Marina Kim - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, "Instagram", TV presenter, Husband, Children 2021



Marina Kim is a Russian TV presenter and a journalist, masterfully combining his beloved work with the upbringing of children. Thanks to the mind and attractive appearance, she gained great love to the public, which to all deserves recognizes the celebrity also and the style icon.

Childhood and youth

Marina was born in St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) on August 11, 1983. Parents are an international pair. Father Evgeny Kim is a businessman, by nationality Korean, but grew up in Kabardino-Balkaria. Mother - Russian, childhood and youth spent in the Baltic States, works as a teacher at the Academy named after P. F. Lesgaft. Marina - the second child of the parents - she has an older brother Anton.

Studying in a secondary school, Marina attended choreography and ballet. At 16, the girl tried his strength in the model business and starred in several music clips. After graduating from school, he went to the University of St. Petersburg by choosing the prestigious faculty of international relations.

After the 2nd year, Marina moved to Moscow and was transferred to MGIMO to a similar separation. The reason is a conflict with the Father, not separated by his daughter's hobbies of fashion show. In addition, she met the first love.

In the capital, Kim lived together with a young man, but over time, their paths were separated: a man on work went to St. Petersburg, and the girl who was led by courses of TV presenters looked at his career. She came up with his father several years later, when he settled with a new family after the divorce.

At the end of the university, Kim became a specialist in research from North America. In the graduation work, she studied the factors of the economic growth of the United States in the period when the president was Bill Clinton. The practice of Marina took place in the Federation Council, as well as at the Institute of the United States and Canada.


The labor biography of Marina Kim began in 2004. A student MGIMO led the Markets Program, which went on the business channel RBC. Went of the analytical reviews of Asian stock indexes. After 3 years, she was invited to the "Vesti" program on the channel "Russia".

In less than a year, Marina already led the evening esters in a pair with Ernest Mazkavyusus. The mastery of the TV presenter was noticed, its rating increased, and at the same time the duties grew. Soon Kim was instructed to lead the 11-hour and 16-hour releases of the Vesti program in a pair with Alexander Golubev.

2012 was rich and successful for Marina. She debuted as a correspondent, having received a task to prepare a series of reports for the "Westa on Saturday" and "West Western Week." And was also invited to participate in the 7th season of the show "Dancing with the Stars", where Alexander Litvinenko turned out to be a partner.

The couple won the sympathies of the audience and the 2nd place. Participation in the popular show became another step in the career Kim. She was offered to work in the entertainment program "Big Dancing Close-up".

2013 brought Marina Kim new promotion. This year, the journalist became the subsequent author's information and analytical program "Week in the city", in which he told about fresh events in the capital. In 2014, she moved to the first channel to the "Good Morning" project. According to Marina, it was a conscious decision.

At some point, the journalist just loosened to talk about serious events, politics, catastrophes and cataclysms. In the entertainment morning program, she shared culinary hectares and recipes of experienced owners, congratulated on the anniversaries and the premieres of stars who visited, gave a good mood to the audience.

At the end of 2014 Kim, the owner of the tightened figure (height of 170 cm, the weight of 50 kg) was invited to the "Ice Age" project, where a couple of TV host amounted to the Russian figure skater Sergey Slavnov. She managed to participate in the first stage. But the performance turned out to be unsuccessful, so the entry was cut out of the broadcast of the competition.

In 2015, Marina became co-author of the journalist Sergei Brilhev in the documentary film "Pyongyang - Seoul. And further ... ", which was broadcast on the TV channel" Russia ". The presenter created and the author's project on events on the Korean Peninsula called "Nonpare Pyongyang". It was not easy to do so, because in North Korea, which is considered one of the most closed countries of the world, is extremely difficult to call on the frank conversation of local residents and officials.

I tried myself Marina and as an actress. Kim made his debut in the painting "Serko", created by the French director Joel Fryzh. She starred with Alexey Chadov. And also played in the main role in the comedy youth film "Bishkek, I love you." The TV presenter appeared in the image of a girl who deceived his beloved. The comedy passed with success in the cinemas of Kyrgyzstan.

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In mid-August 2017, Marina participated in the project of the First Channel, which released a series of reports from the capital of North Korea. Every day, on the air "Good morning", Kim appeared with a short roller about the lives of Korean citizens, told the Russians about Pyongyang's fashion, beauty salons, favorite plants of Koreans, restaurants and traditional cuisine.

Together with Alexander Nostel, Alena Khmelnitsky, Evelina Bledans and Anastasia Tregubovaya Marina entered the jury of the Mrs. Russia competition - 2017, in which the spouse of the Russian showman Dmitry Dibrova defeated - a large mother of Polina Dibrova.

Marina Kim, Sergey Babaev and Arina Sharapova were nominated for the "Tefi-2018" award in the nomination "Leading Morning Program", the award in the end went to Marina Kravets from the program "Big Breakfast" TV channel TNT.

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In April 2019, the TV presenter visited Venezuela's confrontation, he talked with the elected President Nicholas Maduro and who claimed the US Huan Guaido to this post. Both did not immediately agree on an interview, and then Kim went to Favel, the Karakas area, where even the police ride.

The shooting group was accompanied by armored jeeps and armed guards. Nevertheless, in order to calmly talk with the locals, I had to seek help to the National Guard of the country, since foreigners, and even with a microphone and the camera, there are not at all desired guests.

In the summer of 2019, Marina in the company of the first channel Leonid Yakubovich, Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Baranovskaya organized in the capital of Chuvashia the traditional charitable action "Be the first!".

