Gemma Arthon - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, Hands, "Instagram" 2021



Gemma Arthon is a British actress, who is known for both the films of the native country and the Hollywood blockbusters. During the cinema, the performer does not cease to admire fans with different faces of their talent. Her game organically fits into historical dramas, exciting fantasy, detectives and comedies.

Childhood and youth

Jamma Christina Arthon was born on February 2, 1986 in Northern Kent in Greivsend, in the poor English family. Her mother earned the life of the premises and houses, and his father was a welder. When the baby was born, the doctors stated with surprise that the newborn six fingers on their hands and the strange form of the ears. Fortunately for the girl, the leading Surgeons of Great Britain eliminated these shortcomings in childhood. On the defect reminds only a tattoo behind the ear, under which the actress hides small scars.

As a child, Arthon did not differ outdoor from other girls, except that it was dressed up poorly, because there was no money for anything. Studying her did not focus, but she gladly went to acting skills at school.

In the youth, Gemma dreamed of becoming a famous actress, but the parents were not enthusiastic about her desire, did not believe in the talent of his daughter. When Arteron turned sixteen, she threw school to go to college. True, staying in it was short. Jamme managed to receive a grant for training at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, and the college was without regretful.

In 2007, the girl successfully graduated from training and entered into an adult independent life. Her life away from the family was difficult - Jamme had to seek part-time job to pay a removable apartment and eat. In those years, she earned the seller in the store.


The creative biography of the actress began while studying. At the first role in the movie Gemma Arthont received when he studied at the last year of the Academy. It was work in the television drama "Conquest Mary."

In 2007, the girl was approved by Kelly's role in the comedy "classmates". Her heroine, Celly, turned out to be funny and shackled. The next television work is the comedy "Troy for departure." Both paintings were successful, albeit phenomenal, but sufficient for the "classmates-2" to the screens in 2009. After filming in these projects, Arteron risked for life to remain a comedy actress, but fate ordered otherwise.

She accidentally found out about the casting on the film "Kvant Mercy" and went there. More than 1500 actresses claimed the role in the new adventures of James Bond (performed by Daniel Craig). Jamme managed to get around all the contenders. The actress was kidding that casting managers did not resist her beauty. In the picture, Gemma brilliantly played the employee of British intelligence and the partner of the Agent 007 Strobery Fildz. After the release of "Bondians" on the screens in 2008, Arthon woke up by the famous.

In the same year, Guy Richie invited Jemma on the shooting of the film "Rock-n-roll." Then there was the main role in the multi-sieuled picture of the "Tess of D'Erberville". In 2009, the actress has played back in several projects, among which is a blockbuster "Battle of Titans". The basis of this exciting fantastic militant was the ancient Greek myth about Perse. Gemma appeared in the ribbon as Io.

In the same year, the performer appeared in one of the most scandalies in his own filmography "The disappearance of Alice Creed". In the plot of her heroine kidnap the attackers in the hope of obtaining a cash redemption. Most of the time Alice lies naked on the bed with a gag in the mouth, chained with handcuffs. The film had bed scenes.

In 2010, the actress appeared in the blockbuster "Prince of Persia. Sands of time, "where the role of Princess Tamina. Together with the actor, Jake Jillenhol Actress visited Moscow within the framework of the Promotional Tour of the Pictures. The plot of the film and heroes are based on a series of popular computer and console games issued by Ubisoft. For filming in this project, Arthon had to resort to surgical interventions - make plastic lips, and also to lose weight.

In 2013, the actress played the main female role in the fantasy militant "Witch Hunters." Gemma performed the role of Gretel, girls from the classic German fairy tale, who together with his brother fell into the house witches. The prologue of the film is different from the fairy tale near the details: the children learn that they are immune to magic, and after the death of the witch they do not return home. The main action of the film is unfolding when the brother and sister grows and become professional witches hunters. The role of the Hansel in the picture was played by Jeremy Renner.

Also in 2013, Jamma Arteron played a major role in the fantastic thriller "Byzantium". The actress heroine is a vampire of Clara, sentenced to death by the Vampire Brotherhood and, along with her daughter hiding from other vampires.

In the following years, Gemma Arteron widely expanded significantly. She played in the pictures of "Officon Tamara", "Va-Bank", "marriage contract" and others. In the adaptation of the novel "Thunderstorm Pass", the actress was to play Catherine Ernsho, but then refused role.

