Killian Murphy - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



From Kinoheroev in the performance of Killian Murphy, it is impossible to tear his eyes. Irish with bottomless blue eyes are interesting to images that cause a storm of feelings when after watching the film the viewer wants to skip the cup in the nearest bar to remove the tension and "unload" the brains."And only a wife knows what it is - to live with a scoundrel and sociopath," the actor admitted the actor in one interview. Thembed from Getty Images

So it turns out that it most often played by the personalities of non-positive or with severe destiny, but always - natur at the same time holistic and multifaceted. And this does not mean that the directors picking up the performer on the next margin can be easily persuade Killian. Behind the fashionable blockbusters, Murphy is not chasing, "if you want a long-playing career, please choose suitable roles."

Childhood and youth

Killian was born on May 25, 1976 in the Irish County County. At first, the family in which, except Killian, was grew by three younger children, lived in Douglas, but then moved to the suburb of the ballinkle.

Adult families of Murphy worked in education. Father was an inspector in the Department, Mom taught French. Grandpa Killian, native uncle and aunt also worked by teachers. In addition, Murphy had a musical education, so Killian, who was well played on the guitar, he dreamed of becoming a star of rock since childhood.

Music passion barely did not bring a teenager to sign a serious contract with a famous musical label. At the last moment the transaction was canceled. Probably, it was a hand of fate, because very soon Killian Murphy understood what really wishes to associate a future life. At 16, the young man accidentally ended up on a master class on dramatic art. As Killian later admitted, he as if he felt insight.

However, after graduating from school, Killian Murphy, at the insistence of parents, did not enter the theater university, but at the Faculty of Faculty of the University in Cork. The young man did not feel any desire to be a lawyer. The study of legal disciplines seemed boring and uninteresting.

But Murphy gladly visited theatrical studio at the university and participated in production, every time demonstrating all the increasing acting skills. One day a young actor with an average growth (175 cm), but expressive appearance, noticed the producer of the play "Discosviny" and invited to a major role. From this point on, the creative biography of Killian Murphy began.


Successful debut in the sensational play "Discosviny", which was shown at the Dublin Festival, so inspired 20-year-old Murphy, that the young man finally decided to focus on the acting career. Killian regularly performs on the theater scene, but now in Dublin, and in the breaks time to act in the movies.

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The debut on the screen was the tape "Sunny Burn", published in 1999. The role of the lifespan who escaped from the pregnant girlfriend to America, in this film becomes a real breakthrough for Killian Murphy. From this point on, the actor is increasingly appearing on the set and more and less - on the theater scene. The new starry image got a young artist in the melodramatic tape "On the edge", where we were talking about Junior Jonathan, who is solved for suicide.

And in 2001, Killian Murphy first tried the strength as a scenario - wrote the scenario of the comedy "observers" and played a major role there. The film is shown at the Festival in Edinburgh and received a lot of warm reviews. In the same year, the director Kristen Sheridan offered Killian Murphy to participate in the screening of the already familiar play "Discosviny". The actor not only agreed, but also wrote a soundtrack to this picture.

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A black comedy called the "gap" broke all the former records of cash receipses in Ireland. In the center of the plot - the hero of Colin Farrell, a professional robber, removed robbery. Killian is assigned the role of the accomplice. The director of the project is John Krauli, the one that he took confined to Oscar in 3 nominations Drama "Brooklyn" with the sires of Ronan and Donal Glison.

With the father of Donala, the owner of Emmy and the nominee on the Golden Globe, Brendan Glison, the actor worked on a post-apocalyptic thriller "28 days later." The picture of Danny Boyla gathered on large screens gathered more than $ 80 million in the hire, and became a step for professional growth of the artist: after that, Killian was invited to Hollywood.

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Soon, Murphy was seen in the mini-series called "Roads that we choose." It was taking off the career ladder, because the film was shown on the Air Force Channel. But to perform the role of a romantic aristocrat, Irish Murphy had a lot of work on an English accent. The series had a huge success, and the actor learned far beyond the borders of native Ireland.

In 2003, Killian Murphy again performed on the theater scene, which in his youth perceived as a hobby. The actor played Constantine from Chekhov's "Seagulls". The performance put Peter Stein. The director became the initiator that the artists involved in the formulation went to Russia, where for better entry into the images were in the estate of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in Melikhovo. The statement was of great success and in 2003 was shown at the prestigious festival in Edinburgh.

