Sergey Gabrielyan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sergey Gabrielyan is the Russian actor and cinema actor, who is familiar to the audience as a master of secondary roles. In his filmography of different genres - melodramas, militants, historical tapes. Despite this, the images embodied on them on the screen if characteristic, mostly ridiculous, causing a smile. Even when Sergey had a son, Tatyana Doronina, Khukruka Mchat named after Gorky, where the artist serves, noticed that the boy was not a hero, but a comedian.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Eduardovich Gabrielyan was born in February 1962 in Moscow. He was born and brought up in an ordinary family, where there was no one, whose profession is connected with the world of the theater and cinema. In his youth, Sergey, like most guys of that time, loved to visit the cinema. Probably, it was then that his dream was born on the other side of the screen.

This dream Gabrielyan remained faithful: after graduation, he becomes a student of guitis, the workshop of Lyudmila Raskin. In 1987, Sergey received a diploma and went to MCAT. There, the novice artist was auditioned and immediately was taken into the body.


Quite quickly, Sergey becomes his in the theater. Speeches on the stage bring first fame among theatrons. The real popularity of the artist presented the cinema. Here, the creative biography of Gabrielyan began in the late 1980s. At first, these were episodes, then the actor began to offer the role of bigger.

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The first one got in 1989 - played a classmate "Son of the enemy of the people" in the drama "Sofya Petrovna". A student's mother whose ordered life break the repression of the 1937th, played Anna Kamenkov.

Success and glory came to Sergey Eduardovich in 1991. This year, the adventure comedy "Playing Millions" came to the screens. Gabrielyan appeared in the form of an eccentric veterinarian Maximkina, who bravely fights at once with two gangsters. The film received huge sympathies of the audience, who immediately noted the comedy talent of the artist.

Since then, even in the pictures of the non-comedy genre, Sergey appears in the images implied by the humorous perception of the hero, and it looks extremely organically. This is answered by the type of actor, which is difficult to call the owner of a superheroic appearance or a hero-lover - the growth of a man is 165 cm, and the weight is 72 kg.

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True, in the youth of Gabrielu, the opportunity to play roles requiring other spiritual experiences. For example, a prison warder in the social tape "Lessons at the end of spring", where his surroundings make up the participants of the bloody events in Novocherkassk in 1962. Or homeless cripples in the dramatic film "Cleansing", whose horrific confessions make the priest leave the ministry to God.

The brightest comedy images of Sergey Gabrielyan can be seen in the tragicomedy "Agape" about the suddenly rich street musician, the "poor Sasha" melodrama about the girl who dreams of robbery to attract the attention of the mother, the comedies "Monday's Children" about the unbelievable businessman who met the first love, musical Ribbon "Chinese service" about the gang of cards cheelets.

The work of the actor in the film of Vladimir Menshov "Shirley-Merlya" was crowned with a particularly great success, where Valery Garkalin played 3 twin brothers, and the bride of one of them is Vera Alentova. The film, which is called, was doomed to success. In this comedy, Gabrielyan starred as Geology Ravil. In 1998, Sergey Gabrielyan received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

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Later, new projects appeared, in which Sergey again demonstrated a brilliant leaving into a comedy image. This is the "perfect pair", "don't even think", "flight of a stork over the cabbage field." In 2000, he saw the comedy "DBM" about the "charms" of army life, the phrases of which scattered the quotes. Gabrielyan put on the frame of the epaulent efreitor Galagura, which is constantly in the breeding condition and trying to apply physical strength to subordinate.

It happened that the directors attracted the actor repeatedly in the same film, trusting to play different characters. So it was with the Family Comedy "Drakosh and the Company" and the screening of the novels of Friedrich Nebunsky "Marsh Turkish" with Alexander Domogarov in the lead role.

To break away from the comedy role and demonstrate acting in other genres of Gabrielian managed in the Antikiller drama and its continuation. He starred in the militants of Egor Konchalovsky "Escape", energizing with the American "fugitive", and "canned food". Of the comedy works of the mature period of the artist - "neighbors" and "Think as a woman."

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"Human from Capuchin Boulevard" director Alla Surikova came up with both the continuation of the famous Russian western "man with Kapuchin Boulevard". In the center of the plot - the granddaughter of the hero Andrei Mironova performed by Maria Mironova. In addition to Sergey Eduardovich, Elizaveta Boyarskaya played in the film, Alexey Panin, Nikolai Fomenko.

Resting in the film "Tower. New people, "the artist met that began to gain popularity in the Russian cinema of the triller genre. The Hero of Gabrielyan is among the captives of a certain structure, stuffed with the latest achievements of the technique, in which the time was mysteriously.

Not always causing a smile role from Sergey in a detective "protected people." His captain of the police faces a variety of problems when you have to contact the employee of the security agency. The image of a stubborn bodyguard embodied Olga Lachina.

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The new wave of the popularity of the actor began with access to the screens of the TV series "Molodechka". In the series about hockey players, he plays a sports doctor of the "Bears" team named Vasily Gennadyevich Frolov and Nick Vasgen. The sports series himself tells about the fate of the hockey youth team "Bears", in which he works as a doctor of Hero Gabrielyan.

