery for Zob, she barely lost his voice and since then it is constantly wearing scarf, she has sick hands and injuries. In 2018, the favorite of the public has suffered an operation on the neck of the thigh and is still limited in motion.

On August 27, 2020, Vladimir Andreev celebrated the 90th anniversary, and after 2 days, on August 29, the actor did not become. The death of her husband reported Natalia Selezneva. She told that Andreev felt unreasoning at the celebration of the anniversary due to chronic heart disease.

The actress leads a healthy lifestyle: does not smoke, does not eat meat and never tried alcohol in his life, so long retained the ideal parameters of the shape. With a height of 175 cm, the weight of Natalia Igorevna was 50 kg. Over the years, the situation has changed - Selezneva recovered noticeably, but continues to radiate joy and charm, the artist is always smiling at personal photos.

Natalia from youth is an avid football fan. Her favorite team is Moscow CSKA. On the anniversary, the club management presented the actress CSKA's branded scarf with her last name.

Chinstar is keen on gardening and spends a lot of time on its own country. As with many representatives of the older generation, the spleen has no page in "Instagram", fans remember and love the actress without promotion in social networks.

Natalia Selezneva now

Now Natalia Igorevna appears only on theatrical scene in repertoire performances of the Satira Theater. The leading actress is involved in the comedy formulation of the "suitcase" on the play of Prosaika and the playwright Yuri Polyakova, who glorified the story "One hundred days before the order" about the grandfather in the Russian army.

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Selezneva goes to the frame in the form of the President of Russia, which was stolen "suitcase" with a nuclear button. Her partners became Fyodor Dobronravov, Svetlana Ryabova, Maya Gorban and Yuri Nifontov.


  • 1965 - "Operation" S "and other adventures of Shurik"
  • 1967 - "I loved you ..."
  • 1969 - "Calif-Stork"
  • 1970 - "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcake"
  • 1973 - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession"
  • 1976 - "Magic Lantern"
  • 1978 - "On the streets of Dresser drove"
  • 1982 - "Take care of men!"
  • 1989 - "Cracks"
  • 1996 - "Impotent"
  • 2000 - "Agent in a mini skirt"
  • 2003 - "Anniversary of the prosecutor"
  • 2007 - "Screws"
  • 2013 - "Country of good kids"

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