Steve Bushemi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The number of images embodied by Steve Bushhemi on the screen is the subject of the envy of colleagues-actors, and for someone inaccessible height. Publishers of the Guinness Records, according to rumors, are going to allocate a separate page for him, and in professional circles it was called "cinematic spam."Embed from getty images

Yes, the main roles of Bushemi - to recalculate on the fingers, but it doesn't matter how many minutes the character will live in the frame.

"I never wanted to play Hamlet or Macbeth. I am delivered to me the indescribable pleasure to work with directors who know the cinema as in art. You can drown in words, do not disappear from the screen on the hour, but at the end no one will remember you. And, most importantly, you yourself do not remember. And I lived every little role, I did not have any uninteresting. And each worried me truly, I am now experiencing a powerful splash of adrenaline when I start work. "

Childhood and youth

Steve was born on December 13, 1957 in New York Brooklyn. In the family Dorothy and John Bushemi, the boy was the fourth son. Parents of Steve - poor people from Ireland and Italy. Mom worked as a waitress, dad, a veteran of war in Korea, worked by the assessionator. Children were never ashamed of their parents and helped at the farm from an early age.

Steve Bushemi caught fire by the profession of the actor in his youth. After graduating from school in 1975, he entered the college of free arts, but the accumulated money was enough only for the first semester. Bushemi threw his studies and at the insistence of his father passed the exam for the profession of the fireman. After applying for this work, the young man did not wait until he was called to the service.

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Who he just did not work during these years: first he worked as a loader, after a while she took the place of the waiter, then he was a peddler of newspapers and even a ice cream. Finally, a challenge came to the most loaded fire part of the city. But the dream of becoming an artist did not leave Steve Bushemi.

Having accumulated a decent amount, the guy moved to Manhattan and began to study at the Theater Institute Lee Strasberg. Here Steve finally understood what is in its place. The passion for theater and cinema has only increased. The future actor not only played the scene with pleasure, but also began to write scenarios and even put the plays in small New York theaters.


The comedy series "not necessarily news" is becoming the debut for Steve Bushhemi on the Scenarner's Scenarner of the Simpsons Greg Daniels. After the actor starred in several small roles. He got the central character in a detective "So it is", filmed by the French writer and director Eric Mitchell, who is known as co-author of the films of Jim Jarmusha. And the episode of Jarmusch himself, Bushhemi, considers a worthy dozen major roles in other geniuses.

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The real cinematic biography of Steve, according to him, started from the drama "farewell views" Bill Sherwood. The actor got the role of a rock musician dying from AIDS. The film was released in 1985 and turned out to be the first Hollywood project, in which frankly told about the plague of the 20th century. The director himself died from this disease 5 years later.

In Martin's martin, the "lessons of life", which became part of the "New York stories", Bushhemi reincarnated in a comedian speaking in a nightclub. Rosanna Arquette and Nick Welt became partners along the shooting area.

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Bright and memorable works of Steve appeared in the early 90s. It was then that he starred in the tapes of the Cohen Brothers "Barton Fink" and "Miller Crossroads". Later, fruitful cooperation with Coen continued. Bushemi appeared in the sensational projects of Fargo and Big Lebovski. The latter gained the status of a cult, based on the principles of the hero of Jeff Bridges, a religion of Dudep was formed.

Then followed the work with the director Quentin Tarantino. He just searched for the artist for the role of the pink's thief for the "Mad Dogs" project. Bushemi approached perfectly. Tarantino highly appreciated the skill of Steve and invited to the next picture called "Criminal Chivo". This film also became cult.

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Certainly talented the film critics of the game of men in Renta Robert Rodriguez "Desperate" about the musician, Musty for the killed girlfriend. Here the Steve has a small, but very significant and vivid role written specifically for him - a friend of the main character performed by Antonio Banderas. Therefore, the name of the character Bushemi.

The actor's hero in the criminal tape "King of New York" - a member of the gang of drug dealers, headed by Christopher Wacken, in the fantastic action "Armageddon" - the drill-astronaut, together with Bruce Willis saving land from the meteorite rain. In the erotic thriller "Zandali" Steve moving into the background. The main plot unfolds around Erica Anderson and Nicholas Cage.

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The script of a naosculor "Escape from Los Angeles" lay down in stores for 10 years before John Carpenter decided to perform, and only after an earthquake occurred in this city. The film is tied to a similar cataclysm. Steve, who was removed in the role of a small rose, amounted to Kurt Russell, Oscar-free Cliff Robertson and Jacki Brown star Pam Grier.

Steve Bushemi is famous for being carefully prepared for each of the roles, even if plays an episode. One day, removing from Adam Sandler, the artist had to play a person working in the morgue. Steve for a long time visited the acting morgue, communicated with employees. As a result, the hero looked natural and convincingly, and the workers of the morgue found out a colleague in the character.

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Dramatic talent Steve Bushemi managed to demonstrate in two seasons of the series "Underground Empire" Tim Van Patten. Here the actor appeared immediately in two images - the grief, which is engaged in an illegal business, and Tompson's treasurer. For the last, he was awarded the Golden Globe and was recognized as the best actor of the dramatic series. And the role of the Treasurer brought Bushhemi prestigious award of the focal actors of the United States of America.