In 2016, Jemma embodied on the screen the image of a teacher Helen Justino in the Zombie film "New Era Z". The postpocalyptic thriller was distinguished from other tapes about the lives of a nontrivial ending and a new look at these creatures. In the "New Ere Z", the emphasis was not on the struggle of surviving people with Zombie Hordes, but on trying to understand the causes of infection. In addition, in the plot, the paintings were present in the children who were born in infected mothers. Kids collected at the military-research base, and taught the Heroine Arteron. Scientists used such intelligent semi-azombie for experiments to identify the virus and create a vaccine. Children, who did not fall on the base, began to build their own civilization.

In the same year, the actress played a major role in the film "Holy John". Drama is delivered by the classic play of Bernard Shaw. Gemma performed the role of the famous French heroine Zhanna d'Ark, the legendary village girl who became a commander who brought the victory of the French army. After the war and Jeanne, and the views of the heroine were dangerous for the traditional embodiment of feudal France, and for the canons of the Catholic Church.

In 2016, the Drama "Hundreds of Streets" came to the screens, which became the director's debut of Jim O'Henlon. Several storylines were organically crossed in the film, each of which presented the features of the life of heroes. Gemma performed the role of Emily, the wife of a former player in Rugby Max, in the image of which an actor Idris Elba appeared. A couple, which has no children, is on the verge of a divorce.

In 2017, the public saw the four-steria animation film "The inhabitants of the hills", in which Arthon voiced the heroine named chamomile. A year later, the performer appeared before fans in the film "Vita and Virginia" in the role of Vita Saquil-West, the beloved popular British writer of the 1920s of Virginia Wulf. The drama received high critics reviews. In 2019, Jammu was invited to the comedy "mysterious murder." Together with her, Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston and Luke Evans appeared on the set.

Personal life

The bright and charismatic jamma always surrounded the crowd of fans, but she did not start a serious relationship for a long time. In 2007, the actress met Animator John Nolan and lived with him a little more than a year. The next novel was tied up on the set of "Quantum Mercy". Governed Arteron was Dubler Daniel Craig, but their connection was soon over.

The next series of "Bondians" presented Jemmma not only unsuccessful relationship. Because of the popularity of the press, the press began to discuss the appearance of the actress, condemning what the girl recovered. Therefore, as journalists later found out, Arteron had complexes for weight. At the same time, the performer possessed average parameters: height 170 cm, weight 60 kg, and part of the fans even noted that so British began to look feminine and more attractive.

At the set of the film "Prince of Persia", the actress met the coach in Horse Riding Eduardo. For several months they met, but then Gemma put the point in the relationship. Then there was a series of auto-venerable novels.

In June 2012, the actress secretly marked with Stefano Katelli. Her chosen was worked as a sales manager. In marriage, they lived for almost three years, followed by loving about divorce.

At the end of August 2019, in the personal life of Arthon there was change - she married the actor Rory Kinen, with whom he met two years before their wedding. Now Jamma lives in London. In his free time, she loves to dance and sing, playing the guitar, communicates with friends. The actress is confident that he has not played his main role. The performer does not have a page in "Instagram", but her fans created several fan accounts.

Gemma Arthon now

In 2020, Gemma continued his career in the cinema. One of the bright works of the performer became a role in the film "Curtain". The picture of the picture unfolds in London on the 30s and tells about theatrical stoken. Characters every minute are deeply immersed in the web of the blackmail, deception and murders. Together with the actress on the set, Colin Firth appeared, Simon Russell Beil and Papa Essa.

Also, the actress filmography was replenished with the series "Black Narcissus". Here, Briton appeared before the audience in the lead role in the image of a Catholic nun, which, together with other obedients, is sent to Nepal with the aim of creating their own school there. Alessandro Nivola, Dian Rigg, Eshving France and other performers, were partners of Gemma on this project.


  • 2007 - "Classmates"
  • 2008 - "Kvant Mercy"
  • 2009 - "Rock Wave"
  • 2009 - "Battle of Titans"
  • 2010 - "Officer Tamara"
  • 2010 - "Prince of Persia. Time"
  • 2013 - "Witch Hunters"
  • 2013 - "Byzantium"
  • 2014 - "Other Story"
  • 2014 - "Voices"
  • 2016 - "New Era Z"
  • 2016 - "Hundreds of streets"
  • 2016 - "Holy John"
  • 2018 - "Vita and Virginia"
  • 2019 - "Mysterious Murder"
  • 2020 - "Curtain"
  • 2020 - "Eternal Summer"
  • 2020 - "Black Narcissus"

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