Lavrenty Beria - biography, photos, politics, crime, death, personal life, children, rumors and the latest news



Lavrenty Beria is one of the most odious famous politicians of the 20th century, whose activities are still widely discussed in modern society. He was an extremely controversial person in the history of the USSR and passed a long political path, saturated with giant repressions of people and unbelievable crimes that made it the most outstanding "death functionality" in Soviet times. The head of the NKVD was a cunning and insidious politician, the fate of entire peoples depended on the decisions of which fate. Beria exercised his activities under the auspices of the current head of the USSR Joseph Stalin, after whose death intended to take his place from the "Steering" of the country. But in the struggle for power lost Nikita Khrushchev and by the court decision was shot as a traitor of the Motherland.

Baria of Lavrenty Pavlovich was born on March 29, 1899 in the Abkhaz village of Merbelli in the family of poor peasants-mengrelov Pavel Beria and Marta Jakeli. He was the third and only healthy child in the family - the elder brother of the future policy died of a disease in a biennium, and the sister suffered a serious illness and became deaf-dumb. Young Lawrence since childhood showed great interest in education and zealing to the knowledge, which was atypical for peasant children. At the same time, parents decided to give a chance to the son of becoming educated, for which they had to sell half a day to pay for the student of the boy in the Sukhumsky Supreme Starting School.

Beria completely justified the hope of parents and proved that the money was not spent in vain - in 1915 he graduated with honors from the school and entered the Baku Middle Construction School. Having become a student, he transported the deaf-and-and-the-way sister and his mother in Baku, and to keep them along with study worked in the oil company Nobel. In 1919, Lavrentini Pavlovich received a diploma of the architect builder.

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During his study, Beria organized the Bolshevik faction, in the ranks of which he was actively involved in the Russian revolution of 1917, while working at the same time in the Baku Plant "Caspian Association White City". He also led the illegal communist party to technicians, with members of which organized armed uprisings against the Government of Georgia, for which he was imprisoned.

In mid-1920, Beria was expelled from Georgia to Azerbaijan. But literally after a short period of time, he was able to return to Baku, where he was instructed to engage in Chekist work, which made him a secret agent of the Baku police. Already then, the colleagues of the future head of the NKVD of the USSR noticed in it the rigidity and mercilessness to the people of the people who allowed the Lavrentation to Pavlovich rapidly develop his career, starting with the deputy chairman of the Azerbaijan CC and ending with the People's Commissar of the internal affairs of the Georgian SSR.


In the late 1920s, the biography of Lavrentiya Pavlovich Beria was concentrated on party work. It was then that he managed to get acquainted with the head of the USSR by Joseph Stalin, who saw his comrades in the revolutionary and showed to him the visible favorables that many are associated with the fact that they were one nationality. In 1931, he became the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Georgian Party, and already in 1935 he was elected by a member of the CEC and the Presidium of the USSR. In 1937, politician has reached another high step towards power and became the head of the Tbilisi City Mountain of the KP of Georgia. Becoming the leader of the Bolsheviks of Georgia and Azerbaijan, Beria won the recognition of the people and associates, who at the end of each congress were placed by him, calling "Favorite Stalin's favorite."

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At that time, Beria's Lavrenty managed to develop the national economy of Georgia to large-scale sizes, he made a great contribution to the development of the oil industry and put into operation a set of large industrial facilities, and Georgia transformed into the All-Union resort area. When Beria, Georgia agriculture increased by 2.5 times, and high prices were installed on products (tangerines, grapes, tea), which made Georgian economy in the country.

Real Glory to Lavrentia Beria came in 1938, when Stalin appointed his head of the NKVD, which made politics by the second after chapter by man in the country. Historians claim that such a high post of politician deserved thanks to the active support of the Stalinist repression of 1936-38, when a large terror was held in the country, providing for the "stripping" of the country from the "people's enemies". In those years, almost 700 thousand people have lost their lives, who have undergone political persecution due to disagreement with the current government.

Head of the NKVD

Becoming the head of the NKVD of the USSR of Lawrence Beria distributed leadership positions in the department to his comrades from Georgia, which strengthened its influence on the Kremlin and Stalin. In the new post, he immediately conducted a large-scale repression of the former Chekists and conducted a total cleaning in the leading apparatus of the country, becoming the "right hand" of Stalin in all matters.

At the same time, it was Beria, according to the majority of historical experts, was able to put an end to the large-scale Stalinist repression, as well as to release many military and civil servants from the conclusion of many military and civil servants, which were recognized as "unreasonably convicted." Thanks to such actions, Beria won the reputation of a person who restored the "legality" in the USSR.