The team seeks to get into the youth hockey league, and at the time of the beginning of the series athletes get such a chance. "The youth" focuses on both the games and the sports career of the heroes and everyday life, study, work and relationships. Sergey appeared in all 6 seasons of the series, completed in 2019. In the 2nd part of the 3rd season, Vasily Gennadyevich received an "Raising" - Doros to the doctor of the Russia Hockey youth team.

In 2014, the actor continued a series of images of law enforcement services. He played the investigator Vasily Valentinovich Grieving in an isgeful criminal film with elements of the melodrama "Widow". The main heroine of the drama is the widow of the drug smuggling, which after the death of a husband and clashes with crowded problems decides to continue the dangerous business, in parallel to start finding the killer of her husband.

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In the 4-serial melodrame "High Cuisine", Gabrielyan again performed the role of the investigator. This time, his heroine Anna Peskov met him on his way, worried that the competitors of the father want to take away the restaurant created by him.

In the Caesar detective, Sergei Gabrielian characters, Daniel Insurance and Anastasia Makeeva serve in the police department, to whose work journalist-expose in the face of Artema Tkachenko. After another loud business that questioned the officer honor, the bosses appoints a blogger to the consultant to the department. The guy gets the details that fell out of the field of vision of experienced detectors.

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Also this year, the actor appeared in the secondary role in the instructive comedy "Family Business" about the young businessman (Vladimir Yaglych), which for the sake of money became the adoptive father of five distressed children.

Two other projects belong to the same storyline. Sergey reincarnated in the leader of the Red Hap Caps in a sledgehammer in two seasons of Fantasy "The Secret City". The series was based on Vadim Panov's novels from the "Secret City" cycle: "Wars begin losers" and "Commander of War" - the first season, and "Attack according to the rules" and "all shades of black" - the second.

In 2015, Sergey played Senior Sergeant Jakova Gudema in the Military Drama "Unit" on the events of the last year of the Great Patriotic War.

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In 2016, Gabrielyan performed one of the main roles in the 16th Cossacks 16-Series detective. The location of the plot is the village in the center of the Krasnodar Territory, in which there are three main forces. The first is the official law enforcement agencies in the person of the Colonel of the Police of Egor Daursky (Anton Pampune), which in private investigates the case of a friend's murder.

On the other hand, the local criminal grouping under the leadership of the head of the nickname (Evgeny Sidikhin). And one more is local Cossacks along with Ataman Peter Lazarev (Vladimir Gestoshin), who oppose both the lawlessness of the official authorities, and the inconsistency of the gangsters.

In the same year, the actor lit in the secondary role of Sergeich in the criminal drama "All by law". The series tells about the life of the military prosecutor's office. The chief hero, the honest investigator, has to fight both criminals and corrupt counterparts.

Personal life

Sergey Gabrielian's personal life has been happy. With the wife of Irina Bykkaya, the artist named after Pushkin, the son of Sergei Gabrielyan raised - the younger. The heir to the creative dynasty was educated in Schepkinsky School, playing the stage of the theater on the Taganka, works by TV presenter, filming the cinema.

The audience could see Serezhu in the popular comedic picture "Gorky!", The series "Trail", Fantasy "The Secret City". In an interview, the young man said that the parents helped to realize the seriousness of the acting profession and support him in all.

Gabrielian-senior is not alien to social networks, but unlike the son "Instagram" preferred Facebook. On the Actor page - photos of spouses, footage from theatrical rehearsals and travels.

Sergey Gabrielyan now

Sergey is now calm on the cinematic field, but he shines on the theatrical scene. The surname of Gabrielyan is indicated on the bills of a dozen Mkhatovsky performances, 3 of them are completely new for the troupe projects, only for the "Zoykin apartment" for the last time the public came in the early 90s. In this Bulgakov play, Sergey's role Amethystov.

"Last term" on the works of Valentina Rasputina put Sergey Pustopalis. In it, the actor playing a resident of a deaf village for 20 minutes holds the attention of the viewer with a piercing monologue, in which there is no time to translate.

In the famous comedy Alexander Ostrovsky "On all sages of pretty simplicity", Gabrielyan acts as Krutitsky. The performance "Terkin is alive and will be!" Created especially for the Victory Day. Sergey Eduardovich in the form of a soldier - Vasily Terkina Vasily reads the verses of Alexander Tvardovsky.

In the formulation of "Immortal lines. The poetic performance "Elena Katyshev, Roman Titov, and Andrei Pogodin and other colleagues on Mkat joined the Works on War to Gabrielyan.


  • 1991 - "Play for millions"
  • 1993 - "Stalin's Testament"
  • 1994 - "Life and the extraordinary adventures of the soldier Ivan Chonkin"
  • 1995 - "Shirley Merly"
  • 1997 - "Poor Sasha"
  • 1999 - "Chinese service"
  • 2000 - "DBM"
  • 2002 - "Antikiller"
  • 2009 - "Man with Capuchin Boulevard"
  • 2013-2019 - "youth"
  • 2014 - "Widow"
  • 2014 - "High Cuisine"
  • 2014 - "The Secret City"
  • 2015 - "Unit"
  • 2016 - "All by law"
  • 2016 - "Cossacks"
  • 2017 - "Golden"

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