James D'Arci - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



James D'Arci is a British actor who did not come to popularity immediately. The artist is not afraid of experiments, so its repertoire is saturated with different genres, ranging from melodram and ending with intense military dramas and horrors. Of course, a great creative success for the artist was to cooperate with the singer Madonna, who attracted him to the main role in his film, as well as participating in the cash blockbuster "Avengers: Final".

Childhood and youth

James D'Arci was born in the usual London family on August 24, 1975. He lost her father early (the boy has not yet been 6 years old) and he was seriously worried about the grief. James and his younger sister Charlotte brought up her mother. The woman worked as a nurse, the money in the family was missing.

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In 1984, James D'Arci took the boarding school for children from poor families showing high academic potential. There the boy spent 7 years. For the years spent in the boarding school, he has been practiced enough in carrying funny costumes: Schoolchildren wore a uniform of 1500s - Sirtuki and socks to the knees of Canary and Yellow. During study, James was fond of rugby and participated in school performances with pleasure. Odnoklassniki and today remember him as a charming actor.

In 1991, D'Arci graduated from boarding school and went to Australia. There he worked in a dramatic mug at the gymnasium in Perth. Then, at age 17, his interest in Drama lost the sun and Selfie. In addition, his suitcase had mainly T-shirts and shorts, and Australia met his rainy weather.

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It is in the distant winter Australia James seriously carried away acting skills. Returning to London, he went to listen to the prestigious Academy of Dramatic Art in the capital of Great Britain, which David Sudche and Donald Sutherland ended at one time. Mother doubted the correctness of the choice of the Son, but he entered the Academy and after 3 years he received a bachelor's degree. In the student years, James D'Arssi was involved in the performances of Sherlock Holmes, "Wild Honey", "Hercules" and others.


The first works of James became the roles in the TV shows "Mute Witness" and "Delzil and Pesco". He played them in his youth. These were episodic images. In 1997-2000, in the career of James, D'Arci did not have significant roles. He appeared in the paintings "The Trench" and "Paradiso Hotel", "continued to be filmed in the series.

James D'Arci as Sherlock Holmes (Frame from the film "Sherlock: Case evil")

The actor began to fulfill large roles in 2001. These were the main characters in the mini-serials and the picture of Jake Martel "Revelation". In 2002, he was invited to the role of Sherlock Holmes in the film "Sherlock: the case of evil", and a year later, James D'Arci starred in the film "Points above I". Recognition came to him after the role of Lieutenant Pullings in the film "The owner of the seas: on the edge of the world." He starred with Russell Crow.

James D'Arci's dozens of work in the cinema. He starred in thrillers, detectives, dramas. Among his roles is Francis's father in the picture "Route Devil: Beginning", Duncan in the "Mystery Challenge Girl Diary", Jerry Burton in Miss Marple. James's main hero played in the horror movie "Vampire".

James D'Arci and Andrea Rysboro (Frame from the film "We believe in love")

Another horror in the creative biography of the actor was the painting "Ghost of the Red River", which tells about one American family, which was persecuted by the Ghost. One of the bright works of James D'Arci - King Edward VIII in the film "We. We believe in love. " This picture is the second director's work Madonna. James hero for love for a divorced American Wallis Simpson (Andrea Rysboro) refused the throne.

Soon the repertoire of the artist was replenished with the project "Cloud Atlas", the director of whom was Tom Tskin. The centers formed 6 stories that intertwined with each other. James D'Arci on the scenic platform amounted to Tom Hanks and Halley Berry.

James D'Arcy (Frame from the film "Cloud Atlas")

Among the works of James - a minor role in the comedy of 2014 "type of cops" about the pseudopolitis, which are drawn into a criminal case. Jake Johnson, Rob Riggl, Nina Dobrev, became performers of the main cast.

In 2015, D'Arci starred in the 2nd season of the British detective series "Murder on the beach", telling about the murder of a boy, in which hero James Lee Ashworth is suspected.

James d'Arcy (a frame from the series "Murder on the beach")

In 2017, the actor's filmography was replenished with significant work. James played in the Military Drama Christopher Nolan "Dunkirk" Colonel Winnant. This film dedicated to a significant event for Europeans event of World War II - Dunkirk Battle. The film was 8 times nominated for Oscar, and cash receipts at the box office exceeded $ 500 million. Main heroes were presented on the screen Finn Whitehead, Tom Hardy, Killian Murphy.

Another full-length project involving D'Arci is the British criminal thriller "Snowman". In the film, we went about the inhabitants of a small town that every year become witnesses to the disappearance of married women during the first snowfall. Michael Fassbender and Rebecca Ferguson entered the main actors of the dramatic detective.

Personal life

Personal life Actor does not advertise. The artist leads so powerful lifestyle that the photo of his family does not fall into the press. It is known only that James has no wife and children. There is no information about his orientation. People close to him say that he does not seek to wealth and glory, he has no ambitions, like other stars. James D'Arci enjoys life and tries to help his mother and sister. As the actor himself says, he is happy to be himself.

James d'Arci now

In 2018, the artist starred in two TV shows - the American thriller "Rodina" and the Military Drama "Boat". In these televisionils, James performed episodic roles.

James D'Arci as Edwina Jarvis (Frame from the series "Agent Carter")

In 2019, the actor received an invitation to shoot in the film "Avengers: Final", where she appeared in the image of Edwina Jarvis. The film in which Robert Dauni was played - Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, brought $ 2.3 billion to his creators.

Previously, James played this character in the series "Agent Carter", 2014 release. D'Arci became one of the performers in the filmmatic universe Marvel, which appeared in the same way in these projects.

James d'Arci in 2019

One of the latest prime ministers with the participation of the British in 2019 was a fantastic thriller "Life Like" directed by Josh Yanovich, where he appeared in the main image. Now the actor continues to shoot in several TV shows, as well as in the military historical film "The Enemy of Lyuda", where he appeared in cast together with Sean Binin, Charles Dance and Rupert Greent.


  • 1996 - "Delzil and Pazeta"
  • 1996 - "Silent witness"
  • 2001 - "Revelation"
  • 2002 - "Points over I"
  • 2002 - "Sherlock: Case evil"
  • 2011 - "We. We believe in love "
  • 2012 - "Hichkok"
  • 2013 - "Philosophers. Survival lesson »
  • 2014 - "Agent Carter"
  • 2015 - "Murder on the Beach"
  • 2016 - "Gernik"
  • 2017 - "Dunkirk"
  • 2018 - "Motherland"
  • 2019 - "Avengers: Final"

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