Sergey Lavogin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Anna Runov, Wife, Maria Lugovaya 2021



Sergey Lavogin is a popular actor who starred in rating Russian television series and films. It is equally well managed both comedy and deep dramatic roles. Thanks to his talent, Sergey deserved folk love.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born on July 27, 1980 in Moscow in a family, having nothing to do with the theater and cinema. Both parents are associated with science: both mother, and the father of the actor - mathematics physics. Sergey has a native brother who was a professional athlete, and then began to engage in his own business.

According to the actor, he still dreamed of "getting into TV" in childhood, but under 14 years of age, this desire was confused and uncertain. In adolescence, the boy was carried away by the school theater, visited the act of acting skills, where he began to play in children's productions.

The final decision to become an artist came after success in the summer camp of one Scene-Etude, in which Sergey played the pilot, who lost consciousness in the cockpit. In fact, the tragic situation thanks to the talent of the young lavavin turned into an incendiary comedy and had more popularity among the audience, so Sergey repeated several times in school concerts.

After receiving the school education, Sergey Lavogin arrived on the first time to the prestigious Higher Theater School named after Schepkin and was engaged in the acting department of Vladimir Alekseevich Safronova. In the student years, the future actor loved to watch passersby on the street and not only adopt the gait and the behavior of others, but also to predict the characters and the mood of unfamiliar people. Such a hobby in the future helped it is better to build in the image.

After graduating the theater university, Lavogin entered the troupe of the Moscow Theater of the Young Spectator, where he worked until 2014. During this time, on the theater scene, Sergey played not one dozen roles, the most memorable of which Mr. Smith in Peter Pan, the ball in the "two maplens" and Kastano in the "Cavalier-Ghost" formulation. The actor collaborated with the "doc "theater and the center named after Vsevolod Meyerhold.

In his youth, Sergey Lavogin received the experience of the TV presenter after led by the "Series" on the Man-TV channel, in which he told the audience about the news of the movie emerging on the DVD. Also participated in the popular entertainment show "Big Difference", in which he began to remove from the 63th issue.


Sergey Lavina's creative biography began in 2003. He played Vasily we will join in melodrame about the times of Khrushchev thaw "Hello, the capital!". This role did not bring him great fame.

In the artist filmography, the films "Lawyer 2", "Spy Games", "Trail", "From the life of Captain Chernyaev". Episodic roles in detective and criminal projects were not embarrassed by artist. Sergey was gaining a rating of recognition from the public and directories.

The popularity of the actor brought the role of Arseny Chuganin, the wagon chef, whom everyone is called Senya, in the comedy Sitkom "Kitchen". LaVygin perfectly coped with a funny manner, but buried culinary. Together with the actor Mikhail Tarabukin, playing Fedy, he created the most comedy pair of the series. The actor says that on the street it will be recognized as seeds and often dangle this name. Even sometimes make comments about the behavior of the hero in Sitkom or advise you to stop stealing products from the kitchen.

Sergey Lavogin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Anna Runov, Wife, Maria Lugovaya 2021 20415_1

In total, 6 seasons of a multi-sized project were created, one documentary television film about filming, as well as 2 full-length films "Kitchen in Paris" and "Kitchen. Last fight". Presented the last picture Sergey Lavogin in the company Dmitry Nazarov on the Talk show "Evening Urgant". The actors told TV viewers about the differences of the new film from the previous ones, shared a changed attitude towards the restaurant business and demonstrated how 5 years of filming were rallied by the cast.

Almost immediately after the start of the translation of the "kitchen", Sergey LaVygin received a vivid role of "Mordovota" Tolik in the People's Comedy Zhora Kryzhovnikov "Gorky!". Continuing cooperation with a popular director, in a year the artist appeared in the 2nd part of the movie, and then starred at the cash project "The Best Day!".

In the psychological drama "Thirst" Lavogin reincarnated in the main character Pasha. Together with partners in the frame, Mikhail, Rough and Roman Kurskin Sergey became the owner of a special process "For Energy and Charm" at the Kinotavr Film Festival.

Another popular film with Sergei Lavygin is the Kininomedy "Mommy". In the TV series, the actor plays the novel, the podkin's husband of one of the heroines, whose role is performed by Svetlana Kolpakova. Sergey says that, despite the comedy and ease of the image, this hero was not easy for him, since it was absolutely opposite to its character. Interestingly, Kolpakov and Lavogin in the first series of paintings constantly showed family quarrels, so the actors turned to the scenarios as a request to add to episodes with the participation of their heroes more romance, which had a positive effect on the realism of the series.

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On November 28, 2016, the premiere of the new comedy Russian-Ukrainian series "Eleon Hotel", Spin-off and an indirect continuation of the popular culinary sichtack "Kitchen". In this project, LaVygin returned to the character of Arsenia Chuganin, which from the chef wagon turned into a chef, and the role itself passed from the minor in the discharge. He appeared in the 2nd, and in the 3rd seasons of the series. Sitka won the love of viewers and, as the creators of the franchise celebrate, filled the emptiness formed after the plot of the "kitchen".

