Kairat Nurtas - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Kairat Nurtas (Kairat Nurtasovich Aidarbekov) - Kazakhstan pop artist, composer, actor, owner of his own film company "Kairat Nurtas Production".

Childhood and youth

Kairat was born on February 25, 1989 in Turkestan. Soon after the birth of Kairat, the family moved to the southern capital of Kazakhstan, the city of the Republican value of Almaty. The boy grew up in a musical family. Kairat's father performed on stage in his youth, but the singer's career did not. Later, two more sons were born in the family - Ayan and Zangar, one of whom chose a sports path, becoming a boxer, the other took up the business.

Kairat Nurtas in childhood with parents

Kairat Nurtas debuted on the pop scene at the age of 9th. It happened in Baikonur. Speeches live, pleasant voice timbre and the unusual charm of the young artist very quickly made him famous. On the way to the popularity of the son constantly accompanied by Mom Gulzir Aidarbekov, who became producer of Kairat and helped him open the doors to the world of show business.

After graduating from school, Kairat Nurtas entered the estate-musical school named after Elibekova, then he studied at the Kazakh State Academy of Arts. T. jenenes.


The first solo concert of Kairat Nurtas took place on his majority in Almaty in 2008. He passed in the Palace of the Republic. It is noteworthy that an hour before the speech, the hall was filled with only half. But in a matter of minutes before the start, there was no free space in it - all the tickets were sold out. So from the first anchka and started the star biography of Kairat Nurtas. Since then, the megapopular in Kazakhstan, the singer started the tradition - to give a large solo concert at every regular birthday.

Singer Kairat Nurtas

With the same success, Kairat Nurtas performs songs of young little-known composers and hits of the classics of the Kazakh pop - Asset Beyceuov, Shamshi Kaldayakov and others. For a long time, Kairat sang in a duet with a famous pop singer Raisey Isabaev, who was performed by the song "Merger Hearts", which became a hit.

The starting career of Cairat Nurtas was extremely rapid. Now in the repertoire of the artist more than a hundred songs and tens of CDs. The unconditional plus of the Kazakh singer is the lively performance of the author's songs at concerts. It is noteworthy that Kairata Nurtas loves young fans of talent and the older generation. Hits "Kaida Kaida" and "Baratmadym" entered the list of the best songs of Kazakhstan.

Very rich on the events for the singer was 2013. On the birthday first came out a magazine called the name of the artist - Kairat Nurtas. Since then, he comes out regularly 1 time per month. The publication publishes a fresh interview of the young performer and told the news of the world of movies and music.

In April of the same 2013, the premiere of a feature film called "Regret" took place in the Arman's cinema hall. In the storyline - a story about the life of Cairat Nurtas, about his relationship with native people, about work and work. Maksat Ospanes became the director of this painting, and the Kairat himself starred. The tape lasts almost 2 hours, and its budget amounted to about $ 2 million. The shooting took place in Native Turkestan, as well as in Almaty and Astana.

In the career of Cairat Nurtas there were unpleasant moments. In August 2013, a free concert of the Kazakh artist, who ended with the big riots, was held at the Prime Plaza Plaza shopping center. Spectators broke through the Cordon security and got to the scene. There fans started a mass brawl. Kairat had to leave the scene. An unpleasant incident happened because of the inaptability of the scene of the shopping center to such speeches. Then 16 people were injured, and the number of detainees reached one and a half hundred people.

Today, Kairat Nurtas is one of the most popular performers of Kazakhstan. Annual income of the artist in 2013 amounted to more than $ 2 million. It is known that the performer in the fall of 2013 opened the first corporate boutique, which sells clothes. In the same year, the release of the next solo album of Kairata - Schyd Zhүrek, which included musical compositions written by the father of the artist.

2014 brought Cairat to the main award of the Eurasian Music Prize. In honor of the 25th anniversary of Almaty and Astana, the artist spoke with the solo 3D show "Yerkelev Eelge Arnai" and "Ol Saint Yez". The young jubilee congratulated the pop singers Zhanar Dougalov and Sivi Mahmadi, the star couple of Berkut & Aisha, the Nur Mukasan group and Kesyou. Kairat Nurtas also entered the list of "Forbes Kazakhstan", taking place among the 25 richest representatives of the Kazakh show business and sports.

Kairat Nurtas and Nyusha

In 2015, the artist recorded several duets, including with the People's Artist of the Republic of Makpal Zhunusova, with the Russian pop star, Nyusha released the video "Saint Meni Tasinbedің" together with Zhanar Dougalova. The Eurasian Music Prize was awarded awards in the category "Hero of secular news". The artist released the next album "Men Gasykpin", on the song from which - "Mazala" - took off the clip. Channel Muz-TV recognized Kairat's best Kazakh performer.

