Maria Ivashchenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In order to succeed in the acting profession, Maria Ivashchenko believes, and human aspirations, and the stars in the sky must coincide. This is just called luck. So a happy chance of getting out of the total mass for the artist was the series "Molodezhka", although before him, in the filmography of Masha, the Biker and Porcelain Wedding melodrama.

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The first, filmed by the son of Vladimir Khotinenko Ilya, participated in the non-constructive show of the Festival "Baltic Debuts". In the second girl called Vasily Pichul, the author of the famous "Little Faith." In both pictures of Ivashchenko, the main roles. Even more is in demand as a dubbing actress - the number of works has long exceeded hundreds of projects.

Childhood and youth

Maria Ivaschenko was born in August 1991 in Moscow. She was born and raised in a creative family: her father is actor, composer and producer Alexei Ivashchenko. The first children's and youthful dreams of Masha were not connected with an artistic profession. She sang perfectly, attended music school, engaged in the pool and painted well.

Maria Ivashchenko in childhood

The girl wanted to become a stewardless, then singer, then a famous scientist. But soon she realized that only acting would allow her to be both the other, and the third. And the dads of the genes took the top. At 9 years old Ivashchenko began to perform in musicals, for whom Alexey wrote music and libretto. First of all, it is "Nord-Ost", a little later - "Ordinary Miracle."

At the age of 14, Maria played the Snow Maiden on the New Year holidays, suitable by the Mary of the capital, often appeared in the series "Elasha". In 15, she externally passed school exams and entered VGIK. In this university, Maria Ivashchenko studied in the workshop of Vladimir Fokina. He graduated from theater in 2011, having received a diploma with honors.


Before lighting up in the cinema, Maria was engaged in visualing art and animated films. The first experience was still in childhood. The actress remembers that the Protection on Mosfilm was a father. Alexey himself was voiced by Jeff Daniels, Bruce Willis and Hugh Grant. In the mystical thriller Sean Penn called "Promise" his daughter sang a girl's song, lepping a snowman. Then Ivashchenko was very lucky: she worked with the legend Alexander Belyavsky.

In 2005, the artist became part of the Russian-speaking Fandom Harry Potter - voiced Padmu Patil in the Harry Potter series and the Fire Cup. Starting from the film "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" and until the final of Ptterians, Masha worked with another heroine - half-lit Lavgud.

A year, the girl voiced from 5 to 10 paintings. Mary's voice is spoken by Miley Cyrus in Hanne Montana, Assol in "Scarlet Sails", the heroes of the Cubs Club Winx, the "Young Justice League" and "Normal Show". Ivashchenko also voiced Little Rock in "Welcome to Zombilend", Grace in the "Day of St. Valentine", Bobittu in Rango and a number of other Hollywood cinema and animation heroines.

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One of the longest projects on duplication of Kinoheroev became the famous Turkish series "Magnificent Century". Here, the artist handed over the voice of the fineness of character and behavior Mihrimam-Sultan, the daughter of the leader of the Ottoman Empire Suleiman I.

Mary Ivashchenko's own cinematic biography began with a detective thriller "Mousetrap Law" with Alexey Serebryakov and Anatoly Pashinin. In the history of rivalry of computer genius and maniac in the young actress, an episodic role.

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In the 6th season of the Detective "Lawyer", Maria reincarnated to a student of the college, in which the tragedy was played, in the TV series "such an ordinary life" - in the daughter of a woman who fell in love with her friend's son. In the name of the melodrama "Porcelain Wedding", the number of years lived in marriage by the on-screen parents Ivashchenko Natalia Vdovina and Victor Rakov was encouraged. Shortly before the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the family life, the wife recognizes about the treason of her husband.

The most generous for the film director of the young artist was 2013. Maria Ivashchenko played the heroine of one of the episodes of the 3rd Sklifosovsky season. And most importantly, the girl appeared in the megapopular series "Molodezhka". She plays Alina Morozov, figure skater. The heroine rides in the tandem with the edik jealous. When an athlete falls in love with one of the hockey players (Ilya Krako), Mom, dreaming to make an Olympic champion from his daughter, tries to destroy this late union. "The youth" brought Masha real popularity.

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In 2015, the actress voiced the scandalous picture of the "fifty shades of gray." Voice Ivaschenko at the main character of the erotic drama anastaish style. Maria has previously read the book and came to the conclusion that the printed text is more hard, if not to say the depraved compared to the film. Fortunately, the film adaptation did not enter the moments from which the artist had to be blushing while reading.

By this moment, she finished the work on the criminal melodrama "Moscow Borzaya" about the investigator Mura, translated into a new place of service in the province. In the lead role - Olga Krasko. In a detective, "Ark Mark" Mary reincarnated to the climbing, along with friends lost in the mountains. The company helps the conductor, provides asylum, and in the house there will soon be killed.

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In 2016, the actress appeared on the screen in four projects. Ivashchenko played a major role in the film "One who is near." Her heroine is a circus acrobat of Lisa Vernikov. To get this role, the girl helped both acting talent and a fragile figure (height 162 cm, weight 50 kg).