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In the famous Ribbon "Cold Mountain" the main roles belong to Nicole Kidman, Jude Lowe and Rene Zellweger. Killian's fans in social networks subsequently expressed regret that their favorite has so little on-screen time in the film, nominated for Oscar in 7 nominations and on BAFTA - at 13.

In the same year, Killian Murphy appeared on the screen as a butcher. It happened in the Drama "Girl with Pearl Earrings", in which Scarlett Johansson shone and Colin Furt. The problem was that Killian is a convinced vegetarian. Therefore, staying on the slaughterhouse to cool into the role was a heavy test for Irish.

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After this work, a few more images of negative characters appeared in Killian Murphy. First of all, this is a Crane psychiatrist in a blockbuster "Batman. The beginning "Christiere Nolana, where the main character was played by Christian Bale, and the Antirojoy Joker - Heath Ledger. Later, Murphy was shot in the continuation of the franchise called "Dark Knight" and "Dark Knight. Revival legend. "

At this film, the Thriller "Nightline" followed, in which Murphy played Jackson Rippner (Ripper), a terrible accomplice of terrorists with angelic appearance. Partner Killian in this tape spoke Rachel Makadams. Subsequently, the actor joked that he did not understand the people who saw the picture and are not afraid to sit down with him in one aircraft. The role of "Perfect Villain" was glued to him.

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Murphy decided to change such a state of affairs and starred in the dramatic picture of the "breakfast on Pluton", in which the fans saw it in the image of the transvestite of Patrick Braiden. The antihero label was finished. Moreover, the role brought him a new portion of Glory: Murphy came to the nomination for the "Golden Globe" and was awarded the prize of the Irish Teleacademic.

Critics consider this work as the best in the acting career of Killian, however, as the work in the picture "The Wind, which is peasing the heather." This is a historical drama telling about the struggle of Irish for independence. It is noteworthy that tape shooting took place in his native to Killian Murphy Cork County.

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Successful for stellar roles was for the artist 2007. It was the year of exit a fantastic thriller "Peklo", where Murphy appeared in the image of a scientist, saving the planet from freezing. When preparing for this work, the actor consulted for a long time with physicists from the Geneva Laboratory. The team members of the spacecraft trying to reanimate the sun by a nuclear explosion played Mark Strong, Chris Evans, Michel Yoe.

And in 2007, two romantic ribbons came out - the comedy "After seeing detectives" and the melodrama "Forbidden Love". In the first heroine Lucy Lew, rocky beauty, breaks into the life of the video rental owner, which brought himself an expert on the movie, and turns it down on his head.

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The second, based on real events, is about the difficult relationship of two marital couples. Here, with Killian, Sienna Miller and Graham MacPherson starred. The picture of the granddaughter of the heroes of Murphy and Keira Knightley was sterling. The picture had a great success in the audience and critics.

The triller "Picok" was a significant project of 2010, where the artist played in a duet with Susan Sarandon. Hero Murphy, John, suffers from splitting personality. After the death of the mother, the young man begins to change clothes into women's clothing and seems to be surrounding under the name Emma. Lie brings the hero to a forced murder.

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In the same year, Murphy participates in the next project of Christopher Nolan - the "Start" thriller with Leonardo Di Caprio. He collected $ 800 million at Rent and was among the best films of all time. Murphy reincarnated to the chapter of the powerful financial corporation Robert Fisher, which becomes the object of developing an industrial spy Kobb.

In the fantastic militant "Time", Killian fulfilled the role of a negative character - the Guard of Raymond Leon, which serves the government of civilization, where the only currency is considered to be. In the film also played Justin Timberlake.

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High ratings conquered the dramatic thriller "Escape", where Killian Murphy appeared in the acting ensemble with Teni Newton and Jamie Bella, reincarnated to the heroes, accidentally survived after the attack of a deadly virus on human civilization.

In 2012, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with another blockbuster - the red lights thriller, in which he played Physics Tom Buckley. Hollywood stars Sigurney Weaver and Robert de Niro became partners of Irish on the stage platform.

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The drama "broken" first of all, according to the artist, the role of Teacher Killian Murphy, is a story that there is no ideal family, about the problem of fathers and children, that man, in essence, does not grow.