In the comedy "Well, hello, Oksana Sokolova!" The artist got the image of the police captain. Thanks to a brilliant acting, which entered Victor Dobronravov, Valentina Mazunina, Alexey Bazanov, Sergey Burunov, for six months, the film collected $ 1.5 million at all.

The comedy series "Grand", in which Lavogin plays Su-Chief again, went out on the screens in 2018. The plot is built around the life of the staff of the capital's hotel. Among the performers of the main and secondary roles are many acquaintances on the TV series "Kitchen" and "Eleon Hotel" ".

The image of the chef of the Seni became a sign for the CTC channel, so he launched the Stena Beculus. The project allows you to see the audience the lives of two friends in completely new circumstances - outside the familiar world of Claude Monet and Victor restaurants. "Personally, our new project extends to me, allows you to hooligan, fool and have fun. By the way, we love to joke with Misha and in life, then quarrel and reconcile again - practically like Senya with Feda, "Lavogin told.

For Sergey Lavigina, 2020 was marked by two major works. The first is the series "infuriates", and the second is the new season of the series "Kitchen. War for hotel 2 ".

"Infuriates" is a project that affects the issues currently relevant to the modern society, starting by drugs and ending with the invasion of tickers. Sergey Lavogin appeared in the 6th series, which was dedicated to domestic violence.

The 2nd season of the sensational Sitkom "Kitchen. War for the hotel "received unexpected turns in the plot and new heroes, for example, a charming ski instructor named Mel (Dmitry Vlasov). And Sergey LaVygin appeared in front of the audience in the usual image of the Cook's chef, with which there is even more fun situations.

Personal life

Sergey Lavygin was civil marriage with actress Anna Runner, which in the TV series "Kitchen" is his on-screen wife. In early 2016, the couple declared the first birth of the firstborn. And already in March, the son of Fedor appeared. There are no other children from the actor.

Relationships officially Sergey and Anna were not in a hurry, as they believed that the wedding and stamp in the passport would not affect their relationship. But after some time the couple broke up. Anna Bagunova married the star of the Fizruk series Dmitry Voskina. She was against official relations, but the actor insisted at the wedding. The divorce Sergey and Anna passed on a friendly note, they decided to preserve good relations for the sake of the Son.

Soon, reports about changes in the actor's personal life appeared in the media. The actress Maria Lavigina became the new chief of Sergey Lavigina. The pair openly appeared on the Ecoforme near Moscow, where he spent the weekend.

In January 2020, it became known about their wedding. Happy newlyweds shared joy with fans in "Instagram", signing photos: "What is snow that I feel that I am a rain pouring when my wife is with me."

Family happiness of the actor overshadowed health problems. In May of the same year, he was urgently hospitalized with a concussion and a closed cranial trauma. The incident occurred as a result of the fact that Sergey stumbled at the step of the house's entrance on the street. Fortunately, he quickly recovered.

The actor intently monitors its nutrition to keep weight. He managed to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. Moreover, the difference before and after weight loss turned out to be so noticeable that Sergey strongly upset the scenarios, who were prescribed in the plot of the series "Kitchen" a number of jokes over the "fat man" -povar. Now the weight of the actor is 73 kg with growth 171 cm.

Even constant postal spending at work did not prevent LaVygina to lose weight: the actors "Kitchens" often prepared a real food under the guidance of professional cooks, and dishes prepared for the shooting day were eaten. At the request of journalists, the artist revealed the secretion of the diet: you need to eat on a little bit every few hours.

The actor has an unusual hobby: he is fond of medicine - reads profile articles, looks in the Internet video of real surgical operations, studies medical encyclopedia to own terminology.

Sergey Lavogin now

"Rashen South" is a full-length romantic comedy of 2021, in which Lavigina can be seen in one of the main roles - his name is called Oleg. The film tells the story of the student Artem Dudina (Semen Trescunov), which is sent for his beloved (Miloslavskaya) in the resort town on the Black Sea coast to conquer her heart.

The actor was involved in the filming of the film "Rashen South" from August 2020. Within the framework of the project, he visited Gelendzhik - the city became the main location of the picture. Also in the tape, you can observe the beauty of Kabardica, Novorossiysk and other picturesque corners of Russia. Based on this series in June 2021, STS presented to the viewers of the "absolute summer", where Lavogin appeared in one of the main roles.

Drama talent Sergey showed in the spy picture "Operation" Valkyrie ". The film tells about the fight against the German agents remaining in the territory of the USSR after the war.


  • 2003 - "Hello, Capital!"
  • 2005 - "Unmanageable skid"
  • 2009 - "From the life of Captain Chernyaev"
  • 2012-2015 - "Kitchen"
  • 2013 - "Thirst"
  • 2013 - "Gorky!"
  • 2014 - "Kitchen in Paris"
  • 2015 - "The Best Day"
  • 2015 - "Moms"
  • 2016-2017 - "Eleon Hotel"
  • 2016 - "Kitchen. Last fight"
  • 2018 - "Grand"
  • 2018 - "Big Game"
  • 2018 - "Seinefied"
  • 2019 - "Grand-2"
  • 2019-2020 - "LED-2"
  • 2020 - "infuriates"
  • 2020 - "Kitchen. War for hotel-2 "
  • 2021 - "Rashen South"

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