An important event of that year was the organization of his own film company "Kairat Nurtas Production". At the same time, the artist became a member of the Nur Otan party. The plans of Kairat - the opening of its own airline called "KN AIR".

The artist continues to delight fans with new projects. In 2016, Kairat recorded the soundtrack to the comedy "16 қyz" ("16 girls"), released the song "Jean, Jean". At the EMA-2016 presentation ceremony, the Kazakh singer awarded the "Best Concert Show" award. One of the bright numbers performed by Nurtas was Lambad, the popular musical composition of the 80s, which Kairat took himself into the repertoire and quail in Kazakh.

On the national version of the TV show "Voice", the musician performed at the stage of blind auditions. The jury members were surprised when they saw a pop star at the contest. All judges turned to Nurtasas. Kairat said that he came to the competition not for further participation, but in order to experience new emotions. But the mentors of the season - Nurlan Abdullin, Zhanna Orynbasarova, Ali Okapov, Eva Becher - offered an artist to make a choice in favor of the team of one of them, as if he remained in the project. Kairat called the name of Nurlan Abdulina than pleased a colleague.

In December, a concert of Kairat in the Palace of Almaty Arena, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the state of state of Kazakhstan. President Nursultan Nazarbayev became an honorary guest. The singer in the solemn atmosphere presented a hat written in honor of the head of state.

In 2017, the record of the song "Men Bagal" was followed. In addition to music, the artist fascinated by cinema. Kairat served the romantic comedy "Kelian" ("Bride"), where he also performed a major role. In October, the premiere of the film "Arman. When angels are sleeping, "where Nurtas fulfilled the main role. On the own account in "Instagram", the artist posted a photo with the premiere announcement.

Personal life

The tightened singer with a charming smile, the growth of which is 171 cm, and the weight does not exceed 65 kg, has a large army of the fans who have always been interested in the personal life of the idol. But Kairat Nurtas extremely reluctantly spoke on this topic, exciting even greater interest in his own person.

Kairat Nurtas with his wife

It is known that Kairat Nurtas is married. The second half of the artist is called Zhuldyz Abdukarimov. The girl also graduated from the treasury. T. Jurgenova, although it comes from Astana. Girl a year older than his spouse. The wedding took place in 2007. The wife gave Kairata already four children - daughters Seara and Alaau, the sons of violating and Khan.

Maternity does not interfere with the juldes to realize their ambitions on the acting field, it regularly appears on the screen and has already been loved by the audience. And in 2018, as a major role in the film "Arman. When angels sleep "Zhuldyz awarded award from the Association of Film Crims in the category" Best Actress ".

Kairat Nurtas with his wife and children

Hobby Kairata Nurtas - Horse riding. For the sake of passion, the singer acquired several purebred horses. Often Jockey photos appear in the "Instagram" artist. And he also collected an impressive fleet, where, in addition to sports car vehicles, there are also rare models on which Nurtas loves to ride around the city. Do not forget the musician and about relatives. Mom Gulzire Aidarbeckova, who is his producer, the singer gave Lexus RX crossover. The state number of the SUV turned out to be not easy - 777Gul.

Kairat Nurtas with his wife

Interestingly, Nurtas has hid his family from the public from the public, even with his wife Kairat tried not to appear in public places, but in 2018 presented to the joy of fans joint photos of spouses and children.

Kairat scrupulously belongs to the appearance of the spouse, who does not allow her even on the beach to appear in open swimsuits, and in humans - in transparent outfits. At all activities, Zhuldyz is present in elegant dresses to the floor.

Kairat Nurtas now

Now the popularity of Kairat Nurtas stepped out of Kazakhstan. In March 2018, the artist gave a successful concert in Moscow. The playground for his speech singer chose the scene of the Izvesti Hall Club. In the spring in Almaty at the celebration of the Spring Equinox Day, the premiere of the family film "of that at any cost," where Nurtas also starred. In addition to the appearance on the screen, Kairat presented a new song, which was sang in a duet with Aykyny Twebabergen.

In 2018, Kairat Nurtas spoke in Moscow

The artist is not afraid of experiments, but some of them cause bewilderment from fans. After releasing the video with the younger brother, the clip on the bilingual song "My Universe", Kairat received many critical comments from fans. In the comments to the video, the audience noted that the singer should work on an English pronunciation.


  • 2015 - "Regret"
  • 2017 - "Bride"
  • 2017 - "Arman. When the angels are sleeping "
  • 2018 - "That at all costs"


  • 2006 - "AңSғan"
  • 2007 - "Ana"
  • 2008 - "Arnaau"
  • 2009 - "Keshegі"
  • 2010 - "өKіnіsh"
  • 2011 - "Auyrmayda Zhүek"
  • 2012 - Shyda Zhүek
  • 2015 - "Erkelepel EGGA әN Arnai"
  • 2017 - "Zhaңa әander"

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