Ariadne Volochkova - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", daughter Anastasia Volochkova, age 2021



The only daughter of the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova Ariadne - the girl is comprehensively developed. She is engaged in sports and creativity, studying on perfectly and loves animals. But the scandals in which the fact and the case appears the name of the mother, did not go around and the heir.

Childhood and youth

Ariadne was born on September 23, 2005 in civil marriage ballerina Anastasia Volochkova and businessman Igor Vddin. When the girl was not fulfilled and the year, the family began in the family, and later the parents were separated. After the break, the little Arisha remained to live with her mother.

Already as a child, Ariadne took up ballet, but she had more dances, she had more dances: the baby mastered the choreography at Alla Dukhovah in the studio "Todes" and ballroom dancing in Stanislav Popova.

Developed a girl and other talents. For example, attended painting classes, wrote several paintings and even tried to sell them. I loved Ariadne and Sport Training: He was fascinated by tennis, rhythmic gymnastics, was engaged in equestrian sports.

When Arisha turned 5, Anastasia Volochkova registered a page in "Instagram" from her behalf and led it independently to promote the daughter's account in advance. So it happened: the Ariadna's adolescence had a thousand subscribers with whom she was personally shared by hobbies.

In 2016, vocals were added to the hobby of the Volley-Junior. For the first time, she spoke with the song "Prayer about Mom" ​​on the stage of the Hope Babkina Theater. True, Anastasia was not able to attend the debut. But later, I invited the daughter in the author's show "Ballerina in the Cyrkal Circus", where Ariadna sings, and Mom dances.

After 2 years of the family idyll of Volochkov, an end came: 13-year-old Ariadne left the mother to a new father's family and settled in the Moscow apartment of Igor Vddin and his bride, TV presenter Elena Nikolaeva.

Among the fans of the ballerina rumors crawled out why the teenage girl decided on this act. It was assumed that a considerable role was played by the eccentric behavior of the ballerina and the wave of hatred, swept the Ariadna in connection with the scandals in the mother's biography. Volochkovo-younger pointed strangers in social networks, disciples and teachers at school, because of what she had to change several schools, before becoming a student of the Lyceum HSE, who chose the girl herself.

Also there was a version that Anastasia, many years ago, who was submitted to the court on the former lover demanding to return multi-million dollar debt in dollar equivalent, began to adjust the daughter against Igor. But as a result, Adrian stood on the side of his father, collapsed with his mother.

Volochkova-eldest poured oil into the fire, admitting that neither a daughter nor a former husband react to her calls and stopped any communication after moving.

Only in the summer of 2020, Ariadna interrupted silence and explained the situation. The girl became Guest Boris Korchevnikov in the TV show "The Fate of Man" and told that there were no conflicts between her and mother. The case was in the new school Volochkova: it was difficult for her every morning to spend on the road from the Moscow region, where Mom lives, to the center of the capital for 1.5 hours, so the schoolgirl moved closer to the lyceum.

A few months later, Anastasia Volochkova became the heroine of Youtyub-show "Alena, damn!" And suggested that the widows not only lured his daughter with a convenient location of the apartment, but also bribed expensive gifts.

Despite the fact that the daughter of Anastasia Volochkova has been living with his father for many years, she supports wonderful relationships with his mother. So, on the 45th anniversary of the ballerina, the heirs arrived in a new image: Ariadne repressed into blonde. Fans noted that she became a copy of the star mother and already caught up with her in growth.

In March 2021, Ariadne, together with Anastasia, became the guests of Lera Kudryavtsevaya in the project "Stars agreed". Ballerina told what she saw with his daughter every 2 weeks, but still does not suspect, where it dwells: Igor has forbidden to disclose the location of the housing.

The 15-year-old Ariadne Volochkova itself admitted that she likes to live in the dad family. The girl got the most spacious room in the apartment, and she walks to school. In addition to her, the widow lives three of his children from the previous marriage.

With Elena Nikolaova, a good relationship with Volochkova, a good relationship: together they attend cinema, restaurants, concerts. Also, Ariadne worried that she would ever dream of introducing mom and stepmother.

After a couple of months, an interviews confession Anastasia Volochkova, in which the ballerina expressed confidence that the daughter "lives in hell", but is afraid to go to the authority to the authority.

Ariadna Volochkova now

Now Ariadne is studying in a lyceum and leads a personal blog in "Instagram", where talks about books, films and TV shows, publishes its own reasoning on various topics and interesting facts.

Also, the magic and the youngest shares personal photos and videos. Many frames can be seen how many years of sports and dancing have affected the forms of Ariadna: the girl has no hint of overweight, and her figure in a swimsuit looks beautiful.

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