Victoria Nuland - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Politician 2021



Victoria Nuland is one of the key figures of American diplomacy on the global political arena. In Washington, she had a reputation as "Superwasher", as skillfully kept under his leadership fifty embassies and American missions in Europe. Her business style European colleagues were considered too straightforward and sometimes "non-diplomatic", but it did not interfere with the nuland to advance through the career ladder and conquer recognition both in the homeland and beyond.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Jane Nuland was born on July 1, 1961 in the US state of Connecticut. Grandmother and grandfather in the father's line, the Jews by nationality, who were called Nudelman, left the Russian Empire in the early 1900s. In the youth, the father of the former US Secretary of State for Europe, a surgeon, a surgeon, a professor of bioethics and writer Shepsel Ber Nudelman decided to Americanize, changing the name on Sherwin Nude.

Childhood and youth Victoria Nuland went like most children from intelligent families. Despite the fact that three more brothers and sisters grew in the house, parents paid an increased attention to the upbringing of the first daughter, putting her love for study. Therefore, at the achievement of school age, the future diplomat was sent to a private college Choate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, in which the education boys and girls were obtained by separate programs.

In College, Victoria studied well, which made it possible to enter the prestigious private university of the United States, Brownov University, at the Faculty of State Policy. Having received a "ticket" to the diplomatic world, Nuland had to visit the debt to visit different countries of the world. The network provides interesting facts in the biography of Victoria to the period.

In October 2014, she spoke at the Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University. Then the students asked, is it true that the diplomat worked a pioneer in the Odessa "Young Guard" camp. American woman missed, saying that the person who asked this question is "really good intelligence". However, it clarified the time and people well, "although the food was not very good there."

In an interview with New York Times in 2012, Victoria said that since the work on the Soviet fishing vessel, the icy "metropolitan", overlooking the ocean remained on the Soviet fishing vessel. Chatting with a journalist Jeanne Nemtsova, she explained:

"My task was to be responsible for the radio between the fish processing vessel and the Americans to ensure the delivery of fish to the deck. We were all young people who taught Russian and looking for adventures, living side by side with Russians. "


Victoria's political career launched in 1985. Then she, being a novice politician, worked in China, where he established himself a professional diplomat. Having received an increase, wiki (so-called a woman individual sites) moved to the Bureau of the State Department for the Pacific Ocean and East Asia. After 2 years, the manifestation of interest in the USSR Nulak was instructed to oversee the Questions on the Soviet Union in the capital of the State of the Ulaan Bator neighboring him, which was the starting point for its participation in the US foreign policy in the Russian direction.Embed from getty images

Since 1991, Victoria Nuland has been sent to Moscow, where she worked at the US Embassy and was responsible for communications with the Government of the First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin. In 1993, the diplomat was deeper in the US foreign policy - in its task they included questions in Russia and the expansion of NATO. There, she showed her rigidity and diplomatic professionalism, sowing to solve important issues for states on nuclear disarmament of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

In the late 90s, Nuke received a new increase in service - he took the chair of the Department of State Department for the Affairs of the Former USSR, represented America's political interests in relations with Russia and the Caucasus countries. In the early 2000s, the diplomat entered the US International Affairs Council, in which she defended the interests of his country to other world powers that showed expressed anti-Americanism and the fundamental criticism of American values.

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The next stage of Career Victoria Nuland is associated with the North Atlantic Alliance. In 2001, she became the US Deputy Present under NATO. Achievements Policies in this direction were significant for states, since thanks to the efforts of the Nuland country received colossal support of the whole world after the terrorist attack on September 11.

In addition, the diplomat attracted 7 new members to the Alliance, actively worked on the creation of the Russia-NATO Council and provided support for the deployment of NATO forces outside Afghanistan in 2003, after the invasion of coalition forces in Iraq in order to overthrow the Saddam Hussein regime.

