Maxim Emelyanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Maxim Emelyanov is a Russian actor who received fame after the first role in the family comedy "Little Johnny", which was awarded the Prize "Kinotavrik". Now the Maxim filmography is replenished with new rating projects that will help him get to the acting Olympus and gain recognition of the audience.

Childhood and youth

Maxim was born in 1990 in Moscow. There is no accurate information about the family of a young actor. But judging by the fact that Maxim Emelyanov began to be filmed in the cinema early, parents from childhood supported and developed acting talents of the boy. Maxim got to the shooting platform in adolescence, so I realized quite early that I would like to link my life with cinema and make acting career.

After graduating from school in 2007, the young man decided to receive acting education. He entered the acting department of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography, where for 5 years he worked in the workshop of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Fokina.

Personal life

Maxim Emelyanov devotes most of his life, as shooting take a lot of time. Therefore, all romantic passions of the actor did not surrender into a serious relationship, his heart was free for a long time.

However, in August 2016, Maxim reported in "Instagram", which arranged his personal life and married. There is almost nothing about his choices. The girl is named Margarita, she is confectioner, so it is not connected with the world of movies and show business.

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Maxim loves his spouse and warmly responds about it:

"I was looking for my wife all my life. Margarita I have a confectioner - and thank God that is not an actress. I do not believe in acting. From Margo, we knew each other since childhood, as they lived in one yard. Having half a year with her, I suggested getting married, because there was no doubt left. Mom, of course, worried, because he loves me strongly, sometimes even before a painful state. Signed and immediately, like Egoists, left the registry office in Domodedovo, from where they flew in Dominican Republic. We decided that this is just our holiday. "

And in 2017, Emelyanov became the Father. Margarita gave him a daughter, the girl called Maya. A year later, the family was replenished again - the son named Makar appeared. Photo of children can be seen in the Instagram account of the actor.

Sometimes you can meet the information that the famous actor Cyril Emelyanov, the star of the "bastards" and the series "Cadet", accounts for brother Maxim Emelyanov. In fact, they are only namesakes, although familiar and are in a friendly relationship.


The creative biography of the actor began in childhood. For the first time in the cinema, Maxim Emelyanov starred at the 12th age, playing the main character in the family New Year's comedy "Little Johnny". His character is a kind and responsive boy who, thanks to his restlessness and curiosity, can turn the life of all households upside down. In a good sense, the picture turned out to be something similar to the old episodes of the vintage "Yerals", which, though it looked frankly naive, but always caused a smile and warmth of the viewer. For the perfectly performed image of the 10-year-old, the young actor in 2003 at the International Children's Film Festival "Kinotavrik" received the main prize and became a laureate in the category "Best Young Actor".

Maxim did not rest on the laurels and wait when he matches to continue to film. Next year, he accepted an invitation to the director Evgeny Sokolova and played a boys in the children's adventure thriller "Mystery of the Zaborskoye Omut". His hero, yielding to the persuasion of buddies, dives into the river, where it faces an unknown science by a monster from the underwater world. From the experience of stress on the script, the boy begins to stutter.

In adulthood, Maxim began to be mainly filmed in television series. In the comedy multiserietary film "Stroybatya" about the life of the soldiers in the fictional military unit, he played ordinary Fedor Korchagin, named Korch. The 4-serial military drama mini-series "far from the war" was also popular, which tells about a little-known division for the preparation of special dogs - tank fighters. The actor plays one of the cantners-film, Ivan Starikov. He managed to light up in the popular TV series "Kitchen". In him, he performed the episodic role of the son of Elena Pavlovna.

Maxim Emelyanov in childhood in the series

The new wave of popularity was expected by Maxim Emelyanov after the release in 2015 adventurous Drama "Farca", telling about the life of 4 friends in the last 30 years of the existence of the Soviet Union. Hero Emelyanova - Sasha Demin, Julian and Yard Zhigan, most likely, would have rolled around the inclined track, if it were not for strong friendship with the guys. Interestingly, the hero of Maxim is an auto mechanic and the car should drive a car. But the actor at that time had not had a driver's license at that time, so he had to learn driving almost on the set. He also recalls what he applied to his grandmother for advice to better get into the role. It was she who suggested the grazure of the phrase "do not smuggle", which his hero utters in the film.