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During the Great Patriotic War, Beria became a member of the State Defense Committee, in which all power in the country was localized at that time. Only he took the final decisions on the production of weapons, aircraft, mortars, motors, as well as on the formation and transfer of airlocks at the front. Responding to the "military spirit" of the Red Army of Lavrentin Pavlovich put into the course of the so-called "weapon of fear", having resumed mass arrests and a public death penalty for everyone who did not want to fight soldiers and spies. Historians associate victory in the Second World War, with a tough policy of the head of the NKVD, in the hands of which was the entire military-industrial potential of the country.

After the war, Beria took up the development of the Nuclear Potential of the USSR, but at the same time he continued to conduct mass repressions in the USSR Allied countries on the Anti-Hitler Coalition, where most of the male population was concentrated and colonies (gulag). It is these prisoners and were attracted to military production conducted in a strict secrecy regime that provided NKVD.

With the help of the physician nuclear team under the leadership of Beria and coordinated work of scouts, Moscow received clear instructions on the structure of the atomic bomb created in the United States. The first successful test of nuclear weapons in the USSR was held in 1949 in the Semipalatinsk region of Kazakhstan, for which the Stalinist premium was awarded Lavrentini.

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In 1946, Beria enters the "Middle Circle" of Stalin and becomes Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. A little later, the head of the USSR saw in him the main competitor, so Joseph Vissarionovich began to "clean" in Georgia and check the documents of the Pavlinity of Pavlovich, which complicated the relationship between them. In this regard, by the time of the death of Stalin Beria and a few of his allies created a negligable union aimed at changing some of the foundations of Stalin's Board.

He tried to strengthen his position in power by the signing of a number of decrees aimed at conducting judicial reforms, global amnesty and prohibition of tough interrogation methods with episodes of bullying of prisoners. Thus, he intended to create a new identity cult, opposite to Stalin's dictatorship. But, since he has almost no allies in the government, after the death of Stalin against Beria, a conspiracy was organized, the initiator of which was Nikita Khrushchev.

In July 1953, Lavrenty Beria was arrested at the meeting of the Presidium. He was accused of connected with British intelligence and states. This was one of the most high-profile affairs in the history of Russia among members of the Higher Echelon authority of the Soviet state.


The court on the Lavrentation of Beria passed from 18 to 23 December 1953. He was convicted of a "special tribunal" without the right to defense and appeal. Specific charges in the case of the former head of the NKVD were a number of illegal murders, the spying of the UK, the repression of 1937, rapprochement with Adolf Hitler, treason.

On December 23, 1953, Beria was shot by the decision of the Supreme Court of the USSR in the headquarters of the Moscow Military District. After execution, the body of Laurentia Pavlovich was burned in the Don Crematorium, and the dust of the revolutionary was buried at the new Don Cemetery.

According to historians, the death of Beria made it possible to sigh with relief to breathe throughout the Soviet people, who until the last day he considered the bloody dictator and tyrant. And in modern society, he is accused of massive repressions of more than 200 thousand people, among whom a number of Russian scientists and outstanding intellectuals of that time have entered. Also, Lavrentia Pavlovich attributes a number of orders about the execution of Soviet soldiers, which in the war years was only on the enemies of the USSR.

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In 1941, the former head of the NKVD conducted "extermination" of all anti-Soviet leaders, as a result of which thousands of people were killed, among whom women and children included. In the war years, he spent a total deportation of the peoples of the Crimea and the North Caucasus, the scale of which was reached by a million people. That is why Lawrence Pavlovich Beria became the most controversial political figure of the USSR, in whose hands was the power of the fate of the people.

Personal life

Personal life of Beria Lavrentia Pavlovich and today is a separate topic requiring serious study. He was officially married to Nina Gegechkin, who gave birth to him in 1924 Son Sergo. The spouse of the ex-head of the NKVD throughout his life supported her husband in his difficult activity and was the most devoted friend who tried to justify even after his death.

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Throughout its political activities, the top of the authorities of Lavrentin Pavlovich walked the Kremlin rapist, having an unrestrained passion for the representatives of a beautiful sex. Beria and his women today are considered the most mysterious part of the life of a prominent politician. There is information that recent years he lived for two families - his civilian wife was Lala Drozdov, who gave him the extramarital daughter Marta.

At the same time, historians do not exclude that Beria had a sick psyche and was a pervert. This is confirmed by the "lists of sexual victims" policy, the presence of which in 2003 was recognized in the Russian Federation. It is reported that the number of victims of Manyak Beria is more than 750 girls and girls, whom he raped with the use of sadism methods.

Historians say that a very often sexual harassment of the head of the NKVD was subjected to schoolgirls 14-15 years old, which he sharpened in soundproofed rooms for interrogation on Lubyanka, where he defeated sexual perversion. When interrogations, Beria admitted that he had physical sexual relations with 62 women, and since 1943 suffered from Syphilis, who became infected with a seventhlace of one of the Moscow near Moscow. Also in its safe, the search for women's linen and children's dresses were found, which were stored near the objects characteristic of perverts.

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