Danila Yakushev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Danila Yakushev is the Russian actor and cinema actor who perceives his profession as one of the ways of knowledge of the world. The multifaceted personality, in the circle of interests of which is consisted of sports and art, he continues to improve his acting skills, confidently climbing Olympus Glory. Today, Yakushev not only among the performers held, but also deals with the production of film projects.

Childhood and youth

Danila was born on January 3, 1986 in Moscow. His parents were associated with the world of cinema. Mom worked as an artist in costumes, father - sound operator. They met when both worked on film studios. M. Gorky. After the birth of the son, the young family broke up, the father left the house. Subsequently, as Danil recalls, the father died at 36 years old under unclear circumstances.

The upbringing of Yakushev was engaged in grandmother, as mom disappeared at work. He joined the acting profession, helped teenage love. In the children's camp, the girl named Lena offered him to put the performances together.

A numerous public was going to ideas that Danile became like. Noticing the young man's interest to the actor, Mine girlfriend contributed to Danil to hit the casting of the youth series "Simple truths". According to the artist, this is the only project in which he fell on protection.

As a schoolboy, in addition to the actor, Danil seriously fond of sports - visited swimming classes, water polo, received the title of Master of Sports on Basketball. At 16, the young man went half a year in the United States. This trip gave an opportunity to master English.

At the end of the school, Yakushev went to act in theatrical. The young man was in school-studio MCAT to Master Dmitry Brusnikna, but passed to Schepkinskaya VTU, in the workshop to Yuri Solomina. Six months later, he was transferred to the Metropolitan International Slavic Institute. The young man came to the course Vyacheslav Dolgachev, a deserved artist of the Russian Federation.


In 2007, Yakushev graduated from training at the Institute and was adopted in the troupe of the new drama theater by the university head of the course and the art of the theater team Vyacheslav Dolgachev. In the theater, Yakushev performed many interesting roles. Dolgachev entrusted him the image of Yuri Mikhailovich Tzhemicalov in the formulation of "rich brides". In the play "Don Juan", a young artist reincarnated in the main character.
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Danil also got into the main acting formulation of "long farewell" and "Talk to me, like rain, but do not bother me to listen to me" on the works of Tennessee Williams, Comedy Voltaire "Cracks, or Groom with Green Cape", "Rich Bride" on the play Alexander Ostrovsky. Yakushev lit up in the performances of "Joker", "incidents are incredible" and "Robbers".

After 9 years, the actor decided to leave theatrical layouts and go into free swimming. The world of movies and television at that time more attracted him. 8 years old Yakushev did not go to theatrical layouts, but in 2019, together with Nikita Panfilov, he planned to release an entrepreneurial performance. The date of the premiere and the name of the stage of Danilla still covers in public media.


The cinematic biography of Danili Yakushev started in 1999, but he began to constantly take off, only being a student of the theater university. In 2005, played a secondary role in the surviving film Igor Apasyan "Graffiti". In the ribbon about the free artist, the main roles were performed by Andrei Novikov, Victor Perevalov and Larisa Guzeyev. Then there were roles in the short films "whore" and "Memo".

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In 2009, the artist lit up in the "Big Oil" drama, which was shown on the first channel. The artist and serials appeared. In the tape "Moment of Truth" Danil played a drug player, and in the TV series "Pathfinder" reincarnated in a killer named Lemon. Yakushev brought the most famous mystical project "Angel or Demon", shot on the eponymous Spanish franchise.

Here Danil fulfilled the role of Archangel Mikhail. The main characters - the Girl-Angel Masha Averin and the Dark Angela Dan - played Anna Andrinshenko and Kirill Zaporizhia. The film was broadcast on the CTC television channel from the beginning of April 2013. After the show of the series Danil Yakushev began to compare with the Canadian actor Ryan Gosling, the star of films "La La Land", "Diary of Memory", Valentine.

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Student hobby focus and tricks came in handy artist more than once. In Star for himself, 2013, Danila Yakushev appeared in the popular comedy tape Zhora Kryzhovnikov "Gorky!", Where the head of the bride Natalia (Julia Aleksandrov) - Seeds played.

In October, the artist's filmography was replenished with the new project - the TV series "Mojer" on the participants of the Provincial Sports Club "Bears", in which the artist played the coach for the specialist Viktor Anatolyevich. In addition to young actors, the stars of Cinema Fedor Bondarchuk, Nikolay Dobrynin, Mikhail Zhigalov appeared on the stage stage of the series. The project became the rating series of the season at the STS.

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A year later, on the TV channel "Russia-1", a 4-serial melodrama "The Power of Love" took place, in which Danila, together with Valentina Garseva played a couple in love. And in a duet with actress Alexander Afanasyeva-Shevchuk, Yakushev appeared in the film about the hidden treasures of Barbie and the Bear. The actor lit in a significant project of the NTV channel - "wild" with Igor Lifanov in the lead role. Yakushev starred in the 4th film Franchise Artem Mazunova as the executioner.

In 2015, Danila Yakushev received the role of Mark in comedy with the stars of TV channel TNT Natalia Medvedeva and Nikita Panfilov "30 dans". In the same year, the melodrama "Truth in wine", the comedies of "Meliki" and "I remember I don't remember!" With the participation of the artist on the screens. Danile had the opportunity to reincarnate in the character Makara Voronov in the criminal drama "I will live!" Directed by Andrei Korshunova.