Maxim has low growth (176 cm) and average weight, but the acting talent allowed Emelyanov to escape from a series of amplules of adolescents, students and sons of heroes. The actor embodies the images of both police and criminals, and also performs the main roles in projects.

2016 brought Maxim Emelyanov a major role in the project with a non-standard plot. In the four-stero melodrama "On the White Kone", the actor fulfilled the role of Denis Zbruev. The main character follows the Santa Council and decides to enter the horse police, which became a symbol of Moscow. The young man will have the necessary tests to get the proud title of cavalryist and understand that the horseman is something more than work.

Also in 2016, Maxim Emelyanov played a number of secondary roles. The actor fulfilled the role of Vasko in the criminal drama "All by law", steppes in the comedy "Lights of a large village", Valentina Spivak in the comedy "Friday", a policeman in a superheroic comedy "Superbrovi" and Sergeant Malyshko in a social drama with elements of the "Shutchinitsy" melodrama.

In 2017, he embodied one of the main roles in the Commissar Military Drama. Hero Maxim Emelyanova Ilya is part of the gang terrorizing the provincial city in the post-war time. But at the same time, Ilya also the son of a new commissioner (Irina Pegov), which returned to the service in his hometown due to the fact that there are lack of people in the liberated territories and buffs the gangster lawlessness. Ilya almost does not know the mother, she left her son with a grandmother, having left for Moscow to study, and then for the sake of work in the police station. The reunion of mother with his son was prevented suddenly began the Great Patriotic War. Just having reached two years and having wounded, the commissars was sent to his hometown, where he met the already matured son and found out the young man with what people.

The actor also starred immediately in three films whose premieres took place in 2017. Maxim appeared as Artem in the Military Drama "Sturdy Armor". The eight episodes of the film tell about the life of the tanker during the Great Patriotic War. The main character of Vasily Rusakov and other tankers are still very young young men, only graduating tank colleges. In the soul, Vasily is constantly fighting each other combat commander and in love with a teenager who was not lucky enough to find love in the middle of the war. But such young fighters have to go through the war and become participants in the largest tank fight on the Kursk arc.

In the same year, Maxim played the role of Grisha Greev in the Drama "Passion". The film focuses on a love connection between two non-free people and explores the questions of love, trust, treason, family and other conjugate relations and topics. Emelyanov also played the role of Fergana in an eight-grade picture "Return at any cost."

Maxim Emelyanov now

2020 for Maxim Emelyanova turned out to be rich in new projects. The young actor managed to play in several rating paintings.

In the series "Avanpost", Emelyanov reincarnated in Lieutenant Pavlov. In addition to him, Alexey Chadov, Peter Fedorov, Svetlana Ivanova and other stars of cinema were involved in the picture. The plot of the postpocalyptic series talks about how quarantine zones were formed on Earth, where people under the influence of poison lost all human.

The main role of Krivonischenko went to Maxim in the picture "Pass Dyatlov". The drama tells about the group of students who, under the guidance of Igor Dyatlov, went hike to snow-covered tops and disappeared. Investigator Oleg Kostin tries to find out what happened in fact.

In the biographic picture of "Streltsov" with Alexander Petrov, Emelyanov also took part. He tried on the image of an old friend of Footballer Edward Streltsov, whose name is Vasily.

For 2021, the actor has big plans. It is known that now he is working on several paintings. This is the series "Infection", films "Pilot" and "Dead Souls", which is a modern adaptation of the work of Gogol.


  • 2002 - "Little Johnny"
  • 2003 - "Mystery of the Omutsky Omut"
  • 2009 - "Rowan Waltz"
  • 2010 - "Stroybatya"
  • 2011 - "Siberia. Mon amyr"
  • 2012 - "far from war"
  • 2013 - "Between us, girls
  • 2014 - "Private Detective Tatyana Ivanova"
  • 2014 - "Search"
  • 2014 - "Practice"
  • 2015 - "Farca"
  • 2015 - "Last Front"
  • 2016 - "On the White Kone"
  • 2016 - "Friday"
  • 2016 - "Shutchiks"
  • 2017 - "Commissioner"
  • 2018 - "Strong Armor"
  • 2018 - "Moscow Secrets - 1. Guest from the Past"
  • 2019 - "Avangapost"
  • 2019 - "And we have in the yard-2"
  • 2020 - "Avolanpost" (serial)
  • 2020 - "Dyatlov Pass"
  • 2020 - "Streltsov"

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