Vain Jokanta - biography, photos, personal life, movies and last news 2021



The French film actress Vain Jokanta was born in the small town of Pivie, which is located near Orleans. Her parents were immigrants from Corsica and Andalusia. Vain's father worked as a gardener, and his mother was engaged in household. Interestingly, the name of the actress with Malagasy Nashia, the National Language of Madagascar, translates as "Welcome".

The first 10 years of life Vain Jokanta spent on Corsica, and then moved to the ex-en-Provence, where he entered the prestigious Lyceum "Paul Cesann". At the age of 15, the schoolgirl began to dance in the ballet of Rolan Petit in Marseille Opera and worked there for two years.

Actress Vain Jokanta

Very early starting to work as a dancer and actress, Vain Jokanta has achieved much not only on stage, but also as a fashion model. She was the face of the famous French beauty salon "Jacques Dessenzh", and a photo shoot of Jokanta for the English Brand of Women's Lingerie Agent Provocateur brought her considerable popularity.

Several times Vain did breaks in their career to make long journeys in Latin America and Africa.


Vain Jokanta was 14 years old when a representative of the acting agency saw her on the beach and invited to casting. So began the cinematic biography of the future French movie star.

The first role in the movie The novice actress played in the municipality of Manuel Pradali "Marie with the Bay of Angels." She created on the screen the image of a young girl of light behavior from the French Riviera, who fell in love with Orso's thief. The heroine of the Marie film is a love progress in life, which cannot figure out his feelings. This tape opened 16-year-old jokent doors to cinema and brought the first popularity, although it was criticized in the fluff and dust. But the directions managed to notice a bright girl and marked her acting skills.

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Worldwide recognition came to actress only a few years later, after entering the screens of the joint Franco-British criminal melodrama, Lila says, in which Vain Jokanta played in a duet with French actor Mohammed Khuas. The film tells about a teenage girl from Arabic ghetto in Marseille and raises important moral issues, including the problem of racism.

Critics enthusiastically responded about the work of Vashin Jokanta, they were quite surprised at how she managed to play naivety at the same time with female seductivity. Someone compared to the manner of her games with the game brilliant Berdo. For this role, the actress received a prize of a film festival in Beziers.

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In 2000, the sparkling French comedy "Libele" Gabriel Agiyon came to the screens, in which Vain Jokanta starred with such stars like Fanny Ardan, Zzowan Balasco and Audrey Touu. This is an eccentric film about the Puritan France of the second half of the XVIII century, when the church tried to restrain loving French from crucified and liberal.

In 2007, Vain Jokanta starred in the screening of the sensational satirical novel "99 francs", which ridiculed the modern advertising business. Her heroine Sophie, the beloved of the main character, whose role is performed by the famous comic Jean Duzharden, lives in consumer and through the mercantil world, but at the same time he believes that advertising is not a completely honest business. In this picture, Vain, Jokanta collaborated not only with his familiar for the Western "Bloumberri" by the director Jan Kunnom, but also with Frederick Begder, the author of the Roman, who was the basis of the film "99 francs".

Actress Vain Jokanta

In 2009, the Frenchwoman presented his fans a new film in which he again played a key role. This is the French-Italian criminal thriller Laurean Tuelle "Vicious Circle", on the set of which Vain Jokanta met with such famous colleagues as Jean Reno and Gaspar Ulul.

The new star role got actress in 2013: she fell into the brilliant cast of the melodrama "(not) a waiting prince", the author of which was the famous writer and director Luc Besson. In addition to the Vashin itself, the stars of French cinema as Vensen Perez and Jacques Weber took part in the picture. Vain Jokanta confessed that he experienced incredible happiness from collapse with Peres and Weber, because these are real masters of their business and the highest level professionals.

Vain Jokanta today

Recently, Russian spectators have received an excellent opportunity to observe the game Frenchwoman in the new joint Russian-Ukrainian project "Mata Hari". This is the history of the life of the legendary dancer and spy, whose love sought the most influential and rich men in Europe of the early twentieth century. Kurtizanka played Vain Jokanta, and the role of her Russian beloved Vadim Maslov went to Maxim Matveyev.

Vain Jokanta as Mati Hari

The series began to shoot in 2016, and the long-awaited premiere on the "First Channel" took place in March 2017. The first dramatic tape saw the audience Portugal - they looked at the series in January.

The choice of the main heroine of the series fell on Jokanta because her acting skills are combined with the skill of the dancers. The stars of world and Russian cinema played in the melodrama, among which such famous artists like Rutger Hauer, Oshshin Stak, Christopher Lambert, Gerard Depardieu, Victoria Isakov, Alexander Petrov, Ksenia Rappoport, Alexey Guskov and Svetlana Khodchenkova.

The shooting "Mata Hari" was held in Ukraine, Russia and Portugal, while the picture was voiced immediately in Russian and English.

Personal life

When Vain Jokanta was 20 years old, she gave birth out of the marriage of Nino's son, whose father was the double bassist Martin Gamet. But the family of Vain and Martin was not long: two stars turned out to be too close together, and they broke up. The child stayed with her mother.

Vain Jokanta

Personal life of Vain Jokanta made a new round after exploring the famous designer ITO Morabito, who comes from the grandson of the famous architect Ivi Baardu. But family happiness with ITO, the talented Frenchwoman seems to not come out: the designer did not become a legitimate husband Jokanta.

Vain Jokanta and Ito Morabito

The actress is actively involved in public life: it is the ambassador of the Association "Sister Emmanuel", which is designed to help distress people in North Africa. Also in 2012, Vain Jokanta officially supported the fighter for the preservation of the rainforests of Chef Raoni in his desire to stop the construction of the hydroelectric power station on the amazon influx.


  • 1997 - "Marie from the Bay of Angels"
  • 1998 - "Thief of Life"
  • 2000 - "Libele"
  • 2004 - "Bloumberri"
  • 2005 - "Lila says"
  • 2007 - "99 francs"
  • 2008 - "Secrets of the State"
  • 2009 - "Bellamy"
  • 2009 - "Vicious Circle"
  • 2012 - "30 strikes"
  • 2013 - "(no) waiting prince"
  • 2016 - "Mata Hari"

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