"My parents are teachers, so it's great that I had a chance to play a character, about whom I understand everything well - I know what it is. I, on the one hand, I perfectly remember what is a student, on the other, which are the teachers. "

In 2013, Killian sorted the criminal series "Acute Visrats", where he also played the main character, the leader of the grouping of Thomas Shelby. In the gangster saga, we were talking about the confrontation of the gangster clan Shelby and the British police in the person of the inspector of Chester Campbell (Sam Nill). The action takes place in the UK in the postwar years.

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And again from Murphy, some overcoming themselves: hairstyle, manger gangster move and talk - only ways to "look cool bastard", which he was not in his life. At the BAFTA TV Awards Ceremonies of 2018, the National Film Academy presented the project "sharp visors" award in the category "Best Drama Series".

In 2016, the premiere of the Anthropoid military drama was held, where Killian Murphy in a couple with Jamie Dornan played the heroes of the Czech resistance, who managed to implement a plan to destroy the State Worker of the Third Reich Rainhard Heydrich.

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At the end of the autumn, the shooting of the comedy militant "Shootout", the producer of which Martin Skolsuez was completed. The picture was discussed about the broken underground deal for the sale of weapons. Murphy again tried the image of the member of the gang.

In July 2017, the premiere of the Dunkirk military drama was held with Tom Hardy in the lead role, where Killian got an episodic role of a soldier. The film is devoted to the eponymous military operation on evacuation in the blockade of soldiers conducted by the Antihytler Coalition at the very beginning of World War II.

Personal life

Now the personal life of Killian Murphy is a wife and two children. With his wife Ivonn McGinness, the artist met 8 years. In 2004, they got married. Ivonne is a creative person, engaged in video art.

The first son of Malachi was born in 2005, and Carrick - a year later. In 2015, the family changed the house from the Queen's Park London on Penthouse in Dublin. In this city, few residents compared to the British capital, and "for the head is better to have less people around."

In his free time, the actor loves to run with a dog on the sea coast, play the Hawaiian guitar and sing. Killian leads a closed lifestyle, trying, on his own admission, to avoid the fate of Brad Pitt, about every step of which the public is known.

In "Instagram" and other social networks, he has no personal accounts. On the forums dedicated to the work of the actor, the fans argue about whether Killian has plastic or not. The artist himself does not comment on the rumors of this kind, but Kinoman, having studied the photo of the artist, noticed that the nose of Murphy became over time, and the lips were more plump.

Killian Murphy now

In 2019, Killian returned to the role of the leader of "sharp visors": the Air Force announced the final, 5th, narration season of the criminal authority. The caste of the film was updated in the previous one: Adrian Brody, Aidan Gillen, Jack Rowan joined the acting ensemble. According to Shelby's plot, not without losses to the winner in the war with the Italian mafia, plans to resume alcohol trade and revive old connections in the army environment.

Murphy's cooperation with Brendan Gleason continues. Both Irish work on the picture "On Waterfowl", telling about the student-philologist, writing a novel with 3 different finals. For Killian, this project is an opportunity to play in Michael Fassbander, for Gleason Senior - directorial debut.

Killian Murphy in 2019

In the Thriller Luke of Samona "Anna", one of the main roles is assigned to the actor - an employee of the special services. The central character of the spy ribbon is a fragile girl who actually turns out to be a hired killer acting alone, masterfully painted with a dozen armed men.

Killian Murphy, according to media assessment, became a "excellent addition" of the acting of the sicvel of the horror movie "Quiet Place" with Emily Blante. In the picture, we are talking about an American family, all the forces of the surviving monsters who react to the slightest sounds. A new acting person rubs into confidence in them, and the viewer remains to guess what goals are the character of Murphy in fact.


  • 1999 - "Sunny Burn"
  • 2001 - "On the edge"
  • 2002 - "28 days later"
  • 2003 - "Girl with pearl earring"
  • 2005 - "Batman. Start"
  • 2005 - "Breakfast on Pluto"
  • 2010 - Picok
  • 2010 - "Start"
  • 2011 - "Time"
  • 2013-2019 - "Acute Visors"
  • 2014 - "Superiority"
  • 2016 - "Anthropoid"
  • 2016 - "Shootout"
  • 2017 - "Dunkirk"
  • 2019 - "Anna"

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