Joan Cusac - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Brother John Cusak, In Youth, Filmography 2021



American Joan Cuseak is not only a star of cinema and television, but also a screenwriter, comedian, actor audio, as well as a mom of two children. The mannered and emotional, it always caresses the views of the audience. Most of her images are the role of the second plan, but this does not prevent actress to achieve success in professional activities and conquer prestigious film chambers.

Childhood and youth

Native city of Joan Cusak - New York. The star was born on October 11, 1962, his childhood spent in the town of Evston, Illinois, surrounded by the family. Father Joan Richard played in the cinema, filmed documentary films, engaged in advertising, Nancy taught Mathematics.

In the family of Cusack five children: Boys Bill and John and Girls Ann, Suzy and Joan. Parents have always been supporting and supporting brothers and sisters, taught them to be confident in themselves, not be afraid of the audience, and also encouraged creative undertaking. Due to this, all children of the family to some extent tied life with a film industry.

Although Joan visited Pyivna theater workshop, she did not always dreamed of becoming a star of cinema. In his youth, Cusac was easily entered by Wisconsin University in Madison. In parallel with learning English, the future actress was fascinated by improvisation in The Story Theater. Cognizing science, Joan did not forget about his work for a minute and, having received a bachelor's degree, finally decided to associate life with art.


The start of Career Joan fell in 1980. The debut in the biographies of the actress is considered at once two films: "My bodyguard" and "Exchange Coin". Although the young American was talented, the next two years of proposals did not come about work. Joan was looking for a classes for the soul and soon became part of the Ark's improvisational group, where he discovered a new genre - comedy.

At the initial stage, the young actress received small roles, and only after graduating from the university, good luck smiled her. Joan was invited to the comedy show "Saturday night in the lone of air", which was popular in America.

Joan Cusac - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Brother John Cusak, In Youth, Filmography 2021 2039_1

Next, the filmography of the artist was replenished with such paintings as "midnights", "television news", "married to the mafia". Proceedings were inconsistent: 1988 I remember the role in the romantic comedy "Business Woman", for which the actress was first nominated for Oscar. The next premium nomination took place in 1997 for the role in the movie "Login and Exit".

Rapidly climbing the career ladder, Joan received more and more proposals for cooperation. A non-standard approach to execution, hard work and serious attitude to work instantly conquered the film industry professionals.

In 1991, the film "Family Addams" was released, where Jelin's family appeared in the role of Debbie Gelinsky - amazing and slightly abnormal blonde friend. Kinokartina had a stunning success. Memorable images, a bright cast that intriguing the plot - all this was reflected in the hearts of the audience. Two years later, the comics were filmed a continuation of the sensational picture - "family values ​​of addams".

Even small and, it would seem, the inconspicuous roles of Joan worked out with maximum return. Bright, mannered, memorable, with a height of 175 cm, it literally became a universal actress, filling every image of genuine emotions. Her acting game was striking not only the audience, but also critics. She was able to absolutely diverse heroines, which, despite their many, have never been similar to one another.

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Separately, I remember fans the role of Sheil in the series "Shamelessnniks". The heroine suffering from sociophobia brought Joan to Emmy Prize. Five nominations, the last of which ended with the long-awaited award - the best proof of the recognition of the talent of the actress.

I liked the audience and the role of the actress in the "Shopaholic". Easy romantic comedy ranked in Kusak filmography.

With each new role Joan honed the skill. She managed to create his own image, and not to get lost in the film industry. Cusack recognizable, but not monotony.

Joan Cusak is not only a talented film actress, but also an actor voice. Her voice tells the characters of favorite animated films, such as the "Toy Story" or the Santa Claus Secret Service ".

Personal life

Joan Cusak rarely exhibited a personal life at the bottom. It is known that since 1993, an American is married with Richard Burcom. Husband actress is not associated with a movie. Broke Scope - Jurisprudence, he leads to lawyers. Spouses have children - sons Dylan and Miles.

As for the rivals of the star, the most close relationships had a brother with his brother, also a talented actor John Cusacack. On his account many successful moviestin. Brother and sister are periodically removed together. By paying most of the career time, they always find the opportunity to see and personally communicate with each other. Among their joint work, such pictures like "say something", "the cradle will swing", "television news".

Joan Cuseak now

Now Joan Cuseak is a happy wife and mom of two children. American is still filmed in the cinema, raging the filmography and glad to fans with new roles. According to Khasteg #Joancusack in "Instagram" you can find publishing photos of the brightest roles and images of the actress.


  • 1988 - "Married to Mafia" "
  • 1988 - "Business Girl"
  • 1993 - "Family Values ​​of Addams"
  • 1995 - "Nine months"
  • 1997 - "Login and Exit"
  • 1999 - "Fallen Bride"
  • 1999 - "The cradle will swing"
  • 2004 - "Fashion Mommy"
  • 2008 - "Playing a large"
  • 2009 - "Shopogolik"
  • 2012 - "Good to be quiet"
  • 2011-2015 - "Shamelessness"
  • 2017-2019 - "Lemoni Snick: 33 misfortunes"
  • 2020 - "Return home"

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