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Without Danili Yakushev, the Sports film 2016 of the producer center of Fedor Bondarchuk "Military fitness", in which the actor got the role of Max. In the same year, he appeared on the workplaces of Kinokartin "Captain Police Metro", "Chinese New Year", "Pushkin".

In the comedy "classmates" Svetlana Khodchenkova, Ekaterina Vilkova, Valentina Mazunina reincarnated in the former school friends, Vika, Light and Dasha, trying to help classmates Kate (Olga Kuzmina) to marry. In this film, Danila Yakushev was playing the role of handsome Grisha, a friend of Sasha (Eugene Kulik).

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In 2017, with the participation of Yakushev on TV channel, the Comedy "Civil Marriage" with Agata Minky and Denis Kukoyaka in the role of Nicky and Topics. In February, the premiere of the 2nd part of the "classmates" franchise took place. Now school friends come to the rescue of Dasha, which is trying to marry a bank agent Misha (Ararat Keszan).

In March, on the NTV TV channel, the show of the criminal series "Witnesses" was started about the work of the SAU special forces, which, in the capture of criminals, help employees of the mobile laboratory "Scanner". Danil entered the main acting film, fulfilling the role of the Cross.

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An interesting project for the artist was the historical film "The first", which was shot as close as possible to real natural conditions. For the sake of work in this project, the actor had to master the control of a dog harness, learn how to maneuver in the open sea on a sailboat and participate in a variety of tricks, including the shooting of the scene of fighting a real wolf.

Now Danila Yakushev not only develops his acting career and is filmed in a large number of projects, but he himself oversees the production company, which has already released 6 projects. This is a comedy about the fate of the game "Super Blood", where the artist himself performed a major role along with Anna Chipovskaya, Alexander Revorka, Jan Tsaznik.

There was also a series of "in the active search", in which Nikita Panfilov and Jan Koshkina played. According to the artist, the plot of the paintings is based on real events from his life.

In 2018, the studio released the painting "All or Nothing" with the participation of Danil Yakushev himself, Kirill Kaganovich, Roman Madyanov, Yuri Stanov, Arthur Smolyaninova. The film was presented at the Kinotavra.

Personal life

The fans of the artist are already accustomed to His Pachacorated Torso, although a few years ago Danil could not boast an athletic figure. High intense guy with growth 195 cm weighed 65 kg, so most often received the role of losers. For 6 years, Yakushev managed to gain more than 20 kg of muscle mass, and today its weight reaches 97 kg. The sports figure allowed Danile to change the role, and not only in the profession, but also in his personal life than he was satisfied.

At one time, Yakushev met with a colleague on the acting shop. The beloved actor met on the set of the popular TV series "Molodezhka". Muscovite Maria Pirogov is also known for the role of Alice, Dr. Bykov's daughter in the TV series "Interns", in one of the episions of which Danil played the organizer of the holidays. Young practically immediately began to live together, but gradually the relationship was smashed.

As Yakushev reflected in a conversation with journalists, the novel with the actress became a mistake for him. In his opinion, the artists are aimed at competition with their partners-colleagues, and Danila dreams of full understanding between him and the chosen. After parting with Maria, the young man completely deepened in the work. For himself, Danila determined that he wanted to wait for real love, so today he is not in a hurry with the choice of life companions. In his plans, creating a strong family, in which there will be a loving wife and children.

The artist is engaged in promoting his own pages in "Instagram", "Facebook" and in Vkontakte, where there is a large number of personal and professional photos and videos. In some pictures, the artist appears in the brutal image - for the role in the film "The first" Danil reflected his beard and mustache and began to look much older than his own age.

In the student years, Yakushev was carried away by micromagge - demonstrated to colleagues, and then the public in the capital restaurants various tricks. And learned to dance and led the car well, which was useful in future acting work. He has versatile interests. In his free time, he likes to write with oil and watercolor, is fond of modeling clay and plasticine, engaged in carpentry skill, writes music and poems, is chosen for fishing, driving a bike.

Danila Yakushev now

The popularity of Russian Ryan Gosling is only grows over the years. In 2018, Yakushev lit up in the comedy "Call Dicaprio!", Where the representative of the acting profession was played.

Yakushev also took part in the shooting of the sports thriller "Running", the ironic Comedy "Handra" about the inhabitants of the modern metropolis, where they played the main roles. In the spring, the premiere of the web series was held according to the original Russian comic book "Digital Doctor", in which Yakushev appeared in the image of the chief hero. In addition, the performer is working on the mythical film "Ilya Muromets", in which he got the role of Solovna Robber.

In November 2020, a thriller "Deadly Illusions" came out. Together with Agela Tarasova, also starred in this picture, Yakushev appeared in the Studio "Evening Urgant". The actors told about the filming of the film, open some secrets of the long-awaited premiere.


  • 2005 - "Graffiti"
  • 2010 - "Interns"
  • 2013 - "Angel or Demon"
  • 2013 - "Gorky!"
  • 2013 - "I will live!"
  • 2013 - "youth"
  • 2014 - Barbie and Bear
  • 2015 - "I remember - I do not remember!"
  • 2015 - "30 dates"
  • 2016 - "First"
  • 2016 - "Military fitness"
  • 2016 - "Super Blood"
  • 2016 - "Classmates"
  • 2017 - "First"
  • 2017 - "Journalists"
  • 2018 - "All or Nothing"
  • 2018 - "Call Dicaprio!"
  • 2020 - "Deadly Illusions"

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