A growing rating allowed Steve to get a high fee for work in the frame. With the creators of the series, a contract for $ 75 thousand was signed in 1997 in American cinemas, a chandeller "Air Prison" was started with Nicholas Cage and John Malkovich, where Steve Bushemi convincingly reincarnated in Maniac-psychopathicham Garland. The film gathered $ 220 million in global box office and received two nominations for Oscar, which lost to Blokbster James Cameron "Titanic".

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From the beginning of the 2000s, Buchemi became extremely popular in the cinema. In the year, the artist filmography was replenished with 7-8 projects. Among the brightest and well-known works are the series "Clan Soprano" and "Coffee and Cigarettes". Talented film critics call the game of the actor in Tim Berton's tape "Large fish".

In the criminal thriller "Hidden threat", he starred in the role of a mysterious witness of the dark past, which hides the protagonist, in the comedy "Millionaire inevitable" - inadequate tramp, in the militant-anti-nightopy "Island" - an employee of the complex in which people contain both donors of the authorities for Elites.

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In the late 90s, the fans of the talent of Steve Bocemi saw a favorite actor as a director. The debut tape is the comedy drama "under the Cron's Senius" - with Samuel L. Jackson and Chloe Seviny was very successful. Then the pictures of "BelloFabrika" were released on the screens, without sticks telling about the "charms" of prison life, and "Lonely Jim" about the guy, seeking not just work, and the place under the sun. The last film claimed the film festival Grand Prix in Sandense.

In the Interview project, Bushhemi starred himself and invited Siena Miller to the role. Actor, according to Koenov, perfect film. This turned out to be the hero of the story about a journalist-loser, asking sharp questions to the star of soap operas. In the final, he confesses to murder.

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At the International Film Festival in Toronto in 2017, the premiere of the comedy "Death of Stalin" was held, in which the plot was built around the political situation in the USSR, which established after the death of the leader of the peoples. Steve Bushhemi reincarnated in Nikita Khrushchev, Simon Russell Bill played Lavrentia Beria, Jason Isaacs - George Zhukova, Gerald Lepkovski - Leonid Brezhnev.

A closed show took place in the Russian Ministry of Culture, after which it was decided to withdraw a rolling certificate. According to Nikita Mikhalkov, similar films - speculation, not subject to discussion, and acting, building a frame and scenery is not at all professional.

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Tragicomedy "Horace and Pete", in which Bushhemi has the main role, was considered a revolution on television. The film was broadcast by a paid subscription through the director Louis Si Kay, and the creation of each series accounted for $ 500 thousand. But just at the viewer did not meet the series, and the announced earlier season was abolished due to unprofitability.

In September 2017, the shooting of the 1st season of the fantastic series "Electric Dnah Philip K. Dick" was completed, in which Steve performed a leading role.

Personal life

In the late 80s, Bushemi met the producer and director Mary Joe Andres. Soon the lovers got married, and in 1991 they had the only child Lusian. In 2019, in the personal life of Steve, a tragedy happened - from the serious illness, the spouse died.Embed from getty images

The son was filmed together with his father in the ribbons "Under the Cron's Senu" and "Clan Soprano". Some movie lovers suggest that Bill Scarsgard, the executor of the role of Clown Penniveza in the Thiller "It" - relatives of Bushemi. But this is not the case, artists are similar to each other outwardly, and no more.

Steve leads a closed lifestyle. The actor has no personal pages in "Instagram" and other social networks. The need for fans in photographs fill numerous publications in the media.

During the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the actor as a fireman participated in the salvation of victims in the twin towers. Bushemi worked with former colleagues, but did not give a single comment or interview, not wanting to piano on the tragedy.

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Only in 2013 it turned out that this is not the only episode. In 2003, Steve spoke with a speech on the Raughty, calling for raising salaries by firefighters and stop the reduction of jobs. After the movie star arrested together with the other protesters of firefighters. And in 2012, Buchemi helped eliminate the destructive consequences of Hurricane Sandy. For no one would not know about it if not for grateful inhabitants, among which there were a lot of celebrity fans.

In 1997, the magazine "Empire" acknowledged Bushhemi to the movie star of all time and included the artist in the top 100 most popular actors. Steve took 52nd place.

Steve Bushemi Saych

In the comedy TV series "The Wonderworkers" Steve Bushemi tried to the role of God, tired of concerns about the inhabitants of the Earth and therefore who wished to destroy a restless object. The petty clerk performed by Daniel Radcliffe finds out about it and takes the task impossible at first glance - to prevent an almighty boss.

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On the big screen, the actor represents comedic horror Jim Jarmusha "dead do not die." According to the content, this is a funny story of opposing the police and the living dead, one of which played a "godfather" grunge rock Iggy Pop. The main roles are also at Tilda Suinton, Bill Murray, Selena Gomez and Danny Glover.


  • 1992 - "Mad dogs"
  • 1994 - "Criminal Chivo"
  • 1995 - "Desperate"
  • 1996 - Fargo
  • 1997 - "Air Prison"
  • 1998 - "Big Lebovski"
  • 1998 - "Armageddon"
  • 2000 - "28 days"
  • 2001 - "Hidden Threat"
  • 2002 - "Children of Spies 2. Island of Unfulfilled Hope"
  • 2004 - "Clan Soprano"
  • 2010 - 2014 "Underground Empire"
  • 2013 - "King Safari"
  • 2016 - "Horace and Pete"
  • 2017 - "The death of Stalin"
  • 2018 - "Nancy"
  • 2019 - "Wonderworkers"

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