Ostap Mortar - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Ostap Bogdanovich Mortar - Ukrainian actor theater and cinema, TV host. The son of the famous artist, he managed to find his own niche in domestic cinema, television and on theatrical scene. Taking a firm political position in the national question, Ostap still does not retreat from his words, confirming their affairs.

Childhood and youth

Ostap was born in Lviv in the hereditary family of artists. Grandfather Sylvester Mortgage was a opera singer, Father Bogdan Mortgage - a famous actor who struck the audience roles in Taras Bouvube and "Heart on Palm". Larisa Kornienko - Ballerina's mother, danced in the Lviv Opera and Ballet Theater.

The boy's childhood passed behind the scenes of various theaters in which parents were performed. Together with the mother, the son traveled to the shooting expeditions, where they visited the Father. A big impression on a 5-year-old child was a trip to the Carpathians, where Bogdan Mortar was filmed in the film "White Bird with Black Mark."

From the early years, Ostap was interested in acting profession, and most of all he liked makeup. The young mortar deactivated himself in the Spartak or other ancient hero, drawing scars and wrinkles, and then improvised, on the go, wrinkling dance and action.

The first exit to the big scene also occurred at an early age. When Lviv Theater arrived at the tour in Odessa, Ostap Mortar, together with the children of other artists in the ballet "Creation of the World" portrayed animals. Also, the boy developed a musical taste, learning the game of cello. The mortar remembers that these lessons did not like too much, but he obeyed the demand of the grandfather, who drove him to a music school.

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When Ostau was 12 years old, the family moved to Kiev, where the teenager finally decided on the choice of profession and began to engage in the theatrical circle under the leadership of Alexei Kuzhel. The team was even invited to participate in children's television programs.

After school, Ostap entered the Kypenko-Karoi State Theater Institute, where until 1988 studied on the course Boris Stavitsky. After the university, it was difficult to the experimental theater "Kin", but worked there for 2 months. After a year, the mortar became the artist of the Dramatic Theater named after Ivan Franco, where in the following years was involved in 35 performances.


Ostap mortar appeared on television. On the Ukrainian Channel "1 + 1", the actor became the TV presenter of the intellectual entertainment program "First Million", analogue of the popular show "Who wants to become a millionaire?", And the transfer of "leads leading".

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The ICTV channel led a reality show "The Last Hero" and the documentary program "Famous criminals". Also, as a member was invited to the 3rd season of "Dances with the Stars", where he spoke in a pair with Daria Darius Danken. In 2006, he received the Telethrium Prize in the nomination "The most popular TV host of the year."


Besta Bogdanovich's Meta Keetebut became the melodramatic comedy Stanislav Klimenko "Grooms". After a good start, the actor starred in more than 30 paintings, but for him in the first place always remained theatrical work. The creative biography of the artist is interested in a large number of fans. Ostap mortar, the growth of which is 182 cm, and the weight is 85 kg, is interesting primarily characteristic, comedy images.

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Film historical dramas are highlighted in Mortariography: "Bogdan-Zinovy ​​Khmelnitsky", where the artist plays Timosh, the son of the famous hetman; "Prayer about the hetman Mazepa", where Ostap got the role of the right hand of Mazepa - the general chisar of Philip Orlik; Taras Bulba is the epic screen version of Nikolai Gogol's novel, in which the actor has the role of the Cossack of the vertichost. Interestingly, in all these films, the father of the artist Bogdan Mortar was shot.

In 2008, Ostap got into the main acting series "Buy a friend", where Artem was played, the son of Kim Sychev (Bogdan Mortar). A mercantile spouse of a young man performed Olga Sumy. Evgeny Hanelin, Alexey Zubkov, Ksenia Knyazev also starred in the film.

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Another major project of the artist was the military drama "We are from the future - 2" 2010 issue with Igor Petrenko and Vladimir Jaglyz in the main roles, in which Ostap starred along with the son of Dmitry. Father got the role of the commander of the Ukrainian rebels, and Dmitry fulfilled the role of gray.

In 2011, the historical drama "Match" was published, based on real events, which tells about the football "death match" between the Soviet football players and the Luftwaffe Zhenitchikov team in the occupied Kiev in the summer of 1942. The main role in the film was played by actor Sergey Bezrukov, and the image of a policeman Ivan Dressing got to leave the mortar. The actor managed to make a fairly ambiguous and very comical figure.

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In 2014, the premiere of the criminal series of director Konstantin Statsky and Producer Center Alexandra Tsekalo "Major", in which Ostap reincarnated in Ivan Petrovich Smolentseva, an expert-criminalist Special Forces in the character of Ivan Petrovich Smolentsev.

In 2015, taking into account the established conflict situation between Moscow and Kiev, the artist refused to further participate in the shooting of the 2nd part of the film, the premiere of which was held in the fall of 2016. In an interview with Ostap, the mortar negatively responds to Russia and the political position of the fraternal state. In their political views, the actor supports the Ukrainian authorities and the actions of the ATO troops.

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In 2015, the Ostap participated in the work on the film "Captivity", in which we were talking about the Ukrainian hostages on the territory of the enemy. The artist fulfilled the role of a journalist. Premiere films took place at the Odessa Film Festival.

