Alexey Veselkin (Jr.) - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, son, daughter, movies, wife 2021



Alexey Veselkin is a Russian actor who first attracted the attention of the audience, being a child. Empty, he remained faithful profession and became a worthy representative of the famous creative dynasty.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Alekseevich was born in Moscow, in the family of artists. Father Alexey Veselkin - Senior became famous as an actor and TV host. Tatiana Veselkin's mother (Ushmaikin) serves in the troupe of the Russian Academic Youth Theater. Grandfather and grandmother - pop dancers who worked in the Moskoncert system. Anastasia's younger sister also tied life with the world of art.

Alexey Veselkin with his father Alexei Vesselkin-seniors

According to the celebrity, he had no choice but to be in the acting profession. He looked at his parents and wanted to be like them. In addition, in childhood, the boy stolen that his mother and father show on TV and recognize on the streets.

Alexey graduated from the acting faculty of guitis. He studied under the leadership of Alexei Borodin. For the course, the artist came late, already when the group was recruited. Then the star had doubts for the first time, whether it is worth going on parental footsteps, but in the end they disappeared. And shortly before the release, the guy and he himself was able to sit in the admission committee.


The scenic career of the performer began even before he received an acting education. He was about 12 years during the debut on the stage of the Russian Academic Youth Theater. The boy played Alesha in the formulation of Erast Fandorin, where the head of his father was performed.

Later, Alexey became a full member of the theater troupe, it happened after the release, in 2013. In the same year, "Flowers for Elgernon" was shown on the stage of the Rammit, created on the basis of the Roman Daniel Kiza. Maxim Kerin received a major role, and Welkin fell to play Frank.

In the future, with the participation of the star, a few more prime ministers took place, where he had to play both adults and children, central and episodic heroes. Sometimes the partner of the scene became the father of the actor.


In the cinema, Alexey Veselkin - the younger debuted in 2003, starring in the film with the famous children's novel Francis Burnett "Little Lord Fontler" called "Joy and Sorrow of Little Lord". The artist got the main role of a boy by name Cedric.

Critics and viewers very highly appreciated the work of the young artist, responded to his game as organic and natural. She praised the honor that the teenager could deseribly show talent against the background of the legendary artists - Stanislav Govorukhin and Nikolai Volkov.

That same year, the actor appeared in the TV series "Poor Nastya" with Elena Cinnik in the lead role. There he embodied Konstantin, Junior Brother Cesarevich Alexander performed by Dmitry Isaev.

Alexey Veselkin (Jr.) - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, son, daughter, movies, wife 2021 20366_2

The next memorable character, an embodied star, became a young cat from the screening of Roman George Weiner "Multiply Sadness". The adult version of the hero was played by Ilya Shakunov. In the center of the plot, the story of three friends whose children's games have grown into adventures.

After that, a break in the on-screen career, demanded by Alexey to focus on studies at the university. He returned in 2012 and starred in the criminal film "And we have in the yard" as the secondary hero Dima Martvaleva. The story was based on the history of the friendship of a police officer at Vladimir's retirement and the ladies-janitor of Mavelud, together investigating crimes.

The next loved public picture with the participation of the actor was named "Fool's Day". Interestingly, another performer was approved for the role of the chalop vanka, but two days before the start of the filming, he announced that he could not participate. He was replaced by Veselkin, who had to start work with almost pure sheet.

But in the end, the image was taken brilliantly, and his on-screen partner Alexander Lykov was pleased with his teamwork with a young artist. In the comedy there are many car scenes, and most of the tricks Alexey sought to do it independently.

In 2014, Veselkin came to the secondary acting center of the TNT channel - the mystical thriller "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone". He played a friend of Hero Konstantin Davydov - Pasha, who decided on a dangerous journey to Pripyat. The series was awarded positive reviews of viewers.

Alexey Veselkin (Jr.) - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, son, daughter, movies, wife 2021 20366_3

But the real breakthrough in the cinematic biography of the artist occurred a year later, when the drama show on the 60s "Farca" started on the first channel. The main storyline is built on the friendship of young guys, ready to give life to each other. One of them, Konstantina Germanov, nicknamed Kostl, and embodied Alexey.

His character is a timid guy who is the son of a ministerial official. To get into the image, the Contractor asked many questions to his grandfather. He not only well remembered those times, but he himself, being a pop artist and often visiting foreign cities, was engaged in Farthanovka, however, the legal man was handed over to commissions.

Then the actor filmography was replenished with a short comedy "Russiano" Alexey reincarnated in the main character of Andrei, an IT technological specialist, which is constantly in search of earnings. At the site, he was the company Anastasia Stitch, Mikhail Gorheva and Roman Mayakin.

In 2019, a few films in which Veselkin embodied episodic characters was released. According to the artist, even despite the success and love of the audience, he often goes to castings to get the opportunity to participate in standing projects.

Personal life

Unlike many artists who do not want to associate life with colleagues, Veselkin decided in childhood that his wife would become an actress. And with age, he strengthened in the opinion that only a creative person was given to understand his views on the world and life.

Studying in theatrical university, Alexey met Alina Shishova (Lina Veselkina), also a student of guitis, who studied for the course of the younger. Young people have met for a long time, and on the last day of September 2015 they played a wedding.

A year later, the spouses were born a daughter who received the name Sonya. About this a momentous event in a personal life Actor told instagram account subscribers, where he often publishes a photo with his family.

Alexey Veselkin now

Now the artist continues to film and play on stage. At the beginning of 2021, the premiere of the play "Shot" took place in the rant, in which Alexey received the main role of Belkina.

And in April on the TV channel "Russia-1", the melodrama "ugly" was shown. The plot is based on the same story by Olga Stepnova and tells about a girl who suffers from complexes because of the appearance and from despair is solved by blackmail to force the boss on it to marry. The artist played Gruzalev.

Later, the audience saw the star in the melodrama Alexei Rudakov "USSR". In it, the actor embodied the seeds - a young man from the intelligent Leningrad family of Jews. This time, when preparing for the project shooting, whose actions are unfolded in the 80s, Veselkin consulted with his father.


  • 2003 - "Joy and Sorrow of Little Lord"
  • 2014 - "Fool's Day"
  • 2014 - "Last Summer"
  • 2015 - "Farca"
  • 2015 - "Everyone can kings"
  • 2016 - "Love as a natural disaster"
  • 2019 - "Catch the moment"
  • 2019 - "Animator"
  • 2021 - "Izacha-5"
  • 2021 - "ugly"
  • 2021 - "Coal"
  • 2021 - "USSR"

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