Haley Etwelt - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, "black mirror", Tom Cruise, "Instagram" 2021



Haley Etwelle is a British-American actress who has conquered recognition thanks to shooting in films and TV shows of the film "Marvel". But on the account of the star a lot of other notable projects in which she participated in the cinema and theatrical scene.

Childhood and youth

Haley Elizabeth Etwel was born on April 5, 1982 in London. Her mother is an Englishwoman, and the father is a native American, descendant of the Indians, so the star has double citizenship. When the girl was only two years old, the parents divorced, and her dad Grant returned to his homeland in the United States. There, the future actress spent the summer holidays.

Early years of Haley's biography were happy. Parents instilled in her interest in art and creativity. One day, Mom took her to the theater, where the girl saw the production of Gamlet with Raif Fayns. She was so impressed that he decided to tie life with acting skills.

The period of study at school turned out to be much harder. Odnoklassniki disliked Etwel and trembled for overweight. Only in high school, when the figure of the artist was more feminine, she had fans. But, according to the confession of the star, she never felt like a girl fully, and her hobbies were considered more than the boyish. Haley played rugby and did not give way to guys whitish.

The actress school graduated with honors. Her results were so impressive that she was offered to study in Oxford. But then she wanted to associate life with the acting profession, so deliberately failed exams. After that, Etwel took a break in study to work and travel along with his father.

During this period, the star debuted on the screens. She starred in the advertising of PRINGLES chips, and spent earned money for study at the Gildholl School of Music and Drama. There, the performer met Jody Whittaker and Michel Doctor.


Shortly after completion of study, Heili debuted on the theater scene. She participated in the play "Prometheus chained" in the London Sound Theater. Critics positively appreciated the game of a young actress, which brilliantly managed to pass the emotions of the heroine.

Later, Etwel joined the Royal Shakespeare Troupe to participate in the production of "Women, beware of women." The actress was awarded the positive review of The Guardian and received an invitation to the National Theater. There, it was involved in the performances of the "man of regime" and "Major Barbara".

In 2009, the performer debuted in West End, playing Catherine from the play "View from the Bridge". For this role, she was first nominated for the Prize of Lawrence Olivier. For the second time, Heili became a contender to receive award after participating in the play "Pride". The setting was remembered by the star by the fact that changed in seconds in seconds.

Then there was a long interruption associated with employment on the set. The triumphal return took place in the "dry powder" play in Hampstead theater. Later followed participation in the play "RosmerCholm", where the performer played a major role.


The on-screen debut of the actress took place in 2005. She embodied Sabrina in the television film "Whatever Love meant," who did not bring her popularity. Much more significant was the participation of Etwel in the series "Line of Beauty". There she appeared in the ambiguous image of the drug addict and suicide Catherine Fedden.

In the following years, the filmography of the performer was repeatedly updated, but for the first time they paid attention to it after the premiere of the Mensfield Park picture, created on the basis of the Roman Jane Austin. Haley played inadvertent and selfish Mary, who wants to get a rich bridegroom.

Later, the actress replenished the acting film "Dream Cassandra" of the famous Woody Allen. After the years later, the sex scandal broke out with the participation of the director, Etwellal stated that he would never agree to work with him again.

There was no positive impression and from the creators of the love drama "Return to Bridgeshead" who tried to make the artist to lose weight for the role. This was outraged by her colleague Emma Thompson, who declared that he would leave the project if cinematographers would not leave Haley alone. They had to fulfill the requirement of a star.

The actress once again paid attention, starring in the film "Duchess" with Kira Knightley. Elizabeth Foster performed by Etwel charming, smart and insidious, because he managed to get the trust of the main character, and then hover her husband. He was played by the kummy of childhood stars - Raif Fayns.

According to Heili, she always sought to justify their characters, even if they seem true evil. Therefore, Bess from the "Duchess" turned out so understandable and alive that critics nominated the actress into several prestigious premiums. But I could not conquer the victory. But the tape was awarded "Oscar" for the best costumes.

The next memorable work of the star became the drama "Pillars of the Earth", the plot of which is based on the novel of the Ken Follett's novel. In it, the actress got the role of Beauty Alina, whose refusal causes anger of a young and selfish aristocrat. The project was designed for several seasons, but due to financial problems closed after the first.

Back in 2011, the premiere of the series "Black Mirror" took place, which Impressed the star so much that she wanted to act in it. The dream of Etwel came true two years later, when she received an invitation to play Marta in the 2nd season. Her heroine becomes a victim of an online application that allows you to create the effect of the presence of a deceased lover.