In the future, 2 years Victoria worked at the US National Security Council, where he was engaged in solving global problems related to Afghanistan, Iraq, the Middle East and Lebanon. For manifested professionalism and a clear position in these matters, NUTURE has been appointed to the post of permanent US representative with NATO, while trusting and continue to oversee the questions of the Russian direction and expansion of the alliance.

In 2011, Victoria Nuland as a "unsurpassed professional" took the chair of the US State Department of the US State Department. There she worked less than 2 years - already in 2013, the diplomat brought oath as an assistant US Secretary of State on Europe's issues. Its successor as a press secretary became the eccentric Jennifer Psaka, which unforgettably became famous for its "worsted" phrases about the marine shores of Belarus, about the supply of gas from Western Europe through Ukraine to Russia, etc.

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In the new position, Nuke took an active part in the Ukrainian conflict and provided a significant impact on political processes in this country, including lobbying the issue of weapons supply. The journalist Robert Parry, famous for loud investigations, assured that Victoria with her husband "sponsored" and heated the interest of local oligarchs to power, "pressed" Arseny Yatsenyuk to the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine.

Nuke has become one of the few political figures, which visited Euromaidan in Kiev, where she had personal support to the organizers of the state version. With her name, the concept of "Poverty of the State Department" is connected. According to the diplomat, in 2013, she almost once a month came to the capital of Ukraine.

"I felt that we should not go to the square with empty hands. As a result, we brought sandwiches and distributed them not only by the protesters, but also to employees of Ukrainian security services, which were abused by their own leaders and sent against compatriots. "

And this is the Kremlin, the woman is sure to blame for the fact that in social networks the humanitarian act turned into a symbol.

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In 2014, Victoria was at the center of the diplomatic scandal after promulgation of audio recordings of the conversation, in which she in a conversation with the US ambassador in Ukraine Jeffrey Pietett was obscenely spoke in favor of the participation of the European Union in resolving the political crisis. Jen Psaki subsequently emphasized that Nulnde personally brought apologies to colleagues in the EU diplouars.

In 2017, the famous politician left the State Department. With it, 10 state sectors and 5 presidents were changed. Nuland did not want to work with the Donald Trump administration, since this man occupies a position opposite to the one that she defended 30 years. Nevertheless, Victoria considers it necessary to continue the dialogue with the Russian side to implement the Minsk agreements, which are now considered to be the only way to stop the war in the Donbas.

Personal life

Victoria's personal life is carefully classified, she has no pages in Facebook and Twitter, the data on growth and weight were not voiced. And of course, you should not search for photos on a common query "in a swimsuit" in "Instagram".

It is known that the politician is married to an American journalist, an ideologist of militant conservatism by Robert Kagan, working as a senior employee Brookings Institution. This institution specializes in research and analysis of phenomena in economics, politics, society and is considered one of the best "brain centers".

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Spouses have identical views on the world - they support each other in professional activities and everyday life. In marriage Nuland and Kagan, two children were born, the information about which the press is also unavailable.

In 2015, the media was converted to the news about the state of the health of the diplomat, which many considered fake. However, the sites referred to the BBC Americ company, allegedly reported that in March, the Nuland moved right at the workplace. Since she was alone in the office, help did not have time to render in a timely manner. In St. Francis Hospital Doctors diagnosed Victoria a speech disorder and paralysis of the right side of the body. When and how much the former assistant to the Secretary of State recovered from the disease, remained unknown.

Victoria Nuland now

Until the beginning of 2019, Victoria held the post of Director General of the Center for New American Security. This structure develops a strong, pragmatic and principal policy of national security and defense, which encourages and protects American interests and values. From there, she moved to Madeleine Albright Albright Stonebridge Group, providing consulting services to large businesses.

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In May, Nuke hoped to participate in the international conference for a limited range of persons organized by a number of Russian, German and American institutions. Among them is the University of John Hopkins, the largest contractor of the military-industrial complex of states on research and development work.

The policies prevented the refusal in an entry visa. As the Russian Foreign Ministry explained, the name of the ex-assistant US Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia is made to a peculiar black list drawn up in response to American sanctions.

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