Personal life

He does not like to talk about his personal marina. But since she began to work on the central channels of the country and turned into a star of Russian television, it became difficult to hide from annoying journalists. For the first time, the personal life of Marina Kim received close attention when she participated in the popular show "Dancing with the Stars." Then the media spoke about the novel with Alexander Litvinenko.

About the period of the television recalls as a separate bright and unforgettable page. Thanks to Alexander Marina felt feminine, liberated, emotional, learned how pleasantly a simple human communication is. But the contest ended, and the lovers understood that they were not suitable for each other.

Then Kim had a novel with an unnamed eastern prince. The chosen was distinguished by pathological jealousy, girlfriend frightened the TV presenter that she passes all his life in Paranje. And let each meeting resemble the holiday, the freedom of the journalist appreciated more.

Marina's Cavalers were recorded and a colleague on "good morning" Timur Solovyov. The Internet community has subjured this information questioned because the TV journalist met with Anna Caster, now the wife of Hockey Player Evgeny Malkina, and later - with the actress Yieva Andreev.

But Marina Kim confirmed rumors about rumomantic relations with Hollywood director Brett Ratner in an interview. Their difference in age is 14 years old. The couple met in 2011 in the Caribbean Islands. In the official group of TV host in Vkontakte, the fans placed joint photos and hoped that the American cinematographer would be a Russian man.

However, Kim stated that this would have to move to Los Angeles, and she was not ready to sacrifice her career, friends and house. Intuition suggested that life will put everything in its place, the relationship at the distance was considered as a strength test. And this test, counted once the media, Roman Marina and Brett could not stand.

The film director allegedly switched his attention to the singer Mariah Carey. The TV host abstained from commenting, and later explained that the misunderstanding was due to the incorrect translation of publications from the Western press. Journalists-compatriots could ask for the original source, what is the situation in reality, but no one wanted to do this.

In 2014, the TV presenter was born daughter Briana. In early 2016, she found out that she was pregnant again. At this time, Marina participated in the transfer of "without insurance", where he performed complex tricks (made jumps on a trampoline, made numerous flips, ranked) and exposed to the body overloads. Together with Vasily Onishchenko, a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, Kim released the numbers of "Quarrel", "Geisha", "Aladdin". Interrupted in mid-February 2016, the woman moved to the USA, where she began to prepare for childbirth.

On July 2, 2016, the second daughter of Darin was born. Kim did not make an "advertisement" such a significant event: a long time in the TV presenter account in the "Instagram" did not publish news about the replenishment in the family. After 3 months, Marina has already returned to work.

In the 2020th celebrity gave birth to a third child - Son. The pregnancy passed the chief, shortly before childbirth, the TV presenter was infected with coronavirus infection, but fortunately, it was not damaged to the baby. The name of the father's father was not open, but few people doubt that this is Ratner. Although in 2019 fans noticed Marina on the personal photo of Dmitry Borisov. She left comments in the instagram account of the leading channel, but the official confirmation of the novel did not follow.

There were assumptions that the parents of Kim's children could be a billionaire, the former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the RUSAL company Oleg Deripaska. The journalist and aluminum tycoon were filmed together at the XXI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2017. However, rumors were bullied: at this time, the businessman was officially married.

Along with fans, Kim has gained and ill-wishers. In social networks, the TV presenter is often exposed to sharp criticism, and not only for banal pictures in a swimsuit. Haters believe that the "face of the first channel" picks up not corresponding to the case of outfits, the video behaves like a teenager. It is condemned by Marina and for openly talking about the unwillingness to turn into a "crazy mommy" and spend a day with the heirs. Some parental responsibilities of the celebrity delegated Nian, believing that with children it is necessary to communicate qualitatively, not to crush the soul, do not pretend.

Marina Kim now

Now Marina Kim continues to combine maternity with a successful career. She is a moderator of a series "Big Game" on the first channel. Forwarding Dmitry Six and Vyacheslav Nikonov, representing the United States and Russia, are invited to the studio of political scientists, economists, historians and other experts who discusses the past and the future of the relationship between the two countries. Political program - a long-standing dream Kim.

Marina believes that Russia and America have insurmountable differences. So there are cards in the international arena, that two countries are potentially or hidden by opponents. "Why do Russia with America can not agree? I as an Americanist is wildly interesting. I have been watching this process for a long time and it is not indifferent to it. This is an unhealthy atmosphere, which we, media representatives, are trying to change. "

As a guest, KIM was invited to the last release of the 1520 studio in the studio of the Health program dedicated to the topic of coronavirus infection. The journalist along with other celebrities told about his experience collision with a disease.

Does not leave Marina and Correspondent's career. She took an exclusive interview with a three-time laureate of the Oscar award for films about the Vietnam War of Oliver Stone. The American director spoke about the decision to hire a Russian vaccine. In continuation of the conversation, Stone shared thoughts about the work and presidential elections in the United States.

The old new year host marked at work, taking part in the Christmas festival in Dubai along with Russian stars of Timati show and Gregory Leps. And in February 2021, Marina shone in a dress with a luxurious neckline as leading to the "50Kan" show dedicated to the anniversary of Anita Tsoi. The singer turned 50 years old.


  • "Markets" (RBC Channel)
  • "Vesti", "Vesti on Saturday", "Vesti Week" (channel "Russia")
  • "Dancing with the stars" (participant)
  • "Large dancing close-up"
  • "Good Morning" (Channel One)
  • "Big Game" (Channel One)

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