In 2016, several TV shows with the participation of the remaining mortar came on Ukrainian television. In October, the "Maestro" comedy melodrama shows on the journey on the ship of the hero of Pasha Kharitonov (Leonid Tvetzhinsky), which was necessary for marriages to Lila (Antonina Divine) started on the Inter Channel "Inter". In the film Ostap Mortar, he performed the role of the father of the girl Lera (Anna Vorkueva), Lily's girlfriend. Soon the artist was invited to the series "Izi" of the joint Italian-Ukrainian production, where he played together with Barbara Bush and Libero de Rienzo.

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In the same year, the premiere of the Melodrama "Paparazzi" about the fate of Journalist Sasha (Valery Khodos), which for the sake of a large amount of money is forced to reveal someone else's mystery. The film The film also included Dmitry Owl, Alexander Piskunov and Ostap Mortar.

In the melodrama "Podlidyshi" Ostap played an episodic character. In the film, we were talking about newborn children, which Mother for various reasons were left in the maternity hospital. The main roles were distributed between Ekaterina Reshetnikova, Konstantin Square, Valery Skyrando, Alexander Mokhov.

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In 2017, a new Ukrainian project "Tales of an old Melnik" took place. In the film, the fairy tale starred popular actors in the images of folklore characters - Anna Koshmal, Valentin Kurasyak, Irma Vitovskaya. Ostap the mortar got the role of a podkin husband who lives in a matriarchal family. With a children's fabulous plot, the actor is not for the first time. Ostap has already appeared as a prototype of one of the characters of the multiplication series "Fabulous Russia".

Soon, Ostap lit up in the Canadian project "Gorky Vintage" ("The harvest of the Devil"), in which she appeared in front of the audience in a dramatic image. The mortar is known in his homeland as an actor of visualing. Her voice is spoken by the heroes of cartoon films "cars", "Madagascar-2", "Alice in Wonderland". In 2017, he starred in a commercial for Ukrainian mail.

Personal life

Ostap the mortar was married three times. The first time the actor concluded a marriage at 18, when he learned that Tatiana's friend, who studied with him in theatrical university, pregnant. Young played wedding. In 1985, young spouses had a son Dmitry Mortar, afterwards continued acting dynasty. After the end of the theater university, the Meta Jr. entered the service in the theater. I. Franco, with his wife Polina he raises the daughter of Bogdan.

The marriage of the parents of Dmitry lasted long. Tatiana Markha after the divorce with Ostap devoted himself to the upbringing of the son. The woman went out of the theater, got a job in the store, then worked as a waitress.

The second wife of Ostap was the designer-designer Irina, with which he met on one of the acting parties, where the girl invited his sister, the actress Oksana Batko. This marriage existed for 15 years, the spouses had a daughter Ustiny and the son of Bogdan. After the death of the father of Bogdan, the relationship between the Osta and Irina relations were smashed, and soon the artist was divorced.

In the spring of 2015, the personal life of the remaining mortar has undergone another changes. The actor married for the third time. His chosen of Daria, a student of the theater institute, younger for 20 years. The wedding was played modestly, in the circle of relatives and loved ones. The photo of the artist and darya mortar periodically fall on the Ostare page in Facebook, the account in "Instagram" does not have.

The actor loves travel, but does not attend one place twice, preferring every time to face new impressions.

In 2012, Ostap Mortar developed a cultural development program in the country and in the political party "Ukraine - Forward!" Bilked in Rada, but lost the election and later refused to engage in political activities.

Ostap mortar now

Now the mortar can be infrequently seen in Ukrainian projects. The artist himself explains this by the fact that domestic serials are focused on Russian spectators, they are being filmed mainly Russian actors whose fees are more than that of local performers.

Ostap does not hide, which supports an offer for 75% quota to Ukrainian language in the media. The political position made it a bandwidth in the medium of television manufacturers. But the actor remains in demand in the theater, actively cooperates with European cinematographers, is in full meter.

In 2018, Ostap took part in the creation of a Polish Ether thriller. The plot of the film Kshyshtof Zanussi is based on the famous story about Faust. In the cast, the film was invited by the stars of the European cinema of Nieta, Zolt Laslo, Angeha Khyra. According to the plot, the painting mortar reincarnated in the Russian commander.

Another role of a person in the chains went to him in the historical film "Cools. 1918, "where he introduced the image of the Red Commissioner on the screen. Interestingly, the Ostap appeared here with his son Dmitry. The plot of the film tells about the fatal love of two brothers to the girl named Sofia on the background of military events. The premiere of the film took place in 2019.


  • 1985 - "Grooms"
  • 1991 - "From the life of Osta Vishni"
  • 1992 - "Lord, forgive us, sinning"
  • 2001 - "Prayer for the Hetman Mazepa"
  • 2005 - "Professional Friend" "
  • 2008 - "Bogdan-Zinovy ​​Khmelnitsky"
  • 2008 - "buy a friend"
  • 2009 - Taras Bulba
  • 2009 - "Miracle"
  • 2010 - "We are from the future - 2"
  • 2011 - "Match"
  • 2014 - "Major"
  • 2017 - "Bitter Harvest"
  • 2018 - "Cool 1918"
  • 2018 - "Ether"

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