No less bright was the appearance of the performer in the Drama "Cinderella", the premiere of which took place in 2015. Haley embodied the mother of the main character performed by Lily James. Interestingly, the actresses have a common: they were born on one day with a difference of 7 years and studied in one theater school. And in order to achieve similarity in appearance, Etwel wore a blond wig and lazy his eyebrows.

In 2016, the Legal Series "Verdict" came out on the ABC TV channel, where the artist received the major role of Hayes Morrison. Her heroine is a lawyer and a rebellious daughter of the former president of the United States, which one has to lead the department engaged in the revision of the affairs of unlawful convicts. The project did not receive the approval of the audience and was closed.

Much more successful was the shooting in the adventure drama "Christopher Robin" about the Hero of the books of Alan Milna, who turns into an adult man in this film. Haley got the role of his spouse and mother of their little daughter Madeleine. Mama performer served to create an image.

Film marvel

Although by 2011, the star in the star was already noticeable roles, she received worldwide recognition only after the premiere of the film "First Avenger" about captain America. According to the writer's idea, her heroine Peggy Carter is not a temporary love of the main character, but a strong and strong woman who managed to build a career in the world where men rule.

Chris Evans became a screen partner of the artist, then he was not yet a world-class star. This greatly facilitated the artist task, because she did not feel awkwardly next to the colleague, for which the shooting at the Marvel Studio was also in a novelty. Their screen duet conquered fans, and Halee's heroine became an example for imitation. It is not surprising that they decided to remove the separate series - "Agent Carter".

Peggi Carter is the first heroine of the comic book "Marvel", which received a solo project. For Etwel, it was a big responsibility, because the success of the superhero militant could give green light and other stories about strong women. The actress coped with the task brilliantly, even more in love with the audience.

The image of the agent Carter fixed the artist for many years. She starred not only in films about captain America and its own series, but also in other projects of the Studio "Marvel". Her heroine appeared in Agents Sh.I.T. And tapes about the Avengers. But the "final" put the point in its history, which caused fans discontent.

To brighten sadness from farewell to Peggy, the studio producers included it in the list of characters of the animated series "What if ...?". His creators tried to imagine how the fate of the heroes "Marvel" would have arisen with a different coincidence. In the case of Miss Carter, an alternative version of the events of the "first avenger" is given, where the magic serum to increase the muscle mass and the strength did not take a Steve Rogers, and she.

Personal life

A bright and charming actress does not lack attention from the opposite sex. In the past, she met with the writer Gabriel Biseset-Smith, which was solely solely warm, but the relationship did not last long. Then the performer had a short novel with guitarist Wilson. And in 2014, the star was often seen in the company Actor Evan Jones.

Communicating with journalists in 2018, Etwel admitted that he was happy in relationship with her childhood friend. But now in the Instagram account, the actresses are published mainly by the photo on which she poses one, in the company of colleagues or friends. Therefore, the details of the personal life of the artist remain a mystery.

According to journalists, Haley Roman with Tom Cruise, flashed on the set of a joint project. In 2021, the actors were often seen in public together, but they did not rush to comments on the status of their relationship.

Haley Etwel now

Now the artist remains in the center of attention of fans, the number of which is only increasing with the release of each new project. In 2021, the cartoon "Rabbit Peter - 2" came out, where the star voiced the cat nicknamed a mitten. In addition to her, James Korden, Rose Byrne and Donal Glisona participated in the project.

The next year was marked by the release of the film "Mission Impossible - 7". The creators of the militant until the latter hid information about the heroine Haley, calling it unique and ambiguous. But even before the premiere, the actress opened the curtain of the mystery, confessing that she had to work a lot in the gym, to spectacularly look in combat scenes. In support of this, the star published a photo on which its trained back is seen.


  • 2006 - "Line of Beauty"
  • 2008 - "Return to Brydshead"
  • 2008 - "Duchess"
  • 2010 - "Pillars of the Earth"
  • 2011 - "First Avenger"
  • 2012 - "Flying Detachment Scotland Yard"
  • 2013 - "Jimi Hendrix"
  • 2013 - "Black Mirror"
  • 2014 - "Memories of the Future"
  • 2015-2016 - "Agent Carter"
  • 2015 - "Cinderella"
  • 2016 - "Verdict"
  • 2018 - "Howard &"
  • 2018 - "Christopher Robin"
  • 2019 - "Avengers: Final"
  • 2019 - "blinded by light"
  • 2019-2020 - "Criminal: United Kingdom"

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