Maria played an ambiguous character in the center of the detective story. At the beginning of the TV series, Lisa receives severe injury and finds himself in the hospital. The investigator who leads this business (Maxim Schegolev), understands that it hides the details of the incident, but it turns out to be fascinated by the girl and marries her.

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After the policeman paid an expensive operation, Lisa is preparing to return to work, but he learns that she has already found a replacement. Outwardly, it is humble, while the kill series does not begin in the circus. The investigation entrust her husband former gymnasts, and he seriously suspects his spouse in such a terrible revenge.

Following Maria Ivashchenko starred in the lead role of Marusi in a detective melodrama based on the novel Tatiana Ustinova "Ecumenical conspiracy". Heroine actresses - a girl who adore detective investigations. Together with the worker, Marusya comes on a date to the planetarium for the show of a popular science film, but a picture of the program is not a picture of extraterrestrial civilizations, but a corpse of the Ufolog scientist in the lobby.

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The actress played an amateur detective and in another detective melodraman of 2016 "Eternal Date," again on the novel Tatyana Ustinova. In this picture, Marusya, along with a young man, resting in the village, but also finds adventures here: someone kills the local scandalist Valerik. Curious young people make their way to his house, find evidence and go to the mysterious fatal lady, with which the deceased was a date.

The year did not go without work in the dubbing. The voice of Mary Ivashchenko spoke the characters in the popular pictures of the "5th wave" and "fifty shades of black", "in active search" and "Kloverefield, 10", "Snow White and Hunter - 2" and "Nice guys", "neighbors. On the trope of war - 2 "and" Ice Age. The collision is inevitable "and others.

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In 2017, a number of projects came out, in the Russian adaptation of which Ivashchenko participated as an actress of voice acting. Part of the paintings are included in the lists of the blockbuster of the season: "Three IKSA. World domination "," Fifty shades darker "," Great Wall "," Dog's Life "," King Arthur "sword," Valerian and the city of thousands of planets "," Emodeji Film "and" It comes at night. "

On the theater scene, in the same year Alexander Buliyev, a musical and dramatic performance "Recognition" was delivered. Gleb Matvechuk starred in the role of the Lieutenant of the Tsarist Army, dreaming of exploits and glory. Ivaschenko played a young girl from his memories. The surprise for the audience was the fact that Russian romances and specially written to the production of ballads along with young colleagues performed by the director himself.

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Maria is also involved in the serial of the CTC of Ivanov-Ivanov. In a comedy about two families, confused children, the girl played the class teacher of Vanya and Dani. "Texture of Ksenia" is a young teacher who is sometimes lost and does not know how to behave with 30 teenagers - whether to keep in rigor, or sign up for friends.

Personal life

Personal life Maria Ivashchenko is a closed topic. She does not like to devote outsiders in her details. Journalists learned that the girl met with a colleague Ivan Koryakovsky, but these relations ended, so there is no husband, no children with the actress. However, in EE "Instagram" published several joint photos with actor Stanislav Raskachaev, according to which it can be concluded that young people meet.

In his free time, Masha loves to ride a sporting bike and riding, visiting the gym and travel. For filming, the artist had to lose weight twice, but because of the random food, she again recovered. At the advice of doctors, I was sitting on diets, and then in social networks found a certified trainer on TRX and functional training for Daria Ivanov. Thanks to the instructor and intuitive nutrition, Ivashchenko is no longer ashamed to demonstrate the figure in a swimsuit.

Maria Ivashchenko now

On the first day of the spring of 2019, Maria Ivashchenko gave a concert on the stage of the Moskovsky club "Gluhahar's nest". The actress did what I have never decided - sang sololy. The repertoire includes compositions from theatrical fairy tales.

After a 4-year break, the girl performed a major role in the musical of Maxim Dunaevsky "Scarlet Sails". The Greek Party went to the Belarusian artist George Koldun, the older brother of the "Star Factory" of Dmitry Koldun. Lovers of this genre know Masha as a Liz from "Sounds of Music", Sophie from Mamma Mia! ", Cecile from the" territory of passion ". With the last autumn, the actress rides towers in Germany and Israel.

Parallel Ivashchenko managed to film. The main characters of the adventure tape "See like me" - the pupil of the orphanage with the Bunlet, freedom-loving character and the son of secured parents, blind from birth and therefore carefully protected from the surrounding world. But it does not prevent young people to meet and go on the road in search of a dream. Mary in the project was Elena Biryukov and Alexander Samoilenko.

There is no detailed information under the title "Tenerife". It is known that the film's action unfolds in 1984 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg).


  • 2007 - "Mousetrap Law"
  • 2010 - "Biker"
  • 2010 - "Such an ordinary life"
  • 2011 - "Porcelain Wedding"
  • 2013 - "Legal Doping"
  • 2013 - "Sklifosovsky"
  • 2013-2018 - "Molodezhka"
  • 2014 - "Moscow Borzaya"
  • 2015 - "Ark Mark"
  • 2016 - "The one who is near"
  • 2016 - "Ecumenical conspiracy"
  • 2016 - "Eternal Date"
  • 2017-2018 - "Ivanov-